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lets talk about it /vr/
Riven is better in every regard.
shitten: the sequel to pyst
The real question is which fucking version are you supposed to play now
the move around is nice if you havent played til now.. i prefer the old silly fmv og version just cause thats what i played. Myst is like fight club.. dont talk about it.. it ruins it
myst 3 is better than riven or myst 1
i played the masterpiece edition like the pic in the OP and had a good time.
jaguar cd obviously
the beauty of the series was when you didnt know what the hell it is, so myst is the GOAT. as a 10 year old this game scared the shit out of me and i still have haunting memories of it. tfw games will never capture this type of mood again
masterpiece edition is very close to the original and its on GoG so its easy to get working.
are the myst books worth reading ?
why does it lag so fucking much on duckstation???
If you want 3D Myst, check out pictures or videos of realMyst, realMyst Masterpiece Edition, and the recent Myst remake to figure out which one you prefer the visuals of. I prefer realMyst for being very close to the original Myst in looks, but it's still not perfect. The later remakes add too much fluff for my tastes.
If you want pre-rendered Myst, the Mac original is the only one with complete audio and animations that play at the proper speed. As such, the Mac version of Masterpiece Edition is the best version to play, since it has all that plus the upgrades from Masterpiece.
Are you sure about the Mac version of Masterpiece Edition having the full music and correct animations? I thought the Mac Masterpiece Edition was just a port of the Windows version, but I'm happy if I'm wrong. I've read that the 10th Anniversary Edition fixed some of the sound effect issues with the Masterpiece Edition too, but I have no idea about the rest.
I haven't read them, but I hear they're surprisingly good.
Hmm, not 100% sure. The ScummVM devs say the Mac version of ME uses a different engine than the PC version of Myst and ME(IE, not Mohawk), so they don't support it at the moment. The Mac original didn't use Mohawk either, it was created to work around the lack of HyperCard on Windows machines.
The big question is if the music with higher bitrates is the same as the original Mac release or if they used the shortened versions from the PC release. I can't seem to find a comparison video anywhere, and don't have time today to fire up a Mac emulator and test it out.

Only the first book is all that important, and mostly in the last 50 pages. Basically shows you how Gehn and Catherine wound up in Riven with no way out, and how Atrus dropped the Myst linking book into the starry expanse. The downside is it explains the backstory of Atrus and Gehn, tying it to the real world. The 2nd book is a prequel to the first, and just explains why Gehn hates his mother so much. The third is a story that takes place sometime between Atrus getting trapped in D'ni with no way out and the player rescuing him, and really doesn't add anything to the plot, since the book resolves with making sure the places and characters involved can never be brought up again.
thanks,maybe i will check them out when i want some stuff to read thats more easily consumed.
>we don't know how to make game so we make slideshow and call it game :D
Why, the DS version, of course! Or was it 3DS? I forget.
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Don't get me wrong, I think it's a boringass slideshow as well, but wouldn't it taken considerable resources (like a big SGI render farm or something) for all the pre-rendered pictures?
yes, but it started as just a bunch of HyperCard entries
>but wouldn't it taken considerable resources (like a big SGI render farm or something)

not necessarily

it could be done on the cheap lol on high end consumer builds ideally
As per people who would know more than me:
"The game was created entirely on Apple Macintosh computers, especially Quadra models. The entire game was essentially a very large, color HyperCard stack, with each card consisting of a three-dimensionally rendered scene.
Graphics and Construction tools: HyperCard (Apple), Think Pascal (Symantec), Photoshop (Adobe), Premier (Adobe), Illustrator (Adobe), Painter (Fractal Design), Morph (Gryphon Software)
Music and Sound tools: MasterTracks Pro 5 (Passport), Proteus MPS Plus (E-Mu), Pro Tools Audio Interface (Digidesign), Sound Designer II (Digidesign), SoundEdit Pro (MacroMedia)
Additional Tools: Infini-D (Specular International), De-Babelizer (Equilibrium Technologies), MovieShop (Apple), ComboWalker (Apple), Picture Compressor (Apple), ConvertToMovie (Apple), MoviePlayer (Apple), SoundToMovie (Apple), QuickTime XCMDs (Apple), Fontographer (Altsys), Tilod PICS Import/Export filters (John Knoll)
Images and animations were modeled and rendered on six Macintosh Quadras using StrataVision 3d by Strata, Inc.
HyperCard was colorized using a proprietary version of Symplex System's HyperTint, written by John Miller."
I enjoyed reading them. I remember writing a book report on The Book of D'ni in school and having to read it out loud to the class. It was like 10 minutes long, and I put half my classmates to sleep with it.
Sounds like that report was really following in the spirit of the game
I have an interest in playing these as a study on puzzle design. What’s the best way to get into the series as someone who has never played any of them before? Is the Masterpiece Edition on GoG any good?
>What’s the best way to get into the series
Myst 2021, then Riven 2024.
>Is the Masterpiece Edition on GoG any good?
Yes its the best version. If you are interested in the study of Myst that edition is as close to original as you're gonna get in 2024
>actual boomers were amazed by this slideshow
Finally got some spare time, downloading Sheepshaver, the old world ROMs, some Mac OS 7/8 copies, and a copy of the original Mac Myst release and the Masterpiece Edition Mac release in the 10th Anniversary package since I can't seem to find the stand-alone copy. The only downside is I'm not 100% sure this version of ME is the original Mac release of ME or a modified version since the 10th Anniversary DVD is a PC/Mac dual-platform disc.
Will report back after testing. Never emulated a Mac before, so this should be interesting.
And can't find a copy of the Mac OS that Sheepshaver can recognize. Instead it just says stuff like .iso and .bin are invalid formats for a CD-ROM. I can't be assed to figure out what special snowflake format sheepshaver wants, so I'm out. Gonna go play videogames instead.
It;s too academic
Has a real egghead energy
Myst is a garbage poop game
Are you the same guy from the Riven thread a few weeks ago? I've only played OG Myst back in the day, and played RealMyst Masterpiece Edition earlier this year. I think your answer depends on how specific your questions are. If you just want to check it out to get a lot insights, I'd say either one should work. Doesn't seem like you're to fussed about whether the edition you're playing is as close to the original as possible.

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