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I can't emulate games because my OCD won't let me anymore. I just have this strong feeling in my head telling me it's "wrong" and "fake" and that by not playing on an official console, I am "not having the intended experience of the game". I also worry that people on the internet might tamper with the ROMs to make them subtly different from official versions. I also cannot mod consoles, for the exact same reason, because modding = not the original, intended experience of the console.

This is obviously starting to become a problem for me. I still own all my own consoles and games but a lot of them have problems or don't work anymore, and eventually it will become near-impossible to play on original hardware. If I could allow myself to emulate and mod then playing retro games would become much easier but I just can't.

Anyone else have this mental issue?
Yeah but im solving it.
Im going to have all my original systems set up, a long with a mister, and a minipc for emulation.

This will trick the brain into thinking its okay, SHORELY
I had this problem, then I put several thousand $ towards original systems, and eventually realized that the games play the exact same as on emulators (except without speedup, savestates, rewind, romhacks, etc).

But it's fine because the games I bought are already worth twice as much as when I bought them. By the time I retire, I can probably sell them and buy a yacht from the price, and then I can invite lolis into my ship, sail out to neutral waters and play the most dangerous game.
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Why do you think you care so much about somebody else's intention. I can not relate at all because I couldn't care less. My intention is to enjoy games whatever way I please and is most convenient for myself.
I get anxious every time I notice some tiny imperfection like frame drops or texture glitches because I don't know if it's an emulation bug or if it was like that on original hardware.
3rd and 4th gen emulators are accurate it's 5th gen emulation that really fucking triggers me. I swear Duckstation removes slowdown and it's impossible to make this fucking emulator emulate the damn games without various built in speedhacks and all that other trash
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I was diagnosed with severe OCD about 20 years ago. I can't relate to what you're saying at all. I think retroarch is super-convenient and I use it on my phone in a way that would have seemed like magical sci-fi technology to myself back in the 90s. OCD problems for me are more like worrying about my cat getting sick in the future or worrying the foundation of my house will start to fall apart and cost me a fortune or worrying about health problems or worrying about going outside or worrying about not going outside.
I don't care at all about how high fidelity a toy is though lol.
Maybe you should learn to fix your shit.
>I also worry that people on the internet might tamper with the ROMs to make them subtly different from official versions.

This is especially nutty. A few ROMs will be subtly wrong yeah, but nearly all will not, surely.

Your problem seems to be OCD, not so much anything specific to gaming. So treat the OCD. That's not really a topic for /vr/. Talk to a therapist. You can tell them that your hobby isn't working for you because of some weirdo hobby-specific reason but more deeply because of anxiety. Professionals hear about all kinds of weird crap - consider that the obsession with the possibility of becoming a pedophile (even though the obsessed isn't one and couldn't ever actually be one) is common enough that it gets a special abbreviated name from them ("POCD"). They won't mind hearing about your silly video game anxiety. If you are open to using medication then say so and ask for recommendations. If you just want to talk then you can make use of decently well proven frameworks for getting past this type of problem.

Also, you don't generally need to go so far as emulation, I would think. Emulation really does change subtleties of display and of I/O timing. It isn't a big problem in general but it can occasionally be mildly significant - I recently had trouble finishing an NES game until I moved to original hardware, which slightly boosted my performance and let me win. Stuff like flashcarts should get around that problem. (I imagine that's related to what you were thinking of when you mentioned modding.)

I mean, yeah, in 200 years maybe only emulation will remain. But aren't you kinda out of shape? Do you expect to live that long? Get more exercise by the way, as long as you're fixing things.
shock therapy. NOW
OP here. A lot of my OCD relates to electronic and digital things for some reason.

Another of my obsessions revolves around the condition of my electronics and my video game collection in general. For instance, yesterday, I sneezed in the general direction of my PS5, so I had to obsessively check every inch of it, every nook and cranny, to make sure no specks from my sneeze had landed on it.

Another obsession I have is about my "digital history". I constantly delete and remake new accounts and things, or wipe my browser history, because I am worried about it being "unclean" or "tainted" in some way. I have to browse 4chan in incognito mode because this website feels too "dirty" to have in my browser history, for instance.

