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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>finally take the emulation pill
>download all my childhood favorites
>download all the cool titles I missed out on
>download all the jap only games that got translations
>download any other random thing that seems marginally interesting
>2000+ games and counting, none of them were ROMsets, I have a problem
>go to play some games
>even when Im having fun, my mind goes to "what other, even MORE fun game should I be playing instead"
>end up playing 12 different games over the span of 90 minutes
>remember some random console like neo geo pocket color that I dont have games for
>go back to downloading/extracting/organizing games instead of playing them

Its like I became a shelf collector, but with no actual shelf to show for it. when I actually paid for games, I forced myself to play them to get my moneys worth, but thats no longer an issue. how do i fix the brain rot? theres gotta be some emu fags here who know this feel too.
Imagine grasping at things to complain about. So what you used time to look for and cataloged many libraries of different consoles on your computer. No matter what you'll expend time doing something to get to the end result of playing a game.
I really don't have this problem, I like having a huge list of games and being able to switch on a whim. It's cool and fun and keeps the fun going, I no longer have to grind out games I got bored of as a kid, just switch to a different one on the fly.
I grew up with a few jailbroke consoles, so maybe thats it, but like I just don't see the problem. Because to me it's not even like "I gotta come up with a 'better' game to play" I start one up and I just start having fun, and when I stop having fun, switch to a different game for a change of pace.
The whole "better" arguement doesn't really make sense to me, as thats just kinda subjective especially on such a micro scale as you in the privacy of your own home looking at games to play.
I also do the "12 games in 90 minutes" thing, but like...I stop after a while? I essentially just sift through tons of games, figure out which ones I like and then keep those on my harddrive, take the good leave the bad, no biggie.
Just pick up a game and play FFS, there is nothing wrong with playing a good game even though a better game exists
This is why original hardware is superior. It forces you to focus on one game at a time and to limit the overwhelming amount of choices via financial considerations.
Nobody who actually enjoys games has this problem. It's a completely made up scenario.
You'll get over that once the novelty has passed that you have access to pretty much every game ever released on pretty much every console.

Its really easy, you just have to find the game you want to play before you play it. Randomly trying stuff won't work for the reasons you described. If you're not going into the game already excited to play it, then you won't enjoy it.

Part of the enjoyment of a game or any piece of media really is the hunt for it. Like how people used to hear a song on the radio, then they'd go to buy it from an actual shop, and take it home. That builds anticipation and puts you in a more receptive mindset. You used to do that sort of thing when you would buy a game, and now you don't. So you just have to find other ways to hunt. I do that by waiting until I see a snippet of a game that I find interesting. Once I get curious about a game, and start asking myself questions about what it might be like. That's when I know I'm ready to play and enjoy it.
start doing Retroachievements
it gives you incentive to stick with a game instead of just ditching it five minutes in
I always just limit the amount of games that I have downloaded at any one time.
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I've suffered from this before, but nowadays I'm way better at dealing with it, here's my advice if you think it might help and be useful somehow:

1. It's nice to have full ROMs sets, especially with emulation being under attack constantly, but do keep it "backed up" only, on your main folder, on your devices, you want to have only a few select ROMs at any point in time, a compact collection.

2. Avoid having a "backlog" that you have to get to, this stops titles from feeling like homework, and it helps with hopping from one ROM to the other. Well, how do you choose what to play? I'm not sure if this will work for everyone, but what I do is, if I grow interested in something, then it's what I'm going to play, as simple as that really.

3. It's good to "tie" yourself to what you play, so create a save file early on that you'll "have to get back to" and make the session special somehow.

I enjoy making video games a bit of a ritual for me, while there are times I just pick up and play, when I can I enjoy making myself a snack and a drink I enjoy, turning off the lights and keeping only my warm lamp on, I'll deliberately choose a controller, device, shader, etc. All to make that session special, and then I'll play for a few hours.

