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Which is the superior game?
Halo is a much better game with far more interesting interconnected systems and a way better combat sandbox and far more interesting and vertical level design. It is simply a more fun game from top to bottom.
The one that doesn't have dogshit controls. The fact that nintendrones defend that abomination of control scheme is the ultimate proof they are a cult.
OP translation: do you prefer action/adventure games or action games?
I don't know why retards compare these to games. because they both shoot ray guns and wear space suits? why not compare halo to crazy taxi?
>I don't know why retards compare these to games.
Because it's a good way to start a thread full of bullshit slapfights, autism, and like four people who have something worthwhile to say about the games.
not comparable at all. Not the same intent
>and like four people who have something worthwhile to say about the games.
thats why I stay on this board, anon
Bungie's trilogy beats Metroid Prime Trilogy ass.
Same here. So while the comparison is stupid, I still enjoy both games for what they are. Though it's been a longer period of time since I last played Halo 1, I really should get around to revisiting it.
I've been playing Halo with my niece lately, she plays on her own but it's also a little co-op for us and the game really nails those musical stings. The sense of awe and impending disaster toward the second half takes precdence over the repeating rooms which feels more like a nitpick these days.
That music is just ridiculously good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BNBc4H9p00
both are woke trash
one of them is of all time but the other is only of some time :(
Halo music is so good I play it while playing Metroid Prime muted.
Metroid Prime is a legitimately bad game.
halo for me. played a metroid prime demo once and didnt like it at all
very forced bait
They're two very different games, the only similarity being the first person perspective.
I actually played Prime, so that.
Metroid is woke because you're forced to play as a woman.

Halo is woke because you're forced to listen to a computer woman and there's blacks everywhere
both are garbage
HALO helped popularize multiplayer-focused games, so it's worse by default.
Is halo single player worth playing
They're different enough that the comparison doesn't make sense.
They both made you buy a whole new system to play part 3 so they can both go fuck themselves.
Combat Evolved is a memorable ride from start to finish. But it's way better if you can play the Campaign co-op. Personally playing alone induces too much uneasiness and anxiety.
>both super humans
>both shoot alien mofos
>both have a badass suit
>both autistic
>both orphans
>both interact with AI based on an old human
>both follow orders from a military space organization

But I get it, one is a woman with a red armor, and the other is a man with a green armor, that make them opposite; no space for comparison.
>story similarities mean gameplay similarity
Retard fuck.
Halo and it's not even remotely close
Halo's gameplay is way better than Metroid Prime. it is impossible to look up for similarities: Metroid feels like Turok on N64 but on GameCube. It's awful.

Metroid, as an IP, carried Prime series; without its name nobody would gave a flying fuck about Prime in general. Should be called "Phazon" instead of Metroid Prime.

Halo is superior game. Story and gameplay. And Master Chief armor is cooler too.
absolutely. CE's story is phenomenal. god-tier soundtrack. if you play it on legendary there's specific story things you'll only see on that difficulty.
>it is impossible to look up for similarities
That's exactly what I was fucking saying, dumb cunt.
Metroid Prime isn't to be judged as a first person shooter.
I don't even like Metroid Prime, but FPS gameplay is not the focus whatsoever.
It's like comparing Classic Mega Man and 2D Metroid.
They have superficial similarities, but they are fundamentally different games.
I don't give a flying fuck about which game you like better because you're just talking about which genre you like better. Who the fuck cares.
Dude, it is a game in first person perspective where you shoot enemies.

Read the OP, "Which is the superior game?"
>but FPS gameplay is not the focus whatsoever.
shooting in first person is a huge aspect of the game you nutter
>Dude Mega Man and Metroid are sidescrollers where you shoot enemies
You two fucking retards. Prime would not have lock-on if shooting was the focus.
When you compare two good games from two different genres, it's your genre preference that will determine the outcome. It's a fruitless discussion.
metroid prime doesnt have multiplayer
>Dude it's not supposed to be a FPS!

