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What was your first Diablo class?
I like ranged weapons and as little bs magic as possible
Rogue and then I immediately replayed as Warrior and then Sorcerer
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What was your first Diablo 2 class?
D1 Wizard
D2 Necro
D2 LoD Druid

I didn't play any other diablos and neither should anybody else.
I member lagging up people with dialup using the Necromancer skeletons lol
First and only classes I play
d1 sorcerer
d2 sorceress
d3 wizard

i like magic
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When I was a little kid it was barb, but after some struggle I realized sorc is the meta. Ever since then I start off with a sorc and then twink out everyone else. Working on my grail too but it's taking years. Never played D1 for some reason.
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I think it was Rogue.
Barbarian because that was on the demo.
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Speaking of barbarian.
Warrior (because there was no Paladin in the game)

I always go with a Paladin in any RPG first if I can. Favorite class archtype in general. Kind of a carry over to enjoying them in D&D.
Playing it stretched lol, its a 4:3 game bro.
But nice equipment you've got there
Warrior in Diablo 1, Amazon in Diablo 2

in multiplayer i eventually got Dreamflange in every slot so i could wield Archangel's Staff of Apocalypse as a Warrior, when i wasn't running whale armor and big sword
>Diablo class
Is this the state of American public education?
Only game I like stretched better for some reason.
Definitely Sorcerer.
I love it when action RPGs allow to play as a pure mage-type. You are often forced to play a bit more tactically, instead just mashing "attack". Of course at the time, I knew barely anything about the game. I had no way of knowing how powerful the Sorcerer was, particularly late game.
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Necro for some reason has always been 4chan's favorite hero. Check mine out.
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Might as well post my amazon while I'm at it.
Poison caster I take it?
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Never heard anyone call it a poison caster.
So "yes" then.
No reason to be intentionally obtuse anon.
I wasn't being obtuse. Just wasn't sure what you meant exactly. There are other necro builds that could be considered casting ones and they can use the same items.
When my older human brother showed me this game as a little kid
I picked the necro because I tought his aura was cool af
1 warrior
2 paladin
Sword and board what can i say
Have you gotten a "grail" setup? That is to say a PlugY save with every unique/rune/set/etc? Been slowly working on one for shits a few months back. Usually takes people a few years to do it.

This is my progress but I haven't played in years. Got super tedious when I got to around 90% completion.
I was doing mine on a google spreadsheet, never knew about this site. Thanks for the link.
And I don't blame you on quitting, some shit is just ridiculous to get to drop, but getting even 90% is no small effort.
It's just on hold. Getting to 90% I had goals for what I wanted all the time so it was fun. Like getting a shield for spirit first. Getting runes for HOTO. Getting your first Shako. Your first torch. First anni. Then farming those for every hero. Making special builds to farm council for runes and jewels. Farming runes from LK (not on nightmare like that one famous anon). Farming a good base for infinity which includes first farming a rack that drops threshers and shit. Farming your first SOJ. Leveling each hero. Learning all the in and outs and little secrets like rack farming. Stuff like that. After that it becomes just do a billion cow/pit/tresh socket runs.
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>Farming runes from LK (not on nightmare like that one famous anon)
Holy shit I never heard of that one... how long did he grind before finding out?
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I don't remember, maybe you can find it in the archives somehow. It was back when we had D2 general threads. Does anyone also remember when we had a /v/ D2 server back in I think ~2012-2013 it was if I'm not mistaken? It was the first time in my life I got trolled by two mentally ill Canadian trannies pretending to be girls. One was never speaking because "she" was "shy" and the other fag had a suspicious voice, but I brushed it off, because I'm ESL. One day dude says something like am I a girl and then changes to his man voice and goes or am I guy. Nope'd out of there instantly and never logged on again. They did carry me a lot and give me free items though. Server died shortly after anyways and the reason was the scandi guy that was hosting it moved out of his parents' house and left the server running in a basement or some shit until one day the PC was turned off and there was no body to turn it back on or something. Been a while, my memory might not be fully accurate.

I made pic related on July 16th 2013 so the server was around that time. Not sure if archives go back that far.
Also noticed I was being funny when putting 98 in the sorc nickname but kids born in 98 are now like 26 year olds.
Warrior. D1 was such a great game. Criminally underrated these days.
Barbarian whirlwind on classic. It has been my favorite skill for like 24 years now.
It sucks they completely killed 2 hand whirlwind barbarians, I don't know why Blizzard has such a hard on for dual wielding for whirlwind.
Rune words were a mistake.
what about your non-human brother?
wish i could just sit down and play some fucking diablo 2 but i cant play anything anymore, i cant do anything..
Get your life sorted out, everything will be more enjoyable
idk, been in this slump for years
You do know.
I know it's fucking OVER.
Its not and you know that too.
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Absolutely incorrect.
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Necromancer. He was the only hero that wasn't generic fantasy class we'd seen a dozen times, and skeleton armor looked cool as shit. I would always use bone equipment to complete the look. And I focused on skeletons despite them being shit.

