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Did this thing actually have a good library?
not really, it's a Pokemon machine
Max payne kicked ass on thia little machine
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It does, even has some of my favorite games of all time.
Yes it's pretty good, but the DS being a huge surprise success meant a lot of stuff in the works got retooled and pushed back for a DS version instead. .
Not great, the number of snes ports overshadows it as a new platform and makes it feel more like a crippled version of an older platform. There is some interesting stuff but I can't think of a single game that makes me want to say it's a great console that justified its existence. That said there's plenty to enjoy in games like mega man zero.
Aria of Sorrow, Metroid Fusion, Advance Wars 1&2, Fire Emblem, Rhythm Tengoku, Wario Ware OG and Twisted, Mother 3, Wario Land 4, Mega Man Zero 3&4, Mario & Luigi are all excellent and you should play them
Surface level knowledge of things: the post, you think you're an expert edition
Probably the best library out of any portable system, retro or not. Sony NOTRETRO is almost on par with it though
It was pretty amazing ngl. the sp is overall probably the most important system of all time at launch because of its backwards compatibility. One of the few times where the same game becomes unplayable on older hardware once you become used to how good it looks and feels on the SP.

and that isnt even to mention its use with the gamecube. Im not going to nintendo shill and pretend like it was the be all end all but if you are a pokemon or zelda fan it was mandatory at the time.
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It's the best library of any handheld.
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Better than Metal Slug
the SP was awesome at the time for the rechargeable battery as well. i think thats what sold my parents on it when i already had a gba.
Alright now there's a deep cut I've never seen before. Going to have to look this up.
yes, i never got the original model but picked up the sp and loved it. i was also still playing original gameboy games on it too.
it has at least half dozen solid games i continued playing on my DS. even SNES ports were amazing at the time because handheld hardware had been stagnant for so long

i had a NiMH pack + grip for my GBA almost immediately after launch. SP's audio situation prevented me getting one. It required an adapter to use headphones, and couldn't do that while charging, at least without a third party one i may not have been aware of. i refused to play GBA in mono
It did but that hardware is REALLY shitty.
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It's honestly an excellent handheld imo. If you like SNES, Genesis, PS1, or even other handhelds like NGPC you will enjoy it a lot

There's a lot of nice 3D games on it as well
I think that there are some really cool GBA games but the overall trend in game mechanics is extreme minimalism and there is a LOT of sub-flashgame tier gutter trash
That being said it was my first console and probably had the vast majority of my childhood gaming playtime>>11108936
>pokemon or zelda
This shit was fucking vivid back in the day. I would get fucking lost in Pokemon Sapphire and Minish Cap in the Minivan all the time while my mom ran around doing errands and talking with all the boring assholse and church people
You fucking bet.
Lurk more
Holy crap. I want to ride a horse into the sunset.

Also here you go anon, my treat.
For a system with such a short lifespan, it's one of the best imo
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>not a single original Mario platformer
>all ports
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros\. 3

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros\. 3

Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros\. 3
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And yet it managed to still have a great library. Metroid 4 is a masterpiece.
Don't forget the widescreen hacks of Famicom ROMs running in an emulator with better anti-piracy measures than regular GBA games..
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Under normal circumstances I’d call you a faggot for listing games to win an argument on 4chinks but that list is nothing but bangers
I’m team GBA myself personally, but the DS had the better library objectively. Almost every good gba game had a port or a sequel on there. Only thing that kills it for me was the forced touch screen controls
Hell yeah. Still does kick ass.
Golden Suns, Tony Hawks, Metroid Fusion, FF Tactics Advance
Its purpose was to bring Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney into the world.
It has an overrated library, honestly.
People act like it is on-par with the PS2, SNES, or NES... but it's really more like the N64. It has like one or two dozen games. That's it. See >>11108909
Based take.
yes and no
if you're asking in past tense you must consider that the SNES ports were the only way to play those games on the go at the time and they're pretty good

OG GameBoy: 1244 games released total
GameBoy Color: 915 games released (which is a lot for its' short lifespan"
GameBoy Advance: 1534 released total.

The OG GBA and SP units have a library of 3754 games when you include BC, and there are a lot of good games on the GBA. The GBA was selling like hotcakes when it was on the market. But it only ended abruptly when Nintendo became scared of the PSP and put the DS into development, as a so-called 'third pillar'.
You forgot Zero Mission
If you like ports, sequels, and licenced games, sure. If you like original games, not so much.
It's different enough from the original to be its own thing really. Does not compare to something like the mario advance games
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>If you like ports, sequels, and licenced games, sure. If you like original games, not so much.

