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nostalgia aside, is there a DEFINITIVE way to play crt-era videogames?

>inb4 just buy the original console and a 500kg trinitron
no, physicalshit dies eventually, and even if we could remake them perfectly in fdvr it still wouldn't be the "definitive" way to play

for example, screen curvature is shit. not a single game was designed with screen curvature in mind, and there were "straight" screen crts anyway

obviously you still need a shader for stuff like dithering and color bleeding, but stuff like "bezel reflections" are a fucking meme since they aren't part of the picture
stealth crt shader thread
>is there a DEFINITIVE way to play
Outside of altering gameplay/cheating, it's all personal preference.
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oh another example: geometry correction in duckstation. it LITERALLY has no downsides, no games were designed with warped geometry in mind.
i'm not sure crt shader is even required. ntsc one might even be enough?
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this for example is 100% wrong and soulless because 1. boosting internal resolution makes it look worse and 2. no scanlines
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but this on the other hand is a straight improvement. if psx pro came out it would've have proper geometry out of the box
talking purely about pgxp, not the hd upscaling obviously
is ntsc composite responsible for shit like sonic's waterfall transparency and dracula's eyes?
What settings on the ntsc crt shader to get the pixel blending effect of the scanlines…but get rid of the dark horizontal gaps? filled in better. That would basically be the ultimate.
No, that's just horizontal blur
depends on your shader. look up for parameters, you should be able to tone down scanlines and horizontal sharpness
>what's 2+2 and don't give me any of that 4 shit
Contrary to popular belief, this effect is entirely unrelated to CRT display technology. Generally, the color blending usually attributed to CRT setups is actually a sort of compression artifact of NTSC video signals. This means that the effect is completely visible on any monitor, including ones with etched-out pixels like LCDs; the real magic touch is the Composite (RCA) cables.
>is there a definitive way
>but not the actual definitive way
shitty original hardware ISN'T the definitive way, sorry boomers but that's a fact
The definitive way to play old games is emulated on your phone with touchscreen controls.
>t. seething trinitroon owner
??? I said the definitive way is on your phone with touchscreen controls. It's portable, easy, and allows you a 1:1 connection with the game. The fuck is your problem.
read the thread
I did and I gave you the answer. All the ramblings about muh shaders is just noise. Pure pixels on a high res screen is the definitive way to play.
well you're wrong but thanks for your input anyway
buy the controller for the console > usb connector > best emulator for that console
crt, shaders etc don't matter, just play the fucking game and stop posting about minor things.
>buy the controller for the console > usb connector > best emulator for that console
>crt, shaders etc don't matter, just play the fucking game and stop posting about minor things.
do you even play games?
Is this the cope thread? You know you can always get a decent 80s or 90s CRT for cheap and just use that instead of going on frothing cope about how using an emulator and an array of shaders is somehow more "definitive" than just using the display that you're desperately trying to simulate
can't even tell what I'm looking at

Oh, it's Princess Peach!
fucking shaderfags and their multiple threads discussing the same topic
wrong question
>all crts are shit, i just want color blending and scanlines
I accept your concession
Lowres ips
Native 640 by 480 led screen bitch
I'm shooding ahh I'm gonna shood
I don't want to play on a 14" someone fished out of a dumpster to sell to me for 50-100 dollars, I want to play on my 55" TV, and with shooders I can get the best of both worlds. Child me would be in his element.
what shader
>is there a DEFINITIVE way to play crt-era videogames?
Now, the question is can you accept this answer?
There was as much difference between different types of CRTs as there is between different types of LCDs.
I don't know, try searching the image in the archive. A couple of posts have suggested it's "Royale XM29"
If CRT examples are going to be shown with mask and scanlines, shouldn't LCD examples be shown with subpixels?
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>shouldn't LCD examples be shown with subpixels
i guess only the low-res ones?
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I can't tell if you're joking, but I certainly don't remember GameCube games looking blurry as shit on my CRT. Upscaling makes them look like how I remember them, and then add a CRT filter to smooth out 2D elements like >>11100361
soulless and completely different experience
Soooo...HD CRT's & Sharp Aquos LCD 2002-era aren't an option either...?

