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Hitscanners aren't fun enemies to fight if they don't have a wind up time or deal massive damage.
>nearly perfect accuracy, high damage on ‘hard’
>barely 50% hit rate on ‘normal’, less extreme damage
There’s at least a solution for your pic related, even unmodded.
All it takes is a single bullet from the tommygun (or shotgun) and they'll stop firing for a few seconds as they get stunned and reposition themselves
anyone should be playing it on normal anyway due to a difficulty bug. or just don't die at all if you going hard
Deal with it.
idiot these are only the normal shotgun cultists that flinch
I just shoot them first before they shoot me, try it
This problem is alleviated by the fact that the game gives you a shit ton of ammo and lots of explosives that go around corners, you can chuck so much dynamite around corners to clean these guys up, it's actually fun and I wish more FPS's did that but instead they make ammo sparce like it's a fucking resident evil game.
or play with a port avoid this bug. dunno about NBlood but NotBlood has a vanilla mode with Dos mouse motion for authenticity. the port is somewhat Dos accurate and if you want to, you can customize its gameplay like GDX and then some.

also looking around corners prone rather than standing reduces chances of getting hit
Why is it that Blood is the build game people praise the most but also suck at the most?
>All it takes is a single bullet from the tommygun (or shotgun) and they'll stop firing for a few seconds as they get stunned and reposition themselves
Webm showing it works on the fanatics/tommygun cultists as well.
It's arguably harder than the other 90's Build things, at least.
he didn't stop firing for two of those tommygun bursts
use dynamite you enormous casual faggot
Wow use a single strategy for the entirety of the game how fun.
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You don't even need to rely on dynamite all the time, but you're given plenty of it, put it to use.
God damn, this makes Blood look way funner than it actually is!
If you didn't know of the technical aspect behind "hitscan" you would not care, I assure you.
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Crouching and jumping make genuine differences.

He probably still would, just because Blood's hitscanners are genuinely fast and mean as fuck, it's one of the standout aspects of the game's difficulty. They are not insurmountable though and if you learn how the game plays you can take the bastards on.
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>the port is somewhat Dos accurate and if you want to, you can customize its gameplay like GDX and then some.
The customization is great (hitscan attacks into projectiles, autoaim only enabled for small enemies, increase enemy speed), and if that’s not appealing I think the dev mentioned its even demo accurate in the big silly FPS thread.
Every every source port has fixed the save bug as of 2024. For anons who still want that DOS experience but with the bug fixed, try out my fork https://github.com/clipmove/DOSBlood
>dunno about NBlood but NotBlood has a vanilla mode
NBlood has had a vanilla mode option for a few months now, works the same as NotBlood but without the option to use the horrible DOS mouse handling
Yeah it's demo accurate, and you can even record demos that playback on DOS
it looks fun because it actually is. crazy right?
crudux cruo!
i do that all the time anyway since i play on keyboard only controls on dos
wow, dark souls with guns before dark souls with swords...
Yes it is fun. the game is hand crafted for chucking explosives.
Is there any enemy in Blood that's actually fun?

Gargoyles and hands are annoying because they often move out of the limited vertical aiming range and zombies are annoying because you have to kill them multiple times.
He missed the timing on that first and second shot. Since hitscan has no time delay on the frame he is trying to do it right before the movement ends thus stunlocking the cultist. He still proves his point because without fail the cultist moves every time he is shot and doesn't immediately continue to fire back.
It's a problem in all build games but Blood mitigates it with better weapon selection and enemy design. In Dook you kind of have the same strategy chucking explosives at enemies and it's also used as a movement tool
>with better weapon selection and enemy design.
Duke3D does both of these better.
It has one of the best weapon selection out of any FPS game.
Every single weapon has a purpose and is unique.
I'm not even adding hitscan to my boomer shooter
You gonna share the game?
Not until it's done (in a few years)
Reminder that Caleb doesn't crouch.
Is there any enemy in Blood that's actually fun?
yes. a bunch of any type of enemies, actually. Any number that justifies using dynamite or fire.
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what is he doing then?
He lays on the ground and crawls, action movie style, same as the Cultist, which explains why bullets have a harder time hitting them in this position
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>Turn_Around BkSpc N/A...
TIL. Shame it's not instantaneous, would be much more useful
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he really does, cool

One job...
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Is there any enemy in Blood that's actually fun?

What makes the enemies fun it's killing them with the dynamite.

The game gives you a lot of ammo throgouth the way. Also putting in spotlight the spray can and the secondary fire of the flare gun, it's amazing watch the gargoyles burn slowly in front of you because of it.
>he doesn't use the arrow keys like his ancestors intended
They're fun to blow up in groups
It's a fine game, but some of it is probably because it was the most obscure of the bunch. Makes you sound like more of a hardcore retro FPS gamer if you say you like Blood as opposed to Duke 3D.
Arrow keys for FPS were made obsolete in 1992, stop larping.
i still use them on modern shooters. sue me
because the arrows and ctrl for crouch give a more natural and comfortable finger position. my keybpard also has a numpad do it's not like i'm missing keys on the right side.
the keys above are for items selection and use.
it's way easier to avoid wrong key press.
Shadow Warrior is more obscure than Blood.
People who cry about hitscanners are just bad at games.
Are you left handed?
yeah, but that one sucks the most out of the bunch, so blood is better hipster choice
more natural for control, but less natural for shift. plus you losing a thumb. thumb is very nice to have on zxc keys, especially in duke with powerups
my preferred scheme is wasd for modern scheme and using numpad for aiming, kind like mouse would, so num4 turn left, num6 turn right, num8 is shoot, num2 is use
or in case of blood, num2 would be secondary file, and perfects left shift for ducking and num0 for use (i should probably actually check controls, i still game installed in dosbox)
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it's lalt apparently. so there you go, another reason to have thumb on that job, and it's num5 for secondary file
While we're talking about controls, im a console fag so im not used to keyboard controls so im having trouble reaching the far away number keys for weapons. Should i change the controls or something?
no i have a big desk
put yourself on always run. walking is for pussies
Nblood and NotBlood have pretty good controller support and auto-aim options.
*forgot to add, it also has rumble support
Their purpose is to make you aproach the levels more tactically.
For me, it's 1 to 6 for the first 6 weapons and ZXCV for 7 to 0

