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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11089169

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like patriots ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18



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Is this even alive?

/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

=== NEWS ===
[7-19] Tetanus has been added to the Unity port.
Updated idGames re-release scheduled.

[7-14] Marathon 2: Durandal has been re-released on Steam.

[7-14] AlephOne 1.9 is out, adds dedicated servers so you don't have to fuck about with router config.

[7-12] Quake 2 Re-Release Boss Speedjam 1 is out

[7-12] Full 4K port of TimeSplitters 2 extracted from Homefront: The Revolution

[7-10] Dong Doom showcased, a sourceport running on a fleshlight with a digital display.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAE175Tiuy0 [Embed]

[7-10] Willard, a mapset for Blood.

[7-2] Black Magwell, a DehExtra gameplay mod.

[7-1] Octane Violence released, a biker-inspired weapon mod.

[7-1] AMC Squad bugfix released, fixing a softlock.

[6-30] La Tailor Girl 1.90 is now out

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)
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Like the snake hurtfloor.
Which way is it pronounced?
>der-AND-ull (YEEHAW!!!!!)
Any anon made any wad recently? wanna play something made by ourguys
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>>Quake 2 Re-Release Boss Speedjam 1 is out
Playing this after a lot of exhausting D3 fights, first level I try is a fun Tower of Babel callback with some cute D3 references. Good start.
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I fucking love DOOM and I need some help setting up Batocera. Where can I find a archive or compilation of iwads and pwads that are preconfigured to work with Batocera?

More detail:
I am trying to set up Doom in Batocera v39 and it's really easy to use prboom or gzdoom to load iwads. When trying to load pwads/total conversions however it requires a little more work. It's still really easy but I have to create a text file and put in the name of the pwad I want and put it in the correct directory etc. I can do it but it's going to take forever to do this because I want to have a bunch of pwads so my question is where can I find an archive or compilation that is "ready to go" for Batocera? Someone somewhere must have already done this for the really popular stuff.

Thank you for any help you can provide. If nobody can help me, I will literally do it myself and include like 100 different pwads and I will share them with you all but I really don't want to if somebody else has already done it.
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>honey wake up, new disaster jester dropped
>run it on augzen w/ technophobia like the good ol days
>it forces you into a speedrun mode if you play on an outside difficulty setting
what the fuck is up with some modders putting weird DRM shit into their fucking doom mods? first insanity requiem instakills you for the same reason, now this?
why do i have to crack open slade to enjoy their fucking work?
cool guns tho.
There is not ONE mod I enjoy without my own personal modifications to it.
There is also this bite-sized one, but maybe he was only just a tourist.
"KRANGS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this ambush before. There could be KRANGS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare forearms. "I HATE KRANGS" he thought. Opening to Hell reverberated his entire helmet, making it pulsate even as the $9 blue potion circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Thunderbusters in the dark. "With a doorbuster, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
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>doomguy's shoes in this vid
Kind of how I feel about these flies.
Cool still seeing 400 minutes mug since these long years
is animated?
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any recs for a coop wad for some friends that have not ever played doom? i know its a little crazy desu but im a little addicted at the moment and would like to share the experience with da bros
where he goin'?
Down to the kitchen for lunch, it's a hot summer day outside so he wants something salty to go with his cold and refreshing lemonade.
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Fucking Armagon secrets.
You seem like a techlet who thinks specific linux distro really matters at all. It seems like you think this "batocera" is its own operating system do you.
>rebind delete to x in udb
>keep taking my hand off the mouse to hit delete
I'm not sure this section of Map11 on Deadly Ritual is even remotely possible on Double Death.

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Managed to telefrag the cyberdemon as expected and my frames drop to literally unplayable.
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What's your headcanon for when you die at the end of episode one in Doom? How is it different to when you die in a normal level? Or are we supposed to believe you never die in other circumstances?
I like to think that you managed to survive.
>How is it different to when you die in a normal level?
I imagine that’s where the “Phobos anomaly” itself is involved.
I console command kill the cyberdemons before I go through the teleporter and my frames still suck, but only until I go forward and make it to the lift, then I can finish the level. Weird. Well, that's Deadly Ritual done. Was cool up until that last part. Think I'll do Gammu and Gumboald next. I was going to do Magnificent Five with HND, but that'll be the fat frog now.
this thread is so dead, when's the next Alkaline/Arcane Dimensions sort of thing?
Never. It's over, anon.
nothing? not even a doom mappack, meme conversion? oh my god.
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Last week I complained about making a rock map.

I guess this is as good as any time to remind everyone of my project because with finishing this map (MAP27 specifically) I'm now only 1 map short from 30.

I just wish people stopped making megawads. I'm tired of 30 levels bullshit. Make episodes, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>but muh Doom 2 32lvls
retard whoever thinks this way. most of the ideas don't last that long. what's wrong with an 8 level episode, or a 14 level episode?
no, gotta stretch it out as if it were fucking homework and you have to reach 32 or you get a bad mark
Is it possible to bind the show trigger line option to a key in gzdoom?
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I assume that's a console command, which yeah you absolutely can, just open the console and type

>bind o "console command"
Obviously o can be whatever you want, but you'll want to put quotation marks around the console command.
>vanilla enemies fun
>keep ammo little
>long rocket
i now want a rocket launcher that shoots spear-long rockets
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>long rocket
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I tried what you said, but instead of it doing anything i just get this message.
Unless the command in the zdoom wiki isn't applicable to gzdoom
you need an alias that switches it to 1 if it's 0 and to 0 if it's one. let me find my config.

Command=freelook 0
Command=freelook 1

go to the config file and do something similar, you need the + and - for the alias. then you bind the alias itself to a key, i have it on a key as "+lookaround"
Oh shit, okay it's a toggle not just a one time call. You'll have to excuse me I'm too used to using one time console commands like "summon revenant" and shit like that.

I don't know exactly how to do it, but I know there's a way to make an alias to toggle a CVAR like that to a specific value.
Just don't play the Wads that are known to be MEGAWADs, then.
>bind o "toggle am_showtriggerlines"
or use mapbind if you want it the bind to only work when the map is open
Ok,this sort of works, but only while the key is held.
1.How to make it a toggle between the two states?
2.Can I bind this to a key in the .ini file directly?
oh yeah I'm fucking retarded, sorry man, I use that command as a keyhold. try what the anon above said >>11103291
i think the procedure is almost the same for a key press, but i can't remember. it had something to do with the "echo" command and echoing an alias. but i'm sure the "toggle" thing also works, too drunk to open doom atm
Are there any wads that are nice and bright without being cartoonish or specifically themed? Like why can't demons just invade a nice green mountain valley where they get shot brutally to death before they can wreck the place?
Tetanus, Mayan Reynolds, a lot of themed DBPs
Lost Civilization?
Lo Wang and jokes involving him are so funny in SW
Im playing through the Doom 1 campaign for the first time and i have trouble finding the right difficulty. On UV ive found that making a save at the beginning of map and reverting to it when dying makes the game too easy but having to pistolstart and losing all progress after death is very frustrating. What gives? (For the record I just got done with episode 2)
Genuinely, getting gud at doing pistol starts is your best option. If you're having trouble with a particular map, it's better to lower the difficulty to HMP and learn the map at a more relaxed pace than it is to play continuous.
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fun fact: sunder map13 has had a softlock for the past 3-5 years and nobody has reported it.
in other news: I'm never taking slaughterfags seriously again, nobody actually likes or plays these.
>nobody actually likes or plays these.
These days there are less players total, but no you are objectively incorrect.
NTA but besides nudoomers nobody likes slaughtershit focused megawads
i'll take map27 or 28 for a slaughter, or an e1m7, e1m8, but having a wad full of these is atrocious and laziness. this has been discussed many times before: nobody TRULY enjoys slaughterslop, besides slaughterfags who spams quicksave after launching a rocket or a bfg shot
you'd think post-nudoom and post-sigil and post-decino and post-zeromaster there would be more players, not less.
Tiktok, Apex, Fortnite; all manner of straight-to-the-vein content eclipses anything that requires more thought than themselves, i.e. Doom.
>He thinks quicksaving is an issue at all
Shiggy diggy doo.
not trying to defend the newer generations but, what kind of "thought" does a game like doom require? i'm sure i could teach a monkey or a dog to play it
People don't play Sunder as much as they like to talk about it and watch others play it. It's not a mapset for the average player. It's incredibly gay.
On a whim I decided to take that Western Patch monster mod and get rid of the Ketchup and bullet projectiles. May or may not keep the chatter. Thought I'd maybe replace some of the demons with ones from Magnificent Five. Demons with cowboy hats, yay or nay? Some like the Pinky and Revenant don't have any in Mag Five. Western Patch's Revenant is an inverted Death Incarnate and doesn't have its own projectiles so I'm probably going to turn him back.
Ancient Aliens
Is there any interest in trying out Descent 3 in the near future? Thanks to the game going open source, I've got 1.4 loaded on my serverbox and would be down to try to run some co-op, deathmatch, dodgeball, whatever.
>Demons with cowboy hats, yay or nay?
Demons with cowboy hats, but a jacket, vest, or some sort of accessory to go with it as well.
like assless chaps
SHARE!! love it
That's beyond my skill, all I'm doing is repackaging with some edits and fixes here and there. And I think it's basically done.

I wasn't sure if I wanted it to be more serious, so that's why I asked. But I fixed everything so they can be easily disabled in the decorate, so no big deal.

