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Why did they fall off so hard after the 80s? Arcade companies like Capcom, Konami, and Namco were still able to survive and thrive in the home console space. What went wrong?
They released good cartoon networkcore kino during the early 90s, they are fine in my book.
They just didn't keep up while Namco was releasing shit like Tekken and Ridge Racer
Trends changing, mismanaging and some failures damaged Taito's momentum. They still released good stuff and had some influence in arcades, but still wasn't enough.
they remained an arcade company while the others you mentioned managed to pivot to console gaming alongside arcade gaming.
No recognizable mascots I would imagine.
>bub & bob
>not recognizable
they were still bussing in the 90s imo but I do agree they never adapted to games becoming consolized and "modern"
bub & bob beat samus and master chief in gamespot's popularity contest
What do you mean they have a bunch of modern classics like... and uh...
I still enjoy a tight-ho every weekend
>they never moved to console gaming
Pretty much this. Remember that Namco wasn't all that on SNES either, only later they hit it big with their ports to PS, and they capitalized on the wave of 3D fighters and racing; also they scored with Tales of series. Taito kept making Bubble/ Puzzle Bobble and SHMUPs like it was still the 80s.
>Remember that Namco wasn't all that on SNES either
What? Puzzle Bobble was on the SNES.
>Arcade companies like Capcom, Konami, and Namco
Not exclusively arcade companies. Taito is probably more comparable to Toaplan or SNK. >>11107729 >>11108007 are correct
I mean they weren't anywhere near the top dogs like Square / Enix / Capcom / Konami etc.
They were in the late 70s to early 90s. Taito made Space Invaders ffs, plus Bubble Bobble, Arkanoid, Elevator Action, The Legend of Kage, Darius, RayForce, and a bunch of other big titles. They were heavy hitters in the arcade scene.
They never really got into RPGs and adventure games and stuff which was what the Japanese home market was all about. Capcom had RE and BoF, Konami had Tokimeki Memorial, Namco had Tales and their collab with Sony which was huge in that console gen. Taito never had anything like that. Maybe they put too much time and effort into making Flintstones games for an obsolete system. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.
Taito did shift to consoles in the 90s but most of their products were Japan-only so they fell into obscurity.
>Puzzle Bobble series
>Bubble Symphony
>Elevator Action Returns
>List goes on
The fuck are you talking about, OP? 90s Taito was awesome.
Dude, I mean on SNES. They were about as present as Namco that made what, Pac-Man 2?…
It's a story as old as time. Company hits it big in the arcades. Consoles slowly become more important, but the company decides "no, we ar arukedo compani, arukedo stiru vary popurar in Jyapan desu". So they continue chasing arcades for reasons, become more and more niche, make endless "classics" compilations and mostly make headlines only when their one big arcade hit turns 20/30/40 and so on.
All while companies with half a brain like Capcom, Namco and Konami are still relevant because they switched to console.
They didn’t want to be bound by restrictions. Namco carried the famicom during the early 80s and they got a raw deal in return. They focused on PCE when it came to the home market, and then pivoted to the PS. It’s not like they were incapable of creating games for SNES, they chose not to do so.
Did they make anything worthy for PCE? Also, what was the "raw deal" they got?
Not the quality, just the popularity.
They had a favorable licensing agreement with Nintendo which was revoked and they were going to be forced to have the same contract as everyone else. Which is kinda BS considering Mappy/Xevious are what initially sold the famicom
Marchen Maze
Genpei Toma Den 1/2
Ported some classic hits like xevious, druaga, etc
Capcom, Konami, and Namco had a bunch of experience making home-only games and had a whole slew of established IPs by the time the 90s rolled around. Taito didn't have that, they only really had the arcade division because that's what they were wholly focused on. When the arcade scene dried up, everyone except Taito had a good transitory exit plan for the arcade teams to merge into the home teams.
They also released a bunch of games for Megadrive like Splatterhouse 2/3 and Rolling Thunder 2/3.
they were releasing beautiful 2d games like Darius Gaiden or Puzzle Bobble 4 controlled with a simple joystick, while the competition had Daytona USA on a 8-way racing car cabinet or Time Crisis with lightguns and a pedal to hide, not to mention Virtua Fighter 3, Jurassic Park Lost World, Soul Calibur, Tekken 3, Dead or Alive, etc etc. 1 year later you also had Naomi games like Crazy Taxi.
like how the fuck would puzzle bobble 4 stack up to that.
>Elevator Action Returns
I like the game but if your best game of the 90s is an upgraded version of a golden age arcade game then yeah it's fucking over.
>Maybe they put too much time and effort into making Flintstones
You're forgetting how Tengrn existing and their bootleg carts like Pac-Man was what killed their preferential deal.
Taito has seen ownership shifts and mergers over the years, which could have influenced its direction and market position.
>Did they make anything worthy for PCE?

