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Just spent $320 on a PS2 slim, Retrovision component cables, two OEM memory cards, a sealed OEM controller, and 12 games.

Did I fuck up, what am I in for? I had one when I was younger but sold it.
>Did I fuck up
Yes because if you got a fat you could have just got a fmcb card and dropped a hard drive in there with the games
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Enormously. In fact I'm convinced these purchases are actually fictional and the only purpose of this thread is to be a satire of buyfags
I was considering that, but PS2 fats are more expensive, less reliable, more prone to hardware failure, and have slower loading times. Also OPL has a lot of bugs and glitches, so burned discs would make more sense. I don't just plan on playing hundreds of games for a few minutes though, I generally finish the games I play, so buying the physical discs is not really a big deal, and then I can just resell them anyways.
The only part of a phat PS2 that dies is the laser and you don't ever need to use it if you get an HDD/SSD. OPL is nearly perfect, over 99% compatibility.
have fun with all the broken multiplats. next time try out a real console like the nintendo gamecube or microsoft xbox.
I already grew up with both of those. I already have a Wii that I'm going to mod one of these days, but I played GameCube the most growing up so don't really have many games that I missed out on, plus it emulates better due to much better progressive scan support. OG Xbox barely had any games, but I already played the few I cared about on Xbox Series BC.
You have no idea what you're talking about, to be honest. PS2's are hard to kill, and the entire homebrew scene downstream from FMCB is seamless and in my experience error-free. You don't even need to use OPL if you don't like, elf launcher can do it all without jay-jay ass interface design if you don't like it.
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> $320
a bit rich for my blood
but i think the prices i paid are long-gone
grab a freeMcboot card off ebay for 13$
plug and play and now you can burn dvds to play
Depends on the games, 320 is a lot but if the games are good it might be worth it.
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>only part of a phat PS2 that dies is the laser
What games did you get OP?
Don't abuse and bang your PS1, or PS2 like a damn monkey or gibbon having a hissy fit.
You had skill issue
wat gaems
I guess it depends on the games and the condition of the console. I just saw a slim with component cables and a (non new) oem controller for $70. Console revision probably matters to some too, make sure yours isn't the one that destroys games before it can actually do so.
I ended up paying more than I should have for mine, about $60 in US dollars, but it was a 7001 that has PS1 compatibility, so it was just dumb luck because most of them are 9001.
Ratchet & Clank Deadlocked
Contra Shattered Soldier
Onimusha: Warlords
Ace Combat 4
>1 new post
I bought mine for 30€. It was fat PS2 that came with original HDD adapter. 3rd world baby!
The games, cables and controllers are worth more than your console.
Yeah I know, the console was only like $75.
Why can't you understand that nobody wants to do all that shit? Most of you fight against Retroarch's UI and your Linuxes instead of actually playing any games.

Don't listen OP you made the right choice. No difference except one doesn't take up a whole foot and a half worth of space.
I got a PS2 slim (w/ bad disc drive), an FMCB memcard, and a PS2 bluetooth controller adapter for under $100 last week. I intentionally bought a "broken" machine at the lowest price I could find and I'm running games from USB for now; works great for what I wanted to play (OutRun 2006).
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>Just spent $320 on a PS2 slim
IT just needs to come with silent hills these days and it's worth it but that will never happun
He bought 12 games too anon

Not bad OP. After doing the math it looks like you still saved a lot
>t. still thinks prices haven't changed since he went to a flea market 20 years ago
OK price. OK games selection.

You can't go wrong with a PS2, but IMO it doesn't have any "wow" games. Say what you want about the Xbox/gaycube, but they had at least a few games that even individually could justify owning the console. PS2 doesn't really have that, just a fuckton of pretty good games.
dumbest fucking post on this board
You fucked up
Pretty good game selection, I would say get THUG to go along with THPS3. Also get MGS2 and 3 (the Subsistence version, not the Snake Eater version) if possible
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so you never used OPL on a fat but you know it's full of bugs huh. HDD is the way to go but if you like your setup who cares about justifying it
Wow you suck lol.
Its your money, but ive found that asking others their opinion on your purchases is kinda admitting you fucked up and are wanting a bit of either comfort or confirmation on your purchase. Id rather just try a $30 goodwill ps2 but then youve still gotra buy the rest.
bro I still have my slim and like 60 games with their original manuals and cases. Is this shit really worth that much money now?
Are you being serious or are you doing RP like the rest of us?
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Im being dead serious. I still have all my games from when I used to buy cheap "cult classics" on ebay in 2007. Now I got like 60 games still around to play once in a while. I dont pay attention to prices at all I thought n64 and snes was expensive not ps2
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>Did I fuck up
PCSX2 is the worst emulator in existence.
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>PS2 fats are more expensive
>less reliable
not if you use the hdd
>more prone to hardware failure
Any of the fats that survived this long will work just fine now
>slower loading times
Not true at all, especially if using a hard drive.
Good selection of games but the GTA's work better on pc with a few patches and fixes.
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Works on my machine
It used to be but the new versions are good.
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If you prefer the original resolution
In my opinion yes, you fucked up royally.
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here is the original resolution for you, totally looks exactly the same as original hardware, no issues.
Absolutely disgusting.
Yep the real PS2 has absolutely dogshit output. Blurry as fuck. I guess the vaseline output does help hiding the jaggies
Why are consolefags obsessed with "native res" when PC players just use whatever resolution their monitor is like normal people.
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retard, this is how it looks on original hardware. PCSX2 is an inaccurate piece of shit.

