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Dragon Quest VIII is way too long.
Turn based games should not last more than 30~35 hours except for tactical.
That's a nice opinion almost no one agrees with.
>way too long.
Thanks for telling me. I will remove it from my backlog.

Games shouldn't overstay their welcome
The only thing I like about David Cage is that thing he once said. I think it went like
>No one wants to be entertained for too long
or something like that. I love DQ8, it's probably one of my favorite games, but it is damn long, even without the postgame
dragon quest V exist...
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Tremendous game. Played it for the first time this year and had a blast. I just didn't want it to end. Recommend it to anyone, might be my new favourite JRPG. Its just so sweet, well paced and funny. The dream sequences make me want to weep and Jessica makes my nuts ache. PS2 version btw.

Is it longer than DQ11?
I beat that game in about 50 hours but I had a good time
DQ8 isn't really long. I remember beating it in 3 days (using the emulators fast-forward button of course but why wouldn't you in 2024).
>using the emulators fast-forward button of course but why wouldn't you in 2024
I don't care at all if people do this, I really don't. But for me, it just feels wrong. I like my brain shifting gears into a relaxed, repetitive rhythm for turn based JRPGs. There are exceptions of course, like the ridiculously long load animations before every battle in FF9 or Koudelka. But generally I like to David Puddy-maxx in my jrpgs.
>50 hours
Did you do act 3? I played up to and including Timewyrm and that shit legitimately took like 90-100 hours. DQVIII is very long (65-70 hours including postgame I think?) but it's certainly not THAT long
That's great, anon, glad you liked it. Yes, DQVIII is quite possibly the greatest JRPG of its gen
Yeah I did Act 3 and beat the game.
I remember skipping side quests though because their descriptions were all vague and unhelpful
You are pretty fast man, that's crazy. No, DQVIII is not longer and you should play it if you liked DQXI, it's very similar
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>it's too long
you dont know shit about long
ok turn it off when you get bored and let the people with functioning brains play.
Don't get near Trails games.
It took me years to finish Cold Steal 1 and 2
Holy shit what? Why does the side content take so long?
Haven't played it but from what I've heard it has to do with online stuff this game is known for. Most people who like it even say it's not worth playing without the online content
Most of the time will be spent grinding.
It's not online.
There are optional procedurally generated dungeons in the game, you can take your friends to help in those dungeons, but it's local only.
The best gear in the game are all hidden in those dungeons, and they are also extremely rare drops.
IMO this is the worst feature of the game.
You don't need to grind in DQ8. The hardest part is the early game like the fucking squid boss on the boat. Have everyone block in the first and then every sixth turn.
Once you have the full party, the rest of the game is piss easy.
Oh I see, that sounds boring as fuck. But there definitely were kids who were playing that game religiously and doing all that content
>the hero can fuck jessica
>but only in the shitty 3DS demake
so lame
>more content
>more party members
>actually able to see monsters on the field that aren't arena specific
you have brain damage
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Yes, demake.
I agree that it looks worse but honestly it's a better experience overall aside from the visuals
Not him but it looks better to me because of the 3D.