>This is especially nutty. A few ROMs will be subtly wrong yeah, but nearly all will not, surely.
It's to do with the fact that I can't consclusively KNOW for 100% certain. What if some troll modifies the ROM to subtly change a line of text to make it different from what it was in the original game? I'm unlikely to ever notice it, or even if I could, I wouldn't know unless I had played the game before. So how do I know for certain?
>I also worry that people on the internet might tamper with the ROMs to make them subtly different from official versions
this is the exact reason as to why nointro and redump exist.

>It's to do with the fact that I can't consclusively KNOW for 100% certain
you can, though. this is why checksums exist. the best checksum that redump provides is SHA-1, and to break that and modify the game .bin files, you would have to pay tens of thousands of server farm time, per ROM, and that's with today's hardware. when these roms were checksummed and uploaded 15 years ago, it would have cost millions. nobody is spending that money to troll someone for a 20+ year old game. nointro provides SHA-256, which is used by bitcoin and still unbroken.
>What if some troll modifies the ROM to subtly change a line of text to make it different from what it was in the original game?
I think you can take comfort in the fact that reputable dumpers are also autistic about this sort of thing. As long as you're downloading from verified romsets you don't need to worry about it. Both no-intro and Redump maintain game databases with checksums so you can verify your copy against known good copies.
Don't fall for it
1. Stop caring.
2. Now that you don't care anymore you are now free to have fun even if emulation is fake and someone hacked your ROM.
3. If you stop having fun either play a different ROM or stop caring again.
4. Stop caring.
>What if some troll modifies the ROM to subtly change a line of text to make it different from what it was in the original game? I'm unlikely to ever notice it, or even if I could, I wouldn't know unless I had played the game before. So how do I know for certain?
Even if that were to happen, if the game was still fun to play then does it matter? Or do you not play games for fun? Don't worry about it.
If you're worried about PS1 accuracy use mednafen (beetle PSX in retroarch, non-HW for maximum accuracy)
I just don't play that many retro games if I have emulators. If I pull a console out, I end up playing it. I don't know or care why this is. Probably just man cave mental guy shit
>I am worried about it being "unclean" or "tainted"
Jesus, I have a similar malfunction. If I browse /vr/ in one window and want to search up some painting for instance, instead of a new tab I make a completely separate window for the art to prevent “contamination”.
>I just have this strong feeling in my head telling me it's "wrong" and "fake"
That's because it is. Emulation's only good for finding games to buy
>games play the exact same as on emulators
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Not just you. The discourse around Paper Mario/Dead Space/System Shock/Resident Evil 4 remakes got me all in a huff and now I'm on a bender to try and get as many original copies of 6th generation games as I can. I know that digital copies are easier, and emulation is king, and my wallet doesn't appreciate the fact that I have to own a specific version of ICO 'just in case', but god damnit I have the brainworm.
No, I'm just happy I can play it at all. Get a grip.
That's not OCD OP, that's autism.
It's mostly negligible. Some games requiring specific control schemes often the hardest to get good enough. Though other times it's machine quirks that can only be duplicates by duplicating the PCB. Tbf, most emulation is good enough to experience most games in a way that is so close to the original that it doesn't matter.
You don't play games. You're a collector.
I play more games than you lol
Name the last five you played within the last 6 hours

>middle of the ocean

But you can clearly see a shoreline...
Original systems are fake anyway as you aren't experiencing them in the proper time. Your playing of them on real hardware in the current year is a weak facsimile of the true joy we experienced. Whilst emulation has the same issue of fakeness, it isn't fake AND poseresque like current year hardware playing.
Your post worries me a bit, sounds rough if that is your mental state.
A simple "stop caring" from random people on the internet won't solve this, so get professional help
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Sounds about right, only mental retardation could led you guys to think this way.
I cannot believe that most people obsess about owning original hardware.
Why, why, why do you need validation to play with your fucking toys?
KYS, buying these games online from a scalper is not "preservation", all these games were already "preserved" by the good people that dumped them online years ago. How many games games did (YOU) dump online, making an actual contribution to preservation? The answer is none.
Now stop whining about your toy collection like a spoiled child and actually play these games. I don't care if it's on original hardware, on an emulator or whatever.
Crawl out of your room and talk about your mental issues with your disappointed parents, just talk about the fucking games while you take up space on this board.
I feel that I can relate to this quite a bit. 10 years ago I was a lot more obsessive than I am now. Things like fingerprints on screens and touching things with greasy fingers would seriously bother me. I’m not sure what changed exactly, but I think “stop caring” is actually decent advice.