Been doing this since my days of Quake 3 and it saved me a lot of time and comfort

in b4 >where is crouch if C is used
Don't ask
i should buy pedals to crouch and run in vidyagaymes. unironically
It's got EXCELLENT presentation, it's horror-style atmosphere, enemy/ weapon sounds, death animations and movement physics are glorious. All of that makes the game's bullshit bearable.
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What's your favourite weapon in Blood? For me it's the flare gun. It's really fun to set enemies on fire and the alt fire is great.
There's a quote from one of the devs somewhere saying that he thought the hitscanners were overpowered and made the game less fun. I've beaten vanilla Blood but thought it was more fun with the ports that let you tone them down. It gets a little repetitive when they're so tough and you have to use the same couple of strategies on them all.
Shadow Warrior easily beats Blood.
The flare gun is definitely fun but i have to say I'm very partial to the shotgun. Great sound, great animation, packs decent amount of power especially on altfire and I really like how dead enemies are thrown back and often you pop off a zombie head in one go.
>no i have a big desk
for you
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napalm launcher
The original shadow warrior is honestly kinda ass. 2013 is a decent game though
Has anyone tried multiplayer?
What did you guys think of Cultic? I played the first level and thought that the levels were way too open and the weapon selection was very generic.
I've done Duke and Shadow Warrior but never Blood. I wonder if Blood was the first multiplayer to have an announcer
I'd rather play free map packs for blood...
Cultists are the sole reason why Blood has such amazing replay value. Everything else can be learnt to deal with really easily and once you know what to do against what type of enemies, there is no challenge anymore. Cultists on the other hand have a much higher skill ceiling and are a lot more versatile.
There's kind of like proto-marines from Half Life now that I think about it
Blood is just better than Duke. It actually has more than half an episode worth of good levels.
The first level is definitely one of the worst. It's too big and the pacing goes all over the place. The pacing gets better eventually but all levels are pretty huge. (except two boss-fight-only maps).
Bad news is the color palette stays pretty much the same for the entire game. I found the environment hard to read especially later in the game when you need to learn headshooting 2x5 pixel sprites.
Weapons are, well, what you see is what you get. I guess the author didn't want to make firing guns too fun to gently nudge you into using dynamite, molotovs, lamps and barrels. Shame about the hatchets though, they would be extra cool if they didn't phase right through enemies unless thrown at point-blank range.
Yeah, the game also doesn't have half the character Blood has. The silent protagonist is a pretty weird choice and the areas are very boring.
>The silent protagonist is a pretty weird choice
that's kind of understandable considering each episode you're playing a different character and the game was made by a single person.
I just finished Blood's 2nd episode and im kinda dissapointed that was it. Maybe it's because i was able to skip the second last level. But man a few of those level were really great.
That is not really an excuse. Changing voices is a very simple thing to to do because they already baked in the relevant associations in their code to so they have already done practically all the annoying work already. Unless they made the insane choice of using spaghetti code it is very likely because they didn't want to get voice acting for four characters.
Oh wait, one guy? Replace "they" with "he" then.
Stop trying to play on a difficulty level you can't beat.
But i am beating the levels on well done.
everytime i see people whine about hitscanners i just imagine their average playthrough of an FPS is running in guns ablazing and wondering why they died 1-2 minutes later.

use cover. it's not for pussies.
Most games are more fun to play when you're good at moving your character around
>but also suck at the most
Its baseline, normal difficulty setting is about as hard as Shadow Warrior's hardest setting. People suck at Blood because Blood is legitimately hard compared to most boomer shooters. Really fun game though.

99% of Blood's difficulty IS because of hitscanners though, once you get to the part of the game where they show up less often the difficulty just drops off a cliff.
it's enjoyed by tryhards
Based. Only fags remapped controls.
I blame modern Doom playing (which has nothing to do with how Doom was meant to be played) coupled with the likes of Serious Sam
modern Doom is like a parody of Doom
It's fine once I got past the weird graphics because the game is 3d with voxels and the movight is slightly twitchy and jerky. Weapons are fine, levels are VERY samey and it felt like for most of the game you're in one continuous forest / cave section. It's good, would be cool to get a chapter 2.
I don't think it's that hard once you get used to the cultists.
>use cover
No, you need to get good and be faster. Utilize your arsenal. Blast those fuckers before they even get the chance to scan your body for hits.
I'm still certain that most people who cry about the hitscanners in blood have not gotten past the first 3 stages where you don't have any fucking ammo and all the enemies are cultists. The game has arguably a steepish difficulty curve but you get have so many tools on your disposal to.. dispose of those cultists after the said 3 levels that it really becomes a non-issue after that.
>have not gotten past the first 3 stages
ha, if only. more likely it's
>beat doom on ultra-violence
>"well done? what's that, an equivalent of hurt my plenty?"
>enter the funeral home through front door
>get rekt
>repeat 3 times
You know what i was wrong i played more through it and you guys are actualy right.
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For me It's Raze
>For me It's Raze
No it's not
How about BuildGDX, then.
nta but NotBlood has surpassed BuildGDX

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