Is that what people say when faced with the fact that it's a bad FPS?
I said I don't like it. I'm not defending the game.
I'm defending apples to apples comparisons because without that, you'll get worthless fucking threads like this.
You are a sperg, what's the point of coming into a thread where you're incapable of comparing games with similar elements? stop projecting.
The only similar elements they have are on such a superficial level that only retards would think they are similar.
What's the point of discussing a medium you have zero understanding of?
its obviously not a traditional fps where you are sperging out flying your reticle all over the screen. the focus is more on adventure/exploration/platforming rather than pure shooting. when people make comments like yours i have to imagine you actually understand the difference but just want to shit all over nintendo and pretend they were trying to make quake but were just too stupid to implement the controls properly
Yeah, Metroid has a button to autoaim because that shitty lame ass c-stick the gamecube controller has.

Metroid Prime sucks, it is Turok gameplay on GameCube but to justify its shitty gameplay seems we need to cope with:
>the focus is more on adventure/exploration/platforming rather than pure shooting.

Just admit Metroid: Prime is a legitimately bad game.
>Just admit Metroid: Prime is a legitimately bad game.
i'll admit its a bad quake game. fortunately its not actually a quake game its a metroid game
Single player MP
Multiplayer Halo
They arent even in the same genre though they don't deserve to be compared.
I really don't see the comparison of Metroid Prime and Turok being any more accurate than Metroid Prime and Halo.
If anything Halo and Turok are the most similar of the three.
Play Turok then Metroid Prime, is the same gameplay; Iguana Entertainment talent went to RetroStudios because it was founded by an ex Iguana.
Have you even played Quake? It has deeper exploration and platforming. It is a great adventure—its lore is vast and great.
>is the same gameplay
Please elaborate. This should be funny
>Iguana Entertainment talent went to RetroStudios because it was founded by an ex Iguana
No they did not.
Jeff Spangenberg hired a lot of Iguana's talent, check Turok Dinosaur Hunter credits and then Metroid Prime credits.
>check Turok Dinosaur Hunter credits and then Metroid Prime credits
They have no staff in common.
>and like four people who have something worthwhile to say about the games
Very generous of you.
>its obviously not a traditional fps where you are sperging out flying your reticle all over the screen.

And what FPS game has that? Usually the "reticle" stays in the middle of the screen so it doesn't go "flying all over the screen". In fact, one of the few cases in which the reticle is able to "fly all over the screen" precisely is Metroid Prime, on Wii.

In MP the gun is there on the screen at all times and shooting is the primary mechanic, with enemies in almost every single room. Even some (a lot) of the puzzle solving is done via the act of shooting. Saying it's not an FPS is retarded, is Powerslave not an FPS because it has backtracking and upgrades?

And if Metroid Prime is not an FPS because it has some form of auto aiming as another anon said then that means Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Goldeyene and Halo aren't either.
i was obviously referring to there being no fast twitch aiming in the game. but im happy you found yet another reason to be a pedantic faggot in the thread
There is plenty of that though; and even if there weren't slow FPS games also exist
Even among nintendo games Prime is a comically illegitimate game journalist 10/10. Nobody has ever copied anything from it. A first person console FPS/platformer metroid game was superficially impressive but it's a pointless circus trick like getting a lion to stand on two legs.
so first metroid prime had terrible shooting. now your argument is it doesnt. cant wait to see what your next incoherent position will be
Probably because Crazy Tazi doesn't have a focus on first person shooting, sci-fi setting, a Western Developer, MCs wearing space suits, or an insufferable fanbase like Halo and Prime.
You can think what you want about the quality of the shooting, in the worst case you'll just have a bad opinion. Just don't go claiming that it's not an FPS because that's trying to claim a fact and it's wrong, just like some of the people I've seen on this board claim Doom isn't an FPS or Resident Evil isn't survival horror.
Are Mario Kart and Gran Turismo in the same genre?
Autism. You couldn't tell me the superior game between Mortal Kombat Sub Zero and Quake?
You shoot things in a first person view, but when you say FPS there are other gameplay implications and conventions of the genre.
I still wouldn't say MP isn't an FPS, but it's a very different kind of FPS with a different focus from other games in the genre.
I like halo, no idea why you would compare it to sub zero
Half Life
I prefer the shooting in Super Mario 64
I like both :)
Problem with prime hyper fanboys with a chip on their shoulder over the fps labeling is they don't offer a better alternative. It's a mess of awkward exceptions and half truths and whataboutisms that never seal the deal like just calling it what it is. A first person shooter. You just look like you lack confidence when you dance around like that.
Halo>3d Metroid
2d Metroid>Halo
But that's just me
>if you play it on legendary there's specific story things you'll only see on that difficulty.
This is untrue. Heroic is the best way to play. Legendary is fun but kills the pacing because it turns into more of a puzzle game.
yeah legendary is brutal. i remember the shotgun flood in the first game making me want to kill myself on the library. and wasnt the first level of 2 on legendary one of the hardest parts? its been a long time since i played any of them but i remember brute forcing my way thru on legendary with a lot of struggles. regarding metroid prime, i think the game controls fine for what it is and its not the type of game i think would be that fun to play on harder difficulties like halo is. not the same type of game at all even if they are both le fps
Metroid Prime would have been better without the space pirates and chozo ghosts. The combat is so weak that there was no point in using them so extensively.
Prime is better because it had a brand legacy to live up to, there were huge expectations and everyone(including the dev team) thought it was going to be a flop. Going from that to one of the highest rated games of all time is impressive, no matter what your retarded opinion is. Bottom line I respect Prime more than halo, its a real example of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
>This is untrue
it's actually not untrue but ok.