It is a pretty big misconception that the GBA is purely made up of SNES and Genesis/ MD ports, when those types of games only make up a small amount of the system library. The system does have a lot of shovel ware, that much is a certainty. Sequels? Eh? Demakes? lots. Original games: There are more original games on the platform than you would think. When people bring up the GBA; there are many 10-20 games that just get mentioned in circulation. The GBA does have a large library of games, a lot to sort through. For the time it came out, it was the only system on the market that had a steady stream of 2D games being released for it. This was during the time of the PS2, CGN, and Xbox when 3D games were the norm. The games could fall anywhere between 16bit to 32bit in appearance.
The entire library? No, pretty sloppy due to its popular nature and being a handheld. Initial version of the system also fucks up lots of games graphically to cope with its big issue.
Plenty of fun games? Sure.

Uh, Mario vs. Dong?
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We got Wario instead which is maybe better anyway, same as GBC
Plenty of good games.
Aside from other games already mentioned, take a look at Summon Night, Konami Krazy Racers, Final Fantay Tactics Advance, the Sonic Advance series, Klonoa, Gradius Generation, Motocross Maniacs or Scurge Hive.
I don't think many people think it's on par with SNES or NES or whatever. I'm >>11108909 and I'm fully aware it's not as great. Let alone that there were few influential games here. Nothing quite on the level of SM64 or OoT, or SMW and ALTTP.
Still, there's a lot of good games on it beyond what I listed, that are well worthy of playing. Golden Sun, Sonic Advance 3, MMBN series, Zelda Minish Cap, Astro Boy and Gunstar, Kururin, Guru Logi Champ, Konami Krazy Racers, Shining games, Mario vs Donkey Kong, River City Ransom EX, Circle of the Moon, Drill Dozer, Ninja Five O… Yeah, they may not be FF7 or MGS, but still good games, and what the fuck did you expect? It had 3 years until DS came out, with only that much Nintendo support (no big Mario game, so-so Zelda game).
I'd say it has a good library for what it is. What hurts its rep is that the biggest games in terms of popularity were Pokemon and ports, by far. They completely overshadowed the good original games on the platform. This is unlike GB where it had good original Mario / Zelda / FF etc, with only a few big ports like SMB DX. So retards who only had Emerald, SMW and SpongeBob shovelware concluded that "it had no games".
>but it's really more like the N64. It has like one or two dozen games

you're talking about the og b&w gameboy

Jackie Chan: Around the world in 80 Days is the only GBA game you will ever need in your collection...
Astro boy is good. Rest is dogshit really.

Also this Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius mode-7 3D-ish platformer is a must own...


