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>Load up old NES RPG I've never played
>Don't look up any walkthroughs
>Don't look up mechanics like "What does spell X do" but instead use trial and error to figure it out
>Same with exploration
>Experiment with every piece of new gear, item, spell etc that comes my way
>Only supplementary material I allow myself to use is the official manual
>Don't use savestates, only use dedicated save spots like the world map

I now pay attention to my inventory management and spell uses, I treat dungeons as genuine gauntlets since any encounter can kill me if I'm not careful which means I'll lose any EXP, exploration is now fun and rewarding since I don't know whats waiting around the corner, my team comp and strategy is constantly adapting, and I never have any idea what comes next

Amazing how the industry convinced itself simple fun in this genre needed to be eroded by QoL and streamlining the experience. Its simple, but there's a genuine tension and sense of adventure to these games if you simply decide to go in with no prior knowledge and stick to them without cheating your experience
Congrats, you now know what life before the internet was like newfag.
Everyone already does this. If you don't believe me try "spoiling" a hidden mechanic for one of your normie friends.
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good for you

you should try to play crpg and draw your own map
i couldve had the exact same amount of fun using save states while saving 10-20 hours of my life
>saving 10-20 hours of my life

see... this way of thinking is the problem sometimes
>Don't look up mechanics like "What does spell X do" but instead use trial and error to figure it out
>Experiment with every piece of new gear, item, spell etc that comes my way

Have fun with the games that had broken and bugged spells and equipment stats like Breath of Fire 2.
>saving 10-20 hours
Bro it's not a speed run, that's an extra 10-20 hours of enjoyment you'll never experience
Beating a game as fast as possible shouldn't be the goal. But there's nothing wrong with trimming the fat.
>Don't look up mechanics like "What does spell X do" but instead use trial and error to figure it out
You didn't beat the game, you're supposed to read up on that in the manual.

uhm anon you can spend that time on a second game and double your enjoyment. repeating a dungeon the exact same way a second time because you died to the boss doesnt make any game more fun for me.
Failing shouldn't be fun necessarily. For some reason you still feel like you need to consume games as quickly as possible. Stop worrying about getting to "the next game."
that's how most people do it, but mostly because they're incapable of taking the initiative to look up anything

also, they overgrind and brute force everything instead of learning the mechanics. JRPGs are generally lacking in gates that prevent this
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Yeah, jRPG gameplay peaked on Famicom and went downhill from there
My Famicom/NES RPG power ranking list

>God Tier
Earthbound Beginnings
Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei II

>High Tier
Might & Magic - Secret of the Inner Sanctum
Metal Max
Lagrange Point
The Bard's Tales https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/428.html

>Good+ Tier
Digital Devil Monogatari - Megami Tensei
Doraemon - Giga Zombie no Gyakushuu (Doraemon - The Revenge of Giga Zombie)
Dragon Quest
Dream Master (Adventure/RPG)
Final Fantasy III
Heracles no Eiko II: Titan no Metsubo
Jubei Quest
Just Breed (RPG/Tactics)
Kaijuu Monogatari (Shell Monsters Story)
Moryo Senki Madara (Konami)
Ninjara Hoi!
SD Gundam Story Knight Gundam Legend
SD Keiji - Blader
Shadow Brain
Shinsenden - The Legend of Immortals
Sweet Home (Adventure/RPG)
The Magic Candle
Wizardry - Knight of Diamonds - The Second Scenario
Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Wizardry - Legacy of Llylgamyn

>Good Tier
Bikkuriman World - Gekitou Sei Senshi
Cleopatra no Mahou (Adventure/RPG)
Dragon Ball 3 - Gokuu Den
Dragon Ball 2 (RPG/Adventure/Card)
Deep Dungeon 3 and 4
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2 - Tenka no Zaihou
Ghost Lion
Indora no Hikari
Jajamaru Ninpou Chou (Ninja Jajamaru The Ninja Scrolls)
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri (Legend of the River King) (RPG/Fishing)
Maharaja (Adventure/RPG)
Musashi No Bouken
Silva Saga
STED: Iseki Wakusei no Yabou
Tenchi Wo Kurau 2 - Shokatsu Koumei Den (Destiny of An Emperor 2)

