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One of the most comfy HUDs there is. Too bad all SMB3 level hacks are based on the NES version, because the SMAS version's HUD's richer and darker colour scheme is more pleasant to look at.
I dont play the hud and the game looks worse sorry faggot
Mario on GBA feels more soft, i felt i could grab that belly, things i didn't feel on the nes version
the NES original is superior to All-Stars. underground "stars" and warp zone paths/pipes are just a couple examples out of many.
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Mario if he's mexican
mario if he real
Also, HUD's that cut the screen into widescreen are the GOAT. FF7 looks so good because of it.
marior if he reel for reel wow he rippen that head off
The All Stars version of SMB 3 is OK but it does something that really KILLS experience for me.

In Pipe Land, World 7, every level, including the airship has a orange sky, which I always interpreted as the sun setting. This makes sense, Mario and Luigi have been journeying all day, and the sun is going down as they approach Dark Land. It works thematically. Also it works on a sort of meta level - If you play SMB 3 from start to finish, especially as a kid, that might be an all day (or at least all afternoon) affair. The sky in the game is starting to match the sky outside your house. I picked up on this even as a kid.
The SNES version completely loses this, using blue skies for one level and orange skies for the other. That sort of thematic consistency is gone. It's a minor thing overall, but the change strips a lot of the SOVL from the game.
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yes, as I said >>11104386
they changed alot of "unimportant" details that actually matter alot.
for example, check out original Warp Zone -- its blue paths and silver pipes give it an otherworldly feel, as it should be...
but in All-Stars, it's demoted to normal terrain/paths with green pipes, which completely kills the SOVLFVL feel.
and the issue with the underground "stars" or gems has an actual impact on gameplay.
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another example, so you can see the original properly in-game
the all star versions are all downgrades and completely ruin the feel of the games
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I always found it odd how a large chunk of the UI was dedicated to constantly displaying the end-level cards you have. They are only relevant when you, well, reach the end of a level, and all they do is effect how many 1-ups you get when you collect three of them which is hardly a big deal.

Reminds me of how the older Castlevania games always had the level's end boss healty bar in your UI. I always found it odd that it was always there even though it's only used for the end level boss battles.
Mario if he Mario
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The part I personally find interesting is that the original SMB3 had a large amount of unused content, and not only is just about all of it in the All-Stars version though still unused, but some of it was even updated.

I can understand something like all the unused levels still being in the All-Stars ROM since it would likely be more work to take them out, and most of them were not updated to have the new SNES scrolling backgrounds, but the part I find weird is that there were unused sprites/tiles that were updated to 16 bit even though they still remained unused.

I doubt the artists were just going around blanket-updating every graphic in the game, they likely would have needed someone giving them direction to know what something should look like with the increased detail otherwise you would have a lot of inconsistent and just plain wrong visuals. Plus not every graphic was updated, some were still left in their original NES design and pallets. So how did this happen? Did they just look at the old NES design notes and blanket-update most visuals based on those? Were they planning on actually using these this time but they got shit canned yet again?
I never consciously noticed that until reading your post but now I recall it and damn that's pretty cool. It's crazy how many little details these old games had that were subtle and never in your face, things that aren't relevant to the gameplay itself or meant for some utilitarian purpose.
I think the all stars version of SMB1 is really ugly. Also the NES version of SMB2 feels a bit more responsive to me.
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>nes originals good all stars bad
This shitposting is very binary-minded and one-sided.
Sure, you nitpick on things that are "better" on the original but ignore all the good stuff All Stars bring.
For me, I'm glad to have both the originals and the all stars 16-bit version.
3 doesn't have the weird starry sky background underground (i think it's meant to be crystals and rocks sparks shining in the dark), but it has different ones that also look great, yet are never mentioned by anti-allstars schizos.
The subtle change in physics in smb1 (that nobody cared about pre-2012, as evidenced by google results) actually make the game harder and more challenging, especially since it fixes the piranha plant hitbox.
also saving the game

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