The classic Sega GBA game: Charlotte's Web.
Better than GBC but worse than DS. Both had actual shovelware games poorly made and still coming with budget, clear cashgrabs from shameless corporations. GBC had less shovelware but GBA has the advantage of better game design practices and a lot of ports and sequels of 16bit games. It was the first actual 16bit handheld console despite its 32bit capabilities.
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Yes, it has several good "beat em up"
dragon ball advnetura
star wars ones
final fantasy tatctics advance is a must.
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Also Shining Soul games are gun.
Yeah, it was pretty alright. The launch catalog was kinda aids with Atlus Super Dodge Ball Advanced being the most notable in my memory; but over time bangers like Golden Sun, Advanced Wars, Boktai, ZoE: TFoM, the Metroid titles, the SNES ports, Pokémon, that Medabots arena fighter etc... came to the platform and kept it trucking strong. What killed it, imo, was the weird variations of the GBA they kept releasing like the really tiny one or the clamshell.
based take
People play gen 3?
My GBA is a SRW machine...
And Metroid machine, and Drill Dozer machine, and Dragon Ball machine... i love many games on it, just not Pokémon, for me it peaked on the OG game boy and the Stadium games.
it's a fire red romhack console to most ppl
yes in the sense it could also play gameboy and color titles as well. On its own, not really. I had one and for the most part I was unimpressed. Never had the backlight version which probably would have been pretty cool. Mario Kart Super Circuit looked good but I never played it.
Really? They are missing out.
Similar problem with the Wii. Had plenty of good games, but you were forced to use the ugly stupid annoying motion control stick for too much and it felt annoying most of the time.
There are only like 10 worthwhile games on DMG and Color
These kind of posts are always so vague and useless
>This console only has [x amount] of worthwhile games
The anon saying this never says which ones, and if they do, they go for safe top popular titles or bait, then when other anons start listing other good games, they reply with "no, those are shit", as if their opinion matters.
All so tiresome etc
What are some other good titles then, genuinely? I only know about Pokemon, Mega Man, Mario/Wario Land, Zelda and Kirby
One of my favorite portables. I would have loved for the DS and PSP to be delayed a year so we'd get more GBA ludo, feels like the hardware still had some longevity when they pretty much pulled the plug on it.
Mole Mania, gargoyle's quest II, kid Icarus, castlevania II, final fantasy legend/adventure... Just to name some more well known ones.
Here goes a personal fav of mine that's kind of a hidden gem: Heavyweight Championship Boxing
Isn't every console like that. A small percentage of the games are the ones everyone plays, and the rest are just meh.
the above post listed 1100 and 900 and 1500 games which I had no clue was real. And it says a lot about the console that people only like maybe a dozen games or two dozen if the system is really popular. Maybe grinding out tons of garbage isnt the best strategy to keep a console alive. Maybe it needs a tenth of that but they should be genuinely fun.
also helps that you can play GB/C games natively on every model that isn't the Micro
*Advance Wars and Fire Emblem machine
GBA easily had over 100 good games if you like multiple genres
I can vouch for its titles. When I had quit videogames for the 2nd time, they scratched the itch. Going out and getting a few of the loose games for $5USD or less supplied the Gameboy player with endless fun. The games even paid for themselves at the prices. Even having quit, I still experienced some of the best games around and they can stand on their own as some of my favorites through the tough time.
Original GBA with a backlight mod
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Yes, it did. One of the best in the entire industry in fact. I never appreciated it as a kid despite me having one... because the OG GBA's screen was a pain to see, I never enjoyed playing anything in it because it was so uncomfortable... but nowadays I can play the entire GBA library on smartphones or emulation handhelds and it's glorious... I still hate Nintendo for that OG GBA screen though.
For me it's the Gamecube GBA player.
Really wish Kojima's reputation didn't go from weird dude -> The Metal Gear Guy -> AAAA Hollywood Budget Walking Sim (but fun) Superstar so he could work on smaller shit like this again

Fuckin rad
Kind of off-topic but which Castlevania game has a boss that I think looks like a large angelic being that is facing the "camera" and then at some point splits in half vertically and moves so that you can see its two profiles facing each other? I thought it was a GBA game but I'm not sure.
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Are you talking about this? Aria of Sorrow
That album in the catbox was lost media until a while back, bought for like 800 bucks cause from JP fucko was hogging several copies of it and all other Boktai media including like 20 copies of each tankobon of the manga, 25 of the first game, 30 of the second etc etc.
Of all regions.
Oh, yes that's it. Wow I thought I only played Circle of the Moon on the GBA, but I guess I played Aria and probably Dissonance as well. I played Lament and all the ones before GBA except the N64 ones. Are any of the later ones worth playing?
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Some obviously don't realise how revolutionary this thing was when it came out to replace the OG Game Boy (which was itself revolutionary)

From the beeps and boops of the gameboy and it's screechy speakers and muted colours to high fidelity graphics and vivid colours. And games that could be up to 8 times bigger than what was possible on the GameBoy. This was years before the DS and PSP, there was nothing like it on handheld at all.