Here. It'll have to be litterbox for now because catbox is being a jerk. It's set for three days.
>what the fuck is up with some modders putting weird DRM shit into their fucking doom mods
autism, unironically
Consider E3M6 (I think). Running across lava, keeping track of which doors are where for your key getting. There's also ammo management, enemy management, dying and loading game. When watching a video service, there is no dying or loading game. You passively consume (hey there's another difference, passive vs active consumption) and then the next video starts. Apex? If you die, you immediately queue up into another match, and who knows what weapons you'll end up with at the start? It's not the difference between real time strategy and assfaggots, but the differences are apparent nonetheless.
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It occurs to me that the mancubus from Pirate Doom could work for this. This looks alright. Shouldn't be too hard to do the rest.
Sort of a weird question to ask, but are there any particular shooters you gravitate towards when drunk or inebriated in some other capacity? Or even particular mods for certain shooters? .wads for Doom? I'm curious. and drunk.
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Modeling the Malice torcher's flamethrower to bake to lower-poly pickup and view models for player use. The recent sniper vs flamethrower discussion made me want to see if I can make a flamethrower fun and otherwise fitting with fast-paced combat.
I have too many to list, so I'll give you my big two: When I'm in my brainless mode I gravitate to Arcane Dimensions' chaos mode (monster and item randomizer) and play random id1 maps, or even just the id1/Quake default campaign. Always a good time. I also gravitate towards Half-Life 2 SMOD which as far as I'm concerned is the greatest shooter ever.
Actually I already sometimes hit SMOD when incapacitated but I might attempt the Arcane Dimensions chaos mode just to because why not?
I found a softlock in one of the Eviternity sewage maps a while back
There's a room with a yellow key that locks you in until you get the key, fight a terminator guy, and push a switch
If you go back into the room after leaving, you get locked in again, but the switch doesn't work the second time
I never told anybody because who would I even report it to? It's been out for ages and there's already a sequel
The devs don't hang out here, do they?
>nobody ever managed to get caught in this softlock in all these years so as to actually notice it
>therefore this map is bad
You're a retard.

Oh, it's you again. Keep being a seething scrublord.
>"Doom requires no thinking"
This is why slaughter maps make you angry.

I wonder if you told them now if they'd fix it, or if someone who hold some record for that map would get heated and complain if they tried to update the level?
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Batocera is ArchLinux I think and I would absolutely describe it as an OS to anyone that has never thought about using an OS other than Windows or Mac.

I really think you are absolutely pathetic. You are talking to someone that is genuinely interested in playing a bunch of Doom wads and needed some help but you default to being rude and insulting. Maybe you do or do not know where to find the archive I am seeking, but you are insulting someone that shares your interests and instead of encouraging them you are unsupportive. I wish I could say I feel sorry for you, but I honestly don't.

I am going to create this compilation myself with a bunch of popular pwads and anything else that I can find that is cool. I heard someone made a Spongebob wad where Squidward goes crazy and kills everyone in Bikini Bottom. It might take me weeks, but when I am done I will share it with everyone.
Sunder nowadays exists to make you wonder why you're not playing Sunlust instead.
Found a good monster set, but it replaces hud in the mods, help me which files should be removed?
Actually true desu, the gameplay is more fun in Sunlust. Still has "slaughtershit" towards the end, but just play on a lower skill level, not like it won't still put up a harsh fight.
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Dumptruck bros, I'm brooming, are you?
>any particular shooters you gravitate to when drunk?
Usually ones that have a little bit more going for them than just shooting that you can kinda have a giggle at but not stuff that requires you to pay attention to things closely.
Shadow Warrior classic, and Duke are decent ones, games I know fairly intimate-ish like Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl or RTCW. The game gotta have a good feel to vibe to. Games where I don't have to wait around too much and I can just plow forward but ones that also have some contact surface beyond just pewpew especially since if I'm drunk and gaming I'm very likely also streaming.
The correct answer is "whatever you have thousands of hours of muscle memory for".
For me that's TF2.
For everyone else here that's probably Doom with a relatively vanilla set of rules, nothing too extreme in terms of mod.
If certain motions are second nature to you, you'll still do them competently enough when drunk. Hell, if you're nervous or overthink things when sober, you may very well react faster and do them better when drunk. Or feel like you are. Because you're drunk. Literally every time I game when drunk I get accused of cheating and I don't know if there's something to that or if I just look funny to the enemy team.

So in short good muscle memory + fun physics + fast motions makes fun drunk game.
>week to make a map
another slop incoming, its so tiresome
i'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs
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Looks good.
What one week jams are you thinking of, or more importantly that you've played, ended up being slop? Nah just kidding we both know you're just shitposting.
That's the Ballmer Peak.
I did it bros, finished Doom 1 episodes 1-4 on UV, pistol start and no saves
Episode 4 was of course the most annoying, m2 and m6 are infamous for a reason
Someone told me doom 2 is not worth doing without saves, I figure it's because iirc the levels are way longer and more complicated, but I kinda wanna take the challenge anyways. That or just start playing wads. Any thoughts?
>*Sweats profusely*
good quake jams ended around 2020
and yes, every speedmap jam is trash, 7 days is speedmapping btw.
it's just not physically possible to make anything good and coherent in this amount of time, but I won't elaborate anymore, and there is no reason to argue with shit eaters.

enjoy your jam
original levels were originally made in less than 2 weeks. the rest of the production time was mainly used refining details and finding bugs
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>and yes, every speedmap jam is trash
Sure, I'll buy that if you actually have the wherewithal to use your thought processes to tell me how. In fact, we should start with which ones have you played?
>but I won't elaborate anymore
Fucking knew it you fucking coward. Janny do your fucking job.
1 month late so it might have been posted but new world record run for quake e1m1
lol u got slapped down little bitch
cool story bro. keep us posted
He seems like the kind of guy who would fill a map with chaingunners backed up by archviles in unassailable alcoves and if anybody called it unplayable he'd post multi-hundred-word rant after rant calling them whiny little bitches who won't make it in the real world while his sycophant brigade drowns people in teabagging gifs
You sound butthurt, Bill.
Speaking of Trenchbroom, I just downloaded the latest version; apart from it looking a bit different than what I had been using for my HUH submission, I can't remember if the "Compile Map" button was there back in the day. I certainly don't remember having to set up compilation profiles.
Does that mean I can now do all the compiling and testing from with TB or do I still need to do that multi-step process I can't remember?
lmao, I've also been getting back into mapping recently after last making a map for HUH.
Yeah, Trenchbroom has a built-in compiling UI now, so you still need the multi-step process but can automate it in there. No need The manual has instructions on a good basic setup.
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I made this in like 10 minutes. It's a larger version of the red teleporter flats, and is done in a similar way using one of the vanilla skin textures colored red, with a random pentagram stencil grabbed off of Google images.

You CAN use this as a wall texture, but since the pentagram isn't squished down vertically it's going to show up stretched in-game. What you're supposed to do with this graphic is to cut it up into four flats, like that one marble face texture, and then you can have a big red 128x128 teleporter.
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Holy fuck, the thumbnail crushes the fuck out of the pic. Anyway, here's a visual example.
pls respond
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>The recent sniper vs flamethrower discussion
weapon customization was a mistake
fookin nice
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Trying to imagine a way to make an incendiary sniper weapon work, and to get any range as well as having any worthwhile payload, I'm thinking you need to use something like a rocket boosted projectile or at least like a recoilless gun.
So the more I think about it, the more the idea just comes out like the M202 FLASH, but if you replaced the targeting reticle with a larger optic with magnification (presumably calculated for a lot of drop).
Making the rockets not an absolutely terrifying death trap would probably be a good improvement also.
I didn't knew it was a flame rocket launcher.
It's even more badass than I thought
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It's cool as fuck, but everyone in the army hated it because the payload of triethylaluminum tended to A), kind of just spontaneously eat away at the casing of the rocket while they sat in storage, and B), occasionally decide to detonate inside of the tube when firing, or right in front of the muzzle.

Nobody wanted to carry the incendiary weapon which had a reputation for fucking you the fuck up, the old flamethrowers from WW2 were safer (because they had a lot of smart engineering put into them to make them safe).
I had forgotten the part about it having "a 50% chance to hit a pillbox at 50 meters" which is actually quite abysmal, clearly this weapon needed a lot more improvement.

Anyway, it's the exact kind of badass weapon which is ripe for action games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.
>assuming all 4 rockets were fired at the same time
That says bunker aperture, so presumably the little slits you stick guns out of, so that's a smaller target than it seems, it hits windows at 125 meters.

I can only assume the instinct is to fire them all to get rid of the fucking things.
I saw some black and white footage of it firing, the rounds arc like obese 40mm instead of straight like a bazooka, low accuracy would probably be compounded by needing to eyeball distances while shitting yourself over the molotov roulette on your shoulder
Well, what about making it a single shot weapon, but with a longer rocket which has more fuel for airtime?
I've gone with der-RON-dull
>Beat the Tiggur
Is there no way to use hardware mode in gzdoom and not have monsters' heads clip into short rooms/ceilings?
why is the iron sight floating like that?
No. Please understand, modern computers are too weak.
This is a joke but I'n asking for a technical point of view. Could it be as easy as pushing a repo? Or we need some madman hacking the whole rendering end?
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It's how Hideous Destructor does aiming. Rather than drawing a bunch of all new sprites for bringing up the sights, and doing that thing where you're slowed down and zoomed in, it just draws your rear sight and front sight as crosshairs, and then it shows you directly how they are aligned at any given moment. It's an abstraction of lining up your sights, basically.