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They added bloat while massively downgrading the visuals, censoring things left and right, and massively downgrading the soundtrack as well. The PS2 version of the game is easily the best way to play and the way the game was meant to be experienced.
it's less that the game is long and more that the gameplay is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Completely forgot about the soundtrack, yeah that sucks. But then again, the Japanese PS2 version also had a downgraded soundtrack
so you're saying the Symphonia PS2 port is the better option and the GC is the actual downgrade
easily fixed with mods
The Japanese PS2 version just had the original soundtrack, it couldn't have been a downgrade at that point in time.
Which mods unfuck the overworld to restore all the missing foliage and draw distance? I'd actually look into playing with them.
Because Sugiyama was a prideful asshole who felt that his orchestrated music should only be heard in person at an actual orchestra and not in a video game.
DQVIII on the 3DS had that balls to the wall hard boss gauntlet with Estark from DQIV as the final boss. You're supposed to try it after the Dragovian trials and a ton of grinding. I thought it was a nice addition
imagine giving a shit about graphics in a jrpg, yikes
>balls to the wall hard boss gauntlet with Estark
Until you realize the sleepy fuck is vulnerable to snooze.
>the 3DS version is better
>but it looks like shit
>it can be fixed with mods
>no it can't
>ummm who cares about graphics
RE4 on the PS2 is the best way to play it on that gen confirmed
Yeah Estark himself was actually easier than what came before him
Sorry, I mean that the actual content and shit that matters can be fixed. Obviously the game is going to look worse since it's on a fucking handheld, should go without saying
Okay, zoomer.
>I mean that the actual content and shit that matters can be fixed
that's why RE4 on PS2 is better, you have more weapons, chapters and stuff to kill zombies with
Seethe. DQ8 gameplay is shit. If you enjoy spaming the same command for 50 hours it's your problem.
I like how the game went from being too long to just being straight up shit. Can't take threads like this seriously because you know the people making the thread aren't trying to argue in good faith.
>people making the thread aren't trying to argue in good faith
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Does the mod remove monsters in the overworld and require steps for alchemy instead of instant success? Because if not, then the 3DS version still isn't an RPG. You need random battles to be a RPG.
>why anon?
Because I said so. Also the camera sidequests were gay.
Dragon Quest is the purest and most spiritually fulfilling video game. Everything else is rooty tooty shooty and bing bing simulator, or a variation therof.
If most DQ fans were like you everyone would think it's a series for obnoxious morons
All the DQ's past 6 are ridiculously long
I skipped 6 and 7. I know about 7 but isn't 6 also fucking long compared to 1-5? I want to play through it someday
It only seems long because it has the slowest battle system in the history of turn based jrpgs.
>except for tactical
trpgs are usually shorter though?
It didn't have 3D enabled
>Turn based games should not last more than 30~35 hours
Don't play the genre, it's not for you.
I loved dq8 but agree with it being too long. It should end when you get to the shadow world.
I am about to finish dq11 actually. Did 2d first for about 90 hours and am going to kill the super bosses soon for a total of almost 200 hours. Love it and don't feel like it is too long at all
The bulk of completionist content in DQIX is just filling out item lists, and exploring a lot of randomised generated dungeons with major bosses from previous entries (final, post-game, super, etc).

