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Devil's Crush edition

RULES: Fast Ball, PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16 version only. Winner chooses next game or spins the Wheel of Games.

Current high score as of writing is >>11109152

Without further to do... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! For real this time
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There are slight graphical differences between the US and Japan releases, usually attributed to westoid religious-related censorship
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Will try for 10million later
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Post sum fackin scoores
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Bonus 2 really sucks and it's pretty frustrating to lose the ballsaver post after each bonus stage.
Everything looks so good though, and this game is addicting
I'm not very good at pinball but I enjoy playing it occasionally.
I'd suggest some caravan shmups, or just shmups in general for wheel of games, unless it already has some.
any recommendations?
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Compile games are great
Zanac, Super Aleste, Musha Aleste, Zanac Neo (Zanac x Zanac)
Hudson is pretty alright too
Soldier Blade, Final Soldier, Gunhed
Some other great ones
Recca, Rayforce, Harmful Park, good ol' Raiden
and of course the most boring answer, Battle Garegga
I could go on but the list is already too big.
If you want these threads to gain traction I recommend sticking to well known acarde games most /vr/ users will already have experience with. It's no surpise the Donkey Kong thread had by far the most engagement
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Game is pretty generous with free balls if you go long enough. Don't know why I was even getting some of them
Noice score
I think one you get for maxing out the bonus counter that rises from killing the stronger regular enemies.
You also get one for turning all three orbs above this bitch >>11110860 orange.
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Got a lot of Bonus 1 action this time, bless the bone hydra
love just sitting there watching the kicker holes at the top jerk each other off for two minutes straight
Gonna extend this to through the weekend. Let's see some scores!

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