> kills the pacing because it turns into more of a puzzle game.
never said it didn't. i said there's things you'll see on legendary you won't see on other difficulties that depending on how much you love the story may/may not be worth the investment. i'm trying to avoid spoilers faggot
I think metroid is a pretty cool girl
seh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything
lol you didn't see the legendary ending unless you cheated.
I think they're so inundated with the slow clunky scan everything gameplay, that when you criticize the way you attack things they sperg out.
Prime makes a lot of concessions in its shooting. It shouldn't be auto aiming all the time, the only other fps that did that off the top of my head is the original doom
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I'd like to remind everybody that when the game was anounced, the marketing explicitly called it: FPA: First Person Adventure. The Adventure is the main aspect, the shooting is just there as a thertiary element to Exploring and puzzle solving.
Calling Metroid Prime an FPS is like calling Ocarina of Time a hack-n-slash.
"First Person Adventure" was even the subtitle of the game at some point, look:
The shooting is still the primary mechanic and what the player is doing the most in the game. The adventure elements are minimal, the game literally tells you where to go all the time and even more so if you happen to wander without progressing.

Nintendo was never going to market a game as being a "shooter".
The shooting serves mainly means to open doors, press switches and unlock areas. The scripted action sections are very few. The real meat of the game is exploration and puzzle solving.
And you can disable hints in the Options menu so the game won't tell you anything.
halo without competition
to shoot and kill enemies
I will never not laugh when you people try to downplay it, because the elephant is in the room. You cannot take criticism.
You know, that does raise a good question: How well would a metroidy style game work with more in depth FPS mechanics?
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I swear it's like "FPS" is an insult to them or something. That or Nintendo didn't want to call it a that for marketing reasons so they just have the marketing imbedded into their brains
Never played prime3?
Its the most action focussed and aiming with the wiimote is just great. (So much better than some goofy right-analogue stick nonsense.)
That one's not retro. Though I don't think it's a very good FPS either as you have unlimited ammo, there's still an emphasis on locking on and shooting designated "fuck me" points on targets, or just abusing the hyper mode to trivialize nearly every fight.

