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Same Sega of America that didn't want Gunstar Heroes being localized, therefore not bother advertising it
My God! All these SoA shills at the comments!
>"Sega of Japan was jealous of SoA's success with Mega Drive!"
Mega Drive is a Japanese console! And it sold well thanks to Japanese games like Sonic!
But it was more successful in America and SoJ was resentful of that fact.
>dynamite gimmicky
who cares?
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Who was this meant to Probotect?
>Sega of Japan makes two consoles in a row that bomb and kill the company
>wapanese spend 30 years trying to find any possible way "it was actually Sega USA's fault"
SOA was such a weird division.
They did 1 thing right (bundling Sonic with the Genesis) and then one failure after another. Yet they paint themselves as the saviors of Sega (despite both the console and the Sonic game were made in Japan) while saying SOJ were the devil.
To be fair Gunstar Heroes is severely overrated.
i imagine the higher-ups at sega enter rooms by popping open the door and sliding in
The beef was that SoA knew what to do but SoJ knew what to do too. They competed with each other.
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SoA didn't know what to do after launching sonic 1
>SoA knew what to do
Seethe about Japan? That's all they did.
and they just straight up refused to properly localize alien soldier lol
wtf was their problem
why did they hate Treasure so much?
they hated everything that wasn't sonic or sportslop. peak americuck boomer behaviour
this isn't that uncommon. blaster master flopped in japan but was a big success in the US and its director didn't know until like 10 years ago.
Play it on hard mode, then you can't cheese it with homing laser.
>betrayed nintendo
>immediately got screwed over by sega

This was 100% an attempt at sabotage, there are female enemies in damn near every single game I can think of, human and nonhuman.
SoA became censorship crazy sometimes in the mid 90s. Streets of Rage 3 is another infamous example. You gotta wonder why was that the case after the win they got over Nintendo by not censoring Mortal Kombat.
midway is an american company and I guess communication was just better between them. treasure really can't do shit and have to keep sucking up to SoA.
There’s no betrayal you autistic spaz. Contracts are made on a case by case basis, Nintendo didn’t want another game
broke: they became too puritan
woke: they just wanted to fuck over SoJ any chance they could
Two bombs you say?
Jealousy and lack of taste.
The political backlash against violent video games reached a point where they couldn't get away with wins like that anymore. It was either give in and start with "voluntary" censorship or face constant harassment from politicians.
they were both retarded
>They competed with each other.
they competed in seeing who could make the dumbest decisions, often out of spite.
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SoA also refused to let one of the best games ever on their console because of its excessive gore.
>SoA didn't know what to do after launching sonic 1

If it weren't for them you wouldn't have had any other Sonic games because Naka left Sega and SoA had to call him over to america to make a sequel.

They outsold Sega first party games, therefore being a direct competition, a threat to their revenue. Sega makes more money on selling 500k more copies of Sonic 3, than they do of a third party selling 500k licensed games. It's the same bullshit logic as how 1 million downloads equals 1 million lost sales, but there you go. It's also why they refused to bring over all the good Saturn titles and actively sabotaged Working Designs when they did their job for them.

Sega never saw their consoles as anything more than a platform where they can sell their own games. Any third parties that made games better than them could go and get fucked. Shit like Capcom was an exception cause they only ever made arcade ports (which sold little) or Street Fighter 2 (SOJ didn't have a fighting game so it was no threat). But once they did have a fighting game (VF2), they told america to not bother making a new Eternal Champions because it would be competing with their own sales.
That's just how Sega always rolled.
The devs showed it to Nintendo and Sega who liked the game but considered it too gory for their customers (only a year before Mortal Kombat funnily enough) . So it never got a console release.
whats the best way to play it?
DOSBox probably.

But it's best in multiplayer.
>grown man misusing “your” in a company email
Truly an American moment.
WinUAE, the DOS version has shite audio
and yet we still invented the majority of technology over the past century. get good literature fag
And we invented America.
German and Irish immigrants made America great. it was a 3rd world shit hole before that, as it is steadily becoming once more.
>Irish immigrants made America
lol lmao even
Most germans were here pre 1776
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Untrue, there were some Germans living in the US from the start but the largest waves came after the failed revolutions in the 1840s. Germans were one of many Europeans at the time who tried and failed to overthrow their monarchy and install liberal democracy in its place, so after that failed, they began migrating in large numbers to the US
You know Ireland is now richer than the uk right? cope seethe and dilate
Hi, auster.
Westjank will never be well remembered, yi
Our childhood sucked.
imagine being a SEGA fag as a kid. Imagine.
>Tom Kalinske
Well that explains everything
Anglos are Germans
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Sega had serious problems internally. And SoA made things much worse. I don't understand how this shit happened. Had to have been industrial espionage / sabotage.
>it was a 3rd world shit hole before that
Excuse me? What the fuck are you trying to say? I don't believe a bunch of drunken irish bums made the United States into the industrial power house that the rest of the world aspired to be.
That's gay
SoA made the most money for the entire Sega company. Both in console sales and in Arcade cabinet sales. Therefore SoA has the right to demand whatever they want. Deal with it.