Deary me, so stupid of me to even suggest that..
>is there a DEFINITIVE way to play crt-era videogames?
Yes. There is. In whatever way you want. Fuck what anyone else things. You want a filter? Go for it. Maybe a shader? Absolutely fine. You want it raw? Go nuts. An authentic CRT? Why not?
There's no wrong way to do it.
My big Trinitron's geometry is finally starting to go. Pretty dire warping on both sides now. It's a shame, but I don't think I'll get another one. Prices for decently sized sets are beginning to go mental around my area, I think it's just time to let go. I've never really understood shaders that do screen curvature or bezel effects, it just seems like nostalgia porn that doesn't serve the pixel art whatsoever.

Upscaling isn't ALWAYS bad but for a system like the PS1 I much prefer downsampling or shaders. 6th gen can go either way, sometimes cel-shades games in particular look great in HD. But if I play a game in it's native res, I never really feel like I'm "missing out" by not boosting the internal res. Ya gotta tinker and find which look you like best.

just get a wii2hdmi, retard
All these CRT and LCD shader comparisons that zoom into the screen aren't representative of how you play these games - either several feet away from a TV/monitor or at least a foot away with a handheld. Pixel art is digital mosaic, your eyes at a distance will blend pixels together to create the illusion. The blur of a CRT makes an even stronger illusion, especially if the artist kept that type of display in mind, but it's not entirely lost on an LCD. Even if it's not the original hardware the pixel art was designed for, you'll still get 'most' of the final representation at the right distance. Playing on a CRT is fine, playing with raw pixels or a shader on an OLED is fine, playing with the original LCD screens on a handheld is fine. I do all three and don't have a preference.
Yeah it's crt royale xm29plus. It's a preset and it's pretty good.
I was sad when my big 36 inch trinitron tv from my childhood that my parents gave to me when they got an HD tv died. Thing weighed more than I do though so moving it was a pain in the ass. Recent crt shaders do a good job recreating the look at least.
sorry sweetie but color blending being a part of the rendering pipeline is an undeniable fact and lcds don't do that
>nostalgia aside, is there a DEFINITIVE way to play crt-era videogames?
On a consumer CRT TV
If thats not an option then just do whatever, not like it matters. Playing the game matters more then fretting over such trivial things.
Its just technology doing the squinting for you.
>I certainly don't remember GameCube games looking blurry as shit on my CRT
Take a dump on top of a pile of manure. It will all blend together and nothing will stand out. Now take a display specialized on high-resolution pictures and feed it some low-res content; things will immediately look weird. That's why those games seemed more harmonic on a CRT.
> for example, screen curvature is shit. not a single game was designed with screen curvature in mind, and there were "straight" screen crts anyway
It looks cool
Simulated curvature is fine, but i wouldn't spend resolution on it with anything less than 4K to work with

Slot mask + composite video shaders are what i've liked for 4th gen, having grown up playing them that way. i often prefer 3rd gen without composite artifacts, having experienced it very little as a child.

i once accidentally started MAME with GBA shaders and i liked it so i've continued doing it. there's multiple large arcades here that are pay once freeplay or effectively freeplay for me so i can go to those to play on real CRTs
Wind Waker is a great example because I distinctly remember the depth of field especially.
When I emulated it, I thought it was missing because of a bug. Turns out it just goes away when you upscale.
>implying 90% of the shader autists aren't playing on their desktop PC using a keyboard with their nose 8 inches from the screen
How do you know what 8 inches is anon?
It's 4 inches longer than my dick and 2 inches longer than your mom's clit!
why would you admit to having a small dick on the internet... just lie...
yeah with a fucking controller

You're human garbage.
Why can't you decide for yourself what looks good? Why? Why, why, why? Answer me right fucking now, you stupid little shit. Why do you need permission and advise on how to play video games? Why do you need someone else to tell you the "correct" way to do it? Why do your testicles retract up in your body at the thought of making decisions for yourself?
>oo-o-ohh my god am i doing this right?? are these the right pixels?? what if i get it wrong?? i won't have any fun if I don't get the pixels right!!!

