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this still plays perfectly today and has a better story and characters than any snes rpg or ps1 final fantasy
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hell yeah motherfucker
I wanted to get into this game so badbecause the music and art direction are so good, but the combat is so sluggish I can't really enjoy playing it.

Do any of the following games address that issue?
>the combat is so sluggish
it’s a strategy rpg, you absolute moron
Nigger other SRPGs have more to them than "move to the square next to the enemy, select attack and watch a small cutscene play slowly", and even those that don't move at a quicker pace than this game.
so go play them and cry yourself to sleep. shining force battles are awesome
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It plays perfectly fine but it's nothing spectacular, just like most other TRPGs.
I just can't enjoy most of them when I know I could just play an actual strategy game.
it's a simple game ter it's much better and fun to play than pseudo ''complex and mature'' slop like FFTrash
a shame SF3 was in the Shiturn and had terrible graphics, if only it was on the PS1 with 2.5D graphics
I sympathize. I have been replaying it for the first time since way back on Genesis. I loved it then and I still love it now, but honestly if I wasn't playing a port with a fast forward option this time I would never make it through again.
>i have adhd from internet addiction, game bad. but i have plenty of time and patience for chan threads
I'm over 50 now, I have like one hour at most in a given day to actually play anything with the rest of life to deal with. If I can speed up an old game when I feel like playing it, I go for it.
>this still plays perfectly today
Agreed, holds up extremely well.
>and has a better story
You just wait one fuckin' minute buster!

Use the cheat mode and activate special turbo.
>better story and characters than any snes rpg
True, correct, and based. Better gameplay too. Pretty sad that the "JRPG powerhouse" was beaten in it's own genre!
>I have like one hour at most in a given day to actually play anything
your life is a complete mess and you wasted your youth. there is no reason that you shouldnt be able to have free time if you didnt fuck up massively. you only have yourself to blame.
>a better story
the plot is ok, but i wouldnt call it "better", and certainly not better than chrono trigger. arguably not better than lufia 2 either.
>better characters
the characters are extremely underdeveloped. they might have some cool designs, but there is extremely little "character" to any of them.

and dont get me wrong, i LOVE the shining force games and have replayed them many times. but to say that the characters are better is just laughable, and the story is better is just disingenuous. shining force is very plain, simple, and safe. that doesnt mean its bad, but you're being disingenuous about how good it is in comparison.
sir astral and ash, odd eye and lemon are much cooler characters than many of the dorky final fantasy characters. also, i said shining force 2, not the series. the first game is cliche star wars ripoff. you’re exaggerating the stories of chrono trigger and lufia 2, sorry but i think you are disingenuous. and i don’t think you’re thinking through the lengthy story of shining force 2 and what happend with the main characters that have dialogue. i’ll take them and their journey over final fantasy 6 every time, and i love ff6.
>sir astral
is an old wizard dude thats also the mc's teacher. later he tags along as an "advisor" and barely says or does anything of note.
>odd eye
great devil general. loses a fight with a god and becomes amnesiac. does nothing but tag along for a while. reluctantly fights the mc late game and has a "tragic" death that is undercut by how little presence he actually had. cool idea, minimal execution.
loyal soldier/general, got possessed, hates his existence after he's exorcised, noble sacrifice. honestly better than odd eye because that nobility is at least consistent with his past, as well as kind of epic.

ALL of the troops have little to no character or development. brother, i LOVE shining force 1 and 2, but you're fucking retarded.

>you’re exaggerating the stories of chrono trigger and lufia 2
not really, because they actually HAVE stories.
>sorry but i think you are disingenuous
>the first game is cliche star wars ripoff
you're either trolling or so retarded that you're beyond saving.
>and i don’t think you’re thinking through the lengthy story of shining force 2
its not that long, and its really plain. it has a couple of neat details and set pieces here and there though.
>what happend with the main characters that have dialogue
of which there isnt much.
While all of that may be factual, it will always be of only some time and can never be of all time :(
“better story and characters than any snes rpg or ps1 final fantasy”

I love this game but you have to be trolling with that take jfl
Peter. Joke referencing how he is referred to as Ash in the manual.
>SNES is a "JRPG powerhouse"
>people only post the same 3 JRPGs over and over
what a sad console
NTA but having a family and actually decent non-consoling hobbies will eat into your free time fast
If you have loads of free time to play vidyas past the age of 30, you’re the one that’s fucked up bad because you have nothing truly worth living for
Heh naw my life is pretty great. It's just really busy and especially in the warm months I'm usually much happier doing things outside so video games tend to get left till the end of the night if we weren't out or watching a movie or something. Not that I don't like games when I do get around to them, but I also don't need to watch Chester do the exact same animation another hundred times so fast forward is a very welcome feature on old games.
I bought the cartridge when I was 10 and learnt English with it. It's one of my favourite games of all times and I play it almost annually.
>if you have free time, then YOU fucked up
lol. lmao even.
young shut-in gets to travel and see new things. gets to ask the most basic questions and say the most basic responses, since the MC is relegated to mostly silence. somewhat optimistic and cheerful.
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>has a better story and characters than any snes rpg
Right on man
>im 50 on 4chan
what...you people actually exist? Go play with ur grandkids and get off the damn internet grandpa.
Yeah I loved the part in Star Wars where Luke went to the magic desert kingdom and got turned into a chicken before he went to the abbey full of undead and saved the birdman.
he clearly said shining force 2, which is just like that part in star wars where luke and the gang got shrunk and had to fight chess pieces and rats before returning to normal size.
Nah, clearly he was referring to the part where Luke goes to the town that's actually a caravan and hatches the magic jellyfish from an egg.
the part where he takes an old man to some ruins to find his grandson, but only find a stick in a box, but then he puts the stick he found into an old tree and finds an ancient sword in the ruins underneath the tree, and uses that to defeat a giant robot.
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I hate to tell ya, there's a lot of even older farts on the internet and we're not going anywhere. Statistically I've been on this site longer than some of you have been alive.
You are in your 70's? Hard to believe since all of them are barely able to maintain upkeep to a single phone and very much prefer to only use them exclusively to communicate through messages and emails.
I'm only 52 but my mom is almost 90 and her and her friends are online and on their phones way more than I am. It's kinda funny. My father still seems baffled by anything that's not email though so there's that.
You forgot Fag Emblem
He didn't.
What he forgot is Der Langrisser and Tactics Ogre.
>4chan now has wine aunts
Silly anon, there are no girls on the internet.

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