Sega of Japan was eating dirt in Japan. Nintendo of Japan was laughing at them.
>actually soa gets to do stupid shit because the genesis sold more in the west
This is exactly why sega crashed and burned. How can a company possibly function when 2 divisions hate each other and constantly do stupid shit?
>Germans were one of many Europeans at the time who tried and failed to overthrow their monarchy and install liberal democracy in its place

Germans didn't even have a monarch in the 1840s, it was hundreds of small city states plus the empires of Prussia and Austria. Austria did have a monarch and a revolution in 1848 but iirc it was more about the Austrian empire having a dozen different ethnic groups inside that wanted to belong to their own country instead of fighting abroad for their emperors whims. Hungary almost managed to secede.
This. Moonstone on Amiga is a treasure.
What? No? That's not even remotely correct, what crack have you been smoking to come up with this schitzononsense
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You say that but the politicians can't actually do anything about violent games. You see, there's this little-known tidbit that people screaming for censorship often forget about...
the gap between sonic and other games on the mega drive is huge. it was the most successful game in both japan and the west. No matter your headcanon it wasn't yakuza, but sonic that carried sega
The issue is that video games at the time were still considered toys for children. Vidya's first amendment art protections only came about recently.
See, the thing is with constitutional rulings, is that they are actually a clarification.
No wonder Sega fell apart.
Yeah imagine not growing up obsessed with speedrunning Super Metroid and Mario 64 for 3 decades
>changed Maruyama brown, slapped angry eyebrows onto him and called him "Trouble Bruin"
absolutely disgusting
Yes, America became an industrial powerhouse when the Germans and Irish arrived. anglos were mostly dirt farmers.
the "German immigrants" in the usa were any Germanic people, not just Deutschland. so the swiss get lumped in.
it is correct. look up median household income, wealth, and purchasing power. the uk fucking sucks. total gdp is a worthless number
You've been spamming the board with your anti-nintendo "muh speedrunners" paranoia all day.
Are you ok, anon?
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>Everyone still thought he was a cat anyway

Why not just make his ears rounded?
>Deal with it.
Sega died. They dealt with it.
>anglos were mostly dirt farmers.
The Anglos that built this country beat the british empire. So how about you shut your drooling ginger mouth and just try to sober up.
true but how do you explain the large gap of people who bought a genesis but not sonic
the french beat the British. also, the colonial navy was 90% mercenaries/privateers/pirates of French, Scottish, Irish, descent.
>Sonic the Hedgehog 15 million (bundled with Genesis/Mega Drive hardware)
>Disney's Aladdin 4 million
>Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition 1.665 million
Like mega drives being sold because of sonic.
How the fuck does SEGA still survive?

>SoJ of old was retarded
>SoA of old was retarded
>After Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic floundered as a franchise
>Most of their other IPs vanished or had middling reboots

How does this company still stick around with seemingly no fear of collapse?
This is the important question.
After SA2? Nigga it has been fucking trash since Sonic 3 and Knuckles, fuck you talking about man?
Sega survives just as Atari has survived. They're nothing more than a zombified corpse of a company that holds and sells licenses.
Sega is dead.
If we're being generous to the entire series as a whole, given the sheer number of shit entries, SA2 was the last solid entry from Sega. Sonic Mania was the last good Sonic game made, but this doesn't count as Sega doing a good job because it's a fan project that got so big, Sega decided it was better to just let them make the next Sonic game for them. They didn't do shit and got free money.
The dude who loaned them tons of money to help make the Dreamcast possible after the failure of the Saturn died immediately afterwards, so when he was practically on his deathbed he bailed them out AGAIN by forgiving all of their debts to him and giving back all of his stock as things were looking bleak.

