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Seriously the dude just kills everyone he meets and walks away like nothing happened. Does being mute really make you this crazy?
. . .
He's literally me
>that ending
He is a sociopath. GTA3 is a depressing game. Vice City is like the exact opposite of it
everything after gta 3 was worse. silent protag worked so well for this game. nothing but the barebones revenge story was needed. the later games are so fucking unnecessary and cringe. never forget that ign said gta 4's retarded story was "oscar worthy"
He got aids from CJ after fucking Catalina
>never forget that ign said gta 4's retarded story was "oscar worthy"

Nico Bellic was awesome

fuck off
>slav cee jay with a funni ecksent
He's the only likable 3D GTA protagonist
So, what happened to Donald Love?
He can be as autistic as he wants, the feeling of loading into the world of GTA3 when it was new was so good that it doesn't matter. Might replay this because of this thread tbqh, I haven't played a game with driving in ages
To be fair, everyone in Liberty City deserve the worst.
Retard take
John Marston from original RDR was a cool guy too
Same thing that happened to the antagonists at the end of Raiders
alive and well in Israel
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I wouldn't call it depressing but what always made me sad was that Getaway poster in his Red Light District safehouse. He just wanted to get away from the crime and the grimey dark shithole that was Liberty City and go hang on a sunny beach.

Nico is such a fucking whiner though.

>ohh noess. this is the land of the free why do i have to keep killing all these people?

Tommy Vercetti was the best one. Helped that he was sardonically voiced by the great Ray Liotta (RIP). CJ was fine - just really fucking boring.

.tfw no San Andreas stories spinoff where you play as Ryder or Big Smoke.
heh, just like christmas of '91
My headcannon is that after he got shot, he turned into a complete psycho.
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Young claude is kinda dorky and cute
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Moral of the story: Big cities suck
>He just wanted to get away from the crime and the grimey dark shithole that was Liberty City and go hang on a sunny beach.
Damn I never even noticed that poster. The game definitely is depressing
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I understand how to an outsider this can seem like nonsense but the comical chaos of Liberty City speaks to those who have experienced it. When cities were less migrant hellholes and more the every day chaos of everyones lives as decoration around you, Liberty City seemed to encapsulate it superbly. From how a random pedestrian will exclaim an obscene tagline about how his mother is his sister to the quiet moments where you have just the littered papers skirting across a dock in a quiet part of town, the different groups out at the different times of day. I always found the theme song captures the orchestrated disorder perfectly well.
It's not his poster, if anything it's 8-ball's
Fido doesn't take it down though
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Revenge. Nothing else mattered.
The GTA3 ending was supposed to be funny, the protag was supposed to be a badass you can imprint on.
what's the definitive way of playing III? OG Xbox or REIII?
He looks like he has down syndrome
Niko can be an interesting character, but GTAIV's story was retarded.
I also thought Toni Cipriani worked pretty well for a GTA game. He was a Mafia psycho piece of shit through and through, he fit the crazy GTA gameplay and ruthless nature of the missions.
I thought it was still PS2 for some graphical effects, but they might have replicated it in REIII now.
PS2 or PC port are both good, the OG xbox I remember having some odd issues but that may have been SA I am thinking of. Either way almost any way to play this game is good I personally just play the PC port because it's easy.
Are old GTAs worth playing?
Only old GTAs are worth playing
Idk, I enjoyed GTA IV
Can't go wrong with III, VC and SA.
Niko is cool, so is Roman sometimes. Everyone else is a fag. Dmitri, Brucie, Mallorie, Kate and the rest of the micks(except maybe Jerry), Gayboy X, all gay. Gay Tony>>>>>>GTA IV. Brucie is actually likable in Gay Tony.
Gay toni ending was worth all the bullshit, still watch that cut scene from time to time and feel oddly happy
defo, they're some of the more satisfying games to 100% because they aren't as xbox hueg as modern open world games and activities are usually quick to complete. worlds are smaller but way more recognizable and fun to learn to navigate. LCS/VCS are okay too, not as well written and have some annoyances but well worth the play
>Gay Tony>>>>>>GTA IV
Oh for fucking sure, it's up there with the 3D trilogy for me, shame it was shorter than IV
san andreas claude looks weird
Are you dumb or just really young?
>Dey call dis de laaand of opportoonity
>So why do I have to keel all of dees peepol
>Is it becowz I am an illeeegal immygrant?
>No it mast be becowz Amarica is beyd

Niko just cries about killing people all of the time whilst killing people all of the time and never once trying to go legit. He's the most annoying character ever. Only retards would think Niko or GTA IV are compelling.

Why the Houser brothers thought an anti-war and anti-violence story was a good idea for a GTA game I'll never know. But it wasn't.

