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Does anyone actually like atb shit in rpgs
>oh no i cant do shit until my bars fill up
Get real
OP is a faggot
There are so many different types of ATB and similar shit that all do different things that it's impossible to say whether you like it in general.
The simplest form of ATB is
>bar fills up
>character action is input and executed immediately
serving as nothing more than a visual indication of when the next combatant's turn will come.
Some are more like
>bar fills up
>character action is added to a queue and executed at different times in relation to the other currently queued actions depending on the move
Which may or may not be transparent. This adds considerations for selecting actions not only based on power, but how quickly or slowly they will occur.
FFX's CTB can be considered "ATB but sped up" since the "wait" is made instantaneous for the next combatant's turn to arrive, and there is complete transparency for how their current action will delay their own or other combatants' future actions.
There are too many other systems to dissect but tl;dr - it fucking depends.
What the fuck is that
That's not FFV
The mobile version didn't look like that
Bartz never looked like that
What is Rage
What is this
3 Turks fight on FF7 highest speed active mode is pretty tough, Elena can act like 5 times if you’re not fast in the menu
>speed can be a more meaningful stat
>some extra tension, can't always see when enemy turns are coming and need to select your own moves quickly
>allows for all kinds of fun time-based mechanics and statuses (regen/poison working together with haste/slow, enemies transforming or changing state in real time, interrupting attacks, etc.)
I love ATB.
It's from this. Some guy's ATB demo.
I refuse to play any of this turn based shit, fucking characters just standing there oh i need to press x and maybe some spell when it's my turn, i don't understand how anyone can tolerate this "combat"
ok zoomie, go press attack 4 million times and watch the same epic hack and slash animation....action RPG's are the same bullshit just hand cramp inducing...the time spent standing represents your agility or speed, the misses are math of all your stats dodging and absorbing.

im aware you have to see the word 20 hit combo to be happy but stop being gay
If you can’t enjoy a DnD session with your pals then this genre isn’t for you
D&D combat has more than mash 'A'
>ok zoomie
I'm in my mid 30s, not reading the rest, enjoy your slow as shit games then lmao, sorry but i care about the only thing that matters which is GAMEPLAY
>action RPG's are the same bullshit
Lmfao, insane jarpig cope. Get real.
Go play a shmup you fucking sperg.
Turn based games allow everybody to play at the highest level with only your own mistakes being a limitation.
Arpg's on the other hand have a million moving elements that are out of your control (pathfinding, animation frames, input lag, etc ) that contribute to your success or failure regardless of skill.
It’s still turn based. These games are built off of dice roll engines
>all you have to do is mash a
>oh but you have to grind otherwise it won't work
pick a narrative and stick to it because otherwise you are just saying you are a brainlet who can't strategize
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The ARPG genre is synonymous with complicated skill trees, abilities, itemization, and theorycrafting.
Bog standard copy/paste jarpig slop has next to no strategy.
grinding is just mashing a a lot
Meh seems like a good way to show tiredness. Rogue galaxy uses it well
Even if we're talking about combat and combat alone, a good DnD session offers a million times more freedom than choosing between ATTACK, MAGIC ATTACK, BUFF, DEBUFF, and HEAL over and over for 40 hours.
ATB has never been good. Even in Chrono Trigger you're just putting up with it.
These came out 30 years ago… Why are humans incapable of understanding things that came before?
Every good strategy game ever has been turn based
Grandia counts as ATB. I think Grandia is one of the best battle systems in the genre. It's a shame there is nothing else like it.
just use tranquilizers and it doesn't matter how slow you are
You can't have gameplay on its own.
You either need gameplay + visuals OR gameplay + audio.
There's no such thing as pure gameplay, you need sensory input for gameplay to even exist, ergo you MUST also care about either audio or visual.

Also most games are capped at 60fps. Some go beyond, but not many do so meaningfully. If your brain is fast 60fps may as well be turn based (which is the case for me). There's no such thing as a non turn based game from my perspective, since I can perform more than 60 actions per second.

tldr; you're sputum
It's fun if the difficulty level is paced well (rarely), but can be dogshit if it is too easy or too grindy
> They hated him because he spoke the truth

This anon is absolutely right. 90% of the gameplay in these games is just mashing the confirm button. You cannot refute this. Beating these games requires zero skill. They only require time. And the idea that these games require strategy? Laughable. I have respect for actual turn-based strategy games with deep gameplay and the need for an IQ above room temp, but shit like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior aren't it. Next you'll tell us that these games are worth playing for their deep and emotional storylines and character development, lol. Tell me; are you guys the same faggots who whine that a game is too short if it respects your time and doesn't pad the game out with filler?
>bringing TTRPGs into it
D&D was based off wargames and the vast majority of JRPGs have no movement in combat. It's so rare that they're called "tactical" RPGs. They made a million of these games and didn't even fucking try.
JPRG gameplay gets mogged by a piece of paper with squares on it.
was there honestly any use for any edgar tool other than crossbow and chainsaw? the rest felt completely useless. and this applied to like 90% of the shit in the game including all of cyan's techs, all of sabin's techs other than firedance / blitz for early game / endgame single target, 100% of moogle, 100% of setzer, 100% of the drawers...and..the game actually isnt taht good.
atb is literally just turn based but with a speed stat to determine true turn order and to grant extra turns to particularly fast characters

atb is just a straight upgrade to turn based
Such an "upgrade" every modern turnbased game has completely dropped it
It would be an upgrade but they ruined it with that real-time bar that fills up and dings to keep the players from falling asleep during combat.
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>There's no such thing as a non turn based game from my perspective, since I can perform more than 60 actions per second.
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Perhaps that is one reason why modern turn-based games are inferior to the classics. I imagine you're not a fan of other beloved systems like RTwP either.
"Don't Stop" is a certified trance classic.
Atelier Ryza is ATB. They're getting to be a while back now but WoFF, I am Setsuna, and Lost Sphear were Squenix games that straight up used it with the name.
Star Ocean has the best combat in JRPGs, it quickly plants you into the battle field and you're immediately doing what you want to do. You have to create openings to safely use items, even when you get low on HP it might be wise to simply dodge and attack rather than risk healing. thank your healer of your party FR

is this pixel remaster? holy shit it looks fucking AWFUL.

