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I want to see how others set up their game area.
Do you organize or do you just put the newest shit front and center?
Do you have dedicated stations or put everything in a box?
I want to learn, and possibly improve my setup.
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Never understood why people waste so much space with cases. Just get a fucking giant sleeve binder and you can fit 50x as much games in the same space. You play games, not boxes.
Yall know a woman isn't going to have sex with you when your room looks like that right?
You Barbarian, you might as well emulate at that point.
ow my neck
>an entire shelf of cartridge boxes
>all this to store 42 megabytes
>8TB hdd is $50 on ebay
I'll never ever understand people who get PVMs over consumer CRTs when that is how close you gotta sit to them
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Really can't wait wait to have more space, part of me wants to put the time and money into refinishing the basement of my current house and move the game room down there. Going to be moving in less then 5 years so it be a big waste and probably will barely break even with the added value when we go to sell.
Mine is only slightly larger than this. I keep the rest of mine in storage or in bins somewhere else

People that collect every game on the planet and keep it all in on area are trying too hard to show off. There's no way you're playing ALL of those
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this is actually pretty clean for me. usually the spaghetti cords are much worse but i put most stuff in my closet and am just playing the ps1/n64 right now.
Only 2 non-feminine setups in the thread. Some of the opinions on this board are explained very well by how much perler bead/licensed merchandise garbage is strewn about
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I live in a shed! Gonna get a murphy bed!
It's really not that hard to understand. The image quality is better.
She will if you're handsome
>Your room
People who have game rooms like this already have houses and broken marriages
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>It's really not that hard to understand

You have to sit so close to even notice, also why do you want your retro games to look emulated ?
Sex is gross, I don't understand why people want it so much
I like these two. Less is more imo

Pretty sure most of these anons are married
If they can afford all of that, easily
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I don't know how to organize it but this my married millennial pile. Lots of doubles we both owned and lots more in boxes. Years ago I bought really cheap cartridge cases for the 64, I would like to do it for all my cartridges but people want like four or five bucks a case which is ridiculous.

This is 90 percent used just for Mario party. We casually played a fake earthbound for 20 hours until the save gave out.
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goyming setup
shame i don't have a component cable for gc
I want a gamer shack, how did you get it? Would you recommend?
I’ve already found my mate, so it’s quite literally not my fucking problem.
What is that? An industrial VHS player?
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betacam (not betamax)
records video in pure component on giant 90 minute cassettes
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>hide all cords \ cables \ PSU \ controllers
>use air-tight rubbermaid binds under the bed\closet
wall is a bit maximalist for me kek
but i like the tate crts
you think neocd is worth investing in?
i already have mvs cabs\boards+AES
but id like to see the differences +loading screens
i wish i had shielded speakers like that
i have to keep mine far from the setup
bretty gud
i scooped my atari pro for 35$ in the box (craiglist)
i think those days are over though sadly
everything the body needs ;3
just ditch the switcher anon
you have rca right there in the front
i would just plug\unglug on a per use basis
saves a spegetti mess
dont run systems on the carpet\leave them plugged in :(
a quick declutter and this is comfy af
add a wii for nes\snes\pc engine\neogeo etc
native 240p output and you can use any usb controller these days
its great\cheap
truly a "man cave"
i thought about getting into pinball\vidya
but im not sold on the idea & space is a premium for me here
how do you like them??
dont game and drive kek
bretty gud
what kind of aquarium?
i did seahorses a few years ago
excellent anon
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plan to get a snes too, and som more games, but that's probably it

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replace with infinity primus p152 compared to those polk they decimate them. You will thank me later.
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it's shrimple, might get a Saturn and a Dreamcast later on
I dunno, love the way these Polk sound. Had em since they were new as well.
>just ditch the switcher anon
>you have rca right there in the front
>i would just plug\unglug on a per use basis
>saves a spegetti mess
>dont run systems on the carpet\leave them plugged in :(
I didn't really think about air flow but i went ahead and moved them into the tv stand. thanks for that reminder. as for the switcher, i go between consoles a lot.

what's wrong with leaving them plugged in?
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Bought an amish made A-frame shed and wired and insulated it. I do like it.
I really like the legends pinball one. Bought the optional arcade stick/trackball and you can just throw a usb loaded with arcade games on it. Can even hook it up to a pc for pinball FX tables. The arcade1up attack from Mars table is a cheap piece of shit that doesn't even come with a glass top.
Is that a 14L4? Looks good.
>kingdom grand prix
on a power strip/ surge protector leaving them plugged is prob fine
but i would avoid putting vintage systems on 120v plugs permanently as the components could fail/fry
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All this shit is too expensive and inconvenient. I just emulate.
14L5, supports resouutions up to 1080i.
Not always because of image quality, PVMs have a very convenient form factor for moving them or stacking stuff on top of them and multiple inputs so you don't always need a matrix switcher.
Plus some convenient functions such as H/V delay (to see how stable the sync is), blue only (to set up chroma/phase on comp/svideo) etc.
Yeah it's pretty much impossible to find curved consumer CRTs with component. they are also a very compact form factor and perfect for tate usage
Could have made your bed for the photo at least, lad.