I want to know what the fuck actually produces goblins like you. I want to know what the FUCK goes so wrong in a child's life that it creates an impotent, infantile, helpless squealing monster like you. I seriously want to fucking know this. I'm sick of seeing 20+ threads of this shit every single day. Consider me an armchair sociologist. What the fuck happened to you, that you are so weak and frightened and helpless at the idea of playing a video game?
take your meds schizo. i just don't want to think through the whole thing for myself so i'm looking for based consensus on /vr/
Why are you dictating what "soul" is to other people?
Why is trying to improve the framerate of older games soulless?
Well games on the NES and earlier Genesis titles expected some sort of shimmer due to the wires the console came with
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See I don't remember it being that pronounced at all, I distinctly remember Wind Waker being one of the first older games I tried to play when I got an HDTV and remember wondering why it looked so shit and blurry, as it does blown up in an emulator.

I think blowing up native resolution to a modern display makes it look far blurrier than it ever would have on a CRT, and you're right that the more you upscale the more it lessens the distance blur effect that is supposed to be present to some extent. I did some comparisons where I looked at the native resolution at true size and then trying to replicate that at full screen, and I think upscaling to 720p might be the sweet spot (for my display resolution anyway) to what the game "should" look like.

Although on a personal point I'm not sure I'm that fond of the so-called "depth-of-field effect", it's more like short-sighted effect. I do like how distant islands have a slight blur though, but that's present even at 1440p upscaled.
Jesus Christ, have mercy. This board gets stupider by the day.
just buy the original console and a 500kg trinitron

otherwise emulation is usually good enough.

holy shit right is so soulless
CRT TV + decent PC

>>inb4 just buy the original console and a 500kg trinitron
>no, physicalshit dies eventually
We're talking currently though.
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I share your frustration too, anon, butiIt's not that complicated. They just want to gobble up information that they won't take into consideration later or won't even attempt to try out whatever was suggested. People don't want to have conversations on here anymore much less argue in good faith, so, as you said, they just regurgitate the same talking points, images, etc. like robots.
I feel like OP's deliberately trying to start a flamewar with his retarded stipulations while trying to argue "objectively" on a subjective topic and you can see it in his posts:
>i'm looking for based consensus on /vr/

>No that doesn't count!

He literally just wants you to entertain him.
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That's the only correct way to play old games.
That's 95% of posters on this fucking site
The file being in GIF format really exaggerates how bad the pre-shader image looks.
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The image im attaching is done using the build-in shaders in Duckstation (crt/crt-consumer)
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This one is without the GIF artifacting.
Right looks better. Left is all blurry and dark. Sit further from your monitor/TV, dolt.
Some like consuming art their intended way or seeing what was really intended to look like, not everyone mindlessly consumes and treats art as toys
What part of the game is this anyways?
There's someone out there playing games like this and he's having the time of his life. It used to be me.
My Mega Drive never looked this crappy, must be because I was a PALfag
nah that shader definitely is overtuned
Something like this better showcases it.
I have never seen the Medusa heads rendered correctly until I added the shimmer
its in the players house, so you can go there within the first 5 minutes.
how do you even add shimmer, what is the shader parameter? or do you have to apply a specific shimmer shader?
I think we all enjoy our own degree of CRT-ness.
I dont want geometry curve, shimmer, or NTSC artifacting. I just want some scanlines and a very subtle mask to hide some the obvious pixels, and a bit of glow/bloom.