I agree but which SO do you think has the best system? I think its 3 by far, brainlets hated it because they couldnt just mash like 1/2, and also because the combo/canceling stuff isnt explained well. but once you understand it its perfect
The vast majority of the time, most JRPG skills are 'filler' that's been made obsolete by a flat out better or circumstantially more effective skill and there will only be a small number of actually useful and meaningfully different things to use at any given point.

Things are only this way because the people who play these things like overly bloated signifiers of progression that don't add any depth, and don't care.
just set the speed to how fast u can input the menus
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ATB (menu set to Active, max speed) with a 3x speed boost and staying as underleveled as possible is IMO the best.
ATB is the worst of both worlds

It adds a level of stress to the game that on paper should trip you up since there's now an incentive to rush, butt 99% of RPGs that use it being Mash A to win it makes this redunant

For the more tactical ones it just gets in the way of strategizing since now you can't actually sit down to think about your move

Either make a full-on ARPG or pure turn based, nobody has ever enjoyed this hybrid solution
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>adds a sense of urgency better than ATB does in your path
Yeah I absolutely love this mechanic. No other RPG has ever made me feel as panicked or feeling like I need to rush like that. Its the single best part of Mother 2 and 3.
Second Story R
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You have autism
Yeah, rolling HP upon taking mortal damage is genius and I'm honestly surprised I've never seen it done anywhere else.

Does Nintendo have a patent on it that stops anyone else from using it?
Like how Capcom was pretty protective of the battle system and Navi Customiser system from the Mega Man Battle Network series.
>Beating these games requires zero skill. They only require time.
no one ever said otherwise
I don't like the prospect of enemies getting extra turns because I'm looking through menus
>zoomer shits blood because video game is too hard for him: again

I'll never figure out why these brainless losers keep posting garbage threads instead of realizing "maybe I can start a conversation if I don't act like a retard".
I can only assume their correct, soulless, dead NPC generation simply isn't capable of realizing there's more to life than shitting themselves in impotent toddler rage every day
you seem like the angriest one here
am I crazy or is everybody just pretending that atb w/pause doesn't exist?
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Go play your idle rpg/autobattler trashe if choice making is too much for you.
This is why the government is starting to intervene on some things, because your generation are a bunch of slackers.
Smash's World of Light has all these things aside theorycrafting, yet the game is baby mode "floor is lava" shit.
Same with any other gacha slop, which also has these things too. Just say you want to play some chinese arpgarbage instead of a normal RPG.
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You didn't beat the game.
Nintendo and Creatures doesn't own the Mother series asiding licensing and Sony Music bullshit, so likely not.
Itoi is chill, so he probably doesn't mind a game with a similar mechanic.

Also i think Battle Network has depleting HP mechanic, which isn't like rollling HP but close enough.
All games are ATB, you just can't see the bars.
This but with (A)RPGs, you just don't see the damage numbers over people's heads.
That makes no sense
>yet the game is baby mode "floor is lava" shit.
What are u yappin about
It is one way to express how a battle could play out. In real life people don't just take turns, randomly acting before another character. But they also don't choose from a list of abilities or options, rather people need to make decisions quickly and off the cuff. How do you express that in a way that a player can manage a team of different characters? This is one option. Some characters or monsters are faster than others so they get an atb bar that moves more rapidly, sometimes allowing them to act twice in comparison to other actors on the battlefield. Is it a perfect system? No, but works well enough for what it tries to do
I didn't like it until I played FF1 up through 4.
Before ATB you had to lock in ALL of your commands at once which meant that in hard end-game fights you just healed preemptively every turn and either wasted your mp healing a guy with full hp or hopefully healed someone before the boss killed 'em. Turns out ATB is much more flexible and if your whole team is standing around with an empty bar, YOU'RE doing something wrong. (I still like the classic style though too)
Did you actually play the game? There's literally battles where you fight the enemy but the given scenario is mostly
>The floor is frozen
>The stage is super windy
>The fighter has a metal body
Not unless you play gacha shit lol

>he plays the demake Reddit edition with gimped stage design, casualized gameplay and ruined VA over the perfect ps1 classic

whats that have to do with the topic at hand?
>MotoGP governing body the FIM has announced that long-derided chief steward Freddie Spencer will step down at the end of the 2024 season, and will be replaced for 2025 by former 500cc race winner and current pitlane reporter Simon Crafar.
Crafar is a cool dude and all but you're only moving from prehistoric to ancient history in terms of how long ago they raced.
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Or actually more like Jurassic to Cretaceous considering Crafar never raced MotoGP or 1000cc superbikes either.
Chrono Trigger made the best use of it because of the dual and triple techs. It became a legitimate form of resource management that way. It's only problem is that triple techs tended to be useless but that's really on their own damage calculations rather than the ATB system itself.
haha... little bar fill up.
You know that ATB can be disabled, right? Just like you.
Wait is not disabling ATB, disabled anon.
>oh no i cant do shit until my bars fill up
You can increase the speed in ff games. On the highest one you don't have to wait ever

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