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10 years after claiming a translation project you should lose it, how come no one else did step forward?

absolute crime I still cant play this without moonrunes
I really fucking hate the whole "claiming" a game to translate shit.
The only thing that should matter is if it gets done or not.
It hasn't been "claimed". Anyone else is free to step in and put in the work to reverse engineer the data, code, etc. and do the translation themselves. That actually requires work and effort though so most people just sit around bitching about it instead.
Odin Sphere invalidates this game’s existence. Read the script translation online if you want, it will never be coded into the game.
I'm still mad
Yet another thread about an untranslated game I can't be bothered to play despite understanding Japanese. If it got translated you fags would play this for five minutes and then find another game to complain about never getting translated.
When is the MegaCD Shadowrun game finally getting translated
Respectfully I don't agree here. I love Vanillaware's works and this game looks great. Its like proto Odin Sphere with cool sprite art.
I don't think people bother anymore, thankfully. The MM PC port guys got btfo despite everyone knowing they were working on it, and two of the SNES Fire Emblems have multiple translations each. No reason to follow this cuck doctrine, especially when the first person to claim it often isn't nearly the most competent
It makes sense not to waste your time translating something when someone else is already doing it and end up duplicating efforts.
Better to contact the ones doing the translation and seeing if you can contribute.
Saturn or PSP?
This is where you're wrong faggot, a new fan translation drop is like Christmas coming early for me. I think I've beaten 35 fan translations total.
>claiming a translation project
Literally not a thing no matter how much "translations teams" complain about it. Just take a scene approach, not like it'll be hard to beat the team on this one at this point. You can probably take a few years to learn the skills needed and beat them, but if you know Japanese, why translate?
these postd always reek of butthurt claimers
Can't you just MTL it?
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I'm still waiting on pic related
Sounds about right. I like these threads because it's funny watching guys complain but they're still too lazy to put in any effort themselves.

The reality is that guys "claiming" games like this doesn't actually mean anything. Anyone who wanted to could translate this, but nobody really cares enough. Even when you get a guy who cares, most of the time their skill level is far too low to produce anything useful, so you wind up with MTL slop.
Lol that fucking project still hasnt delivered, correct?

Their thread on RHDN was nothing but hot air. Tons of support from fans punctuated by updates that led nowhere.

10+ years guys.

10 plus motherfucking years

And nothing to show for it. Zilch

Let that sink on for a moment

Let it sink in
Summon Night bros...
Will the SCS3 translation finally come?
10+ years buddy.

10 plus motherfucking years, and you still have nothing to show for it.

I have to wonder, are you going to be sat on your deathbed still going "ooh... I wonder when that translation patch is coming out..."?
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>The more complicated remake was translated in between the moment this was claimed and now
Seethe and cope
>wait for translation for 10 years
>learn japanese in 3 years and you can play any game without needing translators
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>If it got translated you fags would play this for five minutes and then find another game to complain about never getting translated.
we've seen happen with plenty of Japan Only ''hideen gems'' from Moon Remix to Muzurna Falls and from Baroque to Racing Lagoon, all these garbage games were forgotten in less than a week after the fan translation dropped

Shovelware games fucking sucks btw, their magnum opus Odin Sphere was a at the very best an above average slop with repetitve and boring gameplay so i can only imagine how bad the game in the OP is
I beat it, but to be fair it is a pretty repetitive game. The battles are fun but the characters feel pretty different. I liked playing with Gradriel the most so the parts in-between weren't all that interesting to me.

It would be interesting to see this kind of slow combat system expanded upon more.
Don't bother, the game plays like crap and no translation will help that. The fights are slow as shit, any booster items you have are useless (you have to put them on during fights which leaves you wide open for any attack, and if you get hit ONCE you lose the item you selected). Sprite work is impressive but backgrounds have 0 animation and 1 layer only.

Like the others said, play Odin Sphere or any of the later vanillaware games.
Skill issues and coping
Can you even "claim" translation projects? I don't think there is anyone stopping someone from working on their own translation.

Also it's not really "claimed" anymore even if that was a thing, the forum thread for the most recent attempt at a translation (I swear, this game is cursed) was locked in March of 2023 due to the project being apparently dead, with the last post by the author being February of 2022. Even if "claiming" was a thing, everyone in the romhacking/translationg community recognizes this translation attempt as dead (Just like every other previous attempt to translate the game) and free to have someone else attempt anyway.
Sorry buddy, I just claimed the game again.

Maybe in 10 years my rights will expire and someone else will translate it! If people don't want to wait that long, well, maybe they should learn the fucking language. You could play the game a lot faster than it'll take me to not do this translation project I'm now squatting on.
Should kys for not knowing Japanese at this point. Only takes 1 year to read toddler level writing in a game like this.
>>11108886 >>11108352