Good luck!
Limit yourself to one game at a time
You're describing textbook ADHD. See a shrink, try meds.
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Use the 5-minute rule.
If a game you're playing isn't fun enough to stop you from thinking about what else to play, then toss it in the bin.
You sound like someone who masturbates with candles.
You also missed out on a great show tonight you could have gone to. Learn to stop being a Guy about things if you want to enjoy them
>woe is me i have too many baby toys to play with
i would never
>on a retro gaming board
>doesn't like retro games
feel free to fuck off
Where does it say that? Fucking retard
>baby toys
>i would never
disingenuous faggot
Good to learn them all

You can realize your favorite genres then you can buy those and collect those. I'm not wasting my money on collecting everything, but if I was that rich and bored maybe nes or genesis

All this did was confirm my favorite types so I can only get those and ignore most other games to save money. Nes and Genesis were the most creative. Ps1 is close too
6th post best post
I've never had this problem either and it's because I just play whatever my autistic fixation decides looks cool at the time. Browsing /vr/ and forums for rpgs/arcade games always hooks me on something pretty fast if I'm ever truly without a fame to play
Lol weaselly retard
>upset i said baby toys
be for real, its what they are
lol lmao, faggot
Get interested in some game to play or just roll randomly. It's a non-issue made up by FOMOtards.

You WILL miss out on things in your life, you CAN'T do anything about it.
i do thevsame thing, but im far more selective. only the absolute best of the best. do a bit more research before adding to your collection, cut the fat and youll find that whatever you end up playing is satisfying
Everybody does this when they first take the emulation pill. However this should wear off within a few weeks, maybe a few months at most. If you experience rom hoarding behavior lasting longer than 4 months, seek immediate medical help.
pretty sure I have adhd too but it's easy to focus on a game when you like it, just understand what king of games move you and you'll be a degen in no time.
I suppose I'm blessed in that I'll never know this feeling. 24k games and counting.
You don't need to arbitrarily limit yourself. Just be a human being.
Being overwhelmed by abundance is a pretty normal human thing.
>worried about having too many ROMS
See that internet outage that happened today? This is why you have full romsets. All the autistic fags on here who complain about "rom hoarding" are going to get fucked in the event of "cyber COVID".
They won't even be able to go online to beg hoardchads to share with them.
>download as interested
Stop treating roms like physical games.
Download the fullset, then start with the very first game on the list. If you like the game after 5-10 minutes of play, put it in your Good folder. If you hate it, feel free to delete. If you aren't sure, throw it in your Meh folder. By the time you've finished testing your way through a console's set, you'll have a folder full of games you actually want to play. Sort by genre. Next time you feel like playing X genre on that console, you have a shortlist of the games you want to play.
>muh choice paralysis
You aren't deciding on your major for college, you aren't picking a mate to bear your children, you are making a choice on what entertainment you want to consume next. This choice costs you nothing but a few minutes of time, which you clearly have in abundance if you are posting here. Just try it to see if you like it like every other human throughout history has done. If toothless Cletus from 1890 could decide what music he liked best, I'm sure you can manage to figure out what videogame to play next.
For children yeah. Really shouldn't be so crippling for adults.
>"I feel like playing a fighting game"
>pick a fighting game and play it
>"maybe something on Playstation"
>pick a Playstation game and play it
>you just have to find the game you want to play before you play it.
>For children yeah. Really shouldn't be so crippling for adults.
Who said anything about crippling, it just makes gaming less fun. That's the biggest reason why original hardware is superior.
Thats why i play games in release order, i will always know whats coming next
This is a third world problem.
A first world problem would be not having your own personal arcade.
5 games is more fun than 1,500? Damn. I had no idea
The same games are more fun on original hardware.
Counterpoint: RPGs
Can't argue with that but, the exception proves the rule.
Why are RPGs better emulated?
You can do walking and battles in fast forward so the game doesn't cost as many life minutes to complete.
So you're a grown man who thinks he's playing with baby's toys but still does it? I don't see it that way, because that's not what they are. But you do, so I have to ask. Do you also play with actual toys? I can just imagine you smashing your dolls and action figures together in your mom's basement while your dad opens the door and then closes it again after seeing what he made but didn't raise.
They're literally not. That's why I sold all of my original hardware to some retards like you. See I actually like the games rather than the "ritual".
Do you watch movies at 1.5 speed?
>crying this hard about having endless games to play
You are a whiney bitch and don't deserve what you have
autism cope
Truth. I play both emulated and og hardware and it really doesn't matter. Sometimes I like the convenience of emulating on my phone or laptop or even my main PC so I can watch a movie while I game. Nostalgia is a helluva drug tho.
Nta, but lots of people watch stuff at twice speed for exactly that reason. I know tons of people who listen to lectures, documentaries or books on tape on 2x so they can absorb more information, faster.
Sorry to sound corny, but I believe the journey should be the focus. I guess if you're just "absorbing information," it's not a bad habit. Destroys the process of experiencing something on its own terms though. If you have to fast forward through a game, maybe you should play something else, or stop grinding and try to beat things underleveled.
>You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