Random example of my OCD. Recently I bought a DMG Game Boy that was missing the screen cover. I cleaned it all very thorougly in warm soapy water and put a new screen cover on it (after removing every spec of the original dried adhesive). I chose to use a plastic screen cover even though glass ones exist and are not expensive, and even though plastic is very scratch-prone and I carry it around, I’m so careful with it that it just won’t get scratched. I’m also using the original screen even though IPS ones exist because I also don’t like modded consoles. I use it with an EverDrive. I have no problem using ROMs. I trust that they haven’t been fucked with. It’s possible but I doubt that anyone would bother.
This happened to me when playing Mortal Kombat 2 on the 32X emulated. When you do the pit fatality, there is a serious desync when the enemy hits the ground. It was hard to find someone actually playing it on real hardware because nobody had a 32X, but apparently the game is like that.
But I still own my original consoles so surely it's more authentic for me to play them. I still own my N64 from 2000. I still own my GameCube from 2002. Thus, if I play a game on them, I know I'm playing on the exact same physical system that I used to play games on as a child. That feels magical, almost spiritual, to me.
That's nice, but it isn't 2000 nor is it 2002. It is 2024 and thus it's a false experience.
>all these games were already "preserved" by the good people that dumped them online years ago
In my mind it's not really preserved unless it's played on the exact system in the exact same manner that it was played when it was first released.

In my view emulators and ROMs are like the video game equivalent of recording a concert from 30 years ago. Sure, you can watch the concert and get an approximate experience of what it might have been like to actually be there seeing and hearing it. But it's not truly the same as having been there, and it would be ridiculous to insinuate that it is.

Similarly it annoys me when people say that those "revived" online services like Pretendo or the Xbox Insignia are "revivals" of the original online services. They aren't. It's not official. It's a fake designed to be as close as possible to the original, but it's still ultimately a fake.
Try living in a PAL region were the vast majority of games ran slower and have borders. You'll soon realise the benefits of emulation when it allows you to play games the way they were intended.
I do live in a PAL region. I didn't even know there was anything different about our games until a few years ago. Strangely I even own a bunch of American copies of 5th and 6th gen games (my family were early eBay users so we used to import games a lot in the early 2000s), but never noticed the difference as a kid.
This is how I imagine every original hardwarefag. I had feeling they were just mentally ill.
>I had feeling
ESL moment.
You have an Autism problem, not an OCD problem. With low testosterone exacerbating the situation
>here is my medical condition which has become the keystone of my personality
Are you a girl from tumbler in 2014?
you worry too much, video games are hardly your only issue
OCD sufferer here, I understand the feeling. While I'm personally more open minded regarding emulation, I know what you're talking about. All I can suggest is that you talk to a therapist about it, instead of random idiots on 4chan. Really, this isn't something random strangers will be able to help you with, especially with all the people saying shit like "stop caring" and "you worry too much". OCD by its very nature is irrational. You can't just logic your way out of it.
I played PSO, online, on my Dreamcast in full last year. Seemed pretty real to me. But I guess since the computer hosting the server wasn't located in a Sega building it didn't count. I could not imagine being this retarded. You coomlectors have really gotten out of fucking hand and I hope you all die horrible painful deaths so us sensible people that actually play the video games can do so in peace.
there is no "original". Even discounting emulation, there were always things like regional differences, revisions, bad ports, etc.
You people are so fucking retarded it's UNREAL. With this logic how have you ever enjoyed fucking anything on the planet earth? You didn't watch the movie unless you were there day 1 in the theater. You didn't read the book unless it was the first edition. You haven't had pizza unless you've eaten it in Italy. Hell, are you even a human being? You aren't the original first human to live so shit man sorry, guess you don't count.

It's fucking code that runs on a computer. Emulation just makes that code work on other computers. Sure emulation quality can vary but these days its pretty solid, especially amongst the older systems and it will only get better. Stop being schizophrenic and just play video games.
>But I guess since the computer hosting the server wasn't located in a Sega building it didn't count.
This but unironically.

