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/vr/ - Retro Games

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I hope you’re enjoying our new Scarface(tm) simulator “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City”. At this time we’d like to completely grind the plot to a screeching halt so that you can buy every business and beat EVERY SINGLE LEVEL of tedious mini games associated with them before seeing the epic conclusion to the story.
Joke's on you, I enjoy playing mini games. L.o.l.
Thanks Dan I really enjoy playing your game and any excuse to explore what is has to offer is good enough for me.
>be british
>makes the best games about being an american
how did they do it?
Wait, Dan, you don't actually have to buy all the businesses. And the missions aren't even mini games for the most part
literally who
No problem friend, stay tuned for Grand Theft Auto: Black People and Grand Theft Auto: Mid 2000’s Gritty Edition
Technically, you're an Italian in Vice City.
you mean "Italian"
He can trace his entire family back to Sicily, you fuckin' mamaluk cocksucker!
Thanks Dan, that was the best part of the game. I'm glad you were aware that the whole drug bust gone bad narrative was just the inciting incident and the only "plot" necessary past that was about a scumbag mobster taking over a city outside the jurisdiction of his old bosses.
It was bullshit but I remember doing it out of order. SA for example railroad you hard, compared to VC and 3
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Bitch, be thankful the game works a well as it does. This whole game was literally made in 1 year. The whole thing. Story script, game design, city design, voice acting including hiring big name Hollywood actors, programming, 2D and 3D art, music licensing, testing (at a time when you couldn't afford to release half-baked shit and just update it in the first two weeks as your customers do your testing for you) and localize and transalate the whole thing to several languages, produce the physical copies including a really cool manual, and ship it all around the world. One year. San Andreas took only two, also. Can you imagine if modern game companies managed to work like this?
How does Vice City compare to San Andreas in terms of barely playable nightmare missions like the drone plane thing
This is honestly what I think about a lot compared to the garbage we get nowadays and the shit coming out that takes up to 6-7 years to make. Just disgusting.
I mean the PS2 GTA games are basically eurojank they're so "imagine if this actually looked like what we want to represent, haha"

Like look at them trying to recreate movie action scenes in San Andreas, it's got that "how adorable" eurojank aspect down pat
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3D era GTA PS2 games are not meant to look realistic, they're going for a pretty stylized comic-book look, especially VC and SA. But at any rate, the point is that small teams managed to pull off games that people absolutely loved in very little time, while today, technology, technique and productivity-enhancing tools have progressed so much and yet we get shitty sequel after sequel and each one takes 4-5 years to make at a minimum. And on top of everything, these games were released "fully"; modern games are often released half-baked and half-tested with the expectation that they may or may not be fixed, eventually. Obviously these games from back in the day look janky if judged with modern standards, but have we paid a price too high to get rid of the jank? Has it been worth it?
*especially 3 and VC
I've been playing the original 3D trilogy in order of release lately. It really is amazing how much they got done between releases with such little time. Each game has a noticeable upgrade in quality compared to the last. Now you have a common problem in games like Dead Rising that lose features and polish as the series goes on
Scarface had Tony acquiring businesses to launder money as well, difference between a 2 hour movie and a 20+ hour game has you actually have to go and do these instead of a scene where Tommy gets the money then gets the power then the women.
I enjoyed going to the other islands in 3 and VC before the story lets you, it was fun to find ways there. SA automatically giving you wanted stars was shit but story related so I can accept it.
VC has Demolition Man which was actually a lot easier when I replayed it than I remember. The mission I had to redo the most was the bank heist because my partners would run right into the firing or simply refuse to get into the cab.
SA has the awful dating submissions and more RC shit with Zero. Plus all the collectables in the water, 100% on this sucks compared to 3 and VC.
When replaying VC the worst mission for me was dropping the fliers with the seaplane using keyboard controls... I thought you could only use acceleration to go up and down. Prior to this, I surprisingly finished the RC plane mission for the Haitians using that technique
I'm fine with jank, but normalfags are not. It's just amazing to look back and see that this shit was basically like Gothic or Morrowind with a PSX tier driving engine underneath now that "the dust has settled" and I'm not seeing it with 2002 hype eyes anymore.
I had to redo that one because I somehow got the plane stuck on top of a billboard. It was perfectly perched on top and I couldn't move at all. And the Haitian gangfight because some Cubans spawned underneath one of the vans and I couldn't blow the van without killing the rest of the Haitians. Sometimes I love the stupid shit that happens in these games.
That's what is great about those games. Everyone has a different experience with the missions
>Can you imagine if modern game companies managed to work like this?
do they still do 18 hour workdays?
Dead Reddit was never good
the first game was itself inferior to Shadow Of Rome
Yes, and the games are worse. That's kind of the point.
>Each game has a noticeable upgrade in quality compared to the last
This is very true. VC expands a lot on 3's features without taking anything away. SA expands a lot on VC's features without taking anything away. They're all straight-up upgrades on the last game on almost literally every aspect. Modern sequels often do that shit where they take away features from the sequel just to cheapen the development process and to dangle them in front of their stupid users as "future improvements" in the form of patches or even paid DLC to keep them playing (and paying)
had so much fun with VC
>this shit was basically like Gothic or Morrowind with a PSX tier driving engine underneath
Man, even GTA3, which has the most basic-looking graphics (it doesn't even have skinned textures), looks NOTHING like a PSX game. It runs circles around the best looking PSX games. Maybe you didn't live through it, but the jump between PSX and PS2 graphics was really generational, it's crazy to even compare them. I don't think you're right about this
who plays a video game, especially GTA, for the story?