Picrel is the shit you'd have to put up with if not for GameBoy. Grim.
>Some obviously don't realise how revolutionary this thing was when it came out to replace the OG Game Boy (which was itself revolutionary)
Most people posting on /vr/ that talk about consoles are probably under 25 at oldest. Plenty of Anons are unable to comprehend the fact that $100 for a GBA was one of the selling points. They do not understand that the device was sourced years earlier, was meant to be cheap and durable. To not eat batteries- which cost plenty back in the day, and that a color screen and that level of gaming power was revolutionary at the time.
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I just lump the GBA and the NDS together with eachother most of the time, but here's a chart of good GBA games
All of the DS ones are good
I've played most of these games and agree they're great but I've never even heard of Summon high, that's that?
>literally NEVER used my GBC or GBA to play pokemon
>would constantly make fun of my friends in school that would play pokemon
My GBC was a harry potter/Metroid 2/Zelda machine machine
My GBA was used to literally play Fusion an Zero misson before i sold it.
what are the best comfy and lazy games on the gba, I want to play down builders and farming games
wtf how do you make a game of this
The greed addiction program has no shortage of quackery to make it rich.
F-Zero and Metroid games. Castlevanias.
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Here's a nice XCOM-lite game.
Almost Fire Emblem like in that you have to spread out XP between multiple characters over the course the campaign so the newer guys won't be useless.
There is even semi-permadeath, where knocked out guys have to skip the next mission to recuperate from their wounds.
The game starts out rather basic but by the mid game there's a lot of mechanics to learn and play around with.
Pretty decent for a game made on a budget by a literally-who company.
There were a couple of Shaman King games which were very solid castlevania-likes.
Made by Julian Gollop, who was responsible for the original X-Com.
Advance Wars was one of the defining games of that generation for my group of friends. FFA pre-deploy every day during study hall. So much fun.

Besides that, the Mega Man Zero series and Castlevania games each could justify a whole console's existence.
The "one cartridge for multiplayer" was also a pretty heavily hyped feature that got some real use.
Action RPG where you craft a lot of different weapons, get into random encounters in the field, and fight groups of baddies in a 2D side-scrolling fighting-game-esque battle. OK game.
I agree with the other anon, my favorite is Order of Ecclesia. Bloodstained is also good.
Damn, glad it was found. Has the manga been found/scanned?
Yes, it's on mangadex.
Before you read it though, the author had only access to names, basic scenario and some designs. He didn't even have access to call it Bokura no Taiyou because for some reason CoroCoro refused to pay. It seems they weren't confident on the product. The manga is called Taiyou Shounen Django.

Curiously though, going off Japanese tweets during the 20th anniversary on monday, a sizeable amount of artists mentioned being fans of the manga and not playing the games until years later.
I've scoured both libraries and I think the GBC had more enthusiastic third party support overall but it was mostly cancelled out by the limitations of the system. the example I use is blade, a very cool little title with much love put into it but ultimately resigned to being an insubstantial minigame.
I still marvel at fusion from time to time, people rightfully have mixed feelings about it in the context of metroid but its presentation and spectacle on the gba in 2002 is ridiculous. would have held its own as a gamecube title.
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The Wonderswan color released a full year before the GBA and practically had GBA-quality graphics. Picrel

The problem with GBA games is that they the majority are fucking ugly. Donkey Kong Country games look like ass. They weren't optimized at all. It's like game companies just used SNES design philosophy for a handheld that couldn't handle it.
Yes, even if the hardware is clearly advanced by 1998 standards but not so much by 2001 standards. Lots of cool weird games and cult classics many of which were produced by smaller developers since devkits were cheap, easily obtainable, and easy to work with. So much so in fact that the GBA was the first and so-far only console that was successfully emulated before it even came out in 2000.

Besides PC and Adobe Flash it was the indie developer platform of choice so the more obscure games have a distinct charm to them. Even if they look like shovelware on the surface like Karnaaj Rally or pic-related.
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Forgot pic
That's just not true. The WSC has two background layers with scrolling, up to 128 8x8 sprites, and 241 colors with 4bpp tiles. The GBA has up to four background layers, affine transforms, 8bpp tiles, support for 15bpp bitmaps, hardware color blending, 128 sprites of sizes between 8x8 and 64x64, et cetera.

At least in terms of graphics and sound, comparing the WSC to the GBA is like comparing the PC Engine to the SNES. Sure, it's superficially there, but one of those is still way more powerful than the other.
Are there more examples of these weird obscure GBA titles? Trying to expand my ROM library.
Lady Sia
Car Battler Joe
Rebelstar: Tactical Command (which was also mentioned earlier in the thread)
Asterix and Obleisk XXL (and basically anything else made by Velez and Dubail)
Ninja Five-O
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Scurge: Hive
Ice Nine
Ecks Vs. Sever
Denki Blocks
Sigma Star Saga
Wade Hixton's Counter Punch
Alien Hominid
Sabre Wulf
Iridion 3D and Iridion II
Guru Logic Champ
Racing Gears Advance
Dark Arena
Thanks anon, gonna add it to the backlog
Castlevania Circle of the Moon was a pretty respectable launch title for the GBA.
Damn, didn’t know there were that many fps’s on the console
no they don't. this says to me you're a fat faggot who only cares about mario
zoomer faggot
That’s what I got, my brother got Mario 2 USA. I can’t remember if F-Zero was a launch title.
>the majority look like ass
>only example is DKC, a game that was always fucking ugly on every platform
you're a retard.
i never knew a single kid who gave a fuck about gba audio, so you're definitely an autistic manchild who spent all day on forums blabbering about autistic minutia instead of playing games
>waaaaah mario waaaaah
i don't give a fuck about mario.
you meanwhile, are the typical n64 faggot who only plays 3 games.
zoom zoom
You weren't there
can say that about any console, derp
variations were based you retard. they all played the same games.
stop shitposting