It's odd, and it's primarily born out of needing to get things done with fewer assets, but it actually works pretty well, and it actually facilitates shooting while on the move better than just a basic growing/shrinking crosshair, because it shows you the exact alignment, and gives you a clear idea of the spread you can expect, rather than just arbitrarily scattering your groupings widely because you aren't standing still.
That's pretty anon, nice work
>keep ducking my head IRL when dodging revenant missiles
I'm glad I live alone, I must look like an idiot
NTA but I would never make a good coherent map in a week, but that's because I'm slow as fuck, all my vr project submissions took ages and often were past deadline. That's why I admire these speedjams, wish I had that focus level and dedication to churn out a map so fast, especially in q1 or any other true 3d engine which are much harder to map for
Ultraman Doom when
if you don't physically feel the game are you even a gamer
going downhill or descending an elevator makes my balls sore and the same thing happens if i fall in a game
The flashlight bobbing on the side indicates weapon projectile origin iirc
It's not a joke, I'm dead serious, ask graf.
>Could it be as easy as pushing a repo?
Sure. That's why no one did it in two decades.
Then something must be wrong, don't you think?
It seems insane to say that nowadays computers can't avoid clipping a sprite. Surely it can be implemented, somehow, somewhat? Care to link me to some technical discussions? I'm genuinely curious, this sounds completely crazy
He's bullshitting you because GzD development is imperfect and sometimes arbitrary. Try searching the options for clipping and see if any setting changes it.
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No I'm not. This post is ancient but basically nothing changed since then.

Also no sprites clipping option will give you the same result as software mode. Sure you can move sprites lower and they won't clip into the ceiling, instead they will clip into the floor. Go ahead and check them all yourself if you think I have nothing better to do than to make up differences between two completely different rendering modes.
Maybe something classic like Alien Vendetta?
I finished this guy last night but I was sleep deprived as shit so I just went to bed. Unless someone knows of any Mancubi sprites that have pants. Also fixed a few things like the GLDEFs for zombies, shotgunguy's attack, some (I think) attack sound problems. Also made the melee zombie tougher and faster and have him spawn alongside normal pinkies instead of zombiemen.
I bought Blood 2 from a sale a while ago. I hope this game will at least be serviceable.
I think they had it in Far Cry 1. Personally I remember it most famously from ''Commando''.
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Not recent, but there is this.

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Testing Mjolnir, seems pretty solid...
I don't know maybe this is related to -heapsize option or something. Didn't read the manual.
Well it's fucking trash, endless corridoors and 'puzzles' before even getting to the first episode.
I don't understand this kind of level design at all.
If I want to play puzzle games I'd play Tetris instead...
Welcome to modern Quake 1 mapping, aka boredom and slow pacing
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Far Cry 1 had something like it, but it shot normal explosive rockets instead of nightmare incendiaries. The FLASH could actually do this, at least in theory, since it should be compatible with the same rockets as the LAW, it's just that loose rockets for those were never issued to anyone anywhere.
You got lost on the start map?
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>>Didn't read the manual.
>but put in the effort of taking a screen and link to the mod
Bold. I like it.
>Well it's fucking trash, endless corridoors and 'puzzles' before even getting to the first episode.
You couldn't make it through the hub...?
I guess you would be the first here getting "filtered"/tilted by it: Another anon got pissed at that cross-shaped trap when you grab that key.
If you can handle Episode 4, Doom 2 should be fine.
It's fine to fuck about in on low difficulties, though you will need the Lithtech 1 fix trifecta of DGVoodoo2, single-core mode, and a fixed AM18.DLL that doesn't call DSnd Lite.
It's also the model of rocket launcher Resident Evils usually use, at least when it isn't an RPG-7.
You're...upset at the start map? Just when I thought the Quakefags in this thread couldn't get any stupider. I almost cannot believe it if I wasn't reading your post.
What boredom? Boredom in exploring a fully realized space in Quake? Some of you guys really, really are bona fide philistines aren't you? It's quite a wonder to see.
I must have fried my brain, all these years playing FPS vidya or something.
I couldn't get into the Episode 1 and don't really have any patience trying to sort it out. It was that Egyptian themed hallway or something.
This is why I love Doom... no useless b.s.
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On pages 3 and 4 of the manual, it is stated in bold lettering that episodes 1 and 2 are not included in this first release of Mjolnir. If you try to enter the portals to episodes 1 and 2, they are broken. Text pops on screen stating they are broken, and you can acquire the runes of episodes 1 and 2 in front of their broken portals. Maybe you should wait for the full release instead so you can play episode 1 properly.
2 much bob
I did Doom 2 without saves last year. And well all of Doom 1 except ep4 I think.

Doom 2 is manageable saveless but a lot of it's maps are tedious af and stuff like The Chasm can make you despair hard. And then some maps have a lovingly crafted fuck you like right end the end a cybie comes and creams you in one-two hits but the level before that us tedious crap so every re-try you must suffer boredom before you get back to try the section where you might get instasplashed. It's doable but you will not be enjoying the block of Sandy's City levels.
>I can only assume the instinct is to fire them all to get rid of the fucking things.
it's ok, you can mount it in one of those robot dogs
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it's in the world is not enough 64 but is laser guided (?)
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here it is in nightfire, it works the same way
>Care to link me to some technical discussions?
Nta, but in what world is a 1.0 release missing it's first episode ? I get that Quake doesn't care about the order you tackle its episodes but E1M1 still has the introduction map and scraps of a tutorial.
Mjolnir comes with its third and fourth episodes in full. Many different moments of the current release of Mjolnir (1.1, but these were also present in 1.0) have tutorialized text telling you what weapons do what, what items do what, etc. Why are episodes 1 and 2 missing? Probably because they aren't finished yet what with 48+ maps planned and the mod having been in development for many years now. It works out in the end; episodes 3 and 4 end up showcasing showcase the extreme ends of what Mjolnir is capable of: smaller, linear maps of medieval Quake goodness, and then much larger, often non-linear maps of medieval Quake goodness.
So, it CAN be done lol
>in what world is a 1.0 release missing it's first episode ?
Some people treat 1.0 and Release 1 as synonymous. Those people are stupid, but they do exist.
I might check it out if I get back to Quake. I got burnt out after going for both expansions and AD one after the other, and Mjolnir looks like more AD-style maps.
When you try it again, you can enter 'impulse 130' into the console if you want AD's shotgun pellets and gibs.
Anyone have any idea why Gumboald's banjo sometimes doesn't make the hit noise when it hits monsters?
>based guys set hell, using doom
>plutonia mostly designed whatever ready
>great zdoom bait limit
>retarded a_chase
>old issue, cope early lol
>fires... uh... words
>boom; extremely happened
>getting ass shotgun
>remember levels; monsters makes die. kill part funny
The Quake Bonk Jam is out

try again fairweather
Well that was neat. I guess I missed a plasma rifle and BFG secret somewhere because Magnificent Five kept giving me cell ammo and I didn't have either of those by the time I finished.
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That's a lot of skins, I'm going for the Floyd first and then the S-blade.
Another cool looking DBP for me to look into.
I think you don't get a plasma rifle/bfg and it's just gold you are collecting. Might be wrong tho.
Ahh, I see now. I forgot the sprite was a money bag when I looked through it.
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what the fuck is up with the hate for hitscan enemies?
i've noticed in newer fps and even in mods, people tend to avoid that. they even change weapons to make them projectile based.
what's wrong with hitscan? please don't say "projectiles take more skill"
It's just shitters who don't know how to prioritize targets.
i was watching this video (i will never start mapping as i'm clinically dumb) and it brings up some very nice points about the combat in quake/doom/etc.

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Some games do it wrong, and have hitscanner enemies literally just draw a line straight to where the player is instead of taking their velocity into account (i.e. aim lagging behind movement). This and potentially too high damage output or encountering hitscanners in tight quarters can make them seem awful as a whole.

