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I finally gave this series a try. Have I been gaslighted this whole time into thinking this was going to be a good game? The controls are fucking atrocious and unresponsive , the level design in world 2 takes a nose dive into Mario like pitfalls and spikes except with much worse controls than a Mario game.
Another one filtered by Chadble Zone
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It's Marble Zone anon, nobody likes Marble Zone
If you really hate Marble Zone that much, just use the Level Select and skip to Spring Yard Zone. It isn't really that bad but if you want to skip it, you can
The devs of the first game thought players would need more traditional levels to slow down so they made Marble and Labyrinth Zone. 2 and 3&K don’t really have that issue because they realized the speed isn’t that hard to get used to.
no one actually likes the games. they like the character.
Sonic 1 can be skipped entirely. Sonic 2 is more of a remake than a sequel and it's still just fine
You must be thinking of Pokemon
>Sonic 1 can be skipped entirely. Sonic 2 is more of a remake than a sequel and it's still just fine
What the fuck am I reading
Don't you remember Sky Chase Zone from the first game anon?
Sonic 2 is like Evil Dead 2. You don't need to watch the first, or play it if you're a boomer who still does that
You're a complete fucking idiot
Sonic insists upon itself
The game's great. It's just that zoomers like OP have been conditioned into expecting games to constantly hold their hand and let them do cool cinematic stuff with just pressing a button.
nice try adventurefag, but your falseflag is selfevident
3dshit will never be good
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>I finally gave this series a try. Have I been gaslighted this whole time into thinking this was going to be a good game?
No, they're objectively good video games.

>The controls are fucking atrocious and unresponsive
It's called "momentum" and it's part of what makes Sonic so fun to play once you learn it.

>the level design in world 2 takes a nose dive into Mario like pitfalls and spikes except with much worse controls than a Mario game.
Sonic controls just as good, if not better, than Mario. Marble Zone's slower and harder, but it isn't hard and a little time and practice will do wonders if you're willing to learn how to play.
>The controls are fucking atrocious
This is what I think when I play any of the sonic imitators.
Unironically, play Mania. It condenses everything actually good about the original Sonics.
Yes you're right... that's why oil ocean and mystic cave exist. SO YOU CAN GO FAAAAAAAST!!!
Another retard filtered by the supreme design of Sonic 1.
Why is Sonic only a few levels? They couldn't make a huge game like Mario3 or World?
the art direction is very unaware and incoherent
It's 18 total. Is that not enough?
Mario World has 72 levels, with 96 exits.

i always saw my Sonic 2 cartridge as a last gen game because it couldn't save like SNES and PC
Did you see Contra 3 as a last gen game?
Sonic 2 and Sonic 3&Knuckles are better games. Sonic Mania is really the only good Sonic game, though.
i never encountered any Probotector until the 00s
Git gud scrub
there's no denying that sonic 1 is the weakest of the genesis trilogy but that doesn't mean it's significantly worse. i think its biggest flaw is not having the spin dash. there's a few areas throughout the game where if you don't have the correct downward momentum, you have to backtrack a little so you can get it (that one area in green hill zone where you have to get through the wall was especially annoying). it just really fucks with your flow through the level.
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>play Mani-ACK!
Trash romhack bro
Just play CD or S&K
>I grew up playing Mario games
>I can only play games with Mario-like controls and physics
>I have no adaptability due to a lifetime of playing braindead nintendo games
>I'll judge other platformers based on how similar they're to Mario
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Marble is not that bad. Just be patient and keep trying, like I did.
Yeah Sonic controls like a tank on ice skates.
I don't understand the hate Marble Zone gets, it's clunky but painless. Labyrinth Zone can fuck itself to hell, though.
Because you're meant to replay it and get better and better as you do. It's like an arcade game.
i can do that with Mario World and have a better time
Tale as old as time.
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Is it just me or do we have this thread every other week at this point? What's up with that?