I was a kid, gamers weren't soulless yet, not being a hyper optimising faggot was fine.
>not being a hyper optimising faggot

I was struggling so hard back then. Even as early as mid nightmare. So many times realizing my one element build wont work and wasting my respecs then straight up starting a new character. Part of the fun and the journey until I started learning how deep the game actually was.
Rogue, I played D1 after I played D2 and thought it would be cool to play as a hireling character. I didn't get very far before switching to Warrior.

I think it was the Necromancer on the demo, I don't know why I picked it over the Paladin since it would've been my thing, but I had a great time summoning skeleton armies. Eventually the charm wore off and I went with more traditional builds on each character.

I played all classes, but Amazon followed by Druid was the one I played the least. I made a hundred different paladins, played through the game as a fire sorc several times, did summoner necro and poison/bone necro, tanky concentrate barb, and various assassin builds from traps to martial arts. I played a Bowazon purely because I got a Buriza drop at some point, and only played a druid to mess around with various elemental and summoning skills.
>back then
>wasting my respecs
Dude, Diablo 2 didn't have any respecs until very recently (Patch 1.13).
To be fair to that anon, 1.13 was all the way back in 2010.
People straight up forget that it was patched in later due to that patch now being 14 years back
That made me feel really old looking it up since I remember the BEFORE TIME
while I do miss builds pre-runewords, runewords are awesome
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Necromancer. I love summoner and bone necro.
Fun memory I remember in 1.11 that my guild/friends needed a necro in hell with bone wall for glitch ubers leveling and I was the only necro 90% of the time.
I was a bit of a newfag and only started playing right after 1.10 released in late 2003.

Assassin, unfortunately and all l I did was get level 16 in act 1 and run around throwing fire blasts while rocking a two handed sword lol. Then my next, more serious playthrough was a Barb, but I didn't want to make a mistake leveling the wrong skills, so I leveled nothing and auto attacked everything up until Mephisto, who raped me repeatedly. This Barb was level 26, just in act 3 LOL.
Warrior in the demo that only had the first two levels in it.
Warrior I'm pretty sure, but possibly Sorcerer. I don't remember my first Diablo playthrough very well, but the playthrough-specific thing that stands out strongest was a Full Plate Mail dropping at some point in the caves, bright red due to strength requirements, looking forward to being able to wear it.
Necromancer, which I promptly dropped shortly after killing Radamant, my build was totally bricked, I remember being so hype about the different golems pre-release and when I finally got Blood Golem and was still having a terrible time. Switched to a Barbarian, did a little better but dropped it again in Act III. Can't remember if I did an Ice Sorceress or a Paladin next, but either way both of those crushed.
clean your room (first step)
Dude, please: https://github.com/mir-diablo-ii-tools/SlashGaming-Diablo-II-Free-Display-Fix
the problem is melee in d2 is kinda busted. it's explicitly tied to your weapon and chances are that you'll just keep missing or deal shitty damage without the right stats on the weapon. magic doesn't care about that shit, you're guarranted to do high damage as you level up if the enemy isn't specifically immune to your magic
Rogue, then Warrior. Bought D1 again a few years ago to do it with the Sorcerer

Paladin, then Sorceress. Tried a Barbarian next but never got past Act 3. Still want to try a summonancer
Assassin. Some friends were into the online play of the game, doing PvP stuff and I remember them saying that they thought an assassin build was one of the strongest at that time. So I started playing an assassin, and realized that it was not that fun, although when I was playing against one of my friends who was a much higher level necromancer and I started wailing on him, he bone imprisoned me and I had one point in teleport kick. I was able to get out, he laughed and just bone speared me to death in one hit. Funny, but for the campaign, Barbarian was pretty fun to play.
Necro because back then as a kid I though that anything edgy/dark was cool. Now I mostly play barb and pally.
That's like asking what was your first spoonful of real food.
These are useless.
Just because (You) don't know how to use them, doesn't mean they're useless. Those stretched videos are cancerous
I've done more D2 modding and hex editing than you've spent time playing. What's cancerous are these resolution change mods that the game was never made for. Go back to playing resurrected.
>skeleton build
>shit my pants at duriel and reroll x3
>skeleton build
>shit my pants at mephisto and reroll x2
>watch my friend delete the entire screen and teleport everywhere as sorc
only faggots play sorc
Warrior. I've never touched another class and I ain't interested either, even in my 100th playthrough I'll still pick warrior.
Do people still play third party servers? Slash? Resurgence? PD2?
Yeah, because the game was made to be stretched like that. You obviously are a shitty modder then. Lurk more newfag
It wasn't ape, but it's better than your shitty dogshit newfaggot mod that came out only a few years ago and nobody before that played the game that way. Dumbass hoe.

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