The alchemy system is where a shitload of the completion requirement comes from, and there's a bullshit "Alchemiracle" system where unlike most other alchemizations, there's a few for ultimate equipment that only has a small (but influencable) chance to produce the desired outcome, but otherwise produce a weaker result.
The game auto-saves when trying for an alchemiracle, forcing you to try again if you don't succeed by using a reset stone and re-gathering the necessary ingredients.
I like having monsters in the overworld, but because you can see metal slimes roaming around it becomes very easy to cheesy the game.
This is such an odd design choice, because no DQ before or after DQ8 for 3DS shows you metal slimes outside battles.
DQ7, 8, and 9 for (3)DS all had visible Metalys. Only DQ11 averted it by making you fight normal monsters to find the little blighters.
I think it's just about the right length. You're pretty much constantly going to new places and discovering new stuff.
Only part I can think of disliking was getting those orbs at the end of the game because you're just revisiting old places and nothing happens.
No bosses, no cutscenes, just "item get" jingle and on to the next one.
If you want to talk about a game that's unnecessarily long, that's VII. It's like they made a game entirely about backtracking.
The game is like 90% sidequests and collecting stuff. It's the Animal Crossing of Dragon Quest.

And the worst part about all of that is that it's level-gated. You have to level up all the way to 99, multiple times, to even have a chance of seeing any of that. It's ridiculous.
It's not the kind of game you beat, you just play it.
I remembered quite liking 9. The main story was neat in it feeling like a bunch of mini stories. There there was post game stuff I didn't bother with much.
>unnecessarily long, that's VII
No joke I think they tried to make an 'endless and relaxing' type of game like Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing for the Japanese guys to play after school/work BUT still gave it a story with a conclusion for everything not to feel completely aimless. Sort of like an evening TV show you look forward to everyday while working your ass off. That's why it's so fucking long, prime escapism material. Most Japs who were playing it when it was still new probably didn't want it to end
Don't get me wrong, it's by no means a bad game and I liked it a lot too back when it released.
It's just that such a huge amount of the content is in the post game and I hate what you have to do to access it.
The series' creator's gambling habit and the game's troubled development shine through in the ugliest ways possible. All it was missing was the nasty casino from the DS version of IV.

I actually really loved the slow, episodic nature of it and how some of the episodes eventually start to tie together. It's easily the cleverest game in the series narrative wise.
Pretty much my only complaint about the game is that way too often you're just running between two places (town->dungeon->town->dungeon->town), and once you get back from the past, you have to go through some of those dungeons again in the present. And there's really nothing interesting in them aside from maybe the next shard, with two exceptions if I remember correctly.
All of that starts to build up and becomes tedious very soon and makes me think the game would be half as long without all that. Maybe around the length of VI even, if you ignore all the side stuff.
>prime escapism material
It truly is. I was almost afraid to start the game until I had several months of free time 2 years ago. In the end I'm really glad I did, what a trip.
what u guys think?
My biggest problem with the game is its skill point system. You have no real idea what sort of skills you'll get by raising certain weapons and there's no way to redistribute them later.

Blindly experimenting isn't a huge problem, except the game is a 40+ hour RPG and endgame grinding usually revolves around using specific skills to kill specific enemies. So if you built wrong and didn't get metal slash or the crit skills, you just outright can't grind against the metal foes.

No idea if any of the remakes made the skill tree more transparent.
You don't need to kill metal slimes.
The only skill I would consider a must have is Kazing for Jessica (which needs staff 100) so you have two characters who can ressurect with a 100% chance without using consumables.
the first time you fly on that game almost made me weep just between how beautiful it looks and this music playing:
picking Jessica makes absolutely no sense anyway
might as well let you pick Red too since she's also playable and cares about the hero just as much
or maybe Jessica's mom?
the medal princess?
the godbird?
point is, it's really tacked on and silly even with the added scenes, because everyone knows the excactly two reasons why she "needed" to be added

the game is completely beatable with whatever skill tree you go with
sure, it can take more time if you didn't pick the absolutely optimal route, but so what? it's a time sink game anyway
>No idea if any of the remakes made the skill tree more transparent.
it's been a while, but pretty sure they didn't
I think the only difference is that it doesn't force you to spend the skill points and you can just keep them for later if you want
>everyone knows the excactly two reasons why she "needed" to be added
The first being that their Japanese VAs got married in real life and the second being "Va-Va-Voom!"
DQ8S on Switch 2 (Timed Exclusive)
Trust the plan
Can anyone tell me why the fuck Enix decided that players wanted grotesquely long-winded games? It all started with DQ5 it seems, then got out of hand with 7.
DQ5 is actually one of the shorter and more linear games of the series. It's DQ6 where they started going overboard with filler and bloat to drag the game out, and that mostly stems from Enix choosing to drop Chunsoft (who developed the first five DQ games) in favor of a new team that cared more about quantity than quality.
RE4 on the Wii had the original graphics but all the extra content from the shitty looking PS2 version so it would be cool if DQ8 got the same treatment. Probably never going to happen though
Nigga try playing VII. Even casually it'll take you more than 70 hours. It's not worth it even if it has one of the best girls in the series.
You don't need the crit skills to kill Metal Slimes. You only need Falcon Blades, tension, and speed. It's more efficient than using crits, too.
>It's more efficient than using crits, too.

At least in the PS2 version, with the new characters in the 3DS version crits are the way to go
You're not getting the true dragon quest experience if you didn't just come home after a long day at work, and drink shitty beer untill you fall asleep on the couch

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