Does it get cold sleeping so close to the ground?
>owning things is inconvenient
he is eating the bugs :(
>on a power strip/ surge protector leaving them plugged is prob fine
yeah i use a surge protector
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Great middle school setup
Terrifying adult setup
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I wan't to get a piece of furniture like a media center that I can set 8 consoles + VHS player + an AVI switcher. Does anyone have any recommendations/ideas. I was thinking of making one but I don't know nice it will come out compared to just buying one. Does anyone have any recommendations for AVI switchers? Most of the ones I see online cause issues apparently. Pic related is not mine but it did give me an idea to just use shelf next to the T.V. Thoughts?
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I use something like this for my consoles, each shelf has a monitor stand on it which fits a console under it and a console ontop of it (or in some cases two consoles like my dreamcast and snes are next to each other.) Unfortunately it looks like the monitor stand I got is no longer in stock at Amazon, but the 5-tier storage towers are. I wanted to make sure I got one with a big enough footprint for an original xbox which also meant it could hold the storage shelves so each shelf section is sub-divided to fit more on it.

As for AV switchers, the cheap amazon 8-in-1-out switchers are what I use. It's a rigged up situation where I use two of them for the same input because I use component video. One switcher is the video signal (Y/Pb/Pr) and the other is audio (L/R) so if I want to play Dreamcast I press 6 on one and 6 on the other so it switches to it.
Interesting. I also have an original Xbox I wan't to use in my set up and I just realized what a big bastard it is compared to everything else.
Exactly why I had to make sure one fit. To me it is too essential of a console to lose.
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imagine the smell
fellow vhsfag, love your setup anon. did you make your own customers or buy them?
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I see we all keep posting the same old images and none of us have done any upgrades in months. Me I just got a Playstation Memcard Pro 2 and a Dreamcast VM2 but obviously no need for a new pic for those. Still waiting on a new FPGA thing to come out. Still unable to find a better CRT TV or a decent VCR.
Nice simple and clean setup here. That little TV reminds me of the one I had back in middle school, except mine was a VCR combo. Its neat how even with a small TV like that, you can still get lost in a good game. What have you been playing lately?
Something like this is what I'd like. Clean, comfy, well positioned, dedicated speakers, and still has room for the gaps that FPGA can't do.
>no CRT

try neighborhood-wide garage sales for VCRs. I saw many this year. Of course like anything YMMV.
I'm not American. Garage sales don't exist here.
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>I see we all keep posting the same old images
everyone is larping on these boards
never post your room on 4chinz
Cute slime
You talk to the wrong women. My room being lined with game shit has gotten me brain multiple times.
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I fucking love Miku so much it hurts bros... I can't wait until I can wife an android WOMEN to plap all day and night.
I don't have my game stuff permanently set up because of lack of space. I have a small breakfast-in-bed type table which I put next to my bed, and then put a monitor or projector on top of that, then set up the console on the bed, and sit in my desk chair with my feet on the bed.
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I might post a couple tomorrow if the thread is still up
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How do you guys store and organize controllers?
I've never understood that design aesthetic where you just tape or nail nerd shit directly to your wall why not set up some shelves instead and use the wall space for a big nicely framed piece of art or at least stretched canvas
this nigga gamin on a crt in the shower
its my house i can decorate it as ugly as i want
poor cable management
pull it all out and redo it
stop buying anime dolls
mine sits on my L shaped computer desk. perfect height and distance and perfect for the pick and up play casual way I game in bits and bursts. I also love having games looping on it when I'm using my computer at night. even the warm hum is nice
are you Persian? stop nailing shitty polyester fabric to your wall lol
its thumbtacks
nice finally someone with a crt with what i'd call a proper shaped tube, trinitroms are great but tubes like this are just beautiful, zoomies will neber know the meaning of soul with their flat widescreens with component.

also nice voos collection totally my era, this guy has to be at least late 30's, this could literally be me also palfag, i had all of these but 7, was looking thinking prob doesnt even have lost boys, he has lost boys!, i threw most of my vhs out, i kept evil dead trilogy, the same 4 tmht vhs,
from wen i was yung
also forgot to say this looks like a stock photo from the argos catalogue
I would have sex with them, and I identify as a woman
>live in a foreign country
>all of my retro shit is at home in my parents' basement in boxes
>some really cool shit like Vectrex, Virtual Boy, Sega CD and 32x, and toploader w/ Famicom disc system, as well as the classics
>Can never share my setup because I don't want to cart a shit-ton of retro game stuff to a country overseas I don't plan on staying in forever
bros... it hurts.....
>dont hang your tapestry! lol
i get that this is 4chan but what the fuck
>a crt in the shower
holy based. the epitome of frutiger aero
You always ignore my post specifically when making these.
maybe your fuckability is yet to be determined?
Nah I'm definitely in the fuckable tier.
I'd argue Uzbek carpet guy's place is fuckable.