>waste years of your life to play some cartoon videogames
this is why you get no pussy and stack no paper
>Can you even "claim" translation projects?
>I will do this, I promise
>Thank god, I didn't want to do this shit, that's so much work.
>They don't actually do it
>*project dies*
Feels good being in project situations I either have 100% control over, or don't care/fear that anyone will snipe them.
ROMhacking shit is cancer unless you luck into quality people. Working on a project with other team members in general is cancer unless, again, you luck into the right people.
Working solo is always the best, but takes a toll since the stuff that takes the most time and demands the most care (playtesting) is harder to do well when you don't have a good way to watch others as a 3rd party, when things jump out at you the most, and errors/bugs become the most apparent.
Most days, I wish I'd never gotten into the translation hobby, but it's seeing others having fun playing something you worked on that makes it worth it in the end.
There's a fuckton of backtracking in this game so you guys will call it shit anyways.
I like Moon, Baroque, AND Racing Lagoon. Your argument is invalidated.
Odin Sphere is fairly average.
The translation isn't the hard part
If Odin Sphere is average, then just imagine how bad Princess Crown is
>I like... Racing Lagoon.
Bad news - you like fanfiction. Hillslop and his cronies can't even get simple shit like this correct. Should tell you everything you need to know about anything else he touches.
yeah yeah you like shit but the real question is, did you PLAY them? heh that's what i thought you poser
I waited 10 years to play dead of the brain translation and played it and I have waited at least as long for shadowrun cd, and I will play that shit the moment it drops

frick off mother freaker
You'll get some pettiness from various people who think claiming is at all a serious thing. Maybe the person who was actually working on it might be miffed their translation efforts were wasted without consulting. At the absolute worst some romhacking website might seethe if the person has enough clout there and refuse to host your shit, but they refuse to host a lot of shit already so it's not like it matters.
>Claiming a translation project
what the fuck are you guys talking about? this sounds to retarded to an actual thing

>If it got translated you fags would play this for five minutes
This applies to the retrogaming "comunity" as a whole. 99% of videos on Youtube talking about
/vr/ games are shallow and moronic: they make surface-level observations, clearly showing that didn't play the game for more than a few minutes or they are incapable expressing an actual opinion on the game.
Oh man I cant wait for summer zoomers to go back to daycare
>frick off mother freaker
You mean
>Slot off frag face
null sweat chummer
God bless you desu.
>what the fuck are you guys talking about? this sounds to retarded to an actual thing
It's basically an unwritten rule for anything involving fan efforts like this. The reality is that translating anything is a massive fucking commitment and you don't want to undertake a project just for the previous retards to go "lol, here, it's finished" when you're hitting the 80% mark
The reality is that the audience for something like this is extremely small and if your efforts gets one upped, usually by fucking retards who rushes to the finish who releases bad quality work but most of the possible audience does NOT give a fuck about that, it just ends up being extremely demoralizing to see happen and then see that you gave hours upon hours of efforts for what would basically amount to not even a 100 people using it
... With that said, 10 years is insane and it's clear the project stalled. The real crime at this point is not releasing/open sourcing what was their current efforts so that it may help someone more motivated to get started immediately with a few of the problems already solved
>releasing/open sourcing what was their current efforts so that it may help someone more motivated to get started immediately with a few of the problems already solved
Didn't the Mizurna Falls translation never get finished because someone leaked it unfinished with bugs and the guys working on it quit because of it?
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This has already proven to be an effective method.
Look at something like Tomato Adventure, which started off as a bunch of tools that the Mother 3 fan translator gave up on and put out there for the people who eventually took the project on and completed it themselves, even continuing in the open-sourcing tradition (it's available on github for anyone to see and use).
God only knows whether it would have ever been completed without the initial pile of stuff that was put out there.
You have no idea how many people even when given the source code and tools to make doing a patch stupid easy still beg the original developer to do all the work for them.
Yes I did...? Weird question, pseud.
I've beaten multiple fan translations. shut the fuck up faggot.
then you'd have to work with some troon who will spend half of the time parrotting their shadow 2 bit bolshevic politics from plebbit, and the other half pitty farming everyone over "muh mental health".

No thanks
You just listed 3 games i love.
Kill yourself you pointless shitposting faggot. you truly are a worthless faggot screaming into the void about literally nothing
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17 years baby.
fuck the 10 years thing, i feel like at most, it should be like 1-2 years of no info if you feel like being respectful.
the idea that people can claim a project is retarded in general.
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I wonder how many fan translations I've beaten, but it's probably around 50. Plus at least half a dozen using AI translate tool
What's your setup for this? I was using Textractor and wondered if there's a better alternative.
AI screwed up メリッサの蜜 (Lemon Balm Honey), 回復の巻物 (Recovery Scroll), 派遣隊 (a (military) detachment), 仲間を見捨てて (BUT I abandoned my friends), 甘かった (I was naive).
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Would love to see Wolkenkratzer get a translation. Very unique game that doesn't get a lot of love. Fifth gen is full of wacky interesting titles that never got a release in the West.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
I'm busy making my own games or I would
Scratch that, I'd just play more untranslated games.
>too lazy to finish it
>complains when someone else does
darwin waits for no one
Westone? I'm interested
I HIGHLY doubt PC is any better than OD
(and I thought OD was kinda shit)
Honestly it doesn't require as much Japanese as an actual RPG, you could probably use a translation app on a phone and get by just fine, but the game itself is pretty challenging since you get sent back to your last save if you die once and you have 50 levels of 3D fighting jank in the tower to go through. If you don't have the correct shield equipped some enemies are nearly impossible. Also you unlock random attacks permanently via scrolls as you play, but your starting moveset is extremely weak, as well as your starting equipment, so it takes a few trips ended early to get powerful enough to even stand a chance
It only takes around 6 months to 1 year to learn enough of a programming language to hack a game, and when you can't get help from the bilingual geniuses that don't upload translated scripts anywhere, you make level hacks of English games instead of worrying about it.
Learning Japanese is good and nobody is owed a translation, especially when translation tools are so readily available now, but what's the point of being such a dick to a stranger anon?

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