Depending on the game/console i use mdapt to blend checkerboard and vertical line patterns.

a very conservative debanding on some PS1 games.
I honestly am not sure, different shaders have it under different parameters, i use a heavily altered version of one of Sonkun's CRT rainbow presets with no scanlines because I sit close to my monitor.
CRT Royale on your LG C2

can we stop having this gay fucking thread
Why is your Zelda II NES webm 5 times larger than 256×240??
high res shader
crts didn't have cancer inducing wobble like that unless they were fucked up
because there's no need for shaders at original resolution?
80 cables did
Just let go of the past
The definitive way to play CRT-era games is on your favorite consumer-grade CRT using S-Video for anything that doesn't rely on composite artifacting and then use a good VCR with 2D comb filter or an Extron YCS to convert S-Video to very clean composite if you want specific artifacts or to remove dithering. If a console can do component and you have a nice Trinitron, give that a shot. If you can do 480p for a game then use a nice VGA CRT. You can ignore RGB for the most part. Done.
I have a CRT monitor but I was considering picking up a plasma just in case, why do people ignore them? I havent seen any good comparison videos or reason to avoid them
it is subtle but that is why I like it. I also prefer to fill all that empty space up with a grid with some games.
I think there was literally just one PS1 table that relied on the wobble but I don't remember which one it was.
The upside of honesty is that I now trust that anon with my life.

on topic I think you honestly have to cook your own CRT shader setup using ReShade (unless you're playing with RetroArch in which case good luck with managing those shaders). Use ColorMask to make close-to-white brightness less affected by your CRT shader. afaik nothing like ColorMask exists in RetroArch.
The only good plasmas are the last gen Pioneer ones (made in Japan). A high end Kuro will support 1080p, have acceptable input lag with the PC input option (I compared to a 144hz PC monitor and they're nearly identical) and take HDMI input. They're brighter than a CRT but not as much as LCD/LED/OLED.
>B-but anon, plasmas will have burn in after an hour of gaming
Good thing the Kuros have an built in menu option to clear any burned in HUD elements, just run it for a few minutes after a multi hour gaming session and you're back to new.
>I was considering picking up a plasma just in case, why do people ignore them
Usually because they're only really great for 7-8th gen gaming. 1080p content looks incredible on a plasma and they exhibit the same color depth and motion clarity of a CRT without the usual geometry shit you'd get with a widescreen WEGA trititron at the corners. It's a shame that plasmas never got the 4k treatment, but with PHOLED displays coming out soon who knows if it'll finally be the end game to replace CRTs (doubtful).
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everything looks better with a crt shader
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You cant see the scanlines on a real CRT unless you're way too close
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There's a Mexican taco place down the street from where I live that has had the same Ms. Pac-Man arcade machine in there since I first saw it like 20 years ago. The screen is a little burnt in, but other than that it's tip top. I had a CRT tv go lights out on me, but I got it at a surplus store and man did that shit have some miles on it; covered in cigarette burns and filthy...pretty sure it was in some mechanic's shop based on the smell and some grease marks on the side. Now, you can't find CRT TVs at surplus stores anymore....and it seems like people are catching on because they're getting more and more expensive on Craigslist. I was able to snag one from a garage sale that looked like new from a lady that said she only had it for about a year before she won a plasma in a raffle, and so it was just sitting in her spare bedroom. I've had THAT set for about 5 years, and I play my old NES on it almost daily. I don't know exactly what kills these things but my grandmother still had a working Zenith Space Command before she went off to a resting home....I wanted to bring that in to my place, but it was one of those that's not just a TV but like a piece of furniture, so I would've needed like two other dudes to help me bring it in, and my apartment is already small as it is.

