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Chao Garden is amazing. Perfectly relaxed gaming.

Raising little these stupid little babies into racers and warriors who whoop ass fucking rules.

Then they can become immortal if you raise them perfectly, so you can "finish" the game on a satisfying note instead of just meandering without a goal.

It gives you a fantastic reason to continue replaying through the main game's stages to try to scour every nook and cranny for hidden animals, and in Battle, more rings to buy more food that can raise certain stats more efficiently, and interestingly colored Chao.

This is the best side game included in a main game ever. Sonic Adventure 2 would not have a fraction of replay value without it.

Any suggestions for other A-life quality minigames? I'd love to know of any non-Sonic, non-Nights implementations of this kind of concept.
I never played the Adventure games, I thought the PC ports were the best ways to play
There are many clones in development

If you are going to play them, you should either emulate or download tons of mods that fix the ports. Adventure 1 port is almost unplayable and looks like a unity fangame.
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Billy Hatcher kind of makes them part of the actual gameplay. Find the egg, feed the egg, hatch it, and it gives you more powers

Harvest Moon and Digimon World also come to mind, and Animal Crossing to a lesser extent. All of it is really inspired by virtual pets like Tamagotchi though
Forgot to mention Monster Rancher, similar concept but not exactly the same
I remember the rumors mostly, some of them were true and others not, like the angel chaos was real but not the omochao chao (well technically yes but with a cheat device).

I think it was fun when you didn't know everything about chaos, about getting the SSSSS chao, or getting an inmortal chao or even getting the Shadow/Sonic Chao.

My first chao was a hero Swimming/Swim but he died because my stupid brother thought that you need it to toss the fucker when it was annoyed (it was because he waked him up and you need to leave the garden to make him sleep again).

Funny story, my brother's kid is really messed up.
Bros, I love chao so much
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chao modding is pretty nice
Any more like this?
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It is fucking baffling to me that Sega seem insistent on not bringing it back in any form, even the more simplified Tiny Chao Garden from the Advance games.
https://gamebanana.com/mods/496325 the chao mod pictured adds a bunch in.

also if you're asking about the custom garden. https://gamebanana.com/mods/148622

most chao mods are here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/13545
could you even do anything in the GBA tiny chao garden, other than by fruit for the chao to eat, each fruit giving it different amount of stats?
What people don't get is that chao garden only works as well as it did because you were doing it in between fast cool action levels and a standalone game wouldn't be nearly as fun
The first version included in Advance 1 and PSO was basically limited to feeding them and giving them gifts. The version included in Advance 2 onward included a couple minigames. It was primarily just a way to have some bare minimum interaction with your Chao on the go, though.
Fuck you, we spent hours at a time in there
I wonder why SEGA didn't port it to Xbox.
>The first version included in Advance 1 and PSO was basically limited to feeding them and giving them gifts. The version included in Advance 2 onward included a couple minigames.
Don't remember the PSO one, but Advance 1 definitely let you play a couple of minigames (rock paper scissors being one of them). I know this for sure since I never owned Advance 2 nor emulated it for more than 2 minutes (but I have since learned that its Tiny Chao Garden has DIFFERENT minigames from 1's, which is very interesting).
I'm assuming you mean some iteration of Chao Adventure or the Tiny Chao Garden (or something distinct from those but functionally similar), and the answer is likely laziness. I highly doubt it has anything to do with licensing issues, since they own all the assets to Chao Adventure and T.C.G., but rather because they didn't want to bother making a functional VMU/GBA emulator or coding something new for cashgrab ports like Adventure 1-2 versions on 360, PS3, and PS3.

If you're asking why they didn't port Adventure 1-2 to the original Xbox, on the other hand, it still probably has to do with same answer given above except that they cared more about the Chao Garden back then than in 7th gen (where they re-released the Garden in a half-assed and barely-functional way, as described above).
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The way I've heard it, is that they legally can't.
Have you seen Sonic x Shadow generations cover art? It has dark and hero chao. There is hope.
Sega struggles to release finished games on time anyways getting them to add a 300 hour virtual pet simulator would fuck them up even more
Not to mention it was perfected in SA2, bringing it back would be like trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice
>The way I've heard it, is that they legally can't.

lmao what, how so? Bandai sued them for being tamagotchi clones?
Is it because of Yuji Naka?
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>If you are going to play them, you should either emulate or download tons of mods that fix the ports. Adventure 1 port is almost unplayable and looks like a unity fangame.