CJ bitched about being a criminal, but at least he had a good reason... he's black its in his DNA.
CJ is tragic. He rose above his own genes got exactly what he strived to achieve but then like crabs in a bucket his own friends and family dragged right back down.
gta iv story was so bad it singlehandedly turned the term ludonarrative dissonance into a meme
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Yeah I disliked this. Especially with Niko, it doesn't really fit his character that - after one of his wallowing cutscenes - you can just go out and kill a load of people anyway. And then in the next cutscene he's complaining he's a hired killer again. Tommy Vercetti doesn't have this issue, and him running down the street with a live chainsaw doesn't strain his character.
I like that in 5 they get around this by having one of the three protagonists be an unhinged killer, Trevor, whose character is more believeable with the sandbox genre.
Yeah that always bothered me too, the gameplay is so disconnected from the story. I could forgive that though, if it weren't for the fact that even purely from the cutscenes and missions, not once does he ever resist the temptation or compulsion to commit crime (because if he did, you wouldn't have a crime simulator). He just says yes to everything with no hesitation, he accepts money to murder, steal, even rob a bank, all without batting an eyelid. And then he calls all the people he works for pieces of shit because they paid him to do it. Well he didn't have to do that, you even meet the guy who comes off the boat with you as a random encounter and he's selling shit on the street. And then that guy's boss steals the money and you just go and kill him to give the money back to that guy. And then Niko basically says "we immigrants really have it tough in this country" directly after being the type of person that makes it hard for actually hard working immigrants.

He goes to meet all of the scum of the world to get money doing their dirty work for them, and then acts like he's got no choice. Every single problem that Niko has to fix in that game is caused by him. Roman would have been fine if Niko didn't kill Vlad. He's the one who gets himself entrenched in the seedy underworld. People might be able to argue that that's the point if it wasn't for the fact that the writers really lay it on thick with the poor immigrant shit.

Its a fun game at times, but Niko and the story really piss me off. You're right though with the three characters in GTA V, its a good way for them to have their cake and eat it too. Although having said that, all of the characters in that game actually want to be criminals, even Michael deep down.
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I never thought about how feelgood Vice City's ending is, by GTA standards, before right now
Yeah, that's the thing that really bugged me about SA. Sweet had some fucking hide to chide CJ when CJ did all the fucking work.
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Agreed, which is why I like Claude, Vercitti and Toni Cipriani as main characters. Claude is silent and can be whatever you want, Vercetti and Toni are both painted to be mafia psycho's who'd kill their best friend for a dollar or to advance in the underworld.
CJ is ok, but starts to feel a little strange that he's 'trying to help his moms' etc, but then Niko just felt like a whiny bitch complaining about how violent life is, then taking missions to mass murder everyone.
I also just didn't like the gameplay of 4 as much, they took out a lot of fun shit like unlocking weapons via hidden packages, rampages and the driving felt a bit too much like it wanted to focus on realism instead of fun. I remember the aiming/shooting being kind of a weird mix of auto-aim and manual which was frustrating.
I replayed it again for the first time in ages recently, and it was surprising to see Sweet drag CJ back to petty street level shit after he'd made money and could have escaped the life. I didn't remember that from the first time I played.
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That part is painfully realistic. One of the biggest problems which Black America faces is that black American culture has a VERY strong Crabs In A Bucket Mentality gripping it.
You get this absolutely toxic social environment where essentially being a Grand Theft Auto character IRL gets seen as an unironic aspiration, and where people get abused and pressured at a young age to fall in line with this. Picture a mindset of...
>"Fuck you for having not-shit grades and wanting to have a job and family, fuck you for your dad not running out on you like mine did, fuck you for not getting in trouble. I'M going to be a violent shit head thug, and I'm taking you along for the ride, if you resist, you're not truly black."

One can discuss racial science in detail, or meme about the flagrant torture of the phrase "socioeconomic factors" in media and reporting, but at the end of the day this is a real phenomenon and one which is absolutely poisonous for anyone to grow up in. It's anti-prosperity, anti-having-good-things-in-life, you'll sometimes see poorfag asians and whiteys get caught up in this kind of culture too, and in spite of genetics they still come out as the same kind of human garbage.
I'm not going to dive super off topic into this but the crabs in a bucket mentality is only half true. Speaking from experience there's plenty that do not follow that path and even more than find it retarded but some do feel forced into it. The main issue is the lack of real leadership in recent times I mean for fucks sake we had a black president who did fuck all to help out the community and even in his own backyard he let collapse into shit becuase "fuck you I got mine" it's genuinely sad and it's not exclusive to blacks but it's very apparent and prominent with them.
It's not like all of it, but it's there and it's awful.
once you watch godfather and sopranos it's hard to take anything from LCS seriously
GTA4 is old.
GTA3 was 7 years old when it came out, the sequel to GTA4 is 11 years old currently.
Not that I take it seriously, the game still has that silly vibe that I really like in the GTA 3D games.
It's more that his character fits the setting and gameplay of killing people for your own gain and sometimes for lols.
They didn't try to make him have noble aspirations or act like "Man, I just need to do this for my family, I'm a victim of circumstance!". It was purely "I want to be king goombah"
>"Man, I just need to do this for my family, I'm a victim of circumstance!".
Vic was fucking terrible for this shit in VCS.
Agreed, I thought Vic would be a cool character, but it felt silly that you'd carjack someone and then back over them so you can sell the car to the exporter, then next mission he's like "Man, I just need enough money to support my little brother. I'm a good person!"
It's not just a black thing, it's a low societal position thing in general. In Australia & NZ they use the term "tall poppy syndrome", and it refers to people who criticise and scrutinise people who are more successful than they are to the point that the worst cases do try to bring the successful person back down to their level.
can't go wrong with either

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