imagine thinking tedium is part of the eXpErIeNcE
I'm not saying you didn't play the game, but you didn't experience it fully if you sped it up. Save as using Save States. Might as well watch a YouTube video if you hate interacting with game mechanics so much.
Fast forward feature because combat rounds resolve really slowly in like 99% of pre-SMT Nocturne games and it's a real drag.
I'd imagine that for a lot of people, this can just give the illusion of absorbing more information. Selectively speeding up to skip past things you already know but want a quick refresher on is a good idea, or to skip rambling junk and things which aren't pertinent to you, is surely fine as well. But I'd say if you really want to learn something, taking it slow and interacting with the content in some way, like taking active notes, is the best way for most people.
For games, though, sure, do whatever the fuck makes them enjoyable, because unless you plan to be a game designer and you're playing the game as research, it's just a way to pass time in a somewhat mentally stimulating way.
There's too much of everything worth enjoying, I sort of hate it. I've got so much vidya I want to play, so much music I want to listen to, some movies I want to watch, places I want to visit, fucking fuck.
But there's more to a JRPG than mashing A until the enemies are dead so you can take 4 steps and do it again. Exploring a world and a story for example. If I like that part and I enjoy experiencing it for myself but I hate how slow and boring the battles are, then I can fast forward and improve the experience that I have with the game. With most JRPGs I usually end up fast forwarding by the end of the game. I'll usually play each battle screen/theme/enemy/boss at normal speed at least once. The only JRPGs that I don't do that with are ones with some real time element to them like Mother 3 or Paper Mario or Legend of Dragoon.
>imagine thinking tedium is part of the eXpErIeNcE
it is retard. Stop taking other peoples things and pretending you know better

>just wait until this asshole realizes how bad collecting and recording vinyl is.

I mean its just up to you. If you enjoy something, if you're passionate, you'll find time to enjoy what that thing is and not be too bothered about what you "could" be playing otherwise. The other day I saw Gradius V for something like 50 freaking dollars on a shelf and I thought "wow gee that'd be fun to play on my ps2 (which sits in a box in my room btw), but then I realized that I would just be adding to that collection of stuff rather than ever getting around to playing it. Emulation is LOADS easier, and it makes it easier to decide what you want to try, and you can decide very quickly what you don't like without losing money on a hunch or reviews that you may not align with. I think its an important tool and sometimes the only recourse to aging mediums or hardware (or expensive "rare" software).
it really isnt, you're too much of a retarded faggot to think about it objectively.
NTA, but if I watch most videos with information in them at normal speed I get so bored of how slow they speak and how much they talk about irrelevant things (incredibly common on YouTube). So 2x speed or even more sometimes actually makes it easier to take in the information because I don't have to fight the intense boredom of listening to someone slowly rambling.

I pause or rewind if I need to take something in.
who extracts and organizes their roms bruh just open them and let them be
Ever heard of quality over quantity?
for me the biggest issue is how uncomfortable playing games on pc is
if you are getting an emulation box you might as well use real hardware and flashcarts
playing at a desk sucks and having your pc next to the tv and using a keyboard and mouse from the sofa is a terrible experience
What you do is you treat your ROM collection like an episode of MST3K and you pick a game at random and you aren't allowed to move onto another game until you finish that current game because if you don't finish it the scientists will hurt you.

Go watch the Ross's Game Dungeon episode on Nyet 3 if you want to see what forcing yourself to play a bad game to the end out of morbid curiosity REALLY looks like. Be like that.