I used to play World of Warcraft in private servers in 2007, during the literal prime era of the game, and even then I wouldn't have said that I was playing the real WoW. As someone who also played legit WoW at the same time, it's a completely different experience. I'm sure anybody who had experienced PSO on the official servers back in the early 2000s would say the same in regards to fake recreations of it today.

In fact I'd go even farther than that, with another example from the same game: I played WoW Classic extensively when it first launched in 2019. It was essentially the same game as it was in 2004-2006, and was even hosted on official servers, but in no way was it the same experience. Someone who played WoW Classic did not play true vanilla WoW, they played an imitation of it.
ok schizo
I played a bunch of NES games for the first time in NESticle back in the 90s. It definitely wasn't 100% accurate but it didn't affect my life in any major way.
Even worse I played Chrono Trigger for the first time on one of the janky old versions of zsnes.
That’s hands-over-your-ears and screaming autistic.
I know what you mean. It didn't used to matter, and the more people put ideas in my head about something being "wrong", the less I can enjoy it.
>the resolution isn't correct
>the aspect ratio isn't correct
>does my controller have input lag?
>should I use a filter?
>was that frame drop accurate emulation or an error?
Man, I spent like two hours earlier worrying I had a piece of food stuck in my throat (I didn't).
A couple of days ago, I developed some idea that my brain was expanding, and then I got scared because "what if it expands into something bad, and I change permanently for the worse?"
About a week before that I had a minor blemish on my leg, that I convinced myself was going to get horribly infected, and the infection would spread to my entire body.

I'm aware that I'm becoming unwell, and I don't know if it's that, but it's something.
You are not playing the intended experience, because you are not a child playing the games when they came out and talking about them wich your school friends. You missed out. You cannot play old video games anymore, sorry!
>raw pixel
>native resolution with the window at x2 or x3
>keyboard mapped controls
Yep, gaming time.

This. If you're already being such a retarded cunt about it, just take it to the full extreme and accept you'll never have the "correct" experience because objectively you can't anymore.
Simply by the fact of playing the game in the year 2024 as an adult you are not having the intended experience of playing most /vr/ era games.
So how do you deal with the fact you are playing a translation that was likely monkeyed around with by a translator?
Or that there were multiple revisions of many games with significant differences between them?
How about needing to have a brand new OEM controller every time you start a new game because a used controller might have some wear that will effect your gameplay?
>5 games in 6 hours
This is how I know you don't play games.
Popping a cartridge in to see if it works isn't "playing games".
He could be playing generation 2 games.
Ohhh we’ve got a fuckin’ meme expert ovah here
hurr durr i’m fuckin retarded man fuck yeah
you can kind of recognize that its stupid. thats a good thing. now, you have to recognize that thing you're having a weird feeling over IS NOT REAL. your FEELING is absolutely real, im not denying you that. but you need to recognize and block/rewire your thought process that the "taint" isnt real. literally nobody cares. most of the "taint" isnt even something you can prove or point to. its an imaginary judgement that YOU chose to fabricate. even in instances of "slight changes to the rom" or "it doesnt have the slowdowns like original hardware" or whatever, its a made up problem. there is no valor or nobility in "playing it the original way". its a game. play it. you dont want to use save states or speed manipulations? fine. dont then. but creating a demon that doesnt exist serves you no favors. you need to fight the irrationality in your mind. remind yourself that such nonsense does not exist. nobody cares. nobody is judging you. you get to play the game for FUN. there is no grand morality in question. recognize that.

also, get real therapy.
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I feel you OP.
For me, it's an obsession with that which is 'official'.

Of course, I only play games on original hardware.
If I need to consult a strategy guide, I buy one even if I could view the information for free online..
I would never buy unofficial merchandise of games, never save unofficial art to my computer, etc.

If given the choice between emulating or not playing the game at all, I'll just not play the game.