Really I think it comes down to calling Metroid Prime an FPS series is stupid because it's a pretty shitty FPS series. I feel like that'd be calling the Contra games really mediocre platformers, or Halo being a really sub-par vehicular combat game.
Halo 4/10 Metroid 9/10
Halo 5/10 Metroid 10/10
>Level Design:
Halo 5/10 Metroid 9/10
Halo 8/10 Metroid 1/10
Halo 1/10 Metroid 9/10
Halo 1/10 Metroid 8/10
Halo 5/10 Metroid 0/10
Halo, easily. And I'm a massive Metroid fan.
>Halo 1/10
Halo multiplayer is a better platformer than Metroid
So basically Halo wins where it matters: in the shooting department, because shooting is fun.
>halo with 4/10 visuals and 5/10 sound
Have you heard the main theme of Halo before?
>Have you heard the main theme of Halo before?
oh oh OH oh oh OH oh........
AH AH ah ah AH ah ah.............
hoh HOH oh ah oh oh ah...............
wow so amazing, 10/10!
I can't even recall a memorable piece of Metroid music.
Brinstar Theme?
kinda hard to when you havent played the game
Are you talking about Prime's music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLLE_PvJ5mY
Dah DAH dah dah dah dah
Dah DAH dah dah dah dah
Doo DOO doo doo doo doo
That's not music so much as atmospherics.
Halo's choirs sound better because Marty actually sang for the soundtrack instead of a Roland
halo has effective music but i cant recall anything but the main theme and the song that plays as you are flying over that beach level. its pretty much just orchestral stuff. metroid prime has a lot of electronic, eerie sounding music that is much more atmospheric.
Meta Ridley is the "prime" definition of everything I hate about modern (6th gen onwards) boss fights, where they do everything to make it "look" cool but never stopped to wonder if what they were doing was actually fun to play. Starting with the second phase the boss is in full i-frame mode 80-90% of the time, but for no consistent reason whatsoever. It's just bullshit "tee-hee you silly you can't hit me unless I'm using THIS animation!", also the damage values are very abritrary, it's a whole full bar if you're close to the end of the phase your missile will only do a tiny bit of damage because that's the point where the phase ends. And of course it's extremely repetitive, and tedious

What's so fucking complicated about shoot at it until it dies. But no, the gameplay has to be "cinematic".
God I hate arbritary i-frames. Are boss fights in 2026 still this shitty?
Yes. 5/10
>metroid prime has a lot of electronic, eerie sounding music that is much more atmospheric.
Can that really be counted as music at all though?
Skill issue. Unironically.
Why are you comparing games that are nothing alike?
because autism sufferers have an insatiable need to discard all context/nuance to something and objectively categorize it. and if you don't agree with them, they have a toddler tantrum.
I've some how never played Halo, but have played Marathon.
I've played and largely enjoyed Metroid Prime, and oddly Marathon scratched the itch I had for it even though they're very different games.
You'd like Halo 1. Hits the nostalgia button.
Metroid Prime and it's not even close. Halo is shit and destroyed the FPS innovation for years.
how does a thread built on a nonsensical premise have 100 replies
I can tell you which I like more but the genres do totally different things that can't be compared directly
nintendo called it a first person adventure. It's 3D Search Action
I played through the Halo trilogy one after another and I haven't cared to start MP2 yet after years despite playing it around the same time, so take it for what you will.

+1 for absolutely.
Great FPS series, one of the greatest of all time. Huge historical value alone, yet still incredible for a purely modern first time player. If you want additional challenge, do Legendary, or LASO after your first playthrough.
It's not that FPS is an insult, it's that its a dishonest comparison, considering Halo has a much stronger focus on shooting and level-based progression as opposed to Metroid's map exploration and puzzle solving. As much as >>11097809 copes, it's like comparing Ocarina of Time to Devil May Cry just because both Link and Dante slash and shoot.
>it's like comparing Ocarina of Time to Devil May Cry
this is mindnumbingly retarded, you should feel bad. You can compare the SHOOTING in both games where you SHOOT. no matter how much (you) cope
>Metroid 9/10
It would work better, because Metroid's shooting can be improved. Had a little discussion earlier, where someone emphasiszed that Prime is about locking on and strafing.