If you cannot instill this form of discipline into yourself then you will never truly enjoy your ROM collection. If you don't know where to start then go and force yourself to play Duke Nukem for the Game Boy Color all the way to the end. It's actually a well made game, but it's also a long slog, so it's a perfect attention span endurance building game. I managed to beat it in 2021 and actually really enjoyed it even if the flying levels at the end are annoying.

Good luck, nerd.
We need to bring the /vr/ Gauntlet back
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You get over it after a while.
Order the games in your backlog by release dates and start playing the oldest one you feel in the mood for or you could use an RNG to choose a random game from your backlog.
If only you could connect a controller that isn't a keyboard to a computer...
I don't know what it is with this current crop of retards but they have more access to stuff than we could ever dream of and instead of just going hog wild and playing everything they panic, freeze up and worry about the most efficient way to waste their lives.
What do you think of the post in this thread (can't find it) talking about how committing to purchasing something makes you more keen on liking it? If it's just on a harddrive, there was no real motivation to play it unlike purchasing.
Are you James Rolfe? I didn't think you had the time to post here? What's wrong with playing games at your PC computer? Can't figure out how to use it?
i like sitting on the couch not a gayming chair
And there's some reason you can't do that because?
No because movies aren't 60 hours long with 50 of those hours watching the same 30 seconds of content repeated over and over.
>If it's just on a harddrive, there was no real motivation to play it
This is legitimately the most retarded thing I've ever seen on this entire board.
>I didn't think you had the time
Don't you have another thread to make on Reddit?
Better late than never.
Emulation is probably in the Top 5 things the internet is good for
>if you are getting an emulation box you might as well use real hardware and flashcarts
Get a cheap small form factor PC or laptop instead of a useless pi shitbox that can only run retroarch and chokes on emulating PS1.
I like James Rolfe and AVGN. But that anon made exactly the same retarded comments that James has made about playing games on PC that shows he doesn't really understand how it works.
Yeah anon it’s so uncomfortable having every game I can possibly think of at my fingertips, I think what would really enhance it would be having to fuck around with decades-old tech to get it working half as well.
OK cool story. You emulate now? Now give me your physical collection since you don't need it anymore.
I'd be more inclined to listen or believe your sentiment if you had any statements at all to support it. It's almost as if you don't actually care about discussing this, in which case you'd have done better not to have replied to me. Also, I found the post: >>11098773
Anon you can hook up a PC to a TV very easily. I use flashcarts/emulate/play actual copies on the same arcade sticks on the same recliner on the same TV.
It's true that you didn't interact with the game normally, but maybe the game + speedup is more enjoyable to certain people. In that case there's no reason to watch the game rather than playing it with speedup other than to sate retards like yourself
I follow a personal rule where if I don't get into it within 2-3 hours it isn't worth my time. Also helps that I hate entire genres of games.
I either chose a game I want to play and stick to it, or I check out an old video game mag and whichever ad or review makes me feel like Im a bewildered child again is the one I want to play. if it sucks I act like Im taking it back and getting another game lol
I also went through everything and manually picked 3000+ games. Next you start at the bottom and work your way up through time, playing each platform to completion (not that you have to complete every single game, just until you feel like you're done with it). I'm already up to gen 5, going through my N64 picks now
>nyooo you need to play games randomly when you feel like it otherwise it's soulless
Yeah that's what I did before and I barely played any new games, now I'm getting into all sorts of series and genres I didn't care about before. I'd say that's a much better way to play
>see candles
>immediately think anon means jerking off while dripping hot wax on yourself
>realize he just means candles for ambiance
I'm a degenerate
I just got an anbernic rg556 and im enjoying the shit out of God of War.
I agree with this >>11098532 anon, pick a game where you have fun and play it.
How can you judge a game to call it "better" if you havent even played a good portion of it?
There will always be some faggot saying that the game you like sucks and there is a better, more authentic and japanese game which yours was based on. Fuck it, play and have fun
Sorry, I can't relate.
I have a terabyte full of retro games, around 1.2K titles. I am not going to pay for games in my entire life and I am just a 25yo dude.