There are a few unfuckables in your fuckable list, namely:

IDK, I feel like women are more forgiving of video games themselves than video game merch.

I refuse people like you are real. I'm convinced you buy cringe shit like that just for threads like this so you can troll and shitpost.
That TV is neat
Damn bro I really want to play Saturn games, but I refuse to emulate, but I also don't really have any more space on my station, because the last spot is reserved for a VCR. Waiting for the cheaper FPGA clones, but Saturn isn't flawless on those. Then you allegedly have the Mars and Replay2 FPGA offerings that are gonna be more powerful, but who the fuck knows when these are releasing, and even if they're super duper powerful, you still need 10 years for some Dexter looking nerd to write the code properly. I'm seeing a lot of you guys having Saturns. It's pretty expensive to get a clean one and the necessary mods for it, right? What's the best mod for it anyways? Obviously I'm not gonna be buying games.
Are those IKEA kallax cube shelves any good? I'm half-tempted to get some to turn into a desk.
get a saroo & saturn motherboard from aliexpress
its around $100
sunk cost fallacy
>Yeah it's pretty much impossible to find curved consumer CRTs with component.

Are you joking? Every major brand made curved component sets in the early 2000s. Try a brand besides Sony. Toshiba, Philips, Panasonic, and JVC all made them and they aren't difficult to find. Get a 20-inch d-series if you want something small that has component video.
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Older pic of my setup I was finally able to do after the broken marriage.
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I like that TV cabinet
a decent high-refresh rate laptop screen can be comfy
i used to use my laptop and astro city arcade stick
it was nice

garbage ewaste
>from aliexpress
Fuck no. What about a shell and controllers and PSU and shit?
I like that white Dreamcast.
yeah, i've had this tv since highschool, never really seen a reason to upgrade. mainly been playing mario tennis gc this week
also my 25 year old bedframe finally broke, so that's why the matress is on the floor
Yes. They’re sturdy and well worth the money. They’re terrible for books or putting games and stuff on, though. There’s just too much wasted space in those instances. A desk would be good and I’ve seen other people do it.
I rotate out consoles to get into the mood. Usually for a month or so but right now og Xbox is getting some love. Just got into hitman contracts which I haven't played in years. Looking forward to otogi and a few others. Will post my xboxs HDD list. As for setup. Right now I just got back from a fire evacuation so no setup just boxes a TV and the Xbox. .
They're fine as bookshelves, but they're basically made out of plastic, sawdust, and glue. You need a more robust surface for a desk.
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I have an old dell mini pc with crt emudriver+some consoles and a switch to change between these 2 TVs. i keep one overscan and one underscan
>i keep one overscan and one underscan
im using the wrong term. not underscan. just less overscanned to fit different consoles. there's a big difference between some
ah i see, like how genesis games sometimes have pillars and shit
Yeah. old CRT makes the black bars more annoying because the edges are wavy
>ignores the acer logo
it'll end up in the landfill quicker than the rgb30
What is playing on the CRT?
Advanced V.G. 2 my little buddy.
Maaaan I wanna browse 4chan on a CRT too.
all that fkn weight on the shittiest ikea coffee table ever produced? omfg
PS2+wii covers so much if you hack the wii too. good simple setup.
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the pvm isn't THAT heavy tho
i wouldn't put a heavy aquarium there but the tvs are prob fine esp if you put them away after each use like me
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old laptop batteries are cheap on ebay still
and modular\replaceable
shitmon for legacy ports\software are still kickin around in a few of my friends houses anon

i keep an xp machine for this v reason
>another super white Dreamcast
>another non fat PS2

How are the loading times in these NGC versions compared vs the Wii's VC ones?
wii vc is instant aside from OS quirks
ncg has loading times but are irrelevant
however my majoras mask disc as a kid always crashed and fucked up losing progress
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just under the coffee table and i use a normal older 1080p "flatscreen" with composite

living in japan so i can just go buy the games and play em
also have a ps1
I don't like that tv cabinet
i do
anything meant for crt is based
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oled ascension
what is wrong anon is the soul missing?
tfw my aunt threw away a big toshiba crt tv that she had in her basement for ages because it needed degaussed and she thought it was broken.
Can't even tell what I'm looking at.
see a doctor then maybe you are having a stroke
I believe it's a JPEG sir
Those Dragon Ball season sets are bootlegs.
The only releases for them officially put out were similar to your Z ones where they're in a sleeve and fold out, and when all of their sleeves are removed they create an image.
Not that it matters since all of the Blue/Orange/Green brick sets suck ass
you can't unfuck someone, dumbass
>Composite on an LCD.
Disgusting. Find a CRT for free on jimoty.
Screen's too big, show off.
its good enough for me
dont have the space for a crt
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Yeah I learned that last year after I got bought them all from good will. The image is cropped, dialogue is changed, and there is a tinny sound. I don't know how they are so popular. But it's nice background noise.

It's a bad rabbit hole to go down because now I have 1+ terabyte drive of all db/dbz that has the original broadcast audio they found a couple years back.

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