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>To defeat the Time Devourer you need...The Chrono Cross™
Maybe we were the Radical Dreamers all along...
and nothing of value was lost
Hey Lois, this is like when they say the title of the movie in the movie
More like Chrono Jogger, because that's Cross in a nutshell.
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Not retro
Not a game
what the fuck was Kato thinking?
They really should have called in Takahashi for this.
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Based Deedlit as usual.
Why did they fire Toriyama?
>Let's go Chrono, Break Lavos's shell with the Epoch!
chrono trigger stole by bike
He made GT

They didn't fire Toriyama, they simply hired the genius who designed >>11104835 literally pic rel
>DING DING DING Cinema sins bros ammiright
Fuck off, Trigger had plots holes too
>"No chrono. It is you who is the trigger!" He said crossly
I clapped when he said this
go to bed, Niraj
nobuteru yuuki>toriyama. the only way it could have been better is if they had brought in satoshi urushihara. then we'd have official art of Serge creampieing Kid
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Still best elf. all the others are just a sad joke.
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>With Chrono Cross, we wanted to introduce a mature story for the people who grew up with Chrono Trigger, but were expecting storytelling appropriate for their age. We were wrong, but we do not regret making the game.
>- Masato Kato

Holds true to this day.
Chrono Cross was not a great sequel, but it was a perfectly fine and fun game.

as a baby
based, game is truly shit
If this game had any other title, everyone would call it a hidden gem ps1 masterpiece
>only some online schizo doesn't like crossshit
you do realize that you have been seething over that schizo for years yourself, thus making yourself a schizo right?
It's not terrible, but it's very odd. Being a sequel to one of the most acclaimed JRPGs didn't help, especially with the very questionable plot connections.
Should have just gone full Final Fantasy with some allusions to previous stuff.
>calling out a schizo makes you schizo as well somehow
nice try jarin
okay actually it's only been one year. but it is in every cross thread.
most normal people respect that kato wrote the best part of trigger and then proceeded to get a lobotomy.
Literally who
some obsessed pajeet that has been reeeing over cross and trigger since like 2005. hes pretty easy to spot because he likes to copy/paste his headcanon in every thread
Have you played her game?
Even though it’s not retro
they shit the bed with that one. the claims were that it was a prequel to the new lodoss novels but the devs were too lazy to watch Crystania or read a wiki so what we actually got was just some canadian faggots fanfic. the gameplay was good though.
I loved this moment.
That site is run by psychopaths
I still don't understand this title drop because what he's talking about has nothing to do with the item called the "Chrono Trigger" in the first game.
Chrono Cross is one of the games of all time.

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