Also there's pic related, which is literally Satan incarnate.
Is there an enemy like the Knight in Doom?
they are mostly useless though. I mean something that runs fast and wants to scratch you in melee combat. Any wads or monsters on realm? I was thinking maybe a zombieman with a chainsaw, or a repaint of the imp
This guy? Still not the same since his attack is a single hit that is easily avoided.
couldn't someone write a shader to rerender the sprites at the end and only clip normals from the x/y axis * depth. no backface culling.
probably not easy, but it doesn't seem insurmountable.
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I like any pinkie variant that has their 'chomp' come out sooner.
While not mechanically different, I like the eyeless sharp toothed pinkie model, it's actually spooky and works really well in horror oriented wads
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Let's settle the debate once and for all.
Dynamic lights:
- NO
Definitely on. They make maps more atmospheric if used correctly, and if you're playing with mods you'd be gimping your VFX experience by turning lights off. Flashlights require them by design. Objects that are obviously glowing e.g. torches not having dynamic lights just feelsweirdman.
I like them.
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Absolutely. It’s one of my favorite “demon design motifs” to see pop-up.
It’s GZD so yeup, that and a variety of other anachronistic graphic options.
The Lost Soul kinda fills that niche so Idk if any mods are eager to do the same thing but make it have limited movement because it now cannot fly. The closest I can think of are the melee cannibals from Ashes 2063.
True, but lost souls have the disadvantage of losing their target.
There's a zombieman with a chainsaw, the Sawcubus, and a different chainsaw zombie in Unloved.
Hey those are the gremlin miners from Heretic 2 - cute little fellows, when you killed their overlords they used to gather around the corpse and cheer and dance
Heretic 2 was flawed but man it was fun, Corvus is a badass
Lmao someone actually saved this thing.
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>even more q4 stuff
>Elf Gets Pissed
He's great. "Medieval Quake" and "fantasy Raven" are an amazing combo in that mod, and just in general.
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Quake II PSX Release Date trailer
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I have no idea how to improve my skills in Doom mapping... It's not like I'm a complete neophyte, I've made and released some stuff, mapping is just so taxing for some reason, cannot do it for more than 30 mins at a time. What's the secret. Is it drugs? Is there a map editor that will just scan my brain? How
You could try sketching up the levels in Maya or Houdini for example and then implement them with Doom editor of your choice.
Make drawn sketches etc.
Spice it up.
Does this version of Quake 2 actually have significant level additions, or is it just a meme for the spider dude and new boss?
many of the unfinished big gun maps ended on the ps1 port
Tried mapping for anything else? Maybe Doom mapping's not something your brain likes doing.
Never played with dynamic lights. Don't have time to test it, but do they work with wads that have custom enemies and props and such? Like, technically, I'm not sure how they're implemented; I know there's a lights.pk3 but that's about it
But can I play this using Yamagi?
I don't like that faggot either but you and the other fags in these threads who don't have an intelligent thought between you regarding Quake mapping are on the same level as him completely. No, you're worse, because at least he makes maps.
When it comes to console fps getting re-releases I'm more looking forward to Cold Winter and the Timesplitters series. I guess Quake 2 psx could be cool too we will see.
That third secret level in Eviternity 2 is a fucking nightmare
Why make all the obstacles instant death?
Because it's a battletoads homage
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>Doom the way Croteam would did it
The fuck does FW have to do with Mjolnir anyway? Last I heard it's built on Keep and has levels by Tronyn whom FW hates
You mentally ill faggots are the absolute worst of any community, just make a map and shut the fuck up, no one likes your dumb drama - and not even good drama at that, because obviously you're too retarded to even know who's who and react kneejerk to your boogeyman
>just a bunch of Revenants running at you screaming
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>giant arenas that have slaughter-tier enemy counts but are trickled in through multiple spawns (unlike most slaughter maps where all the enemies are already present)
>arenas are separated by regular Doom-styled corridors to help "cool off" after a fight
>tons of tricks and traps, including multiple "fuck you" moments for having the audacity to pick up a lone health vial
>also plenty of secrets with little gags that make no sense to anyone but Croatians
Would it be made for Doom or the Serious Engine?
noob here, how should I organise my wads, what launcher should I use, do i need a separate mod launcher? Plan on going through the doom engine catalogue with just mainly GZDoom and trying out a TC or two
Is it just me or is the original Doom really easy? Maybe it’s cause I’m playing with modern controls?
It's not you, and controls may have something to do with it since modern WASD style came about after quake I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong I'm remembering stuff I looked at a decade ago
I'm just playing doom with my move forward key unbound (and novert on) for my serious sam x doom crossover fix
It's easy, even if you play it in Ultra-Violence. Try the fourth episode (Thy Flesh is Consumed) and Plutonia. That's where it gets hard.
funny enough i, for a very long time, thought i didn't like doom at all because all i'd played was original doom 1 and i figured that was all there was to it. even doom 2 is so much more exciting and fun to play.
don't forget at least 3 dozen enemies that get stuck trying to reach their spawn teleporter breaking all the kill counts
I think most of the broken enemy spawns in Sam are actually from the spanwners themselves being incorrectly set up and not triggering in the first place. The max kill count is automatically calculated based on the values put into enemySpawners, even if they aren't connected to a trigger.
I realized after typing this you meant broken spawns in Doom, or at least I think you did. But I'm going to post it anyways because mapping can be a pain no matter what game you're working in.
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How do you guys feel about lighting coming off of lava in Quake maps? Is it better to just leave it mostly un-emissive like vanilla Quake?
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The thing I don't like about the new lighting in kex port is how a few light sources will paint the whole damn level in their color. For example this screenshot, the whole room is completely blue, just why.
Whatever you do, don't overdo it.
that'd be correct, it was just a joke about doom the way cro did and teles are the most common breakpoint since there's no direct spawners
The trailer is pretty good
With r_litwater it's pretty much required because otherwise unlit lava will look bad.
I generally like it though, that orange glow from below always gives a great mood. Just don't overdo it with the color. Keep it extremely desaturated.
If you can only beat a map with mid-level saves, do you personally feel as though you've really "beaten" it yourself? Not asking how you view other people playing as such and there's bound to be a difference depending on map length, but I'm still curious to hear others perspectives
I don't personally feel like I can play Doom when I take double or triple the par time on every map
Needing lots of saves just gives me a whole new level of insecurity
Preaching to the choir brother man.
I want it to have an orange glow and this like.. almost fog-like radiating light coning off of it. Hard to explain what I mean but it needs to look a bit like there's a very thin layer of gas on the surface.
Doom, but Doomguy is Terry A. Davis, and all of hits rants about the "CIA" are now about the "UAC". And they're included, in full, as voicelines.
Doom but you play as Jim Jones and have to convert all the demons of Hell to your religion for one grand, final purge of these fiends.
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Oh yeah sorry bro, was targeting what first anon said, only tagged yours as a followup
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Ragtag rebel guns and spiked kool-aid in place of health bonuses
They may be a private corporation but they sure glow a lot
The UAC will be executed with a BFG9000, the fist of God
Doom 3 but it's an immersive sim and it has a massive, extensive gameplay arc where you go around on patrols as marine security in the sprawling uac complex and do various tasks ranging from finding missing personnel to wrangling people who get a little mentally ill from all the spooky stuff going on behind the scenes. And sections where you can return to your barracks and cool off with different minigames like gym, watching kinda cheesy in-universe movie shorts, playing Doom 1993 on your craptop and some arcade fighting game and boxing with fellow marines. Then you can find audio logs and snippets of happenings around the base etc. Actually want this so bad.
>single blue health in a corner spawns 15 pinkys
>UAC placed an imp next to me at the Military Base to evoke a sex response.
>I told him I'd put a gun in his mouth.
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You niggas understand the assignment. I would also change some monsters and weapons values and graphics.
Boom-compatable. I understand the appeal of the kill-em-all arenas but we would be pushed to limit available source-ports for wads to gzdoom and its forks.
However if there is a non-clunky way of making the door open only after a certain amount of certain enemies will get killed... tell me.
Eh, just slap the classic slaughtershit timed gates after every encounter.
If we look at PrBoom+ compatability, which is kinda still pretty close to vanilla - we can use UMAPINFO to make more complicated arenas. After all - Serious Sam slaughter is slow, methodical, it doesn't throw shit at you non-stop. Simply spawning all the demons at once is not a very Croteam thing to do.
You can use MBF21 to make boss death triggers for each monster(then have duplicates without the flag so you can still use them in other parts of the level). It has its limits, but it's the best you're going to get without ZDoom.
And unless you're on mobile, every supported port has complevel 21.
I suppose you could also do hard-coded line actions for different monsters. It wouldn't be an issue if the mappers already know ahead of time what tag numbers to not use.
HoD - Arachnotron updated so now it's time to go through Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy with it.
Specifically, with MBF21 you could:
Create a series of identical enemies for every type using different slots, use damage groups to prevent the duplicate monsters from infighting and put the A_BossDeath/KeenDie action at the end of their death animations. Ex. you’d make imp version 0, 1, 2 etc. and baron version 0, 1, 2 etc. Then use Umapinfo to define sorted tag ranges for each monster/number. Imps 0,1 and 2 could trigger tags 1000, 1001 and 1002 respectively and barons 0, 1 and 2 could do 2000, 2001 and 2002 etc.
After that, you’d design each arena encounter to only use monsters from a particular number grouping and require all tags with the associated final digit(s) to be triggered in order to progress. Arena 0 would require tags 1000, 2000 and 3000 by killing the all the 0-imps, 0-barons and 0-revenants. You’d also probably want a version of each monster that doesn’t trigger anything to fill the space between arenas, and of course, communicate how these triggers actually work early on. Since MBF21 and Umapinfo are nigh infinitely extensible creating sufficient variant monsters like this is no problem.
While this would be convoluted to set up initially, utilizing it thereafter isn’t conceptually much different than something like Dead Simple.
To think of it: SS didn't had infighting. We prolly can achieve that only with MBF21.
Just beat Selaco. I heard something about a 1-2 hour secret level when it first came out but now can't find anything.
Did that come to me in a dream?
It's seemingly real.
I haven't actually played it this was just the first result on google. Apparently you need to collect all the security clearances. That's a nifty fucking secret, an entire hour long level.
There's a big building just before end corridor. You'll need lvl6 clearance.
Oh that, yeah I did that. Okay cool.
Oh hey, War Rooster had this as a secret weapon for getting 100% kills on 15 levels. It really is pretty cool. I wish more games had sick and impractical IRL weapons like FLASH outside of the usual ones like OICW.
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>think I'm being clever by using a map hack to place any already precached models
>didn't read the part where the angles reset to '0 0 0'
Welp, no impaled zombies for me I guess.
Modded Quake mapping really spoils you.
How would you rate Selaco in general? Any specific things you liked or disliked in particular?
The atmosphere of making your way through a siege is pretty well done but I wanted much more lore and storytelling to get properly immersed. Basically I want more datapads and things to read.
I don't want friendly NPCs or anything like that. Being alone is very oppressive and often times scary, both to a huge benefit.
Shooting was good. Mines are overpowered. The plasma rifle is ass. Aside from that each weapon had its place and were well balanced I felt. I like that I'd end most firefights just barely clinging on with my ass clenched.

I do think it's overhyped but at the same time by the end of the game I can see why someone would say that. The highs this game has are massive and make a big impression.
What difficulty did you play on?
I started a Selaco Must Die game right after which is a very interesting and fun mode. A cool addition to the game, and something I'll probably play in a year or so. Backlog calls
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Small update for Tomb of Thunder to v1.032b, the way to the secret exit on map4 has been fixed

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Turok 3 turned into Soldier of Fortune real quick
UMAPINFO doesn't allow anything beyond the set of vanilla things to trigger boss deaths for some reason.
Also I grabbed the OST and am skimming through my footage and the soundtrack is so good. Really keeps the adrenaline running.
I had no idea you meant an entirely new mod and not just another update for the old one.

