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>Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment (named to fit the acronym 'FREE') is a quasi-genre invented by designer Yu Suzuki, describing a game where a massive stupid idiot moron repeatedly fails to travel from Japan to Hong Kong.
Can't this idiot just book a flight
Nope. He got scammed lmao.
Does he get scammed? I thought his ticket was stolen by the chinky monkey dude.
Nah that was a pity ticket the scammer gave him to the Philippines I think. Anyway, do you guys know anything about the mad angels?
Is it true that Shenmue 3 ended up being a filler episode, despite being released nearly two decades after 2?
yep, and suzuki had the audacity to say "well now I just need the money to make four more games and in order to finish the story :^)"
I'm guessing it didn't sell well enough to warrant a sequel. I'd like to see this very granular open world concept developed by someone else. No, I'm not going to play any Yakuza games.
Why did he do this? I love Shenmue 1 and 2 but its a good thing I don't give a shit about the overarching story because it really doesn't go anywhere. Was he just so full of hubris that he thought he could make 3-4 more games as an elderly man, or was it all just a ploy because he has no idea how to wrap things up? What a joke, I will never play Shenmue III because it just looks so mediocre.
Because the series always was about mundane shit and not some overarching revenge story or some ching chong prophecy. It's about moving boxes, buying capsule toys and doing horrid QTEs.
literally me
he always said the story he had planned was designed to be spread over 7-9 games, did you really think the old coot was going to yield? if sega left him to his own devices or at least let him take the project elsewhere, it'd already be be complete. yakuza is proof of that.
They are shitposting. Shenmue's story was already written and completed back in 99 and it's about 11 chapters long, but gets misrepresented by trolls saying that it's chapter per game, when it was explicitly stated that each game is 2-3 chapters long, meaning that Shenmue was always planned to have 4-5 games max.
The whole thing with giving up revenge is bollocks as well, since Yu had a GDC presentation in 2014 (meaning long before Shenmue 3 even had a kickstarter, much less active development) so they haven't rewritten anything or changed anything for the sequels.
He probably said that knowing there wouldn't be any more games in the series.
But why is combat in 3 so fucking bad then
That helmet funaki gave me all his savings and I spent it all on toys and darts. Who's the moron now huh?
>let's publish the sequel on the west, but exclusive to the most random console and never even bother porting the original so people who didn't have a dreamcast won't give a shit
We need more games designed by people as clueless but intuitivley smart as Yu Suzuki
By Smeagol no less, lel
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Man, I would marry Xiu Ying and call her mommy in a heartbeat despite me being now much older than she is in game. Fuck revenge am pretty sure my dead dad would be happier if I gave him a baseball team of grandsons instead of killing the black hand or whatever is behind the events.
They didn't have the Virtua Fighter engine to take from.
I never had a Dreamcast, but I always wanted to play them. If they had put them both on the GC, I would have bought them.
The Xbox in general seems like a terrible place for Sega exclusives. That audience does not give a shit. They just want military shooters and boring car games.
He didn't know that immersive sims were a thing and had a term for that shit already
Yes, part of the issue was that he originally thought Sony would take him in and produce it as an internal first-party game. The problem was that Sony was already backing Kojima with Death Stranding, and they liked him way more. This is why the "big" announcement for Shenmue 3 was only for a kickstarter campaign, and why the entire game felt like you were playing the prologue stretched out with all the dumb idiot grinding and flaccid, abrupt end.
>The Xbox in general seems like a terrible place for Sega exclusives.
You have to keep in mind that Microcock did back the Dreamcast by providing them with a fully custom version of Windows (along with giving Sega the idea and designs to have the Dreamcast boot the OS from the game disc, something that helped keep the console alive long after death by making homebrew super easy to implement) and when Sega was exiting the console market their only two choices were their long-time rival Nintendo and Sony, the company that caused the Saturn and Dreamcast to fail. That's why Sega put a lot of effort into supporting the Xbox brand, it was the only one that didn't have existing beef with Sega.