So I'm pretty sure these things are going to be around for a while...but best get one now before they become vintage.
when does this game get good
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What's the problem with a sharper look? After all, it's what an LCD screen does best.
And it's the same with a good filter. You don't see them unless up close but at medium distance you still get that nice blend.
so is OLED truly the next step or is that cope?
The Commodore 1084 monitor preset is pretty close to the real thing.
Thats a Retroarch preset?
OLEDs have their own drawback, their poor diode lifespan. Consumers once upon a time would have gotten SED displays had LCD not been so popular and cheap in the late 2000s, and PHOLED is looking to be fixing the shortcomings of OLED.
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I'm a huge fan of the Retro tink 4K
>scanlines on a home console
Fuck off.
? are you retarded?
for me? it's sony megatron on my 4k oled tv
What are you using?
Any way to get a good CRT shader with MPV?
Don't ShaderGlass or ReShade work?
Not him but but with crt-guest-advanced-ntsc go in the parameters and set NTSC merge fields to No and NTSC phase to 2 phase
Then you can adjust the intensity by playing with NTSC Fringing
It is, modern ones in particular. Older gen OLEDs are shit though.
I like upscaling + shaders.
You can play videos in Retroarch using the FFMPEG core. HOWEVER subtitles dont work due to a bug thats not been fixed for 4 years.
I'd say crt-consumer.glslp is the way to go, but I digress, use whatever works for you, that's the real answer... when it comes to the "definitive" way of playing, whatever looks good for you.
It's kinda blurry.
I get you need to blend the dither, especially in that game, but man.
I know, I just like the look, crt-consumer.glslp has options to make it less blurry, I just don't do it because I have issues, it's all personal.
Buy a CRT
Live with the pixels, they look nice. You only need to blur them, block them with lines, distort them and blend them because you expect to be playing a cartoon or something. Respect the jagged edges.
The 2 most important things are scanlines and composite video emulation. Everything else, including phosphor masks, is a fucking meme. I use crt-guest-advanced-ntsc with the mask turned off and all other meme features (like glow, halation, vignette, curvature, etc.) turned off as well, with the only things active being the NTSC (composite) shader and the scanlines. It looks borderline identical to my CRT TV from a normal viewing distance.

Once you get to 6th gen though, when games rendered in 480i and you wouldn't see scanlines anyway, you shouldn't use shaders at all.
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There are still 2D elements in 6th gen games that improve with a subtle filter
Have you tried crt-blurPi-soft.glsp? I use that on my chinkheld and I can ever go back now.
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Without the shader. Notice all the vertical lines and overall pixellation that's supposed to be smooth gradients/shading.
>Once you get to 6th gen though, when games rendered in 480i and you wouldn't see scanlines anyway, you shouldn't use shaders at all.
Disagree, the effect is not as noticeable for 3D but it's still nice for 2D and text.
The definitive way is to play with a piece of shit CRT from the 80s your parents got (or would've gotten) on sale at Wal or K-Mart.
This is probably the best comparison between two images that I've seen that depicts scanlines/crt shader looking better than without. I've long refused to use shaders, but this is so obviously different. Scan lines are blending the grass that Ristar is standing on, and the background of the mountains, to a positive effect. The weird red flower on the bottom left has a much nicer looking shine in the shader version.
This game ASBOLUTELY needs an NTSC shader.
The red splotches on the ground are fucking eye searing, even with an RGB CRT shader.
Thanks, it makes the biggest difference in Genesis, Saturn, and PSX games in my experience, since those games use dithering so heavily. The NTSC shader just blends all the together and you end up seeing a lot of effects that are completely broken if the signal is too clean. The scanlines give the pixel art more depth and make it look less like a bunch of squares as well. Any other aspects of a CRT, like the phosphor mask and curvature etc. are just superficial and don't really play a role in the way the actual image looked in my opinion.
I play games at native resolution with Crt-guest and the sharpness on my monitor turned down to 33% and set graphics card to display scaling.

That is just me.
shit like silent hill 2 still used dithering
This game still holds up.
You need to turn on NTSC or something to blend those pixels
If you can't get the original console and CRT, then the next best thing would be to play the games at native res with a CRT filter.

