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So Kirizz just released a new Everdrive for the Genesis, though this one is open source and meant to be as cheap as possible, $30. Lacks just about any features tough and support for many special chips.
buy an ad?
If I was Krizz do you think I would be wasting time here?
>The first and most important thing to know, is the goal of this was price and simplicity. In fact, the cartridge doesn’t have it’s own CPU or FPGA and is built in the old school style using only memory and discrete logic. That means no special chip support, no Sega CD emulation, no savestates and no instant loading. In fact, larger games can take a long time (guessing up to a minute) to load into memory, however once they’re loaded, they’ll launch immediately.

krikkz is a greedy fuck.
Thank god for china!
I have an X3 but this is more FOSS
What else is there to do as you sit in your basement waiting for the bombs to stop falling? Other than make an open source version of your life's work.
>Thank god for china!
The shitty Chinese clones were already like this. They always use the oldest cheapest design possible that still uses flash memory like this new cart does.
And it's still more expensive than the Chink clones (where the chink ones can do more as well like Master System support)
Yes and they cost 15 dollars and some run different mappers
He moved to Spain a couple years ago.
The chinese ones are junk. They’re poorly made and often badly engineered, and they don’t even fit properly in the console.

There is a chinese version of the SD2SNES which draws too much current putting unnecessary strain on your power supply, because the chinese randomly decided to over-spec a component, because they don’t know what they’re doing.

You get what you pay for.
Isn't that basically a war zone too?
that's what every shill's first deflection statement is
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These are better, I bought one for me and one for a friend. Everything works on it, Game Gear, SMS, hacks, translations, homebrew, you name it. Lack of Sega CD support is the only compelling think krikz has left and he should embrace it by trying to sell as many as he can instead of wasting everyones time with whatever this garbage is.
I heard he moved back
The krikkz also have the instant load which is nice though, no need to wait 20seconds or so for a new game to flash.
>There is a chinese version of the SD2SNES which draws too much current putting unnecessary strain on your power supply, because the chinese randomly decided to over-spec a component, because they don’t know what they’re doing.

Also doesn't help that many modern components (and by modern I mean around mid-90s) are 3.3V while older components were 5V, the GBA had a physical switch inside to make it run in 5V or 3.3V depending on the cart you put in it for that reason, GB/GBC carts would press against the switch when you inserted them. I remember a few years ago people warning others about cheaply made bootlegs and flashcarts for older 5V systems that didn't' properly translate 5V<->3.3V and could cause damage to the console.
Is there a Chinese knockoff for the Turbo Everdrive Pro on AliExpress? I really want to play TurboCD games bur the Krikzz model is Goddamn expensive and I'd still need the AV output module on top of that.
this is a myth
krikkz has a cult of people like you to spout those same talking points for years meanwhile china has sold thousands upon thousands of their knock off versions and you dont see the internet flooded with "MY SEGA BROKE BECAUSE OF CHEAP FLASH CART"
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I don't think there are going to be any anytime soon since those essentially replicate the entire CD system itself in FPGA, not cheap or easy to do even for China.

ODEs in general don't have too many clones other than Dreamcast, PS1 (and even then only the PS-IO, which is garbage at this point), and GC. There are about a million and one ODEs for the GC made out of everything from FPGAs to a bunch of string and pocket link so that last one isn't surprising. And this is for systems that already have all the components built in and only run games off a CD drive, not systems where the CD drive was it's own subsystem in addition to cartridge loading.

Your best bet is likely to get a cheap flashcart just for cart games and an ODE for the TurboCD instead of a single cart that does both. You can't use the CD features of the Krizz cart without disconnecting your CD unit anyway, or at all in a unit where it's built in.
1. It's not a myth that older systems used 5V components and later systems used 3.3V you moron, anybody with enough braincells to do something as simple as lookup a chip number can tell you that.

2. Krizz was not the one who posted the article that started the whole argument.

3. The original article talked about bootleg and homebrew games too, not just flashdrives.


Yeah, sure, Krizz secretly has been running an electronics/gaming site as an alter-ego for years and randomly decided to write an article slamming not just others but even his own products because... some hidden master plan to discredit them all, including himself, for profits somehow?

Or maybe the more sensible solution is that it was not Krizz who wrote the article.
>blah blah blah
my sega is still working fine with a 15 dollar clone
nice try bro
The article literally covered that type of anecdotal reply years before you said it, bro.

No you see, you are very lost.
I stated that you are a cultist that spouts BULLSHIT for krikkz, I dont care if he wrote an article or not.
You are still a dumb shill spouting non-sense.