>Okay Tier
Chaos World
Dark Lord (bad end)
Deep Dungeon 1 & 2
Doublemoon Densetsu
Dungeon Kid http://setsumei.html.xdomain.jp/famicom/dungeonkid/dungeonkid.html
Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru
Gegege no Kitaro 2 - Youkai Gundan no Chousen
Last Armageddon
Momotarou Densetsu (The Legend of Peach Boy)
Otaku no Seiza - An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy
Niji no Silkroad (Rainbow Silkroad)
Sugoro Quest - Dice no Senshitachi (The 100 World Story - The Tales on a Watery Wilderness) (NES/Board)
>Bad Tier
Hokuto no Ken 3 - Shin Seiki Souzou Seiken Restuden
Bloody Warriors Shan-Go no Gyakushuu
Destiny of An Emperor
LaSalle Ishii no Child's Quest

>Shovelware Tier
All the Dragon Ball Z games. DB2 and DBZ2 were the best ones. DB3 hasn't been translated so I haven't played it
Nakayoshi to Issho
Ushio To Tora

>Strategy/Tactics Tier
Dai 2 Ji Super Robot Taisen (Super Robot Wars 2)
Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Fire Emblem - Gaiden
Just Breed
Little Magic

>Haven't played/beaten yet:
Advanced Dungeon & Dragon: Pool of Radiance
Dragon Wars (bard tales series, number4; has automap) https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/1207.html
Sword & Serpents
Super Black Onyx
miracle warriors
Body Conquest Girls Exposed (unl)
Captain Tsubasa games (do these count?)
Columbus: Ougon no Yoake
Heracles no Eiko (1)
Hoshi wo Miru Hito
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (again not sure this counts)
Kagerou Densetsu (Zelda 2 like)
Mira Senshi (strategy rpg)
Sansaara Naga (gave up on) https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/929.html
Shin Satomi Hakkenden (translation needed)
SWAT: Special Weapons and Tactics
Tao The Way
Tombs & Treasure
Ultima games
Little Magic (strategy rpg action)
Kagerou Densetsu/The Legend of Kagerou (A-RPG Zelda 2 like)
Mahjong Taisen
Venus Senki (strategy rpg)
Elysion (A-RPG?)
Sanada Juu Yuushi (faux RPG)
ginga no sannin
>Translation needed:
Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana
Bard Tales 2 https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/1308.html
Dragon Ball 3
Famicom Jump 2
SD Gundam Story Knight Gundam Legend 2 & 3
Ultraman Club 2 & 3
Famicom Jump 2
Akuma-kun: Makai no Wana
Shin Satomi Hakkenden
Satomi Hakkenden
Monster Maker
Square no Tom Sawyer
Hanjuku Hero
Hokuto no Ken 4?
Momotaru Densetsu Gaiden (https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/390.html)
Rokudenashi Blues/Punk Blues (Bandai)
Hyakki Yagyou/Night March of a Hundred Demons
Melville no Honoo (strategy rpg)
Kitte ni Shirokuma (adventure RPG)
Meimon! Takonishi Ouendan/Top School! Takonishi Cheer Squad (strategy rpg)
Genpei Touma Den/The Genji and the Heike Clans (board RPG)

Aspic https://www.romhacking.net/translations/6861/
Dragon SCroll
Druid: Kyoufu no Tobira
Dungeon Magic - Sword of the Elements (RPG, Natsume)
Kalin no Tsurugi
Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden (https://w.atwiki.jp/famicomall/pages/899.html)
Mashen Heroes Gaiden Mashin Eiyuuden - Wataru Gaiden
Minelvaton Saga: Ragon no Fukkatsu
Sylviana: Ai Ippai no Boukensha (a-rpg FDS, only translated on MSX)
Karakui Kengoden Musashi Lord: Karakuri Jin Hashiru! (The Samurai Lord Musashi - Gimmicks on the Run!) (A RPG)
The Burning Wild Man
Zombie Hunter
oh actually I haven't kept the list updated since I did beat Little Magic and Dragon Ball 3 but whatever
Zoom zoom. Attention span of a gnat.
I’m currently playing Link’s Awakening like this. In the past I have been impatient and resorted to looking things up online, because that’s what I do at work, but you get more satisfaction through solving problems on your own.
Save states feel wrong to me because games are often like real life, and there are no save states in life. You can’t just rewind the last 10 seconds of life. That would be too easy, you wouldn’t learn from your mistakes.
You also don't die if you fail your test at school and get sent back to the womb. So lets not use that argument.
You have to take the whole test again and may have to wait months or a whole year to do that. If you finish the test and realise you made a mistake, you can't go back and fix it.
How do you afford so much free <<<time>>>? Are you [[[underage]]]?
You also spend a whole year preparing for the test and aren't expected to answer any questions you weren't prepared for. There won't be any trick questions or spikes in difficulty where if you get that one question wrong you fail everything.