It really does. I still prefer QuackShot, Lucky Dime Caper and Deep Duck Trouble over this, even Goin' Quackers/Quack Attack, but this is still a sublime platformer you can't go wrong with at all.
>visible dithering
you didn't beat the game
holy SOVL

this dude based or cringe? >>11107056 is scanlines + composite only? sus
That looks absolutely horrible. Also, the curving looks beyond retarded. When using a real CRT the curvature is not obvious.
The wobbly polygons are pure soul.
>he actually plays games
lmao cringe
I only boot a game to take screenshots of my shaders. Is there even a reason to play?
sad but also true and based and redpilled
>boot a game
>this doesn't look as good as I think it should
>test some shaders
>after a lot of testing I'm pretty sure I've found the set I'll use
>turn off the game ready to play with the awesome new shaders next time
>is scanlines + composite only? sus
The actual stack is white point + crt-guest-advanced-ntsc + sharp-bilinear, but white point just gives it a cooler color temperature and sharp-bilinear is because I force a 4:3 aspect ratio instead of a 1:1 PAR. The only other things I tweaked other than scanlines are related to color and sharpness and are totally optional. Here's the preset if you care to try it, using Vulkan. I just use some variant of these settings with minor tweaks for everything (except arcade games where I use regular crt-guest-advanced without the ntsc). https://pastebin.com/jgr7SBWC
It was released in the shader forums some time ago.
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Thanks anon, but this looks like fucking shit on my gameboy color games on my 60 inch TV from 6 feet away
Well yeah I would imagine, since GBC games weren't designed for CRT displays or composite video. There's already shaders to emulate handheld displays, just use one of those.
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then uh... go fuck yourself? My shader is excellent the fact you were born long after CRTs were used doesnt matter.
Which shader is this? I've tried several and can't get the Pokemon Stadium games to look right, usually the text looks fucked up, but this looks good.
I know it's not obvious on a real CRT, the reason I use it is because I think it looks cool, also when I play it's also not obvious, it's more subtle if you aren't paying attention to it.
Yeah but game boy had an lcd screen
I think it's just a slightly tweaked version of Guest's advanced crt.
The text pops really well with this shader, please post the preset
Can you paste the slangp file in https://pastebin.com/ and share it please?
I cannot figure out how to replicate this in guest advanced
or upload using https://catbox.moe/
here is the preset i use for NES/SNES/GBC/GBA if anyone cares:
thanks just found my new shader
dun wanna
None of these shaders posted so far actually look like a CRT. Why even bother? Just get real hardware.
Here we see the defensive CRTcuck, seething that the objects he bases his personality around are becoming defunct.
They're not defunct until you retards can come up with a shader that actually looks like a CRT. Most of these images aren't even integer scaled so the fake slot masks are all stretched and fucked up.
>same shader for SNES and GBA
sounds horrible anon
No one's going to be buying your 14" shitty CRT for $1000.
I doubt anyone actually remembers what it was like to play on a CRT.
I've always been really conflicted on PGXP. On one hand leaving it disabled IS accurate to how the system actually was so it's objectively a more "definitive" experience if you are trying to replicate what people who played on the original hardware saw. On the other hand, the polygon jitter and lack of a z-buffer were directly caused by the console being rushed out in time for Christmas in 1994 and would likely have not been issues if they had more time, and it's clear from stuff like your image that games were clearly not designed with this in mind.
Most of the people that are anti CRT are either women or they’re renting
You can’t really have one when you don’t own your property
What do you mean?
It's always so telling when someone claims CRTs have a definitive "look". You're clearly too young to have ever used one.

>if you no use picture box then you girl!
What a weird cope.
>What a weird cope.
It's the truth anon, women hate CRT's
Also yes, most CRT's have a definitive look, even between slot mask and aperture grille
>Right: Cheap cookie cutter pleb housing
>Left: Built by dozens of skilled craftsmen expertly forming rare wood with nothing but vices and water over months.
CRTs aren't that big, little kid
>CRTs aren't that big
And yet it's the truth, also what's with you zoomers calling other people kids?
gbc uses dot matrix, not crtslop
kek, uhm, i mean cope
>lack of a z-buffer were directly caused by the console being rushed out in time for Christmas
No it wasn’t, it was a decision for better performance
If it had done that, frame rates would’ve been worse than the 64
>CRT's have a definitive look
You need to do more research before posting. Asking your parents what their old TVs were like might be a good start.
Oh, it’s this anon again, how many times do you want to shitpost?
Not everyone is trying to replicate the fully authentic but flawed experience. Personally I have no nostalgia for technical limitations.
>women hate CRT's
The exception is not the rule anon
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Is he right bros?
holy waifu
>open video
>patreon button
yup, it's a woman all right
>This is all arguments with women.
to be fair, that's also the case with 97% of the retards on this site. they love bringing up their own anecdotes when presented with broader facts.
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>it's not le same!
Mask is way too overtuned
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For me that's the best comparison. Shaders literally turn the sun on.

