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Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2
>4chan Kit v0.3

- - - - - - -

>Knowledge Base

>RCT1 Manual

>Headless Server Guide (pls fix)

>Weekend Parks Archive
Woodie loops are an abomination.
I didn't know if anything needed to be changed in the OP as a heads up, so if anything should've been updated I apologize.
If you use loops on a wooden coaster, YOU are the faggot
I have the feeling that Giggle Downs was created just so they would have a cool quad-racing coaster for the main menu title screen.
It would make sense. There isn't really much going on in that scenario beyond it.
however boring the scenario is, it is the best use of the old-style single rail coaster in the game
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BlueBalled or ServerAnon hosting: proposing the empty Power Park landscape for this weekend (last park in this scenario pack)
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Only thing you missed is the previous thread: >>11065553
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bro we really need a search function in the scenario screen
mind if I keep the monorail? it's pretty nice
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I started working on creating Yucca Desert from Mother 1 in the scenario editor around a year ago and I feel like I'm making less progress every time I work on it.
perhaps you should have gone with a smaller scale, 999x911 is outrageously huge
Yeah probably, I feel like it's too late to turn back now or I'd have gone with half the size.
fun idea, let's roll with it.
Power Park [rides removed] hosted.
it's like mega park
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Whats with all the queues? The file I opened up doesn't have all of those
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I loaded up 17. Power Park instead of 21. Bonus - Power Park. Then I removed all of the rides. I didn't see that there was a fresh start file until after I had already set the objects. It was too late to start over at that point.
I took the liberty of manually removing the queue paths. May have missed one or two.
What? How will I know where to build now?
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I see it
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>go to bed
>wake up
>come back to park
>tracked guest is still there
You know what this park needs? A long ass splash boat ride
I don't know where else to post this that wouldn't 404 in five seconds, but how does one get into Planet Coaster? I've played RCT for so long that I've established construction patterns that net me decent excitement rating for all coaster types, but trying to build a wooden coaster in Planet Coaster was like an alien planet and I had no idea what to do with it.
It may be time to return to reality and take a look at real wooden coasters and try to copy them. Watch on-ride videos on youtube. That helped me.
are you a bad enough dude to add a functional transport ride system to your park?
Does anyone have a list of rides that benefit the most from scenery? I know the observation tower is no. 1 but what other rides should I bother decorating?
Just try and stop me.
Rollercoasters and most tracked rides benefit from scenery, with a notable exception. Transport rides get diminishing returns more quickly than other rides in my experience.
I can't believe the Eli Manning map was over a year ago

neat but
If we're posting cool RCT3 videos here is this
Weekend Map Download

I thought the map was pretty cool. It looks like a re-arranged Mega Park.
I love Ghost Town
I always wanted to do this as a kid and just got into openrct recently; is this actually worth doing or is it basically just a cool luxury thing for your park? It always seemed like the cost of the ride and the time they spend riding it would outweigh any benefits but I also mostly played this game game I was 10 so
Guests don't use transport rides to get to where they're heading, like a real person would. That doesn't mean they aren't useful, though. It's still a good way to transport guests to different areas of parks. And if the transport ride is free, guests that prefer intense rides will still go on them. It's an easy way to keep guests happy, give all guests a ride when it's rainy (if it's a covered ride), and you can rack up insane ridership numbers. Transport rides with high-capacity trains can help with crowding by getting guests off of your paths. It's common for transport rides on the weekend server to rack up 400,000+ riders over the course of one weekend.

TLDR: Yes, they have benefits that aren't obvious at first, but they keep guests happy and moving around.
yum, delicious spaghetti
whenever I see a guest with a cookie, it makes me want chocolate chip cookies
>actually theming Ghost Town
You're a brave player.
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gonna need a lift hill to get this thing going again
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>openrct on windows
just works, has multiplayer, support for mods etc
>rct classic on android
fucking crashes every 5 minutes losing a lot of progress every time i try to play
wtf do i do bros? how do i play RCT at work and get paid for it?
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can't you bullshit your way through the day with a cheap-o laptop?
I don't know if anon can install the game on his work pc/take his laptop at work
You could try OpenRCT2 on Android but it controls like ass.
save more often
OpenRCT2 on the Nintendo Switch with homebrew is a really good port.
What are we playing this weekend?
Pickle Park unbound
see >>11100141
no, we're doing Thunder Rock unbound
It looks like we're not doing anything
How about the Enlightenment map again?
It's up now
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This fucking idiot is braking constantly on the alpine coaster. 8 mph? really? we have merry go rounds if you want to go that slow, you fucking freak
This bullshit is why I only build alpine coasters after turning on the cheat for liftchain on all track pieces.
hey Im retarded and lost the IP for the server. What is it again?
Idea for a heightmap/park

heightmap is pic related
scenario name is Who Thrilled Laura Palmer
crop that pic to a smaller size and it would be perfect
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how's this?
>autistic screech
>ramming speed
363x287 is an acceptable map size.

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