As an aside to show the extent of my affliction, I am only aroused by pictures of sexy girls from anime or video games if they are official artworks.
This, OP >>11108652
Consoles are just a box you plug in next to, or even behind the TV. They don't actually really interface with the experience at all. Everyone's setups were different, and we always had the freedom to use different controllers, some of them with turbo, and even macros. Just use a controller that's close enough to the button layout of the system you want to emulate. Slap on CRT Royale NTSC Composite, and turn on hardcore mode in Retroarch

Handhelds on the other hand, are best played on the original hardware. Which is good since they won't take up nearly as much space as hoarding consoles. Emulators totally fuck up GBC and GBA Color calibration. Those sprites were specifically designed with that screen in mind. Sure you could just use a shader for that too, but the GUI is all designed for those tiny screens, and looks wrong on a big monitor. and don't even get me started on DS emulation. Sure you did have accessories for handhelds but they were mostly surface level. For the most part it was a walled garden, what you get is what you get, the great equalizer. You'll never truly emulate using a gameboy printer
I'm sorry OP but you have the gay, there is no cure.
Yeah my first language is speaking facts
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>invite OP home
>hey anon, let's play some bidogemmus
>have a SNES plugged to my TV
>we play some Final Fight 3
>OP: wow this is truly the intended experience and real, totally not emulated!
>oh... actually...
>reveal that the TV input is set to HDMI and I have a HDMI cable coming from my bedroom to the living room TV
>take the SNES controller from his hands, rip the cord out, it was a fake cord, game keeps working
>we were playing using wireless SNES controllers on an accuracy build BSNES
>CRT Royale, the filter notorious for only looking good on a 4k screen after you give the settings a perfect tweakerino
Nah ima use Mega Bezel
>what if it expands into something bad
Like a Mother Brain from Metroid? That is legit scary...
I'm sure glad I'm not this retarded
>So how do you deal with the fact you are playing a translation that was likely monkeyed around with by a translator?
For some reason I'm okay with this. The fact that it is released officially makes it okay in my mind. I'm playing the official English-translated version of the game, even if its different to the Japanese, its still official and legitimate.

I can't play fan translations though. They aren't real and official, so my brain won't allow me to do it. It feels like playing a ROM hack in my mind.

>Or that there were multiple revisions of many games with significant differences between them?
I'm okay with it so long as its official and I feel like I'm getting the optimal experience (so, no cut content, no censorship, no major game-ruining bugs).

Regional variations trigger me though. I'm British so while I can technically play any PAL games I'm really picky that they have to be the UK versions. Amazon often sends me French/German copies of games and the fact I have foreign languages on the box makes me feel like my collection is ruined because its not consistent. Worst case was when they sent me a game from Dubai or some shit and I freaked out thinking it was censored.

>How about needing to have a brand new OEM controller every time you start a new game because a used controller might have some wear that will effect your gameplay?
I'm very obsessive about the conditions of my controllers. I have to wash my hands EVERY time before I pick them up. If they ever develop any problems (eg. Joycon drift on Switch) I insist on buying a brand new controller rather than attempt to fix the old one. Looking at some of my old controllers from when I was a kid makes me really upset because they're not in perfect condition anymore and I don't trust myself to try and refurbish them.
That's exactly what it is for me. I'm obsessed with having the official, legitimate experience of everything.

I never mod games, for instance. Not even games like Skyrim or Fallout that EVERYBODY mods. I must have the definitive, official, fresh-out-of-the-box experience, it can't be tampered with in any way, even installing an unofficial texture upgrade is completely unacceptable to me.

I had this same problem with music too. I used to waste insane amounts of money buying albums on iTunes because I insisted I must have the official download that was uploaded directly by the band/artist themselves. I refused to pirate albums because they might be ripped incorrectly, have audio glitches of some kind, be lower quality, etc. Things became a lot easier once Spotify came along so I could just pay a monthly subscription rather than spend literal 1000s buying the full discographies of every band I liked.
This RP session has gone on long enough.
>he listens to blown out remasters
I wouldn't mind emulation if there were robust logs of all inaccuracies with each rom, which I guess depends on which emulator and settings you're using.

