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How the fuck was this thing successful? Yeah, it was only popular in Japan, but it did very well there despite being a monstrosity of addons.

The only other addon I can think that was successful was the FDS, and even that one was dropped once carts became cheaper to make and could eventually hold even more than a FDS disk.

This thing had not just the base unit, but addon upgrade cards for it, and then a CD addon, and then that CD addon ITSELF had an upgrade add-on, and for some games you needed the right addons or they would not work. The CD drive even originally needed a dock to connect it to the original version of the console which was not included with the CD addon at first (Not even Sega fucked that up, despite the SegaCD doing horribly).

And all of this is not even counting all the revisions and re-releases of the system that had some or all of these enhancements built in... until they released more and released newer different all-in-one versions.

How the fuck did this megazord of a console manage to be popular when it's very usage thanks to all the addons was in itself basically a puzzle game while just about any other addon for consoles failed miserably?
>How the fuck was this thing successful?
Because you're a retard. CDs were a powerful draw. The add-on carts were very simple and came with the fucking systems, you had the CD-ROM at launch, the Duo had the super system card built in but early adopters got fucked and had to buy it again, and the arcade card was a failed attempt at RAM expansion nobody bothered with. Duo systems were the primary sellers, because at that point the price completely obliterated Sega and their new CD system, while early on the CD only really survived thanks to the bubble economy because it was very expensive.

The power of the CD was huge. They were offering full CD audio and voice acting in games when the best Sega could offer was Sonic, the Mega Drive was laughably dated looking at launch, and so was the SNES, which is why both of those systems tried and failed to jump on the CD train.
You're overthinking it, it's actually quite modular, the Coreduos, PC-E, LT AND Supergrafx all can work on the briefcase and the lose super cdrom2 system. The cd parts of the briefcase and the turbografx are also interchangable. The TurboDuo and Super cdrom2 both have a built in Super CD bios which means they don't need the CD cards save for the Arcade ones (if you want to play the ones that need those or enchanted titles)
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i never heard of it or saw it in real life until the wii era (2006)
in the united states the tg16 didnt do very well
to the point to where i NEVER saw a commercial on tv in california

it did well in japan due to an established userbase when the did the "first cd addon" for a home system
the game library being god-tier obv helped
it is now one of my favorite systems
>CDs were a powerful draw
>The power of the CD was huge
>the Mega Drive was laughably dated looking at launch, and so was the SNES, which is why both of those systems tried and failed to jump on the CD train.

Is that why the SegaCD flopped, the Snes CD was cancelled, nobody gave a shit about the Neo-Geo CD, and the CD-I and 3D0 were a total fucking joke?

You seriously think the TG16 was some powerhouse compared to the Genesis or SNES? The only thing it had over the SNES was it's CPU... which was a rough match of the Genesis, and we all know how well the Genesis fared against the SNES even with it's CPU. You're a fucking retard if you think "The power of CDs" is what made the TG16 succeed when that was a fucking ADDON that fucked every early adopter and the DUO was not available until later.
>the Coreduos, PC-E, LT AND Supergrafx all can work on the briefcase and the lose super cdrom2 system. The cd parts of the briefcase and the turbografx are also interchangable. The TurboDuo and Super cdrom2 both have a built in Super CD bios which means they don't need the CD cards save for the Arcade ones

... this seriously sounds simple to you?

Yeah, the only reason I even know it existed was because there was an episode of the old 90s GamePro show that talked about it, and I think a few of their episodes had the occasional code or review for a TG16 game. Beyond that I had never seen anything regarding the system until I discovered emulation in early 00, I don't recall ever seeing it on store shelves or kiosks, but then again I might have just not been paying attention to anything not Nintendo or SEGA at the time.
>Is that why the SegaCD flopped, the Snes CD was cancelled, nobody gave a shit about the Neo-Geo CD, and the CD-I and 3D0 were a total fucking joke?
Sega CD flopped because it was more expensive and had less games. SNES CD was cancelled because of the Sony/Nintendo fallout, and directly led to the PS1, which was the most popular system by a mile. Sega's first actual attempt at a CD console did pretty well with the Saturn, but only in Japan where the arcade ports were more of an appeal.