Holy shit, if the other one was fun Harley, this one is serious business Harley and it's fucking rad. I love that LFW added fidget actions to the guns.
This game felt tasteless and disgusting compared to the first two entries
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Fuck, PrBoom+ it is then.
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UMAPINFO can use newly defined DeHacked things.
Why don't use DEHEXTRA things? There is only around 18 enemy types in Doom 2 and 99 extra slots. Basically 5 or more extra variations for each enemy type.
Why not use the format that gzdoom uses? i don't remember the acronym, but i remember it allowed some complex scripting
You are probably talking about G.O.O.N. optimized BSP trees.
>complex scripting
This is why. Also then wad will be playable only in GZDoom and its forks. And we are making "Doom the way Croteam would did it", not "GZDoom the way Croteam would did it"
Doesn't DSDA and Woof actually support UDMF at least partially? Or at least this was in the works.
>UMAPINFO can use newly defined DeHacked things.
Since when? I remember this being an issue when it was still new.
Still too much hustle. Things have to be as simple and uniform if it was a joint project. Cutting the scripting out if it is the right choice to do.
Not untrue.

I remember that being a problem, but one which I'm pretty sure was fixed. Make sure the monster is the right Deh_Actor number in your UMAPINFO and that he has the right action calls in his death state.
In that case, making a bunch of duplicate monsters would be the way to go. I doubt you'd need more than 1 copy of each. You might not even need to duplicate some of the lesser-used monsters like zombiemen.
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>played way too much Quake lately
>when playing any other shooter I forget about the interact key and just try to run into shit or shoot it
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>playing Unreal after Quake
>also no use/interact key
I'm back!
Wednesday night Whatever, come play some SRB2Kart!

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/Yjs2wA7Y#c_h8g4vWAZkLWxGz-qNw7o8dvNsRgjjAO384JB-sCJE
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use: https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.2g
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

Recent Changes:
Temporarily removed the DRRR backport characters, I suspect the extra animations have something to do with the tricks errors and flickering sprites.
Anyone know why id went without a use key for Quake? It would only harm mapping creativity, so I'm assuming it was to simplify the control scheme? Or did Carmack have a 'problem' with it like he did map file sizes greater than floppy size
The best I know of is that Carmack wanted to go without one.
I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they were desperate to free up just one more button on 5th gen console ports, considering the way their control schemes turned out
I know it's not really vr but selaco is really good. First few levels are a bit too complex for thier own good but after that it feels great.
Doesn't seem a likely reason at all, back in those days console ports were considered after the game was done, and shit like that, often outsourced to another studio, was "You figure it out."
To be fair, was thinking about this and it *does* free up the SPACE key for jumping if you go without a use key. So maybe it's about PC controls and not console ones
I believe the idea was to emphasize the true 3D nature of the world by having the switches require that you physically depress them, or have to look around vertically for the shootable ones. Something to truly distinguish the game from just being Doom with better graphics.
Really loved Unreal back in '98, I thought it was fantastic and immersive.
Tried to play it after 20+ years and it's quite dull. Maybe I was doing something wrong, I don't know.
Quake still feels as great as ever.
You DO have all 12 achievements in both Classic Marathon AND Classic Marathon 2, right anon?
>Lawful Good
Oh fuck off
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All the enemies feel like they have more health than Quake's, the encounters are spread-out by long big areas, and there's not many enemies in each level anyways. In Q1 you can be nearly done with e1m3 and kill over a hundred dudes in the time it takes you to explore NyLeve's Falls.
There's still cool custom maps, mutators, and other mods. Skaarj are fun to fight and I like seeing enemies smart enough to use elevators. Lately I've been into this "RLCoop" mod that I can only liken to Hideous Destructor-lite as I have no other point of comparison.
Nope, decided to start modding Marathon 2 instead.
Can be done... by someone being paid a salary to program it. Go ahead and finance Graf to figure it out in gzdoom.
Try becoming a NEET with no social life. When i was there were times i spent 8+ hours straight mapping.
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damn. when i was there i spent 8+ hours jerking off.
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Not bad progress for a day's worth of brooming I think. I should really start doing blockouts and playtesting before diving into decorative autism, but oh well.
Why 2 and not Infinity?
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i always liked this sky. the shape of Quake skies make me think of McDonalds apple pie because of the shape.
nice btw
like that fucker isn't making 6 figures from patreon thanks to all the newfags being funneled into GZ for years
I don't think Graf even has a Patreon.
pretty based actually
What happened to the waifu community project?

Me and my casual friends had a lot of fun trying to beat Scythe 2 with a single life each.
Man I wish I had your work ethic.
Do you just assume anyone you don't like and who has some degree of fame (or infamy) is raking in cash on Patreon?
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playing pic related.
i gotta say, this wad is enjoyable overall, but i would like it better if they toned down the enemy count.

not every map needs 200+ enemies.
>E2M2 shows 386 enemies and i have only the shotguns and a poorly stocked minigun
oh boy
>not every map needs 200+ enemies.
>playing SCS
>by the second map, enemy count is at least 400
I dunno, as someone who generally hates slaughtermaps I absolutely loved Valiant. It feels like it was designed for people like me.

Also pucker up, E3 is where it gets real fucking good.
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Confession time, forgive me padre for I have sinned. I find vanilla Doom's gameplay kind of boring and almost always play it with a gameplay mod like PB or Babel or anything else at all honestly.
i fucked up, i think it's actually E3
whatever it is, it's the level right after the introduction of the serious sam suicide bombers
Which difficulty are you playing it through? Randomly looking at map15 shows a big difference:
>97 zombieman skill 1-2, 151 skill 3, 217 skill 4
see >>11112131
it's whatever the default difficulty is selected when you start a new game
It's alright Doom supports modding for a reason. I had periods where I could not even touch vanilla gameplay but it's fun to come back to after a while.
Same. I tried out a bunch of LossForWords' mods the other day and now I'm trying to figure out what to play Red Spiral '93 on. That's a neat one.
I used to think like that in my teens, but I came around to it and really grew to enjoy the stock gameplay a lot, it's really solid and well thought out.

The only changes which I think would improve Doom's base gameplay would be:
>unique active and pain sounds for all the different enemies
>if zombies had Wolf3D or Build style aiming where their point of aim actually has to catch up to you (Spideymind gets to keep perfect tracking because it's supposed to be a big bad boss)
>if said Spideymind was boosted further to make them a better enemy, make their hitbox slightly less wide so they can actually move a bit better, make it so that enemies besides the Cyberdemon and other Spiderminds are too afraid to retaliate towards them, because they're supposed to be in charge (also give them a magic attack)
>if the pistol was less unfun to use, probably do something really simple like let it shoot twice as fast, but it needs to do a quick reload animation every 15th shot, similar to Duke 3D, meanwhile chaingun never needs to reload
An idea: Replace the pistol with the rifle from the beta. It shoots even slower, but damage is tripled. DPS traded for better bullet economy.
Different anon, but I experimented with turning the pistol into a chaingun that can fire 1 bullet at a time. Then turn the chaingun into something else entirely.
There's a mod that restored a lot of beta stuff that released fairly recently. Can't recall its name.
personally, i have a gripe with the revenant's homing rocket.

the tracking is a bit too good for how much damage it does, and it's hard-ish to tell apart from a non-homing one when front facing one and in the midst of chaos.

i'd say tone down the tracking and make it a more unique projectile.

also the chaingun needs better feedback in animation/sound design department.
i'm the playing valiant anon and i honestly don't think i can go back to the stock chaingun
>the tracking is a bit too good for how much damage it does
The missiles are pretty easy to bait into walls or other monsters. I'd understand if you were talking about Quake, but Revenant missiles are very avoidable. The only change I'd ever make to them is making the tracking more obvious, either with beeping or more obvious smoke trails.
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>i'm the playing valiant anon and i honestly don't think i can go back to the stock chaingun
I know where you're coming from, and why I'm tagging >>11112127 about their Babel mention. It does amazing there and with the other weapons.
>loaded up Babel real quick, realized all graphics settings were saved on old pc
crap, fixing that
mod-anons, how do you deal with wads that have custom enemies, custom weapons, or that simply have their balance set towards vanilla?
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>but Revenant missiles are very avoidable
the problem is that they can do 180 turns and come back even if you avoided them the first time round.
i need to be front facing because i'm shooting the agitated skeleton, i can't turn back to check if the little cunt crashed into a wall/monster and if you go by sound it gives very little time to react.

i think that once he passes doomguy, the projectile shouldn't be able to curve back
You'll go crazy trying to find a truly perfect balance. I would know. I try to find the sweetspot between challenge and ballbreaking, like mixing Combined_Arms with Colorful Hell + Legendoom. As for wads with custom weapons/enemies, I don't really play those too much.
is that real?
I played a bit of this the other day and it was pretty solid.
it's really fun, I'm all for more movement mechanic jams
no, skeletons don't exist thankfully
I was told this entire time the 64 version sucked because ps1 was the same as pc.. ¿?¿?
I like the 64 version
>he doesn't know
Why don't you try feeling your own face?
unreal is not about run&gun, is about exploration
if there's doomkart, why is there no doomboarding game?
kys dumb zoomer
GZDoom is open source so you could make your own fork to fix that if you felt like it.
You read his post and tell me that this is a guy who knows something useful like programming.
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You can play the 64 levels through the new port, kind of get the best of both worlds. That's the case for both Quake 1 and 2.
>unreal is not about run&gun, is about exploration
It's does an amazing job, also with level variety and a sense of scale. The variety of what enemies and what they can do also makes the fights engaging.
It's just not a shooter that will appeal to someone expecting something similar to Quake or Doom.
the biggest problem Unreal has is that every fucking texture has blurry mipmaps, while weapons shouldn't have any of it
playing through doom 1 campaign for the first time and managed to accidentally activate the all ghosts glitch on e4m1.
i keep reading about people saying: "gzdoom would be a good port, if it weren't for the default configurations" and i started wondering: are these bots? sheep that follow whatever is trendy? or genuinely retarded people? it takes less than 10 seconds to change the settings, remove jumps, etc. so i don't see the point.
i remember gzoom being hated many years ago, but i still see it today. have none of the youngsters grown up by now?
>*hides everything behind "full options" flag*
Nothing personal kiddo.
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Hello mates I've got a little purple map here that needs some testing. Anyone wanna give it a spin?

