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>GTA killer
more like the GTA STINKER
The GBA version of this is actually very impressive
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PCSX2 fags are still coping to this day
>who cares about this game it's BAD!
Then don't call it a PS2 emulator, call it "emulator for some PS2 games but not anything we think is bad"
This game was great.
It probably would have done a lot better if their ad campaign didn't focus on another product.
>using the out of date wiki
Probably works just fine now, but you're a retard for emulating a PC game anyway.
Didn't help that 'Driver' when he was out of the car ran like he was constipated lol. Maybe Driver should have stuck to driving.

Impressive for the time or still fun now (also, better than GTA Advance?)

Also didn't Michael Madsen voice him? The same Michael Madsen who said he would never do another GTA game after he was that Mafia guy in GTAIII because he thought it was too violent?
Ahhh Drivthreer, one of my favorites

They dpnt make em like thy used to eh
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Oops, wrong pic
>probably works just fine now
Not him but I recently tried replaying this on my steam deck and ran into this problem. Shame, since I actually like this game.
I have the first two for psx, never played the third, is it good?
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>This game was great.

it never was and never will be

because even if the driving physics model is pretty cool it's not well tuned in my opinion

I will give it another go soon thanks to this thread though
There is a good version on magipacks
>Michael Madsen who said he would never do another GTA game after he was that Mafia guy in GTAIII because he thought it was too violent
Then he went on to voice the leader of an assassin guild in Dishonored
>muh this game sucks
Counter: https://youtu.be/cf_2p4DJDgY
That's not Streets of New York.
Most GTA clones mog GTA. Scarface in particular
Sorry guys I posted the wrong image.
I wouldn't say Driver mogs anything open world game though, it's fun game but it's a bit limited in some regards
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Coulda shoulda
"Somewhat underrated" is not the same as "better than something clearly superior"
Still based
I remember playing it thinking it was some glitched beta or something. What a weird fucking game
Out of all the Driver games, that one has to be be most jank garbage. Play any other Driver game, but skip that one.
Was Parallel lines any good?
It's pretty good and fun, but don't compare it to GTA while playing it too much.
Playing in two eras (70s and 00s) is pretty cool concept
If they just had polls you could run over easily it would have been way better. Lost count of how many missions I failed because I ran into one.
You don't drive through telephone poles in a real car, this is a man's game, kid.
Realism makes games less fun.
Depends on the pole.
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Say what you will about Driv3r, but no one can deny it had SOUL.
Nah... this game is putrid. Mafia 1 looks better.
how much time is it of?

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