console games are designed around a specific resolution. The texture qualities clash when upscaled and elements that were not supposed to be seen are seen.
I've had the same PS2 since May 2001 and still plays single layer DVD games and PS1 CDs fine. If I try to play Yakuza 2 on disc it will shit itself within 15 minutes, but that's why OPL exists. I've lived in the arctic shithole known as Canada for my whole life so maybe that's why I've been slightly lucky.
Damn, PCSX2 isn't perfect so I guess it will never ever get better EVER
Depends on which revision you bought. Ignore third worlders. Physical games are always superior
>Physical games are always superior
Only zoomer faggots say this because they don't remember how expensive games were compared to the dollar's worth in the '90s and '00s.
Physical games are always superior
>console games are designed around a specific resolution. The texture qualities clash when upscaled and elements that were not supposed to be seen are seen.
Wrong. The existence of varying texture qualities inherently disproves this. If they were intended everything to be collectively blurry then why would they put more detail in some specific things? It makes no sense.
You are a retard
Great troll thread, OP.
Hahahaha I feel so sorry for all of you GAYstation owning losers
And if you don't believe me, you're either a retard or a NIGGER
>meme component cables

composite is the way developers intended. You didn't beat the game.
The sealed controller was a waste of money and probably still fake, you could have just bought a used controller for like 15$ and cleaned it for the quality.
Modded hardware BC PS3 is the best way to go if you want to play on modern TVs
Physical games are ALWAYS superior. Loading, cost, take up space, can deteriorate... still superior
You got fleeced.
>PS2 slim
stopped reading there
>Just spent $320 on a PS2 slim, Retrovision component cables, two OEM memory cards, a sealed OEM controller, and 12 games.
I did something similar "fOr THe ReAl ExPEriEnCe"
Only regrets
All stored in the closet now
PCSX2 is vastly superior since 2021
they hated him because he spoke the truth
honestly I want to like PCSX2 but no matter how I fiddle with it I can’t keep the games from randomly hitching. seriously, play Outrun 2006 and find a configuration that doesn’t hitch every time there’s a level transition. It’s impossible.
Yeah you just wasted money on games you could have emulated for free. You could have bought a handheld that could play anything with that money but enjoy your exspensive ancient plastic I guess.

I bought 2 "parts only" fat consoles off ebay for $40 and just disassembled, cleaned and repasted the heatsinks and they both work fine. Another $50 for knock off HDD adapters and preprogrammed memory cards and I've been golden for a year
you fucked up buying over priced HDretrovision cables.
mifflin devin i kneel
If it runs, it’s fine. I prefer FAT. Also 60gb PS3 OG is a good PS2, as it has HDMI. It doesn’t matter if it plays.
Yea if you pay more than 100 dollars for all that you got ripped.
The console is not what's expensive. The retrovision component cables, sealed OEM controller, and 12 games are the bulk of the price. Idk if you just haven't checked prices in a decade but no, you are never finding that for $100 unless you get lucky on fb marketplace for a gunked up console and controller and the 12 games will be all sports and racing.

These are the 12 games >>11106784
>Time played
>7 minutes
>12 minutes
>2 minutes
>2 minutes
>3 minutes
>10 minutes
>0 minutes
>22 minutes
>4 minutes
>0 minutes
>13 minutes
>1 minute
Ritalin. NOW.
Nope. Out of all the games I've emulated I've only had problems with gta san Andreas and even then the pc version is superior. Collector fags coping hard.
Yes, drug yourself, makes everything ok.
>dude PCSX2 is heckin' awesome man!!!
>has only played a single game for over 3 hours
No PS2 game is worth more playtime than that. 6th gen was a mistake.
>no replies
You're wrong but it's OK because you're probably
on drugs or something
Retard. I downloaded PCSX2 for free.
I still have mine... booted it up with Final Fantasy XII the other day, it is such a different feeling, the low res of the original and the framerate added to the charm.

Man those were great times...
you won't play it much
Not for 6th gen, none of the games that gen used effects that relied on composite to blend shit together.
Why do that now of all times... when PCSX2 is a good emulator? It had way more issues, but the latest versions are quite good... just emulate on your PC with a DualShock 4 or DualSense and it really wouldn't feel all that different from your current setup that you've paid US$320 for, OP...
I'd give anon the benefit of the doubt and say maybe some of those two minute games didn't run properly
average ps1 gameplay
> Retrovision component cables
A new UI isn't enough to consider it good unless you only use it to watch the covers in gallery.
After you pass over the UI and start a game then you'll have the same 15 year old bugs.
>software rendering
Oh, so you truly have no idea what you're talking. The software rendering is their most accurate option, anything else is faster but even more bugged
The fuck? They're much much cheaper, including fats, which are the best. This must be a bait.
I've got myself 50000 fat for 80 bucks combined with the original controller, memory card, and an hdd with adapter, which is not original. The laser is working, and the condition is alright.
Just admit you don't know what you're doing. It's worth spending a little time learning how emulators work and how to configure them, instead of throwing a tantrum online
I play all my ps2 games upscaled, deblurred, deinterlaced, widescreen patched. I then come into real hardware threads and argue with everyone saying "it didn't look like that back in the day" just to cause additional chaos and disruption.

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