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Someone is selling a bunch of Genesis controllers in my area as NOS. They look weird though. Are these official controllers or knock offs? Its in Canada if that changes things.
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>genesis controller w/ mega drive start button
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The cord still has a twist tie on it.
Can you provide a pic of the model number / backside of the controller, OP? IIRC a blue start button means it's from Asia (not entirely sure though).
The backside is bare. No sticker or markings of any kind.
Maybe it's supposed to be this way but the logo being offcenter is killing me
>selling a bunch ... as NOS. They look weird ... Its in Canada
99% chance it's a chinese guy reselling alibaba junk
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Oddly they come with boxes.
I would guess that they are Frankensteined controllers. Early american controllers. Blue start buttons off of jap controllers.
Might just be this. With some cheap Aliexpress replacements where needed. Would explain the lack of markings >>11104857
>4th gen
>high scoring
It's possibly the photo but the red paint and finish look wrong and the Genesis logo may be a bit small too.
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>4th gen
>high scoring
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Sonic the Hedgehog games had scoring, most games did, in fact. Street Fighter, even movie games like Night Trap had scoring. Scoring never actually died out, especially considering achievements and gamerscore etc

If you don't pay attention to scoring, you're a casual
There are a dozen or more official OEM versions of the genesis controllers so they could be real.
it doesn't matter whether they're "official" because that just means they're guaranteed to be trash
I met with the person selling them and they said they were liquidating a bunch of stuff from a guy that ran an independent video game store/rental place that closed 20 years ago. He thinks they are knock-offs and priced them accordingly.

The controllers have no branding on them at all other than the odd looking logo on the face. No 'SEGA' on the plug or anything on the back were you would expect a label. The plastic has a slightly rough texture compared to the real thing and everything appears slightly cheaper than a real controller. The buttons are also mushier. The D-Pad, oddly, feels tighter than my old OG Genesis pad. Maybe my pad is worn out.

The box looks legit though, which is why the controller doesn't match what's on the box. I'm guessing the guy has some boxes left over and just filled them with whatever controllers he had lying around 30 years ago and forgot about them when they didn't sell. I did pick up a bunch of games cheap though. WIth boxes no less. No manuals though.

Found a listing on Amazon for the same type of controller, US Sega label, blue pause button, official looking Sega box with grey pause button on the artwork and one of the reviews points out that it is cheap.
There were dozens of Mega Drive clones in the early nineties most probably out of Taiwan where a lot of the official stuff was manufactured. This is probably a bootleg made by some company, they were probably were in collusion with someone from the official firm that made controllers. They got sent molds and buttons but cheaped out on the plastic and paired the blue pause button with the US branding.
Yup, that looks like it exactly. I wonder how long these things have been floating around?
In most 4th gen games the only actual use for score is extra lives/continues
No one competed for score against their friends in Sonic 2
Go for it, the red letter controllers have my fav Dpad
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the problem with scores is that devs put no real effort into scoring systems so in a lot of games if you did want a high score you'd have to play in some retarded way, like running out timers while farming enemies or some shit
TecToy's gray controllers were PEAK.
3rd generation was already leaving scoring behind to be fair, 2nd was the last time it mattered at all.

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