There is no excuse for freelook's default to be "on"
GZDoom supports more games that are designed for looking up and down than it does games that aren't.
And GZDoom is used more for games that do not support freelook.
>change option
>forget about it forever
>dig through menus
>make sure to turn on the right menu option so that you can see all of the menu options first
Until the you load the next wad, you mean.
Uh... no. Thats not how gzdoom works.
Then maybe yours is different, because that absolutely how mine does.
These never had "freelook" either, if those are some of the other games you're referring to. Vertical aiming was through keybinds and all were otherwise balanced around horizontal mouselook only. It's just accepted and even trendy that these are to be played with full mouselook. Just have fun.
most are frankly
graf and co. being fueled entirely by autism is an exception nowadays
Anon what option are you setting? Please don't tell me you're modifying gameplay options, which are specifically set wad by wad.
>programmers need to be paid to fix shit
>but also fix it urself lmao gottem
>zoomers so braindead can't even navigate a simple menu
No, they don't have to be paid but GZDoom is open source and it's something Graf develops ad honorem so you can either pay a programmer to fix that or do it yourself.
That's not how it works and even if it was you could bind the console command to turn it off to a key.
Okay, I will reinstall Unreal. Those screenshots still elicit something in me.
How? I don't think there's any spot in E4M1 where you would be able to stack or line up as many as 128 intercepts at once, unless you're playing with respawning monsters.

This is wrong and fucking retarded, since freelook is the most obvious first step if you're stepping away from rigid vanilla constraints and intend to open things up for more advanced modding.
You're a tryhard contrarian.

Shut the fuck up Zoomer, that's not how the world works.
There's outright a search bar in the options, you don't have an excuse.

This has never happened to me, and I've never heard of this happening to anyone else. At least bring up real problems which GzDoom actually has.
>that's not how the world works.
striking argument, truly, but it is
Sone people should just play DOS Doom, that's the purest experience. Although I do remember starting to use WinDoom as soon as it came available so that's that, in 1995. 320x200 became 640x400 and it wasn't that long since the original game release.
>I've never heard of this happening to anyone else
Gameplay options. Go check it yourself. Change some of them, then restart the game, everything will be changed back. Welcome to GZDoom, enjoy your stay.
>default freelook is ok on a doom port mostly used to play doom because it supports not-doom
gonna defend bilinear filtering next?
What I mean is this: regarding id Software games there has always been technological progression available even from the get go.
Nobody ever played Quake at 330x200 they were running 486 or something. It was always 640x480 minimum. And software renderer changed immediately to 3DFX as soon as it came out (Quake released 1996, 3dfx later that same year).
It's fun to be nostalgic and play these games how they were but truth is, things were moving forward all the time.
No, because that's fucking graphical design choice which has nothing at all to do with the gameplay.
Freelook is a basic standard feature of first person shooters since the mid 1990s.
>There's outright a search bar in the options
Some options have names that don't make sense. Mouselook, specifically. Because there are both options for "mouse" and "free" look that control the same thing.
Sometimes, some people's complaint with GzDoom is that it's not DOS Doom, and those people should simply kill themselves.
How the shit does mouselook not make sense? What the fuck else are you using for looking with?
Turning mouselook off implies that the mouse won't be usable at all, not that it will disable the Y axis.
>the thing that affects the game less should be held to a stricter standard
are you perchance completely retarded? do you enjoy unity demos of super mario bros with 3d movement?
That's because your perspective is fucking retarded and autistic. If you're going to turn Doom into an FPS modding playground, which is by far the biggest purpose GzDoom has, then full mouselook is one of the most critical additions which EVERYONE is going to expect.

You being too retarded to navigate a basic options menu by just READING the names of the listed entries, or just using the search bar, either which should solve your problem in well under 60 seconds, is nobody's problem but your own.
The linear filter is at least offensively ugly at a glance, that's worth complaining about, if freelook is a big problem for you then you're unlikely to even be interested in gameplay mods as a whole.
You'll probably have a better chance if you post a screenshot of the map.
>which is by far the biggest purpose GzDoom has
ok hear me out
Gz D O O M's biggest purpose is to, in fact, play doom. If a mod needs to stray from that baseline, it has a readme or bundled config. If you can't handle that, the defaults should gatekeep you as best as possible.
And matching the expectations of zommer baboons who can't read a readme should be no one's priority. They're just gonna play doom 2 with out of the box settings anyway and should be given a vanilla experience
>everyone responding is the same person
I overestimated your intelligence gomen, won't make that mistake again
Underageb&. Mouselook equals using the mouse to look from side to side. Freelook equals using the mouse to look freely (up down and all around). Which was not a feature of the original Doom.
GZDoom is to play Brutal Doom, grandpa. Stop saying stupid shit because nobody that downloads GZDoom does that to play vanilla wads from the nineties.
come on now, Brutal Doom is so 2013
You don't know how to read.
Sorry, they download it to play MyHouse.wad and other maps that use GZDoom features which render the "muh vanilla experience" argument null.
gz was, and probably still is, the first place newfags go to play classic doom if they have even the slightest interest in it, the only competition for babby's first doom is the very recently unfucked (to a zoomer's sensibilities anyway) official unity ports
If they're just here for the most recent meme mod they deserve to be gatekept by needing to read a readme and delving into the settings menu
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>In that case, making a bunch of duplicate monsters would be the way to go.
Okay, great! One small issue: HOW?
Will the DeHackEd be enough or there are better contemporate options? WhackEd4, for example? If we go full MBF21, we can't go vanilla so no .exe patches on the getgo and Dehack lump will be enough - do I understand that correctly?
You retards type stuff like that and then wonder why most people only care about these dogshit mods rather than actual good maps.
You'd need UMAPINFO to do boss death triggers no matter what, and I can't think of a single port that supports that and not MBF21.
Regular old MBF supports monster states being able to trigger line effects too. But that would be a more clunky solution.
My new favorite thing that I've decided to do with new mods is raise viewheight so the camera is level with the character sprite's eyes.
>And matching the expectations of zommer baboons who can't read a readme should be no one's priority.
But it should be a priority to cater to people who want GzDoom to be vanilla Doom instead of GzDoom?

>They're just gonna play doom 2 with out of the box settings anyway and should be given a vanilla experience
Which is A), their own problem, and B), why you should suggest something like Crispy or Woof for someone who's just interested in playing the base game.

If Doom is food then the first game is soup as an entré, and dessert is mods and custom maps. You wouldn't START OUT with the dessert (and the dessert will never stop you from having more soup later).
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See webm. I keep demo recordings of all my playsessions. I could share the demo aswell if there's a way to edit/trim them.
Oh cool. Omerta has a Zscript that applies a generic fire death effect to creatures that don't have one defined. So I copy and pasted it, the sprites and the actor it uses into Red Spiral since it has this spray can flamethrower weapon. They can catch other enemies on fire and even kill you if you get too close.
What the fuck is a Kopatych?
No "good maps" require freelook default, nor retards who watch video essays and skip the base game. If I could make a Zdoom fork that staples your balls to your chair if you try to play brewtal or le silent teleporter house without beating a vanilla iwad on UV first I would
I see that you did not understand what I said, and given it was a single sentence I assume you are too dumb or contrarian to have a discussion with.
>You retards type stuff like that and then wonder why most people only care about these dogshit mods rather than actual good maps.
Ah yes, should have known you were pussy puckered over "stuff like that" and not the other stuff not like that in the post, probably the unity ports right?
Truly to inteligent 4 me
You could write a command line to force all of them back on after restart, but I do understand you just want to be a shitter. And don't say
>well hurr it should be like that by default!
No, because then you'd have players, not even necessarily retarded ones, who'd forget about having turned on an option months down the line start reporting bugs that something misbehaves, wasting everyone's time chasing something that isn't there because memory issues.
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Unreal Evolution might help with the gameplay. You get stuff like a dedicated dodge key and the ability to upgrade other weapons besides the pistol.
how is that different from any other option? should controls also be reset every time, on the off chance that someone unbinds something?
"misbehaves" is also a peculiar word to use, since it's gz that's misbehaving and then wasting the player's time. take blursphere behavior for instance: the player first has to notice that something's off, hunt down the vaguely titled option, only to have it turn back off by itself later. meanwhile there's literally no excuse for the different behavior in the first place.
and then some retard will recommend "writing a command line" for something that's best handled with autoexec.
>nd the ability to upgrade other weapons besides the pistol.
Oh shoot that sounds sick.
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I did it, download below. There are 3 variants of most monsters that'll trigger associated tags when they die. If you want to use this method yourself, I'd recommend reading over the Umapinfo/Decorate/Dehacked/Decohack inside the wad and inspect the demo map. You could add up to 10 variants with this numbering scheme but it'd require reformatting stuff. As the other anon mentioned, there are only 100 extra thing slots available to Umapinfo.
A couple of noteworthy things that likely count as bugs:
1: Extended Dehacked "DropItem" things don't work correctly in GZDoom. To remedy this I've applied a Decorate patch to replace the enemies that drop stuff.
2: Decohack has no way of parsing Woof's Dehacked Obituary strings. You can add them to the post-compiled Dehacked afterwards.

