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i borrowed this game from my damn wiener friends and i enjoyed it
Incredible game as a kid, so much variety. Doesn't hold up though.
you did WHAT
This looks like the source of some shitty creepypasta
It's a normal level in Search for Reptar.
It's really funny how this game shows how different you think as a kid.
I remember holding on to that flashlight for DEAR LIFE during that level and always nearly running out of battery.
Later you realise you don't need the flashlight at all, and if you have it one battery is more than enough since the monsters disappear instantly the moment you switch it on-off.
Also one of my most vivid video game memory from back then is the toy store level. When Thorg appeared I got so scared I ran ALL THE WAY back to the beginning of the level. Good times.
Piss bottle
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Not even the scariest part of the game
Unironically scared me as a kid. Same with the toy store level as the other anon said. The clown toys in the basement creeped me out as well. Hide or seek level scared me too since all of kids had very uncanny valley looks and then you had to race them to the baby gate. Possibly my favorite game as a little kid but it sure gave me anxiety.
His diaper is literally full of literal shit.
Oh, and the game is shit. And it was clear even back then. Only diapers and scat fetishists liked it. Whatever.
I loved this game as a kid. Scary as fuck back then, but not at all anymore.
It's a shit game but it does exactly what a licensed game should do.
You can freely walk around the main location of the show and levels are based around specific episodes. That's all you need to do.
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nice catch, ran
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devs would later go on to make nintendo a spooky game
Frig off, Rick
That's what I loved about Simpsons Hit and Run the most. Licensed games honestly couldn't get any better than this
movies fail at putting the things from the thing in the other thing because they're often adapted from pre-existing screenplays. spending 5 or 6 figures on a new one is too expensive even if it could result in a 7 or 8 figure increase in ticket sales
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it's a good game to use as reference when recreating rugrats house in the sims games
What's shit about the game, honestly? The graphics are fine, it has good music and voice acting (all the original voice actors AFAIK), it's not buggy, and while the gameplay is pretty simplistic there's decent variety in the levels and no parts really overstay their welcome. And as you say, it's good to just base the game around exploring the main location and having levels based around specific episodes, the game really just feels like you're playing some Rugrats.
Angelicas Circus instructions seem unclear for the last stage. I can never get Tommy to land in the leaves. Opened up some repressed memories of only mashing through it for a win.

A lot of them try to elicit timidity and fear. No doubt a big part of what made the game so scary as a kid was the gripping music

post more

I played Resident Evil 2 with no problems at 9 but for some reason the stupid ghost level in this Rugrats game scared the piss out of me.
The goose in the labyrinth and the giant gorilla in the toy store level were worse. Also, the sewer level, for the sole reason that Spike's idle panting sounded more like a crazed killer than a dog.
The movement controls and collisions are pretty bad.
MKULTRA activate
I love the OST to this game, I wish it existed in high quality
>that final level where you play as reptar
Absolute certified kino
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Did late millennials genuinely shit and piss their pants over this?
Born in 91 here and I loved this game as a kid because Rugrats was my favorite cartoon back then. My young little brain couldn't pick up on the absolutely dogshit controls or the basic as fuck level design. All it saw was "whoa its like I get to watch an episode from the show but I can PLAY it too!"

If you try to play it today, it's dogshit. But it did what it needed to do, and that was allow you to play as characters from the show and explore the locations that you've seen from many episodes.
don't respond to that, man come on
I liked the studio tour game too. Parts of the game are pretty bad but overall it still has fun levels. I like that it uses the same engine as Search for Reptar.

Really dislike the Paris and Board game ones though.
Honestly feel the same way.
Genuinely spooked me as a kid
Honestly really loved this game. I remember the credits said "We did it for the children" at the end and thought that was sweet
Man do you remember the big blue lobster in the grocery store level? That guy was awesome
those are just skill issues
>Parts of the game are pretty bad but overall it still has fun levels.
IIRC the only offensively bad levels are the racing ones. They're all incredibly easy and take forever to beat. I specifically remember a desert race track that took like 8 fucking minutes because the laps were so long.
That's in the golf level isn't it? I love finding secrets like that, scared the poop outta me though
Remastered on Switch?

>"Ah, Reptar ZOLO"
>"Weird name, but whatever.
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currently trying to recreate chuckie's apartment in the sims 2
which speaking of which, maybe people here know better since they seem to be fans of rugrats. does anyone know how chuckie's apartment looks like on the inside, like layout at all? i can't recall anything from the show that showed chuckie's yard
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and you shit and piss over this. care to elaborate?
The show premiered in 1991 so it's not just for late millennials. Mids who watched The Simpsons instead of Spongebob were the right age for it.
Funny part is that zoomers only find that scary because other zoomers told them it's scary
Yes, it's terrifying. While the situations themselves no longer invite terror, the music still has a way of being unnerving and making the situation uncomfortable.
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I always thought the sewer level where you play as Spike was pretty spooky
this is the only stage in whole game where controls feel better

also 91 and I agree. most of the appeal for me was just fucking around the house, most of the actual stages filtered me. for some reason the fucking mini golf stage was my favorite
>for some reason the fucking mini golf stage was my favorite

That's because it was the only level that felt like the controls worked. So it ends up being the only one that's any fun.
desu mini golf is basically impossible to fuck up. You almost have to try to make a bad mini golf game.
Bro turn that shit off NOW.
Looks comfy, would raise a family in.
>Men want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
This is a blue board, Anon.
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im glad this thread is still up. i just finished that chuckie's apartment build in the sims 2 while everyone here was arguing about diapers. im pretty sure this build has nothing to do with how it was real show, and since no one answered how chuckie's house looked like, let's just say "the shell was inspired by rugrats and chuckie finster's apartment aesthetic"
anyway i know sims 2 is okay to discuss on /vr/ so that's pretty good already, so i'll share the build if anyone here actually plays the sims 2 that is
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the room looks a little narrow. isn't there a tv somewhere too?
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For some reason the camera rotation in this game makes me nauseous. Not sure why, but I think it has to do with the camera being too close. I've never played another game that does that, not even the sequel, which is very close to being the same game.
This part terrified me so much as a teenager that I had to turn the game off after. I don't even understand why it frazzled me so much, I was just replaying the game and got caught off guard when I stumbled into the pyramid.
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yes, there is actually tv in the game where camera is, but like you said place is too cramped as is, you could place tv there later. i'm gonna be honest, i'm not very good at interior design, i prefer doing outside shells with advanced cheats like constrainFloorElevation and stuff with terrain. were i to make insides bigger, the outside would not look like pickles house, but right now it looks good from outside which is what i tend to prioritize
it's a sims 3 build (so it's dangerous to discuss on /vr/) but if you want it, here is the .package https://litter.catbox.moe/f78cva.package. put it into your Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Library\ folder. it's base game only so it has high compatibility with any versions

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