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>Hacking is necessary to beat the game!
I followed this dogshit advice on my first playthrough and had to restart the game from getting my ass kicked. Started a new game without even getting Hack 1 and was surprised with how easy it was (I focused on maxing out strength and standard weapons before putting points in anything else). I completed the game without hacking anything and never regretted it.
What a retard ass thing to tell newcomers.

For those who invest in hacking, what is your justification?
I don't understand why this sequel is so praised, 1 mogs it hard
Somewhere a long while ago the "you need hacking to beat the game" tip lost the "you can skip this with ICE picks" along the way. Likely because of nogame faggots who rely entirely on 2nd or 3rd hand information when they talk about games they don't play.
>I completed the game without hacking anything
Most people assume newcomers will use up an ICE-pick on some random container and not save up all four for the final battle with Shodan. If you know about it in advance and save up all four picks, then yes, you can beat the game without hacking anything except one replicator. And the game gives you enough cyber modules immediately before to get the required minimum hacking ability to do so. Without all four ICE-picks, you do need hacking to beat Shodan.
You are complaining that people are recommending that newcomers not soft-lock themselves.
I've tried to make this point before, that hacking is just for flavor and the optimal build is some basic bitch marine grugg that blows everyone up
Being optimal is retarded though, the game is easy after cargo bays and laser pistols trivialize that. There's less tension when you're just a pure killing machine and leaving crates locked is unsatisfying.
This, for sure. SS2 is great, and totally worth playing, but SS1 is a much better game. Also worth playing without mouselook, to get the full experience.
system shock 2 feels like an utterly unfinished game to me, it could've used like two whole additional years of development
>Completely ignored Psi powers because I wanted my second playthrough to be Psi-only

How little I knew...
>spent entire run researching for exotics
>finally get to a point where exotics are fun to use
>game ends half an hour later
Zoomer contrarians are fucking cancer.
Dude, I played SS1 in the original format, installed from floppy disk, back in '94. It was a fucking awesome game, and SS2 never topped it. In fact, Prey is a much better game than SS2, and a much better sequel. Don't worry, you can go live your middle-of-the-road life with the other sheep now.
zoomers don't play system shock 1 retard
If you hack the vending machine next to the elevator in engineering you can bulk buy med/psi hypnos and trivialize the game.
I like hacking the vending machines for cheaper/different items. That's about it. I've never hacked any security terminals I just shoot the cameras and turrets. Then you have this anon >>11104542 claiming you can soft lock yourself without hacking but I feel like you would have mentioned it yourself so now I dunno what to believe. I guess I could just replay the game and ignore hacking and use up my ice picks to find out for myself.

I've tried maybe eight times now to get into SS1 and it just never hooks me. I dunno what it is I think it's the layout of the levels or something. Or maybe it's because I came to the series through SS2 so SS1 lacking any RPG stat stuff bums me out. It's good it exists because SS2 wouldn't without it but it's never been for me.

Exotics just kinda suck in my opinion. I've done runs focused on them and never really enjoyed it, same with energy weapons but that's more because I get tired of running back to energy rechargers.

I would think they might've at this point considering SS1 got a full on remake that came out on console as well.
It is a bug that was patched out but it is still going to be a slog to damage shields enough to bring them down through damage and EMP weapons bypass the shields anyways even if the damage is small. The advice still persists without the context because people usually want to avoid getting soft locked. In all honesty it is absurd to get caught by it when people are likely to have a little bit of hacking so it is rare.
*so it is rarely a problem.
I always play as a wizard. In fact I think only a subhuman would pick anything else.
Is a PSI wizard run even fun tho...
Don't care it's the most autistic way to play.
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I've always replayed the game the same way as well, gun-nut hacker with a minor in PSI. I beeline for anti-entropic field because I hate maintaining my weapons. Having to cast it often is annoying but I prefer it to investing in maintaining. Seeing as you always play a wizard what do you think about the PSI powers? Do you think there are many with questionable levels of usefulness? I did so I never went all in on PSI. However I've played the game so many times now I'm sure I'd still probably enjoy it if I played that way.
I played Bioshock.
I just played as a soldier gun guy and I had no issues
>Prey is a much better game than SS2
hey anons. i've always been interested in playing SS and have not been able to play the remake because my completionist autism forbids me to until i check out the original
is it still woth checking out or would you recommend just going for the remake? i do love doom and still play it regularly so at least there's that point of comparison
thanks bros
SS1 is nothing like doom, it's more like a tactical shooter, almost like old rainbow six games. play SS enhanced edition. literally do not try to play the dos version
thanks for the tip. mouselook, crosshair and all that, should i be turning anything off? i know in doom it could even be cheating at times
The aim for melee is a little off. You can set the difficulty as you want I recommend low enemies because of the maze like structure.
Why would you not play the DOS version?
>Don't play the dos version
>Play low enemies
>Most likely plays with mouse look and wasd
Homosexual to the max
I am NTA and I played both. Since he is inclined to play the enhanced version I am just pointing out some things.
It depends on play style but remote hacking, teleportation and the barrier are very useful. I think almost every class benefits from investing in tier 1 and maybe 2 for the buffs. It makes melee very powerful.
Definitely play with mouselook. That's what the og devs say themselves.
>Prey is a much better game than SS2
it's more like they took everything and threw it in the kitchen sink, and made sure none of it had any focus.
I like going full energy and toting multiple laser pistols.
Shame power armor lasts half as long as implants tho.
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Trying to play this after the SS1 remake was a real shock
Still better than SS2

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