Earlier Metroid games wouldn't let you shoot down, wont let you move and shoot up, Super let you aim diagnally and move while shooting those directions, Prime allowed for locking onto enemies and strafing; there's improvements being made to the shooting from game to game. They can still yet improve shooting, they haven't peaked. Not even close.
>Earlier Metroid games wouldn't let you shoot down, wont let you move and shoot up
Alright both of those don't add up. You only couldn't shoot down in Metroid 1, and both Metroid 1 and 2 allow for running forward while shooting up.
I do think there's a problem with wanting to do more indepth skill based shooting mechanics as they'd play against the focus on making your character stronger more than anything else. If you were gonna make a Metroidy game with more indepth combat mechanics, you'd need to limit what upgrades give, as well change out armor and health upgrades to either be more optional or less OP.
I guess you could just scale up enemy HP and damage but that would also feel like shit.
Metroid prime has like 5 shots right? Ice, regular, missiles, the purple laser and I think one more? Plus charge shot variants for each? It has controls built around dodging however you feel about them it's clearly the most fleshed out part of combat, it's just a different type of shooting. So is Doom when compared to Halo, it's just a different type. So Halo has more depth in its combat I think everyone would be happier with enemies as good as elites in their favorite fps game, shame prime hasn't got one but that's just something to be learned from.
Yeah Metroid Prime has:
Power beam: Weak but spammy
Ice beam: slowest shot, hits hard, charge shots fuck shit up
Wave beam: Second slowest, charge shots stun
Plasma beam: Limited range, second fastest firing gun, absolutely cracked and can be used to brute force everything to death pretty much, with a few rare exceptions like the color coded space pirates.
So you can compare a Zelda game to DOOM?
I fucked up and hit send when I was trying to scale the goddamn window up.

Along with that you have missiles which have light homing when locked on (Though the wave beam does that too), and charge missile combos for all four beams. Power bombs too, though those are nukes, effectively.
Try it as a thinking exercise
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Works for me.
Doom has better shooting than Zelda. Pin it to your blouse.
You do what Super Metroid does and give enemies various behaviors and combat routines
Yeah but all of that is completely irrelevant because charge shots and the screw attack exists. Also combat routines? Look, I fucking love Super Metroid but the enemy behavior in that game is all very simple. The most complex enemy is probably the Golden Torizo or Ridley. Everything else either travels along walls, flies back and forth, jumps up and down, jumps left and right, or is a stationary hazard of some kind.
>Level Design
Both games although on paper metroid has better movement mechanics and the level design is more appropriate for a non-linear experience Halo also does this great and with great vehicle controls something not seen in non Sim shooter games of that time

I think it would be better to compare halo with another fps multiplayer on the GC it is clear that the game with multiplayer (local and online), will have more life despite the healthy speedrun community of MP, which halo also has
Screw attack is a late game reward, it feels empowering. The game is already over by that time, so it is irrelevant then by design.
Completely different appeals, faggot.
>From the get go, we went by the perception that Metroid was more about exploration than anything. While shooting is an important component, we cannot say it’s the focus of the game. With this way of thought as a base, the biggest part of the game design was directed towards a world where the player will wonder “What should I do?”. Since we thought more about the adventure aspect of the game rather than the shooting aspect, we started calling this game a “First Person Adventure”.

>"One of the pillars for the Metroid Prime series is exploration. None of the pillars was shooting. Right? So shooting was just something you did while you explored. Shooting supported exploration but it wasn't a pillar. Moving, jumping vertically and horizontally supported exploration - moving wasn't a pillar. Exploration was a pillar."

The shooting of Metroid Prime primarily exists to assist in exploration. That is it's primary function.
Not just any woman. She is a genetically modified woman with the blood of titans.
based Federation Force chad
the combat isnt that fun and the puzzles arent hard... why do people even like metroid? A Halo Metroid with multiplayer lobbies would be so much better than this lame exploration shit for babies. There arent even any fun interactions or characters in metroid to break the tedium of skyward sword-tier 101 game design tropes
Nuts that Prime 3 Corruption wasn't packing multiplayer like Prime 2 Echoes had
>While shooting is an important component
BTFO in your own quotation.

did you read what you were replying to?
>shooting in first person is a huge aspect of the game you nutter