imagine playing games on bootleg handhelds mindlessly and assuming you know what the music actually sounds like
Sounds like you're a submissive cuck.
You should learn how to do a checksum verification of your files. This will let you know that a file you downloaded is exactly the same file it's supposed to be.
op's mind would implode into a full meltdown, as it tries to convince itself that it didnt actually have fun, despite literally experiencing it just moments ago. his mind would tear itself apart trying to destroy all memory and trace of the experience, in order to rewrite the moment as something horrible, tainted, and traumatic. op would likely make zero deliberate effort to stop it. as such, op would choose to literally cuck himself and live in misery, instead of recognizing and reconciling that everything was fine, and he's been living a lie all this time.
I get this audio stutter a lot. Happens surprisingly often when emulating 3D systems on my PC and I can't help but wish I was playing on real hardware during those times because I KNOW those games are supposed to sound different. Real hardware also has the least amount of input lag and yes, it's noticeable.
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You're the worst kind of person, the most insufferable and pathetic kind.
Most of these games are made by Japanese guys who don't even give a fuck about preserving their own work for future generations.
Someone should do a blind play test of hardware vs emulation vs fpga at one of the big retro gaming conventions. Have the same game with the same controller connected to three identical CRTs using one of each method. It would have to be in RGB to work properly because it's pretty easy to tell original composite video from a console vs a third party composite video encoder.
Go talk to a therapist instead of /vr/, nutso.
lool verio funy
I used to be like this, and then I had some realization that allowed me to change my perspective and break free from that obsession with "officiality".
The realization is this: the authenticity of something only exists in the minds of people, it's not out there in the world. It's a symbol, it's entirely subjective. If every human disappears tomorrow, then the data of a ROM file on someone's hard drive isn't more or less official than the data in the game developer's back up systems, or the data on the produced cartridges.
You gotta realize that there is the real world out there, irrelevant of us, it's a huge nameless mess, and we're the ones that come in and sort it out in our minds in arbitrary ways, putting labels on things. Don't live for labels and symbols, live for the actual reality out there. Don't confuse the map with the territory.
Another thing to consider is if you're using the most accurate emulator available right now, the game might be more faithful to how it runs on the original hardware than one of the official re-releases that are often just emulated roms.
I have some similar obsessive tendencies myself so I understand where you're coming from.
Recently I've made a shift in my thinking that's made me a lot happier and less stressed out. Instead of trying to have a "perfect" experience, I try to have the "best" experience.
There is a nobility in trying to have a perfect experience, and keep your collection in perfect condition and perfectly organized, and to play the perfect version of each game in the perfect way. It's a way of displaying your love for the games you cherish.
But if you get really upset and hate yourself when you make a mistake and something isn't perfect anymore, and you aren't having fun, that isn't showing respect for your games. Your games don't want you to abuse yourself for making a tiny mistake or even a big one. They want you to have fun. That's why they exist.
The best way to show respect for your games is have as much fun playing them as you can.
When you play a cartridge so much and carry it around with you for so long that the sticker starts peeling off, that isn't an imperfection, it's a badge of honor, a physical representation of your happy memories with the game.
Anyone can buy a "perfect copy" off of eBay. But you can't buy playing a game every day for years and you can't buy memories. You have to earn them, and they're worth more than any collection.

So that's my recommendation. Don't try to have the perfect collection of games, try to have the best collection of memories.
I'm not this bad but I kinda get it. I really prefer playing games in their original form even if there are patches that objectively make it better. I just feel like "can I really say I played the game?". However emulators are fine because who cares
Go back /vr hater.
The person changes, not the game. That's why I feel sad for you.
This is like giving someone peanuts when they’re allergic to peanuts, and thinking they just won’t notice because it’s all an act anyway. There are people who actually do this.
It might not bother OP at all because it’s not actually their console
I bet you’re such a pussy IRL that you’d never say to somebody’s face.
No, like what if my brain gets wired wrong, and I forget how to speak or I'm blind forever or something
>the games play the exact same as on emulators
I can literally physically feel the difference when switching to emulators and no amount of tinkering fixes it. You're either full of shit or a low IQ chimp.
Unironically I'm really OCD, and the way I got around it is softmodding.
You get the benefit of console accurate gameplay, and the accessibility of emulation.
It works for me and I had the same problem you did.
The audio stutter is unacceptable but prevalent in so many emulators.
Ever heard of flashcarts?
it is literally 100% in your head.
>That feels magical, almost spiritual, to me.
holy fucking cringe.
itst just some mass produced toy not an ancient esoteric text.
>playing games on emulator while pretending they are real hardware is the same as threatening someones life by giving them food which they are allergic too.
you are insane.
It's the exact opposite for me. I only emulate nowadays because I don't want a dozen consoles and tons of games cluttering my space. Fuck that.
Keep them coming! This is gold!
Why does it have to be exactly the same experience as original hardware? If you're having fun, isn't that enough?

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