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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>spawned a huge esports scene
>spawned turret defense games
>spawned moba games
Such an insanely influential game
That’s damn right
The best RTS of all time
... and yet the best part is the singleplayer campaign that is independent from all that and didn't spawn shit(except maybe influence the warcraft 3 shitshow)
Best rts ever made
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> One of the earliest concepts of Jim Raynor and his vulture.(left) Chris Metzen
>12 years later, Wei Wang put his spin on 'Easy Rider.' (right)

>There are people who think right is better than left.
they are both garbage, I'm so glad the prerendered 3d sprite graphics that make the game were handled by proper artists that were able to filter metzen and samwise's garbage concepts into something great
I only have it on N64 but never played it. should I?
Veterans will tell you it's slow as shit but playing starcraft on a CRT while laid back on the couch is comfy
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>Not liking smudgy pencil drawings that look like they were done by a high schooler that's way too much into Blanche and Bisley.

I feel sorry for your mother.
Esports and MOBAs were terrible things. Why are you praising it for creating that shit? Are you retarded?
>>spawned moba games

MOBA was spawned by Warcraft III though.

>it spawned cancer
>it spawned more cancer
>it spawned even worse cancer, too

gee thanks PC games, you guys are great

yeah what the fuck is OP on about? first MOBA is literally a warcraft 3 mod.
which is a copy of a starcraft ums
Left looks like he's sitting on a broken bike at the junk yard.
Aeon of Strife for StarCraft was the first moba map.
retards, AoS (the 1st map) came from starcraft
The Bound maps were the original Fall Guys
Zoomers think that DotA and LoL were the first two for some reason, unless they've watched a video essay about HoN
Zoom zoom
Starcraft may have invented TDs and Mobas among other custom games but you have to give Warcraft 3 some credit for popularizing them.
aeon of strife was indeed the first MOBA map but i can't fault most people for thinking it started in warcraft 3. they had proper hero units and it's where maps were first called defense of the ancients. hell, you can see the first seeds of this all the way back in warcraft 2 where even there they had named units with higher stats than of the model they used. i can't remember if blizzard released their map editor at the same time as warcraft 2 but i wouldn't be surprised if there were some ur-MOBA maps that even people here forgot about.
I like C&C more at the end of the day. I don’t want to be in space.
Your kind is not welcome here.
You don't like straight, functional people? Understandable.
Look man, I know this is /vr/ and we’re supposed to say
>old good new bad
to everything
But Metzen has retroactively ruined his legacy so hard that we’re not obligated to dick ride him anymore at any stage of his life
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came to this thread specifically because I recognize the OP’s (who’s not a fag for a change) clever zoom zoom sniping attempt, leaving satisfied
Anyone finished the Enslavers campaign? I remember the last mission with a reviving Ultralisk was pretty tough
Its the only good game the USA has ever produced. And it will keep sitting on that throne alone for decades to come.

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