The problem for me however is that best looking shaders are rarely comfortable to actually play a game with. Besides, you probably need different shaders for different games, even when they are on the same system.
>It's always so telling when someone claims CRTs have a definitive "look"
Of course not all CRTs had the same definitive look, but it's true that none of these shaders look like any CRTs in existence. Shader developers are still searching for a single authentic shader. It's all just varying degrees of "good enough".
It really isn't. Especially not when you actually see the two in person.
If there's no single definitive CRT look there is no need for a shader to exactly replicate any specific CRT, either. Good enough is good enough. What's good enough is a matter of taste of course.
What's so different that can only be seen in person? Does the light of God spill out?

Asking genuinely, since I haven't seen one in over 10 years and I'm playing with the idea of buying one, but in the UK they're in shorter supply and you can only really get one from a scalper charging exorbitant prices for a scuffed up thing with God knows how may hours on it, and that's if you can find one nearby, and I don't want to cope with a dinky 14" so that makes them even more scarce, and expensive.

Or I could turn on a shader, for free, and if it blends the pixels into something that resembles a picture I'm happy.
pure cope from retards, they're simply not made for older games
wtf why couldnt you own a crt if you are renting? what is the logic?
fridges and washing machines are also huge
It still looks better using a CRT shader. Also you could play GBC games on a TV using the Super Gameboy SNES addon.
>GBC games on a TV
>I can't tell if you're joking, but I certainly don't remember GameCube games looking blurry as shit on my CRT.
CRTs displayed at 640 x 480 interlaced, or 480i. GameCube's internal resolution was almost 480i exactly, ditto with Xbox (and PS2 was only slightly smaller). So they looked smooth enough. PS1 and N64 games were half that, so of course they were more "blurred" on CRTs.
I think only PS2 games used field rendering ("480i").
I have never seen a picture or video of a CRT that looks at all like it does in real life. If you're basing what CRTs look like off of pictures online you're always going to have a fucked up shader
Both of those are usually a part of the rented property anon
not in mine. But then again my rent is absurdly cheap
> a photo of a thing is the same as that thing
Sony KV-21T1D


Sony KV-X2941D

For PS1 and PS2 games? I'm leaning towards the smaller one but I can't find the resolution or if it'll be a good fit for the PS2
do you want a 21 inch or a 29 inch screen?
personally I think bigger is better
actually go for the big one, it has access to all the colour systems
I like higher pixel density and I don't have much space anyway, and I'd dread trying to move the bigger one anywhere.

I also just saw a KV-25C1D which seems like a nice size compromise and it seemingly has stereo? Where could I check its color systems
search for manuals of the set and then the pin connection page
I assume you're in Germany so they'll all be SCART and maybe RGB if they say so which they both do, you just won't be able to get lesser signals if you want them unless they're PAL
Oh, also pixel density isn't a thing with CRT's
If it has pixel-based resolution and display surface area, then it has pixel density, I distinctly remember games looking nicer and sharper on my friend's CRT that was slightly smaller than mine
>If it has pixel-based resolution and display surface area
it doesn't
Anyone know what a BVM-9021ME is? It looks exactly the same as a BVM-8021 but it has a completely different model designation on the back. I have tried looking it up but aside from one old catalogue which references it being an old monitor there is no further details regarding specs or anything else.
Forgot to include pic
That's literally what pixel density is though
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Yeah it pretty much is, oh except for CRTs that have this magical quality which can't be captured by photograph that no one seems to be able to articulate.
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I assume this means it has RGB and S-Video?
no, it's not
she's in a happy relationship with another musician