Wasn't the multiplayer kinda tacked on?
It was really fun though, I played it a lot. They were thoughtful to include it on the Trilogy rerelease, and there you even get the motion controls so it feels fresh again. Did you know? Goldeneye's multiplayer was likewise tacked on last minute.
Halo by far
Metroid Prime is a good game but it does have some flaws and just simply isn't on par with Halo but if you were a kid who had GC and not Xbox/PC then sure MP was the muthafucking shit
>Goldeneye's multiplayer was likewise tacked on last minute
nta but I can believe that.
Honestly surprised by the answers in this thread. For me it's not even close, since I think Halo is not a good shooter and Prime is an excellent adventure game. So Prime.
Shouldn't be surprised in the slightest, multiplayer, especially Halo, holds up by merit of being so. Prime ages the moment Prime 4 comes out, Halo is still able to be booted up on multiple Xboxes.

You can hook up the original Xbox, and Xbox 360, an Xbox One, an Xbox Series X, put a Halo disc in each console, and play 16 players on blood gulch.
dude... you compare a whole genre with halo..
Read. Both quotes say very clearly that the shooting is not the focus of the game.
>"we cannot say it’s the focus of the game."
>"None of the pillars was shooting. Right? So shooting was just something you did while you explored. Shooting supported exploration but it wasn't a pillar."

>>11095991 said that the shooting was not the focus.
>"but FPS gameplay is not the focus whatsoever."

You're not paying attention to the argument that was even had. Obviously the shooting is an "important component" since it is the thing you do often, but it's not the focus. They specifically said it's not the focus. For the modern FPS, the shooting IS the main focus. You're not understanding the argument that is even being had.
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I mostly play it like picrel. Not being able to scan the Cloaked Drone pretty much ruined the game for me.
The fact of the matter is there is a spectrum. Theming world building etc... Nintendo is #1. Tight FPS, PvP, etc... Well Halo doesn't cut the muster. But if you are willing to compromise between the two Halo is a fair choice.
It says it's an important aspect of the game. The other quote is fucking wrong anyway, shooting is just something you did? You didn't play the games.
Halo has plenty of world building and atmosphere. I will never forget the character interactions, landing on the ring the first time and seeing it extend far up above, and the guilty spark level when you encounter flood.
>It says it's an important aspect of the game.
But not the focus. As that anon said, and those two official quotes corroborated
>The other quote is fucking wrong anyway,
kek, goalpost shift.

Thanks for playing.
Moron, you shoot to kill enemies all game long every game.
No matter how much you guys laughably try to downplay shooting, it's right there at the forefront of the gameplay. Not just in Prime, in every Metroid, you shoot to kill enemies. Imagine not being able to take criticism for such a pivotal aspect.
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"First Person Adventure" is misleading, because you'd expect something with no action like Myst. Prime series are Action-Adventure game, like Zelda (in fact, the Prime games take a lot of cues from OoT and other Zelda games, it's basically first person Zelda with Metroid world), and since the action is based on first person shooting, it's an "FPS-Adventure" hybrid, in which neither the FPS nor the adventure elements are particularly deep.
And when I say hybrid, the shooting is as much the focus as the "adventure" elements are if not more.
You can hit him basically any time he does an attack if you have good timing. Skill issue
i have not played metroid prime but can still tell these are extremely different games trying to deliver totally different experiences. why does this thread exist?
>why does this thread exist?
for people who already understand and agree with what youre saying but want to pretend not to and shitpost
Halo is a better shooter.
Halo has better gameplay, but MP 1 & 2 are better experiences.
2d metroid is a complete package. the main focus of the game, the destructible tile scourering maze, is balanced perfectly by the kinetic fun of the 8 way shooting and platforming, they could each be expanded to carry a 2d action game by themselves but they're just side components in an exploration corridor game.
in comparison I find metroid prime very dry. the exploration is even more complex, more involved but that mental exertion is balanced out by the action equivalent of communion wafers. lock on z targeting and stilted fps platforming, if they were expanded into full games they'd be consider two of the most boring 6/10s of all time.
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Which is the superior game?
This is a much better stupid comparison.
how does that make sense
I just think the level design of Prime games is a lot worse. Backtracking in them is made a lot worse when the 3D hallway environments you come back through. Super Metroid made more effort to open up shortcuts after going enough distance away.

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