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4th gen really is my favorite, even though I was raised with 6th and 7th.
Post pics, music, stories... Celebrate the glorious 16-bit!
>Magical 16-bit
>posts the most drab looking SNES shovelware imaginable
Barf, you started out on the wrong foot. Let me fix that.
You have to be over 18 to post here kiddo
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All the more reason not to be posting dull shit for children.
Fanboys of consoles with limited colour palettes have a phobia of non-garish colour schemes for some reason
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>limited colour palettes
>PC Engine game
Pic is Lords of Thunder for PC Engine. Attached pic is Cho Ren Sha for the X68000.
Virgin behavior
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Was Bonk looking like a NES game deliberate?
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>instantly tries to turn the thread into consolewar faggotry
>thread to celebrate all 4th gen games, inciting no negativity
>immediately turns into a console war thread for no reason
miserable fucking people, thanks for ruining the board
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That, or inexperience. The PC Engine could actually do more simultaneous colours than the SNES. Legend of Xanadu II.
>Magical 16-bit
OP is absolutely based
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The game that blew my socks off back when I only had a NES was turtles in time that my best friend had. That voice clip saying "Big apple 3 am" sounded so good to me
OP here, most unfortunate that you can't appreciate how soulful Super Scope 6 is.
But yes, you can post Sega and PC Engine too, this thread is for all 4th gen. Console wars is for niggers.
Graphics never really got better than on 16-bit.
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Very cool effect.
Devs got lazy after 4th gen.
savestated through this POS just to record this sick fx

nah mostly it just got way harder once 3d came into the picture.
without the music it's nowhere near as good though

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some pce fx
this effect looks so out of place in a game with a lion wearing a green bathing suit
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W-We're 16-bit, too!
Look, it's right there in our name!!
>Devs got lazy after 4th gen
Nah, there's still some games that stand out for being technically impressive on 5th and 6th gen. For example Silent Hill 3 is very impressive compared to most PS2 games
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it's amiga did you expect better

16-bit graphics baby
If SNES gets to be "16-bit", then so does the PC Engine. Both have 8-bit data buses, and the PC Engine is actually up to 2x faster than the SNES.
What gaem?
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PC Engine is the tits
Spriggan. Regular CD-ROM2 game with only 64K RAM because compile were insane.
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some more pc engine gifs
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last one for the night
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I've always loved the look of Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse, on Mega Drive, all of it looks nice, but that part with the spiders, while short, feels so magical to me for some reason.
what games?
The music changed during that screen, right? It had this very dreamy, "water drop" sounding music I think. It definitely was special and yeah I love all of Castle of Illusion, real nostalgic gem and highlight of my childhood with games.
Between Capcom and Sega, it's really no competition that 16-bit also got the best Disney games, ever.
Serei Senshin Spriggan specifically, because there are more of them and this is the only good one. For some reason people always just refer to it as Spriggan
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It did! It was really dreamy as you've said, truly special. Disney fans were eating good then, it's crazy how we had both Capcom and SEGA doing these titles through the early 90's... the Magical Quest titles were also fantastic, that secret you posted was a pain to do though, but doing it felt so rewarding when I finally pulled it off, a treat all around. The 8-Bit stuff was good too though.
r-type 3
metamor jupiter
didn't feel like looking up the spelling
>Console wars is for niggers.
based OP. Thunder Force 4 has the best backgrounds and parallax scrolling ive seen for the 16bit era https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTxduDLCQsQ especially that first stage. looks even better with a good crt filter
I keep hearing good things about the 8-bit Sega Disney games. I really should try them out
based. the intro to Lunar 2 is even more impressive imho
easily had the best "cutscenes" of the era, too bad most are jap only. "private eye dol" comes to mind as one rthat was recently translated and surprisingly good
>The PC Engine could actually do more simultaneous colours than the SNES

it could in theory but rarely in practice
the game you posted is a game that came out when the pce was on deaths door
Same as >>11106543, Lords of Thunder
looks nice
Indeed, I'd definitely try out the Master System ones, the NES ones are more well known... and I think you should give them a shot too, but it's a shame how the Master System classics often do get overshadowed despite being mostly sublime:

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
Deep Duck Trouble starring Donald Duck
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
Legend of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck

I'd give the film based ones a shot too, The Little Mermaid isn't as good as the NES version... but I was shocked at how great Aladdin and The Lion King hold up on Master System and Game Gear even today, excellent versions that still play well.
gf mode engaged!
what game is this from? reminds me of yosh's safari bosses.
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Super Scope 6's Mole Patrol
every SNES game has slowdown so i play more recent 2D instead
A bunch of SNES games have had FastROM or SA-1 conversions to alleviate that slowdown.

Try it with Super Mario World sometime, you'll be surprised that even the level clear sequence had slowdown that could be removed.
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Ok auster!
yeah, most Stupid NoFriendo "games" can't have more than two guys on screen
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I adore how a video game console by a company from Kyoto broke your psyche this much
superscope is probably the suckiest thing Nintendo had ever released
it's up there. it wouldn't be so bad if not for the shoulder grinding shit

just let me hip fire like at the arcade
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Low T post
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It's pretty awesome actually. The IR technology it uses is simple and effective, and the aiming is actually super precise, giving it a personal flavor compared to regular light guns.
Also, I would say, while there were very few games that supported it, all of them range from decent to great, I haven't played any real bad Super Scope game.
crazy how hard disney in general has just absolutely slopped out and fallen
16-bit is what I visualize when someone mentions "video game" in the abstract. It's the best era of gaming.
The Disney of this time got behind the idea their products needed to be premium entertainment so we got high production value TV cartoons and very high quality video games.
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A different time
I like Uniracers a lot, Nintendo dipped their toe into publishing western designed stuff around this era (see also, DKC and Tinstar). It also feels very of it's era. Here's some trivia:

>The game will never be re-released as DMA was sued by Pixar because the CG unicycle resembles one in an old Pixar short. Despite this, the cartridge is pretty cheap
>The game has a word filter when naming your files. You can't use various swear words nor can you use the word "Sega" The game will simply let you know that the name is "not cool enough"
>The various circuits in the final game are themed after animals but in development, they were themed after Nintendo characters (Mario, Samus etc). For some reason this is not documented on TCRF but can be seen in the old Nintendo Power Previews Laserdisc store demos.


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