Then Sega got absorbed by Sammy shortly afterwards which pretty much killed it then and there in everything but name. But it became profitable again.
Sega was a disaster of a company.
Treasure rocks
When I grew up Sonic as a franchise was mostly held in high regard (despite some stinker releases) until after Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Heroes where the franchise really started to get relentless criticism. The release of Shadow the Hedgehog I think is when the dam broke open, and the franchise just hasn't recovered that stigma, warranted or not, since
Don't forget Randy Pitchford and Gearbox embezzling a shit load of money from Sega to just eventually, years later, shit out a low effort, unfinished Aliens game.
They delayed the game for six years in a sham of a development so they could keep taking Sega's money and they went on along with it.
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>Sonic Mania was the last good Sonic game made
I don't get why the internet seems to fucking hate Sonic Superstar. I'm playing through it now for the first time and having a ton of fun with it, but everywhere I look people just regard it as another shit modern Sonic game.
They were right tho, women in games are fucking gay and robots are cool as shit
t. every kid in the 90s
Because it couldn’t have just been incompetence
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Sega of America did some dumb shi
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B...but Metroid / Samus....
(Robots are sick as hell though)
>Your own company competes with itself in a nonproductive way
What did they think the outcome would be?
>why the internet seems to fucking hate Sonic Superstar
You're asking autistic sonic fans what they think, lol. Sonic fans, especially the more autistic ones are unique in that they hate most of the games and I wish I was joking when I said that.
Superstar suffers from a lot of things that are usually slowpitches for any Sonic game

>Bosses all suck
>Music sucks
>Level theming sucks
>Backgrounds look like unity engine slop
>Multiplayer sucks major ass, there was a reason that they never made complete multiplayer in a Sonic game
>Gimmicks don't enhance gameplay
>Bonus stages suck
>Bonus story sucks
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>SOA never bothered telling us that our game was beloved
That's so sad
Shit, I have that magazine. Computer & Video Games, right?
SOA didn't demand a response to the atari jaguar, nor rush out the Saturn with minimal marketing and ports. SoJ should take most of the blame.
This was basically the premise of Smash 64
Sammy bought em out but let em take charge in the front while they sort things BTS
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>Sonic Mania was the last good Sonic game made
Your fuckin' romhack is overrated btw.
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>I don't get why the internet seems to fucking hate Sonic Superstar
Can't match with early Dimps kino
The game was just a quick cash-in to the Mania bandwagon, hence why they brought back our gay furry daddy, Ohshima, to oversee the game.

Also the game was quite literally Sonic 4 Episode III, which is not a good premise, especially after all the rumors of Mania 2 getting cancelled for this and Penny's Nig Breakout.
The game still isn't very good, especially being Artzestslop.
It might've been a little better with Evening Star, but Penny was just a tumblr 3D world clone.
People realize muh physics doesn't matter a good Sonic game.
Mania was sold on just nostalgia for older games, even though the entire game was just marketing for Forces.
Superstars uses the same physics as Mania, they even brought the Mania guys in to make sure of that and only that
>Also the game was quite literally Sonic 4 Episode III
Aside from being 2.5D it has nothing to do with Sonic 4 and even uses the genesis physics.
The Amiga version is far superior as >>11099914
says. The DOS version is considerably worse. Not just sound, crucially the gameplay itself is much worse.
They were never struggling to survive just as Capcom, Konami, and Namco were never struggling to "survive" after the 90's. I like retro gaming but sometimes it helps to know what's actually going on currently too

Everything after Team Sonic Racing is kind of a blur to me. I always forget Frontiers exists. Possibly it's because they released not one but two mini consoles after that time period.
It's kind of in a strange position, because you have Origins which was released around the same time and Frontiers which is designed for the modern audience. This is maybe why remakes and reboots are not as common for Sonic. A lot of people just really like the original games
The actual levels themselves were on par with Mania and 3K - bosses were a case of bad design however.
Penny's a 3d classic sonic game, the first ever made
Exactly, the game still flopped because SEGA doesn't have good 2D level and boss designers.
Even the music the same style as Sonic 4, because Jun currently fucking sucks, but seems like nobody's ready to talk about that lol
>even uses the genesis physics.
Notice the game is still garbage despite "muh mania physics".
>The actual levels themselves were on par with Mania and 3K
This reads like a shill post
>Penny's a 3d classic sonic game, the first ever made
Oh i see, you're a classiczoom who fellates to SoA advertising where they bring washed up losers like Cybershell to shill the game and not tear it apart according to a 5/10-year hush deal.
Reality: it's 3D Alex Kidd pretending to be
3D Mario on the WiiU
>Penny's a 3d classic sonic game
I haven't played the game, but judging from videos it looks more like Mario Odyssey. I don't remember classic Sonic doing a bunch of midair spins, backflips and double jumps.
You sound like a mind broken retard. Would recommend playing games instead of being online all day, would help you.
Penny has a spin dash, roll, and a drop dash. The entire game is built around them rolling down slopes to gain speed, with a variety of high speed and platforming segments. That's the game, it's actually funny how retarded the advertising for it was

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