you're in for a treat if you ever discover books and movies
>be thankful the game...
Hey Dan, big fan, you and your brother rocks.
>I don't think you're right about this
He's not. I'm not even sure why you bothered responding to that retard.
Wasn't talking about graphics
Nobody ever loaded up GTA 3 and though wow this driving feels like something next generation compared to say gran turismo 1, they thought this driving feels pretty terrible and cars pop in 1 millisecond before you are past them but wow a real city
>Nobody ever loaded up GTA 3 and though wow this driving feels like something next generation
Why the fuck talk about shit you clearly didn't live through? I'm serious, why? Anybody who was there can instantly tell you're full of shit lol. GTA3 blew away anyone who played it. It was a smash success because people had never seen anything quite like it before. Focus on your generation's games and stop saying dumb shit, they too will be "retro" one way lil faggot
Literally nobody compared GTA III to Gran Turismo.
Literally I said it has a PSX tier driving engine, and GT1 is a PSX game. Can 4chan third worlders learn to fucking parse meaning from English sentences before you reply to posts
> I said it has a PSX tier driving engine, and GT1 is a PSX game
That's an absolutely asinine comparison. No-one in their right mind would consider DMA Design's driving engine to be anything like Polyphony's driving engine.
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>I said it has a PSX tier driving engine
If you think GTA3's driving was trying to be realistic, or that it was like it was because of engine limitations, you're a bigger moron than I thought. Like I said, focus on your generation's games lil zoomer, stop repeating dumb shit you've overheard and doubling down on it.
Driving in all the GTA games packs a lot of depth despite being simpler than other games.
The PS2 GTA games just cobble together things from American gangster movies and TV shows
Cutscenes from 3 and Vice City have always felt like they are trying to be a parody of Goodfellas
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Yeah man... that's what the entire gaming community was saying at the time of release... lmao.
But that's because they are? It's a parody of American gangster crime media all coalescing into one narrative driven game(s). Hell there's a "Badfellas" movie poster just outside Luigi's club in III. I guess you can argue for a more serious "original" story in a GTA title but we got IV so there's not really a shortage of that.
The drone plane isn't that hard once you figure out gliding doesn't use gas. It's like the driver tutorial, it's not hard to do the game just doesn't examine it to you
>I'm not looking at it with 2002 eyes
Because you were born in 2004
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No shit?
They even got VAs from the film for many of the characters
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o rly?
>Hell there's a "Badfellas" movie poster just outside Luigi's club in III
There's also Mean Street Taxis in some of the GTA games
I didn't like Mean Streets 1973 all that much tbhonest, a lot of the tension felt shallow and it was hard to invest yourself into the characters...
>The newest GTA is over ten years old
It’s over
>no single player DLC
gta online ruined the game franchise more than anything else
Mean Streets is one of the very very few movies that made me laugh my ass off and it isn't even a comedy
Maybe has to do with me being ESL
I'll give you that, some scenes were pretty funny, I liked that one where he gets the shipment of jap adaptors instead of german lenses.
Don't watch it during a "le serious mafia crime documentary style gold standard drama" phase like me and it's a good movie in it's own right.
op is a retarded faggot. the businesses give you plenty of cash and unique missions to do, have their own side stories, and make perfect sense in the context of the overall plot as you're taking over vice city yourself and leaving sonny out of the action.
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i actually still really like the driving in GTA3 and there were open-worlded games that came out 10 years later that STILL couldn't get the driving physics right (e.g. Sleeping Dogs), often feeling too sensitive and/or dull characteristics. i haven't played many new open world games these days, but well into the 2010s i would still think "why can't this open world game have driving as good as GTA3 at least?"
so what? he still a traitor who left italy
who do you think you're fooling zoomer lying faggot
Maybe you weren't around back then, but in those days kids would have only a handful of games to play, so this was absolute gold for them.
I was a kid back then and thought doing boat missions for the Cubans was fucking gay when I wanted to kill Lance Vance
So you're a fucking idiot then because those missions aren't necessary.
>kill zombos with paintings
iunno kinda fun and 2 has a nice ost
>replay a mission 20 times
>get to next mission and repeat
this game sucks. the controls for shooting are awful, driving only adequate
>This whole game was literally made in 1 year.
And it shows. The game is a putrid pile of fecal waste.
bit of an overreaction
Thanks for letting us know you are terrible at video games. Children aged 12 were beating this game back on release while you struggle to finish it now.
>Bitch, be thankful the game
Dan sadly left the company
thanks /vr/ still has hope, thanks for making this board discussion better.

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