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Well, on this day 30 years ago, PulseMan was released on Sega Channel by GameFreak.
Yeeeeeah i'm not a fan.
Cool chara design though.
>Made by Game Freak
>Completely forgotten while people are still circlejerking about Pokemon all the time
it's not fair
>Zap to the Extreme!
The only reason GameFreak didn't fold with dozens of other companies in the late 90s/early 00s was due to Pokemon. Because as a game developer? They SUCK! And yes, that includes Pokemon.

The only reason they are still around is because Pokemon is the most profitable and one of the most popular franchises on the entire fucking planet, AND they still need both Nintendo and Pokemon Co.'s help to pull it off. It's like every new Pokemon game is worse and buggier than the last, they know it will sell anyway so why should they care? Any time they tried to make a non-Pokemon game? Absolute best-case scenario it was incredibly average and forgotten in less than a month. Who even remembers HarmoKnight, Tembo, or Little Town Hero? I remember when it was announced that last one was not going to be Switch exclusive anymore and even the most diehard Nintendo fanboys did not give a single fuck when normally they flipped their shit if a Switch game went to another system. The only reason DrillDozer was remembered for a little bit was because of the assist trophy in Smash and the semi-cult status, but even that is forgotten now, and the game was still mediocre anyway.

This goes for Pulseman too, people only care about it because it's a game by "the Pokemon developer" from before they made Pokemon, and that it was on a at the time rival console. As a game it's ok at best.

No surprise people only talk about Pokemon, all their games suck, even Pokemon, just that unlike all the others Pokemon became a massive hit despite sucking and has the backing of both Nintendo and Pokemon Co. keeping them afloat.
>The only reason DrillDozer was remembered for a little bit was because of the assist trophy in Smash
and the loli, let's not forget that
Let's not forget Masuda refuses to have more staff, either younger or more experienced staff because he wants GameFreak to "remain a Doujin circle" despite the fact they have enough money to buy the whole state of New York.
Not gonna lie, it’s kinda cool seeing a game with the same watermark artwork as Pokémon. It’s seeing like playing Chrono Trigger after years of watching DBZ.
>cool art
>neat gimmick
>by like stage 2 the background is trying to give you seizures

I really want to play the game, but those backgrounds can be rough.
don’t be such a pussy, anon.
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This sucks, man. Pulseman is a genuinely great game, and certainly blows their recent non-Pokémon attempts the fuck out.
They could do literally anything with the IP, and it'd be guaranteed sales.
Who's the Klaus Nomi looking dude?
Sugimori REALLY wanted to be a professional manga artist, but instead his talents got squandered on drawing goofy video game critters because he couldn't say no to helping his friend Tajiri.
Sugimori could've gone on to become a mangaka after Pokémon blew up, having that on his portfolio alone given its success would've made most magazines welcome him with open arms. It was his cripling self-doubt what sabotaged him.
That's Doc Waruyama, mysterious leader of the Galaxy Gang, who plans to conquer the galaxy.
>GREAT JOB! *winks*
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why is he coming out of a box
>>by like stage 2 the background is trying to give you seizures
best part of the game man, and it only gets worse/better!
it's a computer monitor. the game's whole gimmick is pulseman travels between the real world and the computer world
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>Not gonna lie, it’s kinda cool seeing a game with the same watermark artwork as Pokémon.
Try Bushi Seiryuuden for the SFC. That game is BURSTING with classic Sugimori art.
A fan translation released a few years back and it's pretty well done.
>Remoraid resembles the fish-gun used by a boss
>Pikachu line gets his Volteccer ("Volt Tackle") as a unique Egg move from Gen3 on
>Rotom resembles his head and shares his power of jumping through electronics
>Boltund's Japanese name is a play on his name ("Pulsewan")
It does feel like GameFreak wishes Pulseman became their big franchise instead of Pokemon.
I will! Thank you father!
I'm not sure if I should feel bad for Gamefreak or not. It honestly seems like they'd rather do anything other than Pokemon.
>Slave yourself to billion dollar merchadise franchise
>Wonder why nobody's cares about your doujinsoft beginnings
Remember Mendel Palace? It's now a side quest in Pokemon RSE, even one of the bad characters is in the game's data.
His backstory is insane.
Part of me wishes we could get a proper re-release (not NSO) or remake, but I don't trust Game Freak not to completely shit the bed with it.
>Remember Mendel Palace?
... no?
>Mendel Palace
Anon, that's a NES cult classic. You're missing out.
>Well, on this day 30 years ago, PulseMan was released on Sega Channel by GameFreak.

It only ever got a physical cartridge release in Japan. In NA, SOA decided to skip this game, and just put it on Sega Channel instead, making it a digital only release. To my knowledge, it never got released in PAL regions. The game was really limited in its audience because of the Sega Channel exclusive release. The character would have been a lot less obscure if there were physical cartridge releases. It was re-released on Virtual Console and Switch. The game always seemed like a cross between Mega Man X and Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic did have a big influence on mascot platformers in the early to mid 90's.
>It only ever got a physical cartridge release in Japan.
How good were the sales?
Nice Wikipedia post.
>>It only ever got a physical cartridge release in Japan.
>How good were the sales?

I'm not sure how well Mega Drive games were selling in Japan in 1994. There were publishers that picked this one up for the western market.
Damn.... i din't know about this text.
he is kinda of a ripoff of Dr Tenma.
At least it’s iconic volteccer lives on as Pikachu’s signature move
Only in Japan. In the west it got renamed to "volt tackle" for some reason.
Am I blind or does the screenshot second-from-the-top feature an earlier design for Pulseman than the others?
>Dr. Tenma
WHO, really?
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NTA but I'm so worried about how classic anime is just forgotten now in this very website, of all places.

>shoots energy ball

Looks like a fun game
>Am I blind or does the screenshot second-from-the-top feature an earlier design for Pulseman than the others?

Those are from an earlier build of the game. So they might be beta sprites. Also, it really wasn't uncommon for most gaming magazines to post beta or WIP screenshots of games. GameFan was pretty notorious for posting early screenshots.
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Who the fuck do I have to fuck at Tezuka Pro. and Sony to get the 2003 series fully subbed on bluray already? It was genuinely the best looking show of that era, and the DVD's don't do it any justice.
Sugimori girls are pure sex
There was a resub project and new HD rips, at least.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the only two Japan-only retro Game Freak games that have text in them that do not have a fan translation yet are Magical Taruruuto-kun and Click Medic.
Magical Taruruuto-kun uses the same engine as Pulseman so the same tools used to give that game a translation should also work for MTK, but how feasible would a Click Medic translation be?

Hell, it was even common for the screenshots on the back of the box itself or the manual to have screenshots from earlier versions of the game.
No one cares about dogshit segaslop
>Hell, it was even common for the screenshots on the back of the box itself or the manual to have screenshots from earlier versions of the game.

I swear, every Sonic the Hedgehog game released for the Genesis and Gamegear features a beta image of the title screen in the instruction booklets.
>>11115435 (Me)
Never mind, it's just bad compression on his "looking up" sprite.
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This thread reminds me, I was thinking of doing something in MUGEN. A proper conversion, perhaps?

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