In the Tokyo International Forum, you can see the Ninja Lights system in action. Dynamic shadows, lights and other effects that aren’t seen in the final game.

The final game removed most of the Ninja Lights system, but some of it is still leftover. Some objects like the TVs still use Ninja Lighting.

The Dreamcast had the ability to perform what was called Order Independent Transparency which SA2 used extensively for things such as item balloons and artificial chaos. When SA2 and SA1 was ported to Gamecube, many of the transparency features that the Dreamcast had couldn't be replicated and they were never fixed for the PC port.

Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 were extremely ambitious. Sonic Adventure 2 is a much, much, much more robust game internally than SA1. I cannot stress that enough. It is much more flexible in every conceivable way, and it is really impressive how much Sonic Team improved on in such a short time frame. But it is still obviously based on SA1 and shares a lot of infrastructure, albeit greatly improved.

>Sega Dreamcast had order independent transparency implemented in hardware
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>ass fucking rules
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Yeah but if it was the only thing to do and you had to do a little minigame or something for rings, animals, and drives instead of playing a cool game it wouldn't be as fun or rewarding.
What a shame, Fren.

Having Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Adventure DX on Xbox would have been fantastic. Imagine not needing a new Xbox Visual Memory Unit or a GBA emulator—just a save file on your HDD and a port of Tiny Chao Garden displayed on your TV with a GameGear border overlay; change the VMU/GBA 3D model for "GG" not the handheld, just GG to avoid confusion, keeping as a reference and show some love and sovl. And if you had that Xbox Memory Unit Card, you could save your Chao there and interact with another friendly Chao on a friend Xbox.

Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on Xbox would have been the pinnacle of Sonic autism; everyone would have loved it, no doubt.

By the way, they could have developed a mobile HTML5 app for the Chao Garden, compatible with any smartphone for the SA:DX/SA:2B for PS3, Xbox 360, and Steam. Imagine a claimshell cellphone 3D model instead of the VMU/GBA, when you interact with it you could get a QR to launch said HTML5 app on your Phone and if you do not have a Phone and you are playing on Steam, just have it on shift-tab broswer, and a little free2play Tiny Chao Garden as a "Minis" for PSP/PS3 and as XBLA/Xbox game for Xbox 360 and Windows Phone.

I think they didn't let the Sonic autism flow because SEGA where doing a lot of shit and they almost got homeless due bankruptcy. They were no excuses with both HD ports, they just don't care about Chaos at all and it shows.
Sorry, got excited, (>>11114532)
>they just don't care about Chaos at all and it shows.
Should they, though? Plenty of people don't even like the 3D games to begin with, especially by the time they started porting them. They're a fun little addition but were never the main draw of the game for most people. They still make actual vpets that have nothing to do with Sonic, too
>Plenty of people don't even like the 3D games to begin with, especially by the time they started porting them.

Because Chao Garden hard carry Sonic 3D games.
It doesn't have to be this way.
They didn't have a handheld to link with the Xbox. Dreamcast had VMU and GameCube had the gameboy and sonic advance series. And though nobody cares about tiny chao garden anymore, it was the official way they wanted you to move chao from game to game or house to house like the VMU.
But it should be. A-Life always exponentially increased the life of the games that had it (whether in the NiGHTS games, the Adventure games, or the Sonic Advance games). They've never recovered since abadoning this concept, which is the Curse of the Chao.
I would say the Dreamcast is the best way to play Adventure 1 in general for many reasons, but the Chao Garden stuff in the Dreamcast original is very bare bones - the VMU game is by far the best part - so if it's specifically the chao stuff you're interested in, SA2 Battle is the way to go. For SA2 more generally, I like both. Battle's port feels a lot more polished - probably in no small part due to what >>11112234 said, it's a much more robust game to begin with - and adds some cool new content, specifically the muliplayer stuff, and the randomizer mod is a lot of fun, but for SA1 I would go Dreamcast every time and just stick to SA2 for the Chao Garden stuff.
A-Life did nothing in NiGHTS for me. I still can't even figure out how it works in that game. The Chao are certainly better but hardly a necessity for me

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