Oh, of course, one of the most acclaimed, iconic and beloved video game trilogies from the 90's is objectively bad because you suck at it, sure.
Anon, you played two levels of the first game. Your opinion on the series is worthless.
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>72 levels
the levels are just straight lines with almost nothing going on
Make /vr/ an enthusiast board again
While i honestly prefer the mario games there really isnt anything awful with the first few sonic games. But i enjoy the sonic bonus levels while most do not. The game i cant get a grip on is the non vr superstars, i just feel out of conyrol while i play it, oh i think wonder is boring so idk.
I've played Sonic and Mario to death so I give a honest opinion. The original series (Sonic 1 - 3 and knuckles vs Mario (1 - 3 World) goes something like this:
> Sonic the hedgehog is better than Super Mario
Bros (Better art, better music and better gameplay)
> Sonic 2 is superior to Mario 2 (both Jap and US) Same argument as above comparison
> Mario 3 is better than Sonic 3 (I feel Sonic 3 is kunda boring but beautiful to look at)
> Sonic and knuckles vs Mario World is a tie. Both great games, knuckles improve the boring levels from Sonic 3 with more content. Mario World, tons of content but way to easy.
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Nintendildos are still sore. Even after more than 3 decades. Hilarious.
I'm a complete Sonic autist and I don't see the need to pretend that 7 out of 18 of Sonic 1's levels aren't complete ass, or that not having the spindash makes it much less fun than 2, 3, K, or even CD.
Just play 2. Anyone playing Sonic for the first time should just start with 2.
completely arbitrary and retarded comparisons. do better.
Sonic was never good. It just has a small fanbase that has brainwashed themselves into thinking it's good. Just like Mega Man.
i'm 20 years old and i have trouble wrapping my head around the whole sonic vs mario war. i played all the games for both of them and mario is obviously better and it's not even close. was there more lead in the 80s and 90s?
>was there more lead in the 80s and 90s?
They didn't use unleaded gasoline until the 90s in the USA.
This is really just an argument of beauty in simplicity vs the garishness of style over substance
>just play CD
Well Sonic 1 is post-Mario 3, let alone Mario 1
Marble Zone is based
Man I remember being a kid and spending weeks trying to get through marble zone. the satisfaction when I finally beat act 3 is a high I've been chasing my entire life
The point is not about speed but physics and using them to your advantage.
I like it. I tried playing it like a platformer where you explore the different paths and ran out of time. so basically you just try to run to the right as fast as you can, duh
72 levels made out of 8 level types. Sonic 3 & Knuckles has 14 unique stages and 26 levels total - Sonic feels more like a music album, a cohesive collective experience with an unmatched sense of progression whereas mario feels like levels in a video game
Hence the game's tagline:
Gotta know physics!
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
That is literally two separate video games stuck on top of each other. We might as well call Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World one game if we're using this logic.
The only reason it's two games is because of McDonald's. The 6 Meg cartridge was always within the capabilities of the Genesis and was the original plan for the game. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is one singular cohesive experience
>just play mania
a couple of the boss fights are cute ideas/references (mean bean machine, sonic pilots eggman's thing), but a lot of the others are fucking dogshit (the caterpillar).
fuck everything related to cd
fuck just loosely copying old material
fuck the lack of original bonus levels
and super double FUCK chasing the ufo.

if you want classic sonic, play classic games. mania is extremely mid AT BEST, and thats mostly due to riding the coattails of old copied material.

maniafags are the worst. being a sonic fan is torture, because every game is rushed, buggy dogshit, on top of having some stupid fucking GIMMICK be the focus, instead of just having good clean sonic gameplay. just because mania isnt riddled with bugs, and it has enough old stuff to be reminiscent of good times, maniafags put mania on a pedestal for being "SO MUCH BETTER THAN SONIC HAS BEEN IS YEEEAAAARRRS". but despite the actual product of mania still being mid AT BEST, that bar is so fucking low so maniafags think its so much better than it really is.
Mania's gameplay is incredibly solid, though it's definitely buggier than the older games. That Mean Bean Machine boss is particularly weird for softlocking. The sheer ease of being crushed is more of an oversight than a bug but an issue nonetheless.

The UFO special stages are fine and extremely easy. I like them more than any of the classic special stages, including the CD UFO which is a lot jankier and not nearly as fun. All you have to do is use jumping for maneuverability, just like in Sonic R. Which is almost certainly on purpose.

Mania derives a fair bit from old material but there's tons of new obstacles and mechanics even in the "old" stages, reposted image about Hydrocity or not.

I'd say that Mania has the strongest stage lineup of any classic-style Sonic game easily, in part thanks to the greatest hits nature of it. The big problem lies in the bosses, which I will not defend as they're almost all far worse than the bosses in the real classic games. Replaying the game makes you wish you could skip them entirely because they're either annoying or based around a gag that's funny a single time. At least the minibosses are pretty decent overall.
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Goin fast through marble zone (without glitches) is the most fun I ever had, you're just a, pardon my rude language, a mariobaby
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It's "Not For Resale".
>dev takes 2 years and drops content while still aggressively refusing to add the current "official" version
man i am tired but still wish taxman and co would relaunch all the old sonic games while adding/reimagining all the cut content they want
Saying mania is buggier than the classic games is crazy work when the manuals literally had to print "Beware of Robotnik's traps" referring to accidentally falling through the level and getting stuck in the walls
I've never encountered any major bugs during normal gameplay in Sonic 3 despite it being rushed enough to warrant that being part of the manual. Mania is the only classic-style game I've gotten softlocked in, more than once even, while also having encountered baffling crush deaths that would not ever have happened in the classic games (Not a bug, but a very strange gameplay oddity as even one pixel of Sonic seems to count).

I say the above as someone who doesn't like base Sonic 3 that much and loves Mania. The truth is the truth.
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I recall when most of /vr/ agreed that, despite its recent titles being hit or miss, mostly miss, Sonic used to be great, that both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles were excellent video games, and some of the best 2D platformers from that era. Why is it that we get "Sonic was never good" threads or replies so often now in /vr/ all of the sudden? Are those classics suddently not good? Since when?

Sonic 2's still so fun to just pick up and play.
why is every 3rd dude on 4chan extremely egocentric
>start series, play first game
>get to level 2
>make whiny /vr/ post
>Sonic used to be great, that both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles were excellent video games, and some of the best 2D platformers from that era. Why is it that we get "Sonic was never good" threads or replies so often now in /vr/ all of the sudden?
I noticed like late last year we got these threads almost weekly/daily and then it dropped off this year. I assumed there was an anti Sonic autist or two making all those threads and then they just moved on or got bored. I remember some of those threads had extremely obvious samefagging too

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