Today I finished Killzone, I may try Killzone 2 next month, my next game is Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
Or, you could watch a YouTube video, since you don't like actually playing games. Either way, your opinion will never mean as much as someone who actually played the game. If that doesn't bother you, go for it.
Only one?
I made that post. I didn't say buying a game makes it more enjoyable lol. I sold all of my original hardware and exclusively play with emulators. All of my games are digital now. The only original hardware I keep around are the controllers.

I said the hunt makes it more enjoyable, not spending money. That was just the way we used to do it, the purchasing itself had nothing to do with making it more enjoyable, it was the hunt. Whether the game is on a harddrive or a ROM chip makes zero difference to how much you can enjoy it. In fact I described ways to have the same feelings with a ROM set. You completely missed the point of my post. Read more books, it will help your reading comprehension.
When you bought a new game back then you paid MSRP for a brand new item, intended to be an investment you would keep for the rest of your life.
Coomlector-brain is paying inflated prices for grungy old cartridges because he hopes spending money will forcibly motivate him to play the game.
Thanks for the advice, anon. I've been struggling with selection paralysis a little bit recently and finding myself just gravitating to the same few games that I already know and love, so I tried out your techniques tonight. They worked very well for me.
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>I didn't say buying a game makes it more enjoyable
Whoa whoa, I didn't say that either. I said it might make one more keen upon it. Should take your own advice there chief about reading. I hope you have a nice year but I'm not interested in conversing with somebody so rude.
I've played and enjoyed games whose manuals take more than 5 minutes to read and where the game starts getting fun much later. Though tbf it sounds like OP doesn't have the personality type to enjoy a game like that.
Yeah you did say that.
>committing to purchasing something makes you more keen on liking it
>If it's just on a harddrive, there was no real motivation to play it unlike purchasing.

So purchasing makes you like it more, and there's no motivation to play a game on a harddrive.

That's exactly what you said, my previous reply still stands. I didn't state that purchasing makes you like a game more, I said the hunt does, the purchase is irrelevant. And there's as much motivation to play a game in a HDD as there is with a cartridge or disc.
>read an old game magazine
The best suggestion and I have another idea for OP.
Pick out a game to play and you're stuck with it for 2-3 days, after that you have to move on to something else. Now you have experienced "renting a game."

>treat your ROM collection like its a blockbuster

thats actually a great idea anon, thanks
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What does that mean?


I suppose you are. I get your point, but I think it doesn't make much sense to say you've never had a problem and then offer a solution for it. I know you meant well, but we're all human beings here regardless if we're struggling with this or not. For some people arbitrarily limiting oneself can be great, for others it doesn't help at all, it's all personal, but we share our experiences in the hopes of helping those that are struggling like we did at some point. We're all quite different.

