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How the fuck were you supposed to figure this one out without a guide?
Why would you need a guide?
>only way to reach the bob-omb is to enter the painting at the height of your jump
I definitely believe you that you figured this one out without anybody telling you what to do or just getting lucky with the water level coming in without realizing why it was so high
When I was a 7yo kid, I entered that level with a triple jump and noticed the water level was high. So, I tried different jumps and realized the water level depended on the height at which I entered the painting.

By the way, I am white.
You don't need to get all the stars to beat the game so you can skip the ones you don't like/can't figure out. I honestly don't remember ever using a guide for SM64 though and I struggle with games like Resident Evil and A Link to the Past
There's switches that change the water level inside the level.
There's no switch that puts the water at the level required to reach the bob-omb. You can only do it by entering the painting at the top of it.
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Which toad tells you how to do when he gives you a star
Literally look behind you. You don't need a guide. See?
I didn't talk to this motherfucker. But I guess I was wrong then, the game does tell you about it. Thanks for clearing that up.
>He never 100% Mario 64
Damn those collectathons really are half action-adventure half platformer
Damn. Low IQ ass can't even read, just presses the skip button
since we're here, I made my 9-year-old nephew play ocarina of time and he gave up before finding the sword
he didn't even find the rupees in the tall grass
this depresses me
>he didn't just side-flip up here
I'm a parent. My 6 year old plays Super Mario 3D World and always choose the White Tanooki suit when he as the option. Can't make it past 1-3 in Super Mario Bros 1. I could beat the SMB NES trilogy when I was his age. It hurts man...
I'm a parent too, my kid is also 6 but she just started to learn english (we are spanish speakers)
she is obsessed with mario kart, she manages to beat me at mario kart 8 sometimes but she can't even drive in mario kart 64, also complains about no bullet bill in the game
I truly don't know who is in the wrong here, I feel modern kids' games play themselves
Dear zoombro, this one is actually more or less easy to get on your own, and at worst one search on Google will tell you what to do. You want some actual "get a guide" game design, try getting all blue coins in Sunshine or complete all OoT side quests.
I thought current kids and early teens didn't even play video games aside from some mobile stuff. I remember playing SMB1 with my dad, we both were able to get through it warpless. He raged hard at video games at times and it was making me laugh every time
I remember my dad beating Mario 1 before I did. I was completely in awe and felt a since of pride.
Kids still play Mario and Sonic and shit. A lot of kids my son's age play Minecraft and some are already playing Fortnite. I guess the kid down the street is already installing mods and shit to play as Thomas the Train on his Fortnite.
We try to control how much our kids play but the "iPad kid" is a very real phenomenon and is going to produce a generation of freaks.
This is the level of discourse in /vr/ zoomers who barely played the games talking shit. Grim.
well, our children play because me and my brother-in-law have pcs and consoles but it is probably as you say
my daughter is also prohibited from using phones and tablets
my nephew does has a tablet and looks for streamers who have played the game he is currently playing, it makes me want to kill him
I don't wanna be rude but the game expected you to talk to everyone. You'd eventually find it if you did that.
in 64 ds i'm pretty sure luigi's backflip can make into the cage
>only way to reach the bob-omb is to enter the painting at the height of your jump
i never knew this and never had a problem with this game
You would have figured it out on your own by jumping into the painting in different ways just for fun, like everyone else.
kids had nothing better to do than try everything imaginable
i know kids now cant even conceive of it for some reason, but kids then would just run around in the castle jumping into things for fun
I hated this fag so much
This level was very difficult for me to figure out as a kid, but you realize what’s happening through childhood tolerance for repetition. Then, you wonder how high you can make the water.
The 100 coin stars are too tedious. Even as an adult I just do the wall kick trick to meet Yoshi.
simple just playing the game as you are supposed to.
I hate these stupid fucking bait threads. Super Mario 64 literally tells you almost everything about it thanks to those stupid signs. This game doesn't really have any secrets.
Such a faggot.
he's cute though. they ruined him in sunshine with both the model and the screechy voice, which is weird because he still looked cute in luigi's mansion
>wow water level is low now WHY
>wow water level is high now WHY
>wow i have basic human pattern-recognition
people really WERE LESS RETARDED IN THE 90s
zoomers brains are fucking fried from smartphone obsession
Game straight up tells you in the first world to go talk to the pink Bob-ombs.

I hate these threads.
his point is knowing how to even get onto the platform, retard.
You never got bored running back and forth between paintings?
>Not knowing that jumpman should jump
you weren't meant to be effortless dripfed the whole game in one marathon. it was supposed to take you a long time to finish, even on kid time, because cartridges were expensive and shitty
that one takes way too long to start, with all the cutscenes that don't have video or audio, just still images and text
>I truly don't know who is in the wrong here, I feel modern kids' games play themselves
I hate using this stupid word, but that's cope.
100 percented SM64 and OoT as a kid, no guide. OoT only gave me trouble with a missing spider and I didn't know you couldn't beat the guy in a race until last year when I read it here. FF8 and FF9 are pretty hard without a guide.
Does the game ever tell you there are 2 stars in that Secret Slide stage?
cope about what?, being a slave to (((them)))?
But there are easily reached platformers regardless of water level.
theres a sign in the stage that tells you if you go fast you get a star
All the people arguing about if it is reasonable or not to figure out the water level raising mechanic are ignoring the fact that you can literally just jump up to the bomb even when the water isnt at its max height.
You weren't supposed to find and get every star in a playthrough
>running through the castle
>see painting
>jump into full bore
>enter with 3/4 filled water
>notice water level can change in level
>get first star
>immediately try jumping back in but it's more of a half turn backwards jump
>enter at lowest level
>"Why did the water level start lower?"
>sit and reason it out
>well if it started high when I first came in, and now it's low when I next came in...
>after getting second Star try an ultra high sideways jump
>water is at it's maximum height
>see floating platform and hear bob-omb
>jump up and unlock cannon

Has this game as a 7 year old and figured it all out pretty easy. then again I'm above average iq so I can see why others (You) had a problem with it.
Coping after being beaten fair and square by his daughter in MK8, ESL-kun
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excuse my bad capture quality
do you expect me to destroy my 6 years old?
are you a parent?
Yoshi isn't there unless you have all 120 stars
I wish it did
I remember finding the secret slide just by trying every painting. It's kinda obvious.
Wii VC?
Yes, regrettably I cant confirm if its possible to jump up there on the N64 version
I don't and I'm not. I'm telling you that whatever led her to win in MK8 wasn't the game playing itself, you assmad faggot.
Legit I didn't know you could do a sideflip or enter too high in the painting to get to the pink bob-omb. I knew that you can control how flooded the level but never thought of using that.

The way I did it, is using a triple jump on that wooden platform. It was hard since there is not much space, but you can jump once, on the second jump you try to move the most you can and then the triple jump.
I just replayed it last week. You can do a triple jump up there, but as a kid you may not know that trick since it only became popularized with speedrunners.
There is a Toad nearby that flat out tells you how the water level works.
My 7 year old and I are playing it together. We're on the fire temple right now.
Yes but what if you are a straw man game conceptualized and portrayed by Arin Hanson the game grump, who never reads anything no matter how heavily the game tries to force it into one’s face
>you assmad faggot
are you ok?
I'm not the one who thinks I'm being enslaved by jews rigging kart racers, anon
who are you quoting?

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