>food analogy
must you graf glazing contrarians prove yourself worthless, time and time again?
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Mock 2 map29 was so fucked, it was a total gut punch after all the trials I had faced, it was like Phantasy Star II all over again. I feel sick and don't really want to play Doom any more...
Honestly we have hit the point where shitting on food analogies is as stupid as food analogies themselves.
nice try food apologist
>there are only 100 extra thing slots available to Umapinfo.
For vanilla - yes. For MBF21 - there are 2^32-1 slots.
Thanks for the input anyway. Gotta dig through this one way or another.
The complainers don't want a solution they just complaaaaaainnn.
>look mommy I posted it again
even if it was funny spamming the same ai slop image every thread is like the worst of both worlds
>Gz D O O M's biggest purpose is to, in fact, play doom.
LOL! LMAO even!
Are there any other crosshair packs for gzdoom, besides X-Hairs and MXHairs?
gzdoom isn't even doom
it still wouldn't be a good port though, it isn't accurate at all to real doom, even with compatibility set to strict
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Silly me thought there was a programm to work in MBF21/DSDHack, but you just have to type txt code by hand over a Dehacked lump and I don't understand jackshit.
Jesus fucking Christ, I never will see how we can have thousands of fucking Doom ports and zero practical tools to change and edit the simpliest of stuff at the same time.
My solution is to use Woof.
I want to make a suggestion that, in reference of a TSE HD bug, every key pickup message just reads "Book of Wisdom"
im not one of the shitters itt. do you mind claryifing what isn't equal to other more vanilla oriented ports? just curious, because i have never found a problem and mostly play vanilla
FDA recorded with nugget : https://litter.catbox.moe/vlulrs.lmp

A very cool doc-looking map, even if I managed to get lost a few times. I died panicking in that BFG/Arch room, but the other encounters so far seemed fair to me, and I will probably give it another go later.

However, those revenants traps under the floor of the castle above the main area can go eat a bone. They seriously made me wonder if invisible enemies were a thing now in Doom.
>bring up real problems which GzDoom actually has
Like what? The only one I know about is poor performance with hordes of enemies on screen. People often show Nuts to prove it.
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I enjoyed upgrading the stinger a lot. They won't get cool visual upgrades like the pistol but its still nice upping things like its fire rate and projectile speed.
17th time with that filename, according to the img MD5 archive. It seems he's sticking around.
what's wrong with posting that image to fags who constantly bitch about gzdoom.
I never said it should be like that or like anything, calm your pants, I just said such options exist in gzdoom if wasn't aware.
>*if you wasn't aware
the random number generator works differently, stuff like that, the differences are very minor but it's enough to make the game play differently
>do you mind claryifing what isn't equal to other more vanilla oriented ports?
It doesn't use Doom code for hitscan checks by default. This makes it easier to punch things, especially enemies you couldn't reliably hit before like arachnotrons and mancubi.
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i gotta ask, and i swear i'm 100% serious.
is GZdoom known to have lag spikes?

i have a top-tier PC and i get big stutters once in a while.
i'm talking one every 30+ minutes so it's not a big deal but maybe it's a known thing.
seems to happen when something new happens, like first time firing the BFG or the first time a certain monster appears in that specific session
GZDoom having objectively better movement, graphics, mouse sensitivity, hit detection, number calls, & enemy collision systems is bad.
Why? Because it just is. Doom has to have flaws. Capiche?
The publisher agrees. Many of those 'blemishes' like infinitely tall monsters persist on the Unity port. News post mentions how they recently added Tetanus to it as well.
>the random number generator works differently
hope you're not playing any boom ports or wads then
doom newfag here.
can confirm gzdoom was the one that a cursory search turned up and what i use.

i'm a feature-over-vanilla guy tho.
not much of a fan of stuff like no vertical aiming or floating blood splatters
>random numbers
is this such that big of a difference anyway? and who here plays the true original? boom has replaced it as well with a more conventional system.
>stuff like that, minor differences that make the game play differently
ok, pardon my insistence, but what are you exactly talking about? i'm aware of the hitscan checks, and that sure is a difference. but besides that one?
>Silly me thought there was a programm to work in MBF21/DSDHack
DoomTools comes with a tool called DECOHack that lets you write Dehacked code in a format similar to DECORATE.

If you want to see how to use it for a weapons mod I suggest looking at the code for Xaser's Vesper.

I've been using it myself to get started with modding since I want my mods to run on DSDA-Doom and Woof/Nugget, not too difficult so far.
MBF21 is pretty much unusable without Decohack.
what source port am I supposed to use for vanilla experience? dsda?
chocolate, doom95 on win95, heck just run the original DOOM.EXE on win95
Either DSDA-Doom or Woof (or Nugget) will do the trick if you just mean normal unmodded gameplay.

For the 90s experience go with Chocolate or Crispy.
thamks fren i'll sleep better
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Hey Revae, I sent you a message on DB I hope he will see this.
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thanks man, the revs in the ground were a fuckup, forgot to put a bunch of trigger lines for them to pop up beforehand
Tomb of Thunder is leaving a positive impression as of level 2, but there's some visual choppiness that I can't stop. I'm using the same video settings as the id1 folder, yet it feels like I'm forced between vsync input lag and frame skipping. Anyone else get this? It might just be the levels themselves, or maybe there's a specific QSS it's built for.
>is this such that big of a difference anyway?
for common end users, not really
for speedrunners and anyone recording demos, quite important
as for differences, off the top of my head you got things like monsters sliding off platforms when receiving knockback in some cases, which, woo?, and uncapped lost soul limits i.e. if you sit there for 40 minutes, a pain elemental can and will puke out 1000 lost souls instead of being stopped at 21, but it should be dead long before then (or the wad is built around it)
>what's wrong with [spamming a single ai slop image 20 times]?
the methods evolve but newfags never change do they?
oh, gzdoom vs. more vanilla, not vanilla
nevermind then those changes have been standard since boom, but the rng thing is still relevant
gz strict vs. others fixes esoteric bugs some devs exploit for their maps (that are near impossible to accidentally trigger anyway) and changes physics around such that demos and custom maps with tight tolerances around jumps or other movement can break.
One of the most abhorrent changes, in my opinion, affects mappers since Zdoom "fixes" broken maps by failsafing major hiccups. The problem there is that the map still has the error, and when you load this "working" map in any other port it falls to pieces, literally if you tag a door with 0 (I think?)
In any computer work, you desperately want errors to be thrown in your face, not swept under a rug, so newfag mappers learn horrible mapping practices for no reason
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made me chuckle
LMAO, come to think of it, Duke Nukem 1 and 2 were overall brighter games than Duke 3D
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Thought I would follow up with the evil eye, but Caleb is wicked as always.
On second thought, maybe I didn't get the joke.
Didn't HL1 have a gameplay concept of Gordon's glasses getting knocked off?
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Mr. Friendly would have slapped your glasses off and fucked your ass.
GzDoom is in fact Doom.
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Who gives a shit about what the PUBLISHER of all fucking people think? Not even GT Interactive's feelings on the matter are relevant to anyone at all, and they originally published Doom 2. In fact, iD Software gave so little of a fuck about GT Interactive that they attempted to fuck them with Quake.

It's 99% accurate, it's outright more faithful than for instance Playstation Doom. All the major differences like freelook, better hit detection, flying monster behavior, jumping and crouching, and "infinitely tall monsters" are toggleable. What you're then left with is the difference in the RNG, which is almost fucking impossible to tell apart given that it's all the same numbers anyway and with extremely close in rates.
You then have the very subtle differences in scrolling floors, which isn't even vanilla Doom at all, that's a Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and Boom thing. Demos is the one thing which is missing, which simply doesn't matter and speedrunners can get fucked if it means modding is better.

There's so much REAL shit to complain about, like how GzDoom's netcode is retarded and a hassle, how pixels are not consistent and even in width anymore, how DPJudas is a fucking idiot who needs to fuck off roever, or how after all these goddamn years, even with the advent of ZScript,I STILL HAVE TO TOUCH SBARINFO. Yet you come around every once in a while to moan like a little bitch about how the modding port isn't the original .exe

How the hell are your posts more useless than the faggot spamming the stupid AI pic in response to you? HOW?
>how after all these goddamn years, even with the advent of ZScript,I STILL HAVE TO TOUCH SBARINFO.
That's the one I feel the most. I would seriously put out a bounty for a visual SBARINFO editor for everyone to use.
>For vanilla
To clarify: vanilla does not have any "extra" thing slots and MBF21 does not add any. Dehextra added 100 extra thing slots and Dsdhacked added theoretically infinite but Umapinfo is only able to access Deh_Actor_145-249. MBF21 is only relevant to this death trigger method because it allows custom infighting and damage groups and de-hardcodes certain monster flags. I was mistaken when I originally stated this method was infinitely extensible because I assumed Umapinfo would work with Dsdhacked.
I used Decohack/Doomtools to create the Dehacked. You can find it inside the "Decohack" lump inside the wad. It can be read as a text file and loaded by Decohack by giving it a .dh suffix (or copy paste it). That said, this particular file is still kind of unwieldy. If you aren't committed port compatibility and interested in Dehacked just use udmf.
Apparently, Rayzik did all the Dehacked for Judgement using notepad. I'm really not sure why but it's impressive
>There's so much REAL shit to complain about
Don't forget how maps with complex geometry run like petrified dogshit
I had to drop Supplice because of this
>zero practical tools to change and edit the simplest of stuff
Whacked has existed for a while, but hasn't been updated since before MBF21 came into being.
Doomtools is rather simple as well. You're going to need to learn Decorate/Decohack, but I don't know how much more simple you want it to be. As far as scripting languages go, it's one of the easiest. You just define a sprite, a duration, and an action.
If I don't care about gameplay mods, why would I use GZDoom?
A couple of things you might want to keep in mind when using this method as well:I tested it in Gzdoom, Woof, Nugget and Dsdadoom. Enemies that already have a A_BossDeath action haven' thad their death animations altered so events triggered by cyberdemons or spiderdemons can take longer to trigger (could be changed). Since the trigger occurs at the end of the death animation, the triggers can break if the enemy is crushed into gibs before they finish dying, including rarely under doors or other non-crushy sector movements once the thing calls A_Fall. I'm not sure if you can completely mitigate the last problem.
>>Who gives a shit about what the PUBLISHER of all fucking people think?
It's not a post to take seriously. I do appreciate I how faithful it is.
If you want to be extra careful, you can trigger it at 1hp.
You got me thinking about it so I had to check. It seems putting A_BossDeath on the crushed gibs state will fix the problem. Though, like you say, it's a pretty rare occurence. Here's the decohack change if anyone's interested:

