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Why do SquareSoft PS1 ports of SNES games have such dogshit load times? You're putting fucking 1-4MB games onto a 600MB disc, this should not be an issue. The PS1 has 2MB of RAM, you could literally fit half of Chrono Trigger or ALL of Final Fantasy V into the memory. Shin Megami Tensei doesn't have this problem, and that's actually an enhanced port with 3D models and shit.
is there smt2 on ps1 english patch yet?
Yes anon, the file size of a game and the memory required to run it in any hardware are one and the same thing. You did it. You solved it. Can you hear the thundering sound of hundreds of time-traveling Square and Sony headhunters dashing towards you to offer you jobs and service you sexually due to your promethean insight? Brace yourself!
actually yeah
animal crossing can run without the disc on gamecube because it fits in the game's memory
memory is just the amount of data that can be loaded at one time
op thinks he can make a better port than the actual devs
No, but I think Atlus could and did.
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Animal Crossing running on a Gamecube is a game running on the console it was designed for. The one-time loading of a packed and compiled game for a different system that you suggest would still require an emulator to actually run it. That's actually the modern approach for many re-releases of 4th and below gen games, but the PS1 has problems running even a NES emulator at full performance.

Vib Ribbon is the sort of thing the PS1 could actually hold in its RAM without a disc to access data constantly; and that's what these (at least partially) rebuilt games do: access data constantly.

It's not a matter of memory, it's about access speed and frequency, which is the weak point of a CD drive. Could have it been optimized better? Maybe, but how big the filesize of the game is in ROM form has absolutely nothing to do with it.
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>Animal Crossing running on a Gamecube is a game running on the console it was designed for
Animal Crossing is a port of an N64 game.
That is the power of PlayStation
lol >>11099893 btfo
There is only one logical conclusion, Nintendo paid Square to make the games load slowly to make the SNES look better and defend the N64's severe lack of disc drive.
Indeed. I guess the PS1 is just weak, Square was just incompetent, or both.
>Square was just incompetent
They were on a technical level though. There was even an interview where they claimed the n64 had issues with their internal experiments to display a test character containing 2k triangles, while literal n64 launch titles could easily show that amount at 30fps within a full game scope.
I think they had a lot of skill issues when transitioning to 3D, just look at FF7
Load times are so you can pack your bowl.
FF VI is fine in my opinion.
Chrono Trigger on the other hand is completely dogshit on PS1.
Yeah, FFIV has no load times but compensates for this by having a massive load time when you restore from a saved game. But Chrono Trigger is just offensive.
ps1 was too weak
checked. PS1 btfo and SNES is king
not surprising considering basically every 5th generation RPG Square made seemed to have run into at least some development issues, it's honestly kind of low key miraculous that they seem to have mostly gotten their shit together for most of the 6th generation RPG's they made prior to the Enix merger
Digits can't lie.
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>the load times of a computer program are directly proportional to how big the program is on disk
Nice technical analysis
Can you delete this thread? It doesn't favor my agenda thanks
If things said ITT is true then shouldn’t loading the discs on a PS2/PS3 improve the load times?
Some games do have better load times on PS2 actually, I think there's like a fast disc mode option in the bios or something. It breaks some games though and also doesn't effect some.
this game was, no hyperbole, honest to god unplayable because of the load time when opening the menu.

I guess the chatgpt bots reached this board
What a retarded thread. OP is a hyperbolic faggot
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If you're emulating ps1, the load times don't matter because you can speed up the emulated disk read speed. This is another reason on the long list of reasons real hardware fags are just throwing money away.
PS one wuz on its last legs when this released so you have teh time 4 heavy loadan
so did square, for the first two games at least. who cares though? you can just play the originals these days since the additions are fairly minor, or the gba (ds for chrono trigger) versions if you want the additions.
#blaze it
Its a fun way to replay games like jrpgs. You just press a few buttons and watch some cut scenes.
There is, i dont think ive used that feature since ps2 came out. Certainly never have used it as an adult.
Speaking of shitty PS1 ports of SNES games...
It's a remake that reuses the character art sprite and they're stretched out so they clash with the 3d backgrounds, but everything else is good. I'd rather the GBA version with extra content get translated desu
This doesn't work with all games, causes some to hang. You can also fix some framerate issues in some games with overclocking but it doesn't work properly with all games either. Has to do with how the games were coded.
>I'd rather the GBA version with extra content get translated desu
what extra content does it have?
The PS1 version of SMT1 was really good.
Some new demons, items and new side story scenarios that explain extra things about the game world and story. I think there may be some minor extra postgame stuff but the postgame in SMT2 was not very good and didn't have any extra bosses, just some easier ways to find fiends and kill them over and over for rare item drops.
>new side story scenarios
usually they're pretty bad when Atlus does this kind of thing.
what are you cooking mr johnson?
they were rushed out past the port of 4 which has decent loading times