>You seriously think the TG16 was some powerhouse compared to the Genesis or SNES?
Yes. The CD games for the system are fondly remembered and some of the biggest titles of the time, take something like Tengai Makyo 2, the most expensive game ever produced at the time, and a game you've never heard of because NEC completely fumbled the western market and barely brought anything over.

CD audio was a big deal. Myst sold an absurd amount of CD drives in 1993. Imagine now that you have a system with CD audio in 1988 instead, a solid 5 years earlier.
>and then that CD addon ITSELF had an upgrade add-on

the super cd-rom sold poorly
most users just used the system 3.0 card "or" bought a Duo

also hucards weren't cheap and very limited on storage. hucards rarely exceeded 4 megabits which is paltry compared to even mid-gen genesis games
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>first to market with CD
>CD addon got tons of great support, has many of the console's best games meanwhile other CD addons barely got anything
>eventually the CD addon would get built into the console so you didnt have to buy anything extra
>upgrades would also get built into the console you didn't have to buy anything extra
If you were an actual jap in the late 80s/early 90s you'd either be an early adopter enthusiast that was already keeping up with everything or a normalfag that eventually bought an all in one package.
The console itself was also the actual competitor to nintendo in japan, the genesis beat it in the west because of better marketing and the pc-engine's library catered more towards japanese tastes. Tons of shmups which was a much more popular genre in japan, meanwhile in the west sega went big on sports and marketing itself as the best sports console, even the famous "nintendon't" commercial is all about sports games.

Japan was in the middle of a massive economic boom. Everybody had money blasting out their tight Japanese assholes to waste on futuristic electronic nonsense. Then by the time the sensation of Street Fighter II hit the world, the PC Engine had declined in price to be competitive with more powerful 16 bit rival machines, yet had an unexpectedly, impressively well executed port of Street Fighter 2, making it the cheapest way to play it at home.
>successful was the FDS
>the SegaCD doing horribly
Those two addons both have around 200 games though
>The CD drive even originally needed a dock to connect it to the original version of the console which was not included with the CD addon at first (Not even Sega fucked that up
PC Engine CD-ROM came out in December 1988. At the time, the sales tax system in Japan applied different tax rates to different categories of goods. CD players were taxed under this while the interface unit wasn't. Putting them together in one box would have made the entire box have the CD player tax on it.
After the tax law was changed 4 months later in 1989, NEC started selling a box set of both parts together, pic related
>i NEVER saw a commercial on tv in california
I somehow managed to see all the failed system TV commercials in my college town in Texas
TurboGrafx, Sega Master System, even the Atari XEGS and 7800
I guess we just happened to have the right cable channels from Dallas or Austin or something
who is this nigga in every thread???
Because they didn't release everything at once.
It would be a pretty easy progression to follow over the years it took to release everything.
It's only when looking back with zero prior knowledge that you see the complexity.
Turbografx is a based console with SOVL.
I am almost 40 but when I was young, back in the early 90's, my older brothers friend let him borrow his TG16 console and a few games for the weekend. I had to wait for my brother to fall asleep but I stayed up all night playing it. Splatterhouse & Keith Courage were stand out platformers. I still love them. The second level of Keith Courage, with the armor power up, still awesome, after all these years. Pure SOVL

>Godspeed Andy. Rest in Peace.
There isn't proof that the PC-Engine sold more than the Megadrive in Japan.
>dated looking at launch
no it wasn't you faggot. you weren't there. zoom zoom
>how the genesis fared
it btfo the snes. snes was grosdly underpowered and weak. also, the tg16 is not even close to being non par with the genesis cpu. only the neogeo is stronger. retard
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Segabros, how do we respond?
The Genesis had a stronger CPU, but the SNES PPU was many times stronger and gave SEGA developers a hard time to keep up.
Also the original 3 button controller didn't make it easier to keep up later in its lifespan. You see the same issue later with the duealshock, with so many games not making (good) use of the analogue sticks.
snes version like shitty
MD looks best though.
Why did they decide to make the Las Vegas not bright in the other versions?
*Las Vegas lights
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>How the fuck was this thing successful?

Shmups. Those were still HUGELY popular in Japan and the TG-16/PCE is THE greatest shmup console of all time.
>gen looks better again
genesis wins again lmao, how did sega do it
artists do their best work under constraints
that's why modern games with less constraints than ever are all so shit

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