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Played Hybrid Heaven for the first time today and really enjoyed it. It's not the best game ever or anything but Im surprised I don't hear about this one more often, or even at all really. Really liked the story and atmosphere and had a lot of fun with its still pretty unique combat system. If I had to complain about anything its that the game just feels a bit slow. Thankfully its not very long, I beat it in about 8 hours, but its definitely one of those games that feels like its about three times longer than it actually is.

Any of you guys play this one? What did you think? If you haven't, I really recommend checking it out.
I REALLY wanted to like this one. Metal Gear Solid vibes mixed with pro wrestling? That's right up my alley. But for all I played of it, there was hardly any cutscenes or story, and the entire game was the same looking hallway fighting some goofy looking alien over and over. It never evolved. The fights felt pretty strange as well.
At some point I'll go back and beat it because it is such a strange game, but I didn't enjoy it the one time I sat down to play it.
It's the only good N64 game
Cool game but it's way too repetitive.
I daresay it was one of the games that were ahead of it's time. It blended RPG elements with fighting mechanics in a 3D environment, which was somewhat innovative for its time, and targeting specific body parts of enemies added a bit of strategy. The controls and pacing were a bit cumbersome. Hybrid Heaven could be seen as a precursor to later games that successfully integrated RPG elements with action gameplay more seamlessly.
I agree, it's likely most people were idiots like >>11099958 who expected MGS because that is the only thing Konami does right? But it really is one of the best N64 games
>I REALLY wanted to like this one
I'm glad retards often start their posts with this line so I know to ignore them.
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Which parts did you like? Which parts did you not like? Favorite enemy? You basically collect them like pokemon for the multiplayer 1vs1.

Only like 7-14 of us ever played it and we kind of go off and on months or years long breaks waiting for the next new guy. So no wonder you never hear a peep of it. Welcome to the club. Loved hitting the glasses off the MiB. Since I owned the game I grinded so hard I stumbled on the one time only super secret boss Ayy which comes out of a specific yellow square and you only ever fight the thing exactly once.
Worst part of the game when I was a kid was that fucking giant robot. My kid brain could not conceive that you could shoot it and hurt it with the squirt sounding EMP(?) gun. In comparison, the two giant ass Ayys that looked like xenomorphs who decided to hit the gym and get stacked was one of the hardest parts it was a really cool showdown with an intuitive grasp on what to do and getting past that is a great feeling of triumph when the camera doesn't fuck you over.
I had my character leveled up pretty high, then my controller pack got corrupted and I lost a ton of rare moves and I didn't want to start over, I really loved the combos, at this day and age it feel weird to describe a game that is fighting rpg with turn based mechanics
For some retarded ass reason i always confuse hybrid heaven and winback. Anyway, hybrid heaven is pretty decent but i never finished it.
one of the most cinematic games ive seen
My zoomer brother was obsessed with this game for a while.
Ah, this brings back memories. Its how $ony fanboys used to cope when another 11/10 Perfect Dark dropped.
Konami did a lot of cool stuff. Breaks my heart that they're doing slot machines now and just sitting on so many IPs.
I really dont want to see what they do with mgs, but yeah, konami has a ton of cool ips that could easily(?) Be revived or dusted off.
it's too late, leave it dead
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>the section with the giant lizard that chases you
You think that is bad?

Later on there are two of them and you have to do a perfect jump with a sudden camera angle snapping at the last moment. Good luck.
I will never forget that part because when I first played HH I didnt have a memory pak and like and idiot I decided to play anyway instead of waiting and I got that far in and fell and died.
The fact that we haven't gotten a real Goemon game in 20 years hurts. I'd even settle for a collection at this point (if they translated all the games).
I really think they should just sell them to a more competent company.
Monkey's Paw
It's cheap on eBay. Been wanting to get it since I heard it's a wrestling game with RPG elements, sounds really interesting
Fuck that boss fight with the giant robot, the one that requires you to use your shitty "not gun" instead of a regular MMA match to the death.
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>You basically collect them like pokemon for the multiplayer 1vs1.
This was fucking amazing. I got a few buddies of mine into this game and we challenge each other when we visit. Yes, I bring my controller pak
My brother I know what you mean. I was glad that nobody was around when i finally figured out you just shoot the damn thing.
Anyone else fuck with hi-res mode?
I don't really care about the low framerate because most of the game is very slow in nature anyway, with a lot of it being semi turn based, and I can play just fine, while enjoying the higher textures and cleaner visuals.
it has been a very long time but i don't remember hi-res mode making any noticeable difference other then a new intro sequence. This was on a CRT btw so it may be a lot more noticeable on monitors now. I doubt it though.
I played it on my consumer Trinitron and it's very obvious the textures are all higher res.
Really enjoyed this game in my teenage years.
I was kinda bummed the Diaz look was just a disguise, since he looked a lot cooler than that faggot johnny. The combat was pretty fun and the exploration and areas were nice. I beat most of the game spamming the two mid kicks you start out with, so my legs were attack lv 25 or 26, oh and I loved the piledriver and headbutt moves.

Like other anons mentioned, getting chased by that big roided lizard was pretty intense, and I died on that part a bunch, which forced me to buy a mempak. The fight with two of them was pretty fucking bullshit, but other than that the game was generally pretty fair, I guess shooting robots/turrets got annoying sometimes. Loved the RPG elements, and the growth you experience, but I did get annoyed when those fuckers did the move I wanted and that homo johnny wouldn't learn it, fucking rng nonsense.

Overall pretty fun game.
Need to replay it.
Somehow it gave me SMT vibes.
The ayylmaos hidden mini city was comfy as fuck.
There is a guy who did a comparison and while it looks like the vaseline was wiped off the framerate is so bad later in the video. Plus the textures are still mostly that same blended vague combo of shapes + colors which gives that signature "WTF am I looking at?" effect so I son't get your hopes up about that being changed.

I have this game and started playing it again recently when I go home to my dad's place. I never beat it as a kid and plan to complete it over the holidays now. I'm a little bit past the monster chase part.
I always liked the wrestling/RPG mechanic.
Merry Christmas
Hybrid Heaven is a xmas game
I was floored that it suddenly went all "just on time to meet my girlfriend for christmas" ending. Like as a kid I was happy I finally beat it but in hindsight it was very contrived.
You mean you don't like xmas endings?
Yeah as I said it looks cleaner, and since the game isn't super fast paced anyway tye lower framerate didn't bother me.
Opposed to, for example, Star Wars Racer, where framerate did matter.
Considering you can just emulate the game with clean textures without hi-res mode I have to ask, are you playing this on OG hardware?
>are you playing this on OG hardware?
Yes, and on CRT.
I also bring my controller pak to my friend's house so we can VS 1on1

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