according to japanese sources (atwiki) 4 is completely loaded into memory

either way the soundtracks are much worse than the snes versions
I thought Anthology (FFV and FFVI) came first, the Chronicles (FFIV and Chrono Trigger), and finally Origins (FFI and FFII).
>You're putting fucking 1-4MB games
How much RAM does the PS1 have?
Yes, this is correct.
>either way the soundtracks are much worse than the snes versions

How could the PS1 possibly sound worse than the SNES version, when the PS1 sound chip is literally just a more advanced version of the SNES sound chip?
in japan they were released together
4 5 and 6
idk but they do
look it up
the sound effects and music sound objectively worse and quite different
actually no sorry that was wrong
jp Wikipedia says they were released stand alone first
iv in 97
v in 98
and vi in 99 along with the collection of them all 3
I do this with Wizardry on PS2. I slightly speed it up duty OC by 20%.
2MB, as said in the later part of the post
nigger if the entire game is 2mb then it only takes 2mb of memory to load up the entire game.
you're retarded.
>smoking weed ever
embarrassing. kill yourself, burnout
I should add that this is the correct order in which the games were released in the US.

Can't say for sure how it worked out elsewhere.
yea but since it's a cd it needs to spin to get to the information
There's also redbook audio in those versions.
It's actually an emulator running a ROM that patches in an English translation on the fly. You can check this yourself by putting the physical disc of FF6 in your computer, or mounting an iso. There's a Japanese ROM on the disc.
the japanese version has bad load times too
Then it has to do with the SNES emulator
but there's a different save screen with mem card slots and more save files
so it's not like a straight emulation, actually it might just be extracting assets from the rom and not emulating at all
After downloading a BIN/CUE and looking at it it doesn't seem to be what I remember, but maybe it's raw files "optimized" for PS1? Regardless it seems to be based on a kind of beta translation considering there's some untranslated elements in the PS1 version from what I remember.

It's been about 20+ years since I checked it out using a CD-ROM drive so bear with me here.

Chrono Trigger has a ROM.BIN which if you load into an emulator - is the JP ROM of CT.
anon, you are the bot
ok, run kkrieger on the ps1, it's just 96kb, plenty of free space left
can't argue against those digits
>Vib Ribbon is the sort of thing the PS1 could actually hold in its RAM without a disc to access data constantly
Ridge Racer did this as well, and that was a launch title.
Animal Crossing on the other side, that was a N64 game ported to the GameCube with barely any changes.
You don't understand dude we NEED the ugly CG FMVs that you skip every time besides the first
i’d be curious to see if these checksum the same as what’s been archived for SNES
SHA-1 is 2f7d18afc1597d335de97208fbfbe903c02ebfc4

CRC-32 is F2CB76A2

Don't ask me about whether it's headered or unheadered
>Why do SquareSoft PS1 ports of SNES games have such dogshit load times?

you don't undertand it and you will never be. Because you weren't alive in Europe between 1999-2003

We got every final fantasy from 1 to 9 except 3 on psx.
I suppose this was either dumped from a "master" cartridge using some pirate tool or was compiled from the game sources.
But knowing how incompetent Square always been with archiving their own stuff it's possibly the former.
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Why would I emulate a PS1 emulating a SNES game you fucking retard.
Because it's not emulation probably
It’s actually hilarious how even at the height of their success they could not port a SNES game.
Not that this is an unusual thing across the spectrum of Square releases and they were even the ones who did the Pixel Remasters, but they were developed by Tose.
>Why do PS1 games have such dogshit load times?
You answered your own question
I never felt it was an issue, the loading during battles was barely a second. The data was probably compressed so took up more than 4mb after loading, who knows how much more. I was happy, nice looking 2D graphics running at a crisp frame rate, not common on ps1.