>They just want military shooters and boring car games.
Oh nevermind you're not talking about the Xbox at all.
Nah, Immersive sims let you experiment with the world, Shenmue is completely scripted and there's only one way to complete objectives.
Didn't they offer microsoft to call the xbox the dreamcast 2 but they declined? I've seen that being posted but I don't know how true it is.
I'm talking about what the Xbox audience wants. What actually sells on Xbox. Which turned out to be Halo, and Project Gotham Racing.
Hidden PANTSU!!??
I've never heard that and it sounds like bullshit. You don't name something after a gigantic failure that just died. Sega did float the idea of the Xbox being compatible with Dreamcast games though. That fell apart because Microsoft didn't want to offer free online play when they were planning to charge for Xbox Live.
Yea I don't think so but the Xbox did a get a lot of sequels to Dreamcast titles and it was probably closer in architecture to the cast than the PS2 or cube
More info found here


While perhaps initially treating the Xbox as a "continuation" of the Dreamcast, the playing field was levelled in 2003, with Sega adopting a clearer multi-platform strategy for the Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube. Roughly 50 games were released by Sega for the Xbox in total - more than the GameCube, but far less than the PlayStation 2.

A Panzer Dragoon Orta model of the Xbox console also released excuslively through Sega Direct on the 19th December 2002. Only 999 units were produced and were sold for ¥35,800[5].
Not only is it a filler episode, it actively retconned the most interesting shit they set up in the first two games. Its also just a bad game regardless of what you think of the first two, its nothing like the originals. The immersive elements are gone, the exploration is gone, most of the NPCs cannot be talked to not even for a generic "Im busy" response, the detective style asking questions to get info stuff is mostly gone, the combat might as well be gone, anything Sega related is gone, basically everything that was good is not present in this game.

It's also a masterclass in video game padding, it is shockingly impressive how they made the 2 very tiny areas in the game last as long as they do. Play a terrible minigame to catch chickens that you can only do once a day 10 times to progress the plot, play a minigame to grind for money 20 times in a row to buy an item to progress, play the karate training minigame genuinely 50 times to progress the plot, areas where you are not allowed to run for literally no other reason than to slow you down to extend the playtime, doors that block off major parts of the city being closed for no other reason than to make you go the long way so the game lasts longer, grinding for money AGAIN to lear the exact same move you already had to grind for money to learn the first time. Theres probably more Im forgetting. Shenmue 3 is genuinely one of the worst games on the planet earth and it was so bad it tricked me into thinking I hated the original games for the longest time. These days I just pretend it never happened and am happier believing it ended at 2 and will never come back.
I wonder for Japanese fans of Sega and especially the Dreamcast, what they think of the Xbox and its Sega games.

Maybe some Jet Set Radio fans don't even know that Jet Set Radio Future exists.
Did the Xbox bomb in Japan? I don't remember but I'm assuming the PS2 was first place then Nintendo CubeGame 2nd
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hai pantsu desu
Which workstation is that?
Its just Houdini, its a procedural 3d modeler mostly used for vfx tho
Thank you. I do appreciate it.
What is the relationship ? you think it was Sega fans who made the PS2 successful???

they are few in number.
And even though the first Xbox sold very little in Japan, it still sold.

unless the 470,000 Xboxes sold in Japan are only to the US Marines.
How many Americans where in Japan back in early 2000s?
There are around 60k Americans living in Japan in any given year. That's not counting military personnel and their families though. That'd add another 100k or so to the total.
man i hope the pseuds defending that shit finally got a clue but knowing them they're probably masturbating in a MGS2 thread somewhere.

if sega left him to his own devices they'd be out of business with nothing but 3 games and bankruptcy to show for that decision.

shenmue was a fucking money pit. yakuza wasn't.

ryo's dad clearly didn't want to be avenged given his final words about how he should cherish his friends and relationships and it wouldn't surprise me if the big twist was that lan di was simply avenging someone ryo's dad killed
>Do you want to change your name to Homer junior? The kids can call you Hoju

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