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Now you remember Dead to Rights exist
Everyone thought the execution finishers were badass in this when we were kids.
the japanese should stick to anime games
>anime games
>90% dialogue
>generic stories about autistic male kid being the only one able to save the world
>turn-based slop
Japanese peaked when they made MGS, Resident Evil, Onimusha, etc...
not anime games
Max Payne ripoff
>Sequel isn't called "Death 2 Rights"
Fucking dogshit.
Yes I also watched Critical Nobody's video
It's Dead ]to[ Rights
That was the whole point. After Max Payne 2 there was NOTHING for like a decade. Dead to Rights was really the only alternative if you wanted more Max Payne when there wasn't any.
played the game for like 10 seconds. there was no motion blur on the slow motion. me and my friends said "gay" then turned it off.
This game was made by a bunch of Americans though. No japs listed on Mobygames at least.
Death to rights?
Death to rights
The first one was made in house. The sequels were outsourced. Also use Japanese not j*ps that's an offensive slur from WW2.
It's no more offensive than using "Brits" for the British, you fag
There was also Total Overdose
beaner trash
>I can't enjoy a game if it's similar to [older game]
I hate faggots so much
No it's Dead I to I Rights
What do you mean? Love this series. I feel like I’m the only one who played 3 on 360
>I feel like I’m the only one who played 3 on 360
it's the only one I haven't played it yet because I had no PS3/360 back then
is it good? I'm planning to play it on PS3 someday
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But on a more serious note, my initial exposure to this game was my older brother. I lived in a household that had parents which, for the most part, paid attention to ESRB ratings, and neither me, nor my 3 brothers were allowed to play games beyond the age groupings. So my oldest smuggled it in and we all played it very subtlety. He got stuck on the Mayor Pinnacle boss fight which had a gimmick where you had to strangle him whenever he overexerted himself.
Anyway, I liked this game's whole Neo-Noir theme, as well as Jack's hilarious narration and wisecracking, the gunplay is pretty decent and the various gimmicks (mini games, boss fights) keep things somewhat fresh. On a more critical note, the amount of level asset reuse is terrible, the difficulty curve can be downright agonizing, and the graphics look like a slightly improved Console gen 5 game.

Overall, I'd say the cheese value warrants a playthrough.
What's the best version of the first game? I heard they toned down the difficulty of all the ports from the Xbox.
I literally only know of Dead to Rights through the old Slowbeef+Diabeetus LPs of the games. Such a strange mix of Max Payne style action game with more arcadey elements
I always thought the guy on the left looked like Jin.
filtered and worked
Too much of a tonal departure to scratch the same itch.
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Wow two slurs and unnecessary cussing. I got the perfect board for you, kid.
I played this on Gamecube awhile back. It was fun at times and the writing made me laugh here and there, but the gameplay was very repetitive, just sending wave after wave of enemies. Some of those levels just didn't want to end.
Every game was made by a different developer.
The Punisher was a better Max Payne ripoff than this
I don't think it's on Gamecube?
The first game is, I bought it used for like 8 bucks years ago
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Nah, anime stuff is great
Reminder that if you did not beat the (much harder) xbox version then you DID NOT beat the game.
It’s middling; has some good ideas, has some bad ones, but I still had fun with it
I love you Mugi-chan!
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>implying anyone cares
It’s Dead to Rights, anon. No one cared then and no one cares now.

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