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Alright /vr/ I wanna do a mascot platformer marathon, what are some games that I should include on my list. I already downloaded the Crash, Spyro and Sly Cooper games. Not including Donkey Kong or Sonic as I already beat their catalogue of games.
Some Bonk for the TG-16. I suggest Bonk's Revenge.
Fuck off with this retarded term, they're just called platformers
damn this looks pretty good can't believe I've never heard of Bonk before.
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Play Klonoa!
I was just gonna suggest some Klonoa.

The Shantae game on the GBA.
Rayman 2 (and the first Rayman if you're up to it)
If Puggsy counts then go for it too

Play Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel, it's the most insane mascot platformer of the 90s, and it's actually a good game.
It's a spin off of Aero the Acro-bat, which has 2 rather average games, though the secon one was good.
Rayman Redemption too, if you want a modern take.
hey you made a mistake, you were supposed to say Willy Formers
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Try Rocky Rodent (SNES)
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I like Zool, the Amiga mascot (sort of).
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N64 Bomberman games!
I'm not sure if it counts, but before Sonic, one of SEGA's attempts at having their own Mario... was to just license Disney's mascots, Castle of Illusion came out in 1990 and it's among the best Mega Drive platformers, it still holds up and I seriously can't recommend it enough for platformer fans.
Are there any other games that call "lives" something unique like this?
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Rayman games.
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Croc, psx and gbc entries
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both medievil games
Tonic trouble

also both blinx games
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Gex series at least the 3d ones.
Rocket Knight and sparketer (there is a third one on xbox360 but is okish at best)
Vexx, but it looks tryhard like evanscence.
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Toki. Great game. One of the first I ever played (emulating).
Heart of Darkness
Perhaps my favorite Sega game. Gameplay-wise it's solid but not that special but holy shit it's so charming
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>there is a fourth one on xbox360
forgot pic
Hero is the only platformer out of these

Iirc there is another on Game Boy though
The further back you go the less standard the names are.
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Ape escape series, don't forget that have two entries on PS2
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Both Maximo games on ps2
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Asterix has too many games on master system, megadrive, gamegear, psx and ps2, I guess some of them would be plataformers.
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Hugo series on psx and ps2 but you must be 46 years old to get in this series.
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pac-man world trilogy on psx and ps2
ty tasmanian tiger trilogy on 6th gen consoles.
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Then you can search for more games on the internet.
Indeed, all of the Disney/SEGA stuff was good, it was a great partnership, just like Disney/Capcom. Disney fans were lucky in the 90's, excellent stuff.
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OP needs to play mischief makers
I totally agre with you anon.
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Yeah, it's insane how good some licensed games were back in the days
I miss low budget games.

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