Theres a bunch of interesting file names on the disc, maybe the source could be generated from them.
I remember people saying the load times in FF4 were fine but Chrono Trigger was unbearable, yet the opposite was true for me. Never knew why. FF4 was REALLY bad though, like a full three seconds between pressing triangle and the menu popping up.
N64 ports were easier because they were mostly developed in C and were easier to port to new consoles. Onimusha was an N64 game
I have the PAL version of Anthology, so FF IV and V, and the loading times in 4 are barely noticeable.
It was released years after the US port so they may have improved it.

Our version of FFVI has awful loading times for battles and menu, though.
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>yea but since it's a cd it needs to spin to get to the information

pls learn how computers work ffs
imo it's only REALLY bad in Chrono Trigger. In FF4-6 you have seperate battle screens so like an extra 1-2 second load is annoying but not a huge deal. In Chrono Trigger though all battles take place on the same screen as exploration, so load times mean your characters just awkwardly stand there for a while.
>Sped up load times
Not as the dev intended and you didn't beat the game.
Bro the ps1 ports were software based.+ source code
Japanese are notoriously shit programmers.
The PSP can barely run SNES games how do you expect the PS1 to do actual emulation of it and how do you expect SQUARE to be the ones competent enough to do it
To be fair a JRPG is just a glorified VN, barely counts as a game to begin with.
>Keep hearing Japanese are bad at programming
>Fire up some gaijin games to see what I'm missing
>Load game, runtime error, reconfigure my computer for 5 days, get that baby running.
>Start off, camera clipping through walls, but it's okay... glitch through the floor and fall into an endless black abyss.
>Reload game, finally, some combat, enemy AI is nonexistent and balance is so broken I can easily win any encounter or cheese any situation
>Figure I'll try some sidequests, endless poorly planned fetch quests which I have to be careful with as they are often tied to gamebreaking bugs which can halt progress in said quest or the entire game itself
>NPC's operate in completely ridiculous ways and are often stuck halfway through a wall due to clipping issues, teleporting around or walking into corners
>Hit a strange glitch and am hurled 1000 feet across the map into an unfinished out of bounds area
>Reload a save and get back to answering multiple choice questions involving shallow tacked on themes about morality to progress the plot until the final literal who boss who is easily cheesed
Low energy console
The OP did not claim this at all you liar
>OP did not claim this at all you liar
It's weirder than that. The PS1 wasn't able to emulate the SNES so what they did was have native PS1 code fetch assets from an SNES rom. So it's kind of like they only half-ported the game. The game code was ported to PS1 but whenever they need graphics they root around the rom file. This is as inefficient as it sounds.
I had an emulator+games on a disc and it ran Chrono Trigger better than the ps1 version.
Do coke like an adult.
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Who the fuck said anything about smoking anything? Fuckers got something against cereal? Munch a bunch a munch a munch.
>The PSP can barely run SNES games
Works on my machine (60% of half the time)
it was normalizing uncompressed textures and audio just that for the future and worked.
yet easier to work was a flaw since ps1 got plagued by kusoge.
>Gambare goemon ps1 : kusoge of the year and the one that killed the franchise.
>Gambare goemon n64 : kamige of the year.
we have more kusoge in ps1 then what people think
>Gundam ps1, this one was weird with the live action stuff and shitty control.
>Yugi oh : this one was really bad, the rules and stuff made no sense.
>Ancient roman power of the dark side : quite bad
You haven't even heard of Ancient Roman until it got translated a few days ago, shut up.
Naahh i played it long ago, surprised when i saw this video of the game.
Thought i was the only one that played it.
It was so shitty you surprised me never thought this kusoge would get a translation.
This. PeeShit 1 shills BTFO LMAO
> pairing stims with jrpgs
stims are for action games, anon.

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