You are a very bad troll, not even worthy of a (You)
>"everyone who speaks against krikkz is a troll"
The internet instead is full of "this cheap flash cart sucks / stopped working / got bricked by an update / some other problem" posts.
no its not
yes it is bro
Cant you use a resistor to block some of that voltage? prob one on the pcb
not quite, because the voltage will depend on the load (V = I*R). you'd need a voltage regulator on every line, or components that use 3.3V natively.
I see. Thanks.
By this logic, the NES should be dying left and right since every part pulls the same 5V from the same 7805 regulator since the console is actually getting 10V power before it hits the 7805. Explain why the NES would be fine, but this cartridge is walking toast.
>krikkz is a greedy fuck.
he literally open sourced this???
It costs 40 dollars and is worse than a 20 dollar clone

open source means nothing when it doesnt have the chips/expansion capablity to be able to do anything more than it already can
He's greedy because he could open source an actual useful flash cart but hes too busy charging $150.00 more than cost of production for all his products after probably having made millions

>h-he- deserves it!
He deservers that much mark up why?

>m-make your own then
No, I will buy the china clones and enjoy them
he literally open sourced it
>No, I will buy the china clones and enjoy them
the chinese clones that exist because...?
Not because of him
The chinese stole from the greedy man and give to the poor
All mudslinging aside, truthfully I am thankful that there is someone making flash carts. You just will never convince me that it is not greed to charge 200 dollars or more for some of them. It's the same story with all vintage gaming products, they just want to fleece you as hard as possible.

If you've ever ordered PCB's and parts directly you'd know that that is far too much.
This isn't NASA R&D department, where he needs to recoup millions of dollars in research time from the top scientists of the nation.

That is all I will say on the matter.
I do not want to keep shitting on krikkkz, but I will always defend clones.
The prices are high because he has costs to cover and it’s a niche market. For the more expensive carts the FPGA is most of the cost. The Chinese manufacturers are in many cases using stolen designs and cut quality to the minimum. Shipping is also cheaper for them because most stuff comes from China.
there are mega drive games that use a special chip?
That's not even the same comparison. The 7805 is a voltage regulator that outputs 5V, so any parts using 5V will be fine (as long as they don't ask for more amps than the 7805 can supply).

the problem with the cart is that 3.3v max parts are being powered by 5v, so best case scenario they will die faster due to making a lot more heat.
There are two. Virtua Racing (SVP) and, kind of, Super Street Fighter 2 (bankswitching).

unless he means carts that can save, then you have quite a bunch, Sonic 3 most prominently.
They stole what he open sourced?
How many times are you going to say this.
He did not open source all his flash drives
The conversation is about the entire product line, not just this one.

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Im unfollowing this thread, you will not bait me into responding any further, to hell with you lot!
>3.3V parts being powered by 5V
I'm pretty sure the LDO regulator at U12 outputs 3.3V, at least it does according to the schematic. What 3.3V parts are being powered by 5V here?
>as cheap as possible, $30
I bought my x3 for $30 back before Krikzz doubled all the prices
Like >>11109795 said, it's the FPGA. The Memorycard Pro was able to drop in price when it was found to be not needed and removed. Unlike CPUs that are used in every consumer device (even shit that doesn't need it like "smart" light bulbs) and are available by the truckload for pennies FPGAs are still a very very niche product intended only for development, generally by multi-million if not billion dollar corporations.

Also outside of mimicking old retro hardware it doesn't have much use in the consumer space either, so those parts cost significantly more. There are some strides being made recently with FPGA-based emulation becoming more popular, but even that is still quite a niche. Unfortunately, unless you can somehow fab your own chips FPGAs are really the only option, and still significantly easier to implement than having every custom chip needed to do whatever you are trying to do (and still would be cheaper). I can't imagine the mess of trying to make a SNES flashcart that supports as many chips as the FXPak but with individual chips for everything. The only other option would be to use software emulation to do it, which if you are doing that why even bother with using real hardware just to use software emulation on it?

Someone comes along, spends thousands developing a flashcart using this expensive tech, which likely leaves a trail of many failed expensive prototypes in it's wake, and then a cloner skips all that expensive R&D by just copying the design while cutting costs in every way imaginable that can cause it it not work properly or even damage your system (the cheaper Saroo carts are infamous for most of them not having beveled edges, which can damage the cartridge port for example).

Yes there are some assholes over-charging, like the Terraonion people, but acting like any flashcart that costs more than a clone (which only exist because of those original carts) is trying to rip you off shows a juvenile level of logic.
>some games can take up to a minute to load
nope nope nope
>no special chip support
>long ass load times
fuck that lmao
But I saw hecking infrared pictures that showed the Chinese everdrive was a higher temperature than an official game cart.
>What 3.3V parts are being powered by 5V here?
Genesis uses 5V logic on all the I/O lines. So basically everything connected to the cartridge pins will take 5V input even if they'd be using 3.3V.
And the cartridge lines are fed into three transceivers which boast "Inputs can be driven from either 3.3 V or 5 V devices. This feature allows the use of these devices as translators in mixed 3.3 V and 5 V environments." They are then sent to the 3.3V chips. None of the 3.3V logic chips used(which are all rated to work from 2V to 6V) are being driven directly by 5V. Only the three transceiver chips get the raw 5V, and they are designed for it.

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