Narrative: Ace Attorney 1-3, Jake Hunter,
Strategy: Advance Wars 1&2, Black Matrix Zero, Fire Emblem 6-8, Super Robot Wars A/D/J/OG1/OG2, Tactics Ogre Lodis, FF Tactics A, Yggdra Union,
Platformer: Kirby Nightmare & Mirror, Klonoa, Mario vs DK, Sonic Advance 1-3, Starfy, Wario 4,
Action: Boktai 1-3, Castlevania Aria/Circle, Mega Man Zero 1-4, Metroid Zero & Fusion, Dragon Ball Adventure, Ninja 5-0, Astro Boy,
Action-Adventure: DQ Rocket Slime, CIMA, Sword of Mana, Legacy of Goku 2, Zelda Minish & 4 Swords
RPG: Battle Network 2/3/5/6, Full Metal Alchemist Rondo & Sonata, Golden Sun 1&2, Mario & Luigi, Pokémon Red/Emerald/mystery dungeon/Pinball, Swordcraft Story, Kingdom Hearts Chain,
Other: Bomberman Tournament, Drill Dozer, Frogger Adventure 2, Game & Watch Gallery 4, Mario Pinball, Mr Driller,

These are just the ones i like. faggot
all of the best consoles have over 1000 shovel ware titles you underage faggot
Maximum Velocity was a launch title
gba was less than $100 on launch
DS is fucking garbage.

gba has better: advance wars, fire Emblem, SRW, ff tactics, kirby, sonic, wario, mega man zero, battle network, Metroid, Zelda, kingdom hearts, etc...

You're clearly just a Pokémon fag

You don't know what you're talking about. you've barely played anything or even looked into it, then blabber out of your ass like an expert. People like you are always terrible IRL on every subject.
>gba was less than $100 on launch
North American launch was $99.99. I was working at Toys R Us and remember both stocking them for launch, and buying my own.
Okay, let me choose some "graphically impressive" GBA games then.
Wow such beauty.

>DLC looks bad on SNES
One of the worst takes of all time
Or how about this one
gee willy such beautiful
I like how you mixed in some Japan-only games to really pad out your list. Most honest GBAlover.
I haven’t played many GBA games despite having the system for years. I’ve always liked the port of the Mario Bros. arcade game which came on the Super Mario Advance games.
not all day. i was just at a show with a friend
>game nobody had heard of our gives a fuck about
I'm sorry you're a 5 year old retard with a stack of SpongeBob shovelware instead of real games.

dkc looks like fucking trash. pre rendered sprites are gay as fuck. also, you're a furrfaggot.
>shovelware magically makes the good games dissappear
nobody cares about this random nonsense. your cherry picking is boring.
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>Got wario world 4 instead
Thank god mario games on hand helds are shit and just look at the cancer that is NSMB
wario land 4 is the original mario platformer, he is portable mario. Would it have been nice for nintendo to eschew that convention and deliver a new mario anyway? yes, but nintendo is very conservative and autistic so wario is what we got.
It'll feel like a good library if you actually owned one as a kid, and it'll feel like a shit library if you're browsing a full ROM collection
As a professional vr zoomie, no. It just had Pokemon slop#48615.
The GBA version of Sims Bustin Out is unironically one of my favorites.

>Yggdra Union
>Riviera the promised land

such weird games; they felt like fever dreams
I prefer the GBC, which is my go-to handheld even today. I also have to agree with others that the DS had a better library. Especially loving puzzle games, there's no contest. The way the GBA library is full of ports reminds me of Sega libraries being full of arcade ports. It's okay in the moment, but if you're going back to the system as a retro gamer there's usually no reason to play any of them. All that said... I sure do miss Castlevania.

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