yes. namco was also notable as the first 3rd party dev on the pc engine. they also threatened at some point to only make megadrive games, and theres a rumor that they tried to make a "pc engine 2" with nec before hudson freaked out and the supergrafx was born

however, namco stopped making pce games after 92. they never made a pce CD game either
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>Why did they fall off so hard after the 80s?
They are doing better than Sega.
Not surprising, they seems to care more about their ips. From my personal experience, even with its miserable budget, Dariusburst has definitely more love put into it than anything sonic after mania.
Let's be honest, Taito was always kind of a quantity over quality company. Not saying they were bad or anything, and they had some amazing games, but you can tell if you compare their arcade output to Namco or Capcom
>they also threatened at some point to only make megadrive games, and theres a rumor that they tried to make a "pc engine 2" with nec before hudson freaked out and the supergrafx was born
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Taito has always been slow and steady when it came to business. Taito don't take huge financial risks, and focus on steady growth. That's why Taito is still doing well today. They still have all their arcades in Asia.

Meanwhile Sega had to sell all their arcade businesses and blamed everything else including the Pandemic for them being forced to sell their arcades. Not once did Sega blame themselves for overspending, going into debt, and having no money in reserve when the Pandemic hit.
Taito made complete, deep, colorfull, multi-path, serets,enjoyable games.
One of my favourite arcade game is a taito one.
And come back talk about it...
>GameSpot popularity contest
m8 you don't really mean that do you
True, also HEY is the best game center left in Tokyo that I'm aware of
Jap arcades all deserve to close tbqh. 95% of the floor space in their “arcades” are filled with UFO catchers
Rayforce and Darius Gaiden are both top, they still did a fair amount in the early/mid 90s before eating shit
Well that's partly because arcade companies release far less arcade machines per year compared to the 90s.

They also copied the West. They learned to "monetize" content and require DLC. So each modern arcade cabinet is now required to be connected to the internet, and if you want DLC (like new songs for rhythm games or new levels for shmups) then you must subscribe to the arcade company's gaming service for a monthly fee.
Taito still did pretty well into the 90s. They never spent millions on game development so their overhead wouldn't have been high.
Also they made a lot of money from cabinet sales and their own game centers. Probably more than they made from video game sales.

Think of Taito more as an arcade business company that happens to make a few games on the side more than a proper 1st party developer (even though they technically do qualify as one).
Who here is a real fan? Come on seriously, who actually buys their shit. Who here has bought the re-release of parasol stars which came out in the past 2 weeks?

Can anyone tell me the jarring thing that every single one of the 'reviews' has not mentioned about the port. It's hilarious if you know...
Did you just forget new Zealand story and parasol stars
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>Come on seriously, who actually buys their shit
Me. I bought their Taito Mini Egret. It's fun.
>Taito kept making Bubble/ Puzzle Bobble and SHMUPs like it was still the 80s.
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>Who here has bought the re-release of parasol stars which came out in the past 2 weeks?

/vr/ does not play any pc engine games except rondo of blood
So parasol stars got released on Xbox, ps and switch this month, no one in here even seems to know about it lol
You're not wrong. I think most /vr/ people know them for invaders and bubble bobble and that's about it. One of my favorite games, Qix, isn't even their game really, just licensed for release by them. Then again, I don't follow releases for consoles I don't care about, so no, I did not know about a release for them.

All that said, I encourage you to keep the jarring thing to yourself as a gatekeeping filter. Maybe someday I will check it out and join you in the chuckle club, like how I judge people based on their response to I AM ERROR in Zelda 2.
It will be fixed in an upcoming patch apparently, I'm being a prick to 'catch out' anyone on here so much, I suspect hardly anyone bought parasol stars and i don't blame them lol but when there are reviewers who are being paid to literally play these games through (and they clearly aren't.. Because you cant and they make no mention of this) it pisses me off
I meant I'm not trying to be a prick to people on here lol fuck sake
Psychic Force 2012 is good
Why not do a whole bubble bobble collection? Most people have never even heard of parasol stars.
Totally agree, they should have just done like the turtle collection that came out recently,

Bubble bobble
Rainbow islands
Parasol stars
Bubble memories
Bubble symphony
Some people need that social validation
I just want a steam release of Vertexter.
Those are Taito games not Namco
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It really is
>Why did they fall off so hard after the 80s?
never happened. man you fucking schizos of this board will lie about anything.

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