So all in all, a moot point. Games aren't real life. So basing your decisions on how you will play games on what real life is makes no sense.
Depends on what type of test it is. Your argument smells like a stawman. Save states are basically cheating and you have no right to say you beat a game if you used them.
Great job. Only way I would improve this is to find the PDF of the manual and read them before playing.
I don't really care about the bullshit argument on save states. Do what you want, who gives a fuck? I'm just saying that if you base this decision on real life, that's really dumb.
My favorite is Earthbound Beginnings, what would you rec ?
Well it's a clone of Dragon Quest 2 so there is DQ2-3-4 of course, if you like the freedom and exploration Metal Max. Other decent DQ clones include Glory of Heracles 2, Ninjara Hoi and Jubei Quest but don't go expecting the level of mastery of Mother
Thanks. Metal Max looks interesting. Not really interested in typical DQ clones though, was looking more for unique settings like Mother.
Yeah man. Everyone should just do what they feel like man.
Why do you like DQ2 over DQ3?
When it comes to playing games? Yeah they should you fucking retard.
There were often some explanations in the manual for RPGs and similarly complex games. But I agree. I actually enjoy playing simulation games (train, boat, flight (up to a point), forklift, tractor, submarine etc) as though they're Myst-like puzzle adventure games. Figuring out how everything works on your own can be really fun.
>>11108786 #
I agree. Not every game needs to feel redundant and mastered until it's run into the ground. If you like rpgs or shoot em ups and wish to play through them over and over until you've found every secret and mastered the levels, then by all means. Have fun. I just enjoyed the initial challenge, the newness of the games, flying by the seat of my pants, making it through and finally beating them. Even as a kid I wanted to try new games as much as I could, whether I was borrowing or renting. The excitement came from the experimentation of a new game and ultimately surviving with my wits. Some games have been done better by their earlier counterparts, and some by later versions in the genre. However, some don't deserve to be struggled through if they're not fun to you. At that point I'll either play another game or just run through it and be fine. Using tools like save states and the like are to get back to enjoying the game, not impressing a bunch of retarded strangers on the net.
congratulations anon, you've discovered the joy of actual retro gaming.
>Amazing how the industry convinced itself simple fun in this genre needed to be eroded by QoL and streamlining the experience
More like it convinced itself you need to beat games quicker so you can go consume the next one sooner
No the consumer decided that because most people into games have hundreds of games and they don't want to spend all of their time on one of them.

If anything the industry wants you to spend all of your time on one free game and buy all of the cosmetic microtransactions they pump out. That's why you have things like daily challenges and daily streaks, its to induce FOMO and get people to play the game every day. Some publishers like EA and Activision even want you to buy the game and a battle pass too.
>most people into games have hundreds of games
omfg a zoomie larper in /vr/ shoo shoo back to /v/!!
Games used to come with a manual.
Zelda 1 borderline unbeatable without it.
Nah. Life is finite and only stupid autists think having to adhere to the game's save points or restarting from scratch is somehow a more "authentic" and better experience.
>there are no save states in life
Brotha said something there.
Is the CRPG Addict blog still around? Spent way too much time reading that.
Is Jimmy still acting like a fag these days? I miss when he was just a chill funny freak guy
>Zelda 1 borderline unbeatable without it
Not according to this board
>aren't expected to answer any questions you weren't prepared for. There won't be any trick questions or spikes in difficulty where if you get that one question wrong you fail everything.
I think that's what zoomies call artificial difficulty
Okay I'll make an exception for third worlders.
I love that I see the metal max series get mentioned more often these days. Love that series and have played all the available games I can including the spinoff dogs game they made.
>Its a "NPCs are roaming about and manage to constantly move in front of you/the exit/shop you are trying to enter" episode
>When you try to move arond them it times perfectly with them moving in the same direction


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