I finally took the shader pill thanks to this thread and holy shit its an improvement. just setting up some scanlines and a composite or RGB filter looks sooooo much better, thank you /v/ for making my emulation experience even better
I just watched it even before you linked it, I kneel
Does the NTSC in the color systems columnmean it's 60Hz?
Retarded video.
You don't even know what a roderick is, zoomer.
Anon ive tried for hours to recreate this shader preset in guest advanced and i cant do it. Please share it with me.
Please, watch the video before you just assume it functions the same
I love the pixel-art in this game.
Right is simple the game running under 3dfx cards and at 640x480 or 1024x768
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CRT Royale looks like SHIT
Just because it works different technically doesn't mean they're not pixels.
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I'm no fan of CRT Royale, but CRT Royale doesn't look like that at all. What kind of fucked up preset are you using?
you need the ntsc preset
Not even, standard royale doesn't look like shit, I don't know what the fuck is he using
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Pics taken 2 inches off your monitor really do not give you the whole image (pun intended) here. For example, here is what one of my crts look like on camera but in reality, sitting down in front of it watching with my own eyes it really does look closer to the crt royale or maybe a blend of the two. The eyes especially look much more like just two pixels despite looking very blended in in the pic. Crts are a very subjective experience overall with many layers of variables affecting the perceived image and trying to take a picture of that only adds more layers to that.
>But enough talk… Have at you!
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Super Game Boy is DMG only not GBC. You’d have to use a GameCube and Game Boy Player to officially play GBC on a TV.
Your version is borked. Here's a snap from Duckstation standalone new port.
And here combined with ntsc.
CRTs don't display pixels, they display points of light.
Pixels are physical components.
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It's probably resolution dependent, so upscale at least 2x
i dont use a crt shader cause i dont love the scanline look on my brokeboy monitor
but i do use a ntsc shader, it blends things nicely and almost looks like it's being captured off a real console
anyone else do this?
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ah, soul
Thanks for sharing, but that doesnt look atall like the shader from the screenshot we were asking about.

Through sheer autistic bruteforce, I managed to 'mostly' recreate the shader from the screenshot myself:
Isn't this simply what the PC version of the game looks like?
CRT doesn't look the same in person as in photo because how light is capture by the camera, pretty simple stuff
>but that doesnt look atall like the shader from the screensho
It does on my end. Please post a screenshot, anon.
The text is a little fuzzier in your version.
these are duckstation's built in shaders? Might be finally time to give up on reshde
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Except crt-royale-ntsc-svideo with just default settings looks like this

>physicalshit dies eventually
physical shit will outlive your hard drive
Hard drive is physical, dude
Behold, the one guy who doesn't make backups
Don't you faggots dare go against my narrative ever again
But what is it that can't be captured? What's so different from the shaders? Does the mask look very different? The bloom? The colours? No one of the CRT die-hards seems to be able to say what exactly it is that makes a CRT so much better and un-emulatable.

Again I genuinely want to know because someone is selling a 25" Trinitron relatively near me but asking a stupid price and I want to know if it's worth it to the point I'd be willing to not only pay for it, but also deal with a 34kg power-sucking box that has a limited lifespan.
We're all heavy power-sucking boxes with a limited lifespan
You can see the difference on any half-decent crt with composite video in, it doesn't have to be a fancy trinitron with rgb or whatever. You can still just find one on craigslist or a garage sale or something for a few bucks in most places.
Enjoy nice things while they're around, or decide you don't care after all
i use hyllian with ntsc. don't like royale
There's no reason to not use Guest Advance and/or its offshoots. It can do anything the other shaders can thanks to its customizability.
There's also this one, doesn't blend the dithering quite as well in certain places, but has a cleaner/sharper look.


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