state 895
POL5 A -1 A_BossDeath
Do the crushed gibs differentiate between monster types?
Apparently, yes. I figured that's how it works since archviles can still resurrect crushed gibs. It seems game forces a state change, but the thing type remains the same.
And you've tested that it works?
if .wad author declared his map zdoom only (or that it has zdoom only features like audio cues) I guess you'd need zdoom even for vanilla gameplay
It works fine in woof/dsda/nugget but it breaks in gzdoom. It turns out zdoom changed the default behavior of crushed monsters for some reason: they'll be replaced with a new thing instead of performing a state jump which means they can't be resurrected and they can't trigger A_BossDeath. The compat_corpsegibs CVAR will revert this behavior, but you'd need a Mapinfo lump to do it automatically and if you add that it'll Ignore the Umapinfo lump...
So you need to recreate the Umapinfo with Mapinfo for maximum compatibility. I'll try uploading a working version tomorrow.
Learn some bash. Might be a good learning experience for you. Here's how I might do it if I was using Batocera.
>get list of wads
>for each (hint hint) wad, create text file and put it in right place
I wanted to do something like that for my Steam Deck but the non-Steam games list format is so fucking bad.
so did the official anniversary update replace xash3d as the definitive way to play half life?
does absolute redemption work now?
i think you needn't bother with xash3d if you just want to play HL1 now. it's weird that the crowbar fix was undocumented.
What is the difference between Megawad and normal one?
A 'Megawad' is just a PWAD (patched WAD) for any map pack that has 15+ levels. So roughly around two episodes' worth.
What is pk3 then?
what it really is a renamed zip file that does the same thing while taking less space
a bundle of AIDS
If pk3 is aids then what's that make the wad format. because between the two, i'll take pk3s any day for letting me put folders in them alone
megawad just means "bigass wad with a bunch of maps", usually 32 but flexible as long as there's 15+, no there's no tangible difference besides map count it's just a name to let the end user know which wads are retail sized odysseys and which are lil' cheeky mapsets
I was slightly trolling with the first question but to be honest, I'm still clueless about these definitions and it's been decades now.
It's basically .pak for id Tech 3, but is essentially a renamed .zip archive so that people don't think they need to extract the assets. .pk4 is the same sort of thing for Doom 3, and .pk7 is based off 7-Zip compression.
I'm trying to play Doom3d and it worked fine the first time I loaded it up, but starting with second time I always get this crash after firing a few shots with any weapon:
>Invalid instruction: cvtsi2sd xmm0
Anyone know how to fix this?
To avoid any confusion, its this mod:
Does anyone like to turn the in level stats off and just try to guesstimate the number of enemies in a map from the level itself, the automap, the monsters you see etc.? You'd be surprised how certain designs of combat encounters can throw off your estimate. Something like a swideath level I can guess the monster count for better than a slaughter map encounter with the same number of enemies. Obviously you can design with this info accounting for people who do have the in level stats counter on, because you can design an encounter with few enemies in a way that can catch the player off guard when they're getting near the end of the map and become complacent because they only see a few enemies left
again, what's wrong with posting that image to fags who constantly bitch about gzdoom. i'd take 100 reposts of that amusing image vs 100 reposts of the same tired bullshit of waaah gzdoom touched me in my sleep bullshit. get some fucking perspective
Anon if there's a pile of garbage on your floor, you don't respond to that by dumping more garbage onto it.
>amusing image
jingling keys would be more efficient if you're that easy to entertain, it was MAYBE funny once, you're nearing 20 reposts because of your eternal asshurt over GZ slander, and at least Gzdoom discussion takes effort to shit the place up and were created by humans
not even close to the same thing. it's a dog coming in to shit on the floor and the image is a spray bottle (useless but worth doing).
don't knock a good key jingle man what the fuck is the matter with you.
>eternal asshurt over gz slander
it's the erroneous information that gets my goat and how all of you just accept it like a bunch of fags.
oh and not to mention every single gzdoom complaint barring the default filter nonsense we all already know about for over 10 years comes from third world poorfags with shit computers.
Put some effort forth then. I see people complain about GZDoom and then I see a repost of AI crap that wasn't even made by someone.
You know that edit of that Wojack getting clubbed by the mace of contrition? That's good.

If you're gonna repeatedly do something, at least act like you care.
>misinfo is being spread
>a. make the slightest effort to point it out
>b. ignore it
>c. post my epic ai maymay for the 18th time, likely after the boys vs girls sleepover guy posts his
Anyway, I'll just add that GR13 GR10 GR6 GR2 and a stretch but /vg/R2
Why was silver-age Superman such a dick?
tfw no DCAU where instead of super evil gigahitler superman he's just silver age clickbait superman without the twists to rationalize his asshole behaviors, he's just an asshole
because he could
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>tfw imagining a universe where Superman is a bigger dick to Barry than Zoom

Having this said. Are there any other notable superhero/capeshit wads than say, Batman Doom?
It was a primitive form of clickbait
Not a fan of superhero comics, but maybe a type of action hero from Antaresian Legacy will suit you: wielding akimbo 9mms, grenade launcher, lmg and the silliest chainsaw replacement to date.
>and the silliest chainsaw replacement to date.
Well now I'm curious.
Well, I could be exaggerating, you only need to experience it yourself.
Oh yeah, the power drill right?
/vr/, how do you deal with saving in Classic Doom? This is something that always bothers me when I play it. Should I save after every battle? After getting every key? Only at the start of the level?
Looked like an electric screwdriver to me to be honest, worked more efficient than a chainsaw too
if I'm not doing single save? I generally just get the thought "gee it's been a while since I saved, it'd suck to get booted back there" after a battle/after I've gathered resources/before an obvious arena. Or I've lost several times and redoing certain things drives me nuts so I save to not have to do the "walkback" as the souls kiddies would call it. Just needs to be once in a while, so that you're not getting pissed re-doing things but not often enough that there's no threat.
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Save whenever you like and as often as you like.
Nobody's going to mock you for saving "too much", and you're not going to earn a medal by beating the game without saving at all.
The main thing is to enjoy playing Doom and have fun, it's a stress reliever not a stress inducer.
Just remember to avoid saving at low HP in the middle of a fight.
I like key and/or kill percentage saves if I'm using them at all. In the case of particularly tough maps I'll do a practice run before proper single segment attempts, using saves more liberally so that I can see the later parts of the map without having to redo the early parts dozens of times just to get screwed by the next new encounter.
I usually don't save unless a map is taking longer than 10 minutes.
I AM going to mock you for saving, losing 10 health without killing anything, then saving right after.
i just finished doom and doom 2 for the first time. I also beat alien trilogy which was probably my favorite of the 3. i am really enjoying these types of games. what would be a good one next? Heretic? Duke 3D? Something else?
I took the flashlight from Omerta and made it a permanent toggleable inventory item. Nice.
Trying to find your own balance between “not trivializing with saves” and “not wasting your time” will vary between levels. Saving near key pickups is a decent practice.
Have you tried getting a sex change? I heard that'll turn you into a mapping machine.
Duke 3D is a must play.
Heretic, while I love it, is very similar to Doom.
doom wads on steam deck is kind of annoying unless you're just using desktop mode
Duke 3D and Hexen.
If you liked Douk a lot, try Blood and Shadow Warrior after that. If you liked Hexen a lot, try the mods Serpent:Resurrection and Cult of Despair after that.
It surprises me how bad mobile and handheld Doom ports are generally.
If you come back to Doom for custom levels, make sure you play Plutonia before anything else.
Beside the standard Bethesda log-in, the mobile port is fine.
Bethesda's mobile/console port is fine, but limited by being pure vanilla. Delta Touch sucks.
and more informative
Something is fucky.
Yeah but that wouldn't help me stand out would it, a transsexual making Doom maps, what a shocker. I need some other sort of USP
Huh, that's weird, the new Harley has two viewheights, and neither of them are correct, and she reverts to whatever it actually is no matter what you change those numbers to. One is 46, which would mean her AttackZOffset needs to be 18 to hit the crosshair, but it doesn't when I set that. The other is 55, which is way too much. Her actual AttackZOffset needs to be 23, which I think means her real viewheight is 50.5. Odd.
Very good way of putting it, though it's a hell of a lot nicer than clickbait.
Rather than attacking the reader or trying to piss you off, it's an appeal to the bizarre, ansld your instinctual "Huh, what the balls?" you wanna know why the fuck Superman is forcing Jimmy Olsen to marry a gorilla, and inside the comicbook there IS going to be story involving that, maybe the story isn't gonna be good, maybe it's gonna be a lame copout, but you're gonna find out.
Well, then you wouldn't, unless you're looking to play some ZDoom maps or total conversions (there are some very cool and worthwhile ones, like Pirate Doom and Alfonzone).
Otherwise, you would best be served with a port like Woof or Nugget Doom, they're great.
If you ever do see some ZDoom stuff you wanna try out, some of it remains very playable with Strict compat flags, which should make things more familiar to you.
I ask again, is there anyone in this thread who understands reverbs in ZDoom? I want to edit them so they are applied to the sounds at any distance. I looked at the wiki but couldn't make sense of it, and randomly playing around with the values did not yield results.

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