I'm happy to hear! One more thing I do that I forgot to mention more explicitly is that I do my best to take whatever I'm playing to completion, I don't have to beat it 100%, but at least getting to the end is good, unless I'm really not having a whole lot of fun, though often I keep going even with mediocre titles in the hopes that they might open up for me, and often they do, so it's worth pushing, though of course if it's not fun at all the best course of action is to just move on. Cheers!
I find digital organization to be incredibly satisfying. I will happily horde and retag television, movies, music, and games for hours. I don't feel too guilty about it because it's a relatively productive activity. If you would rather be playing games but can't seem to, then it is actually problem for you, however.
>end up playing 12 different games over the span of 90 minutes
I used to hate this and would force myself to play something, but I was ultimately unhappy with the experience. I've now taken this to mean I wasn't actually interested in playing anything I booted up. It was different as a kid. I had handful of games and seemingly limitless time on my hands. I could have had fun with anything. Now something needs to actually interest me if I'm going to play it. If I go through a dozen games and nothing sticks, I accept I don't want to be playing games right now and I do something else.
I think it's more realistic to begin to understand who you are and what you're unconsciously telling yourself than to force yourself to "enjoy" something right here, right now.
>how do i fix the brain rot?
doesn't hyperspin have a randomizer?
Reading through this thread kills me with the different opinions. Me personally, I avoid decision paralysis by only downloading games I remember being good, or being recommended to me. I'm not particularly interested in shuffling through a 4 figure amount of old releases to find the couple dozen that really appeal to me. But at the same time.. anyone arguing they could never have decision paralysis... just imagine that young gamer you got handed a magical cartridge/disc that had every game that would ever and will ever be made for every console you own. Not everyone is going to just mindlessly slam on the first title they see and then do that until they play them all. When faced with a hundred different ways to spend your time, it's natural to halt up when you have to decide on just one.
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You are just whining that you cannot just look at a hundred thousand games at a glance and immediately nowayfag them. Having to be stopped from renting whatever I want refined my judgement which you will never have.
>Not everyone is going to just mindlessly slam on the first title they see and then do that until they play them all.
guess you'll just have to stick with whatever 'hidden gems' youtubers are shilling this week
myself, I'm playing power bomberman and skyrim
How is this even something to fucking complain about. Just pick a game and fucking play it you retard.
Fuck off GPTposter
I already nowayfag them by not downloading them, this makes no sense
You didn't find either of those games by mindlessly sifting through a rom dump, be real.
When I was 10 my brother gifted me an Xbox with NES, SNES, Genesis, and PC Engine romsets. I had absolutely no issue just scrolling through a text list and picking a game I wanted to play.
Literal children don't have this issue.

>You didn't find either of those games by mindlessly sifting through a rom dump, be real.
No, but here's what I found on that old Xbox I had.
>Mother 1
>Solomon's Key and Fire & Ice
>Secret of Mana
>Illusion of Gaia
>Alien Soldier
>Cyborg Justice
>Bomberman 94
I've heard of all of those games without having to dig around, outside of Cyborg Justice, 1941, and the hentai rom. You didn't find much in the way of special games no one knew about, it just took you more space on your hard drive to do it.
As a kid with absolutely no internet access and only occasional magazines? Full sets were absolutely a boon. I hadn't even known Mother 1 was a thing (it was labeled EarthBound Zero and that got my attention).
The point is, digging through lists of games isn't hard. Especially in this modern age where you can just import them all into a frontend that will show you gameplay, boxart, manuals, etc.
It is called gameplay videos like "10min gameplay" or anything with "longplay" in the title. It just footage of the game being played. You can tell immediately if you like the game or not by just skipping ahead to the game parts and seeing whats up. Of course if you have no self control and just watch ecelebs talking about a game and treat watching footage as the same as playing it then that is some basic self control issues.

Or you don't want to play games you want to socialize with people.
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I just realize I haven't actually beat a lot of "must play" classics and continue my quest to wipe the slate clean of all the normie top 10 vidyagames so that gives me a goal instead of just clicking random shit like a gay nerd
You said it man. I game with a heavy weight in my shoulders knowing I can easily use any controller I want, use speedup, instantly take screenshots without a capture card; among countless other horrors.
>hard drive space
I've got a full set of box art that dwarfs the hard drive space used by every cartridge rom set combined, do you think I give a fuck.
Quality over quantity does not apply when the quantity INCLUDES those of the quality as well, fool
You have a custom-selected list of hits you want to play and you STILL can't decide? I'd get it if you just downloaded every ROM and you see weird titles like "Bastard!" and you play them and find out that they're shit, and then get burnt out.

But here's what you need to do, OP. Split your childhood favorites into a new folder. From the remaining games, separate them into genre: RPG, Action, Platforming, beat'em-up, shooters, etc.

Then, just play whatever you're in the mood for. Focus at one game at a time, until you complete it, or get bored of it, or get burnt out, or until you realize you hate it. Then move on to another genre.
Anon has really been slayed by these different opinions, frfr no cap.
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I don't get it, what did I do wrong that upset you? I'm literally just trying to be helpful to my fellow anons who have similar struggles to me, that's it.
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It brings back that magical element of childhood, but in a new setting with more options and tons of freedom to how you want to do it, the best of both worlds in a way, it's just good advice overall.
Try getting good at one and beating it before moving onto another. Like now I'm playing Scythe 2 on UV with no saving. I won't play anything else until I'm done with that.

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