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This game's scope is deceptively large. It's a constant string of ''why did they bother with adding this little detail here'', in a wonderful way. I wasn't expecting much out of a ps1 mecha game, certainly not paragraphs about renovations to sewage systems, but it's been great so far, invigorating shit. What does /vr/ make of this game and this series in general?
Severely dumbed down in almost every respect compared to FM2.

The exceptions being the Internet and the branching system.
If you started with 3 you have the entire series ahead of you. There's weird changes from one game to the other and imho 3 is the worst one, but they're all pretty great.
Which path are you on?
I tried to play the first one but i just don't like srpgs
I much prefer normal jrpg combat especially atb
No, 5 is the worst by far. The balance changes made fucking HP bloat a major issue.
Lol, FM1 is not an "S", there isn't much strategy or level design in the game. The arena is fun though. You should consider the maps an extension of that lol. Because they effectively function that way. It's still a good game and worth playing. But don't think it's some complicated tactics game.
This games ends abruptly for me and I never really remember having to start a barrel
It's the only one I haven't played it, I'm halfway through 4. How come? I've always read that it was supposed to be the best in the series.
They only released 3 in the EU so I couldn't follow the rest of the series. I might try getting back into it too. I remember that action orientated remake that made for ps3 / 360 that was supposedly terrible.
What makes it the worst one?
I never realy had that issue with 5.
gunhazard is easily the best game in the series. did not care for the rest
Played it multiple times throughout the years as a kid, but never finished it. Got around to it about a year ago and it's awesome: the character and wanzer design, the tactical gameplay, building your own wanzers, the fake Internet-gizmo... All of that said, the main character - holy shit what a fag. Don't think I've ever played a jRPG with such an annoying protagonist, being a bitchy d queen at every step of the journey for no fucking reason whatsoever. I've caught myself thinking "man shut the fuck up" quite a bit.
Those were the post-shinji years. Not every writer had a good grasp on teenage angst.
A tremendous stepdown from the likes of Royd and Ash.

I'm still waiting for the prequel, Back Mission.
I found the combination of small party size, weak ass rocketeers and the random skills to be wack. The game already has some randomization in the form of part damage, with the random skill system and the fact that the best ranged units are stuck with extremely limited ammo you tend to stack up on short range units, since those can deal consistent damage all battle long.
That tends to turn every battle into a "bumrush a mech with your entire team of machinegunner/melee specialists and beat him to death" fest, waiting for a skill to trigger and explode the enemy mech (or obtain an ejection). The maps are also relatively small on average, and with only 4 characters on the field you can't really afford to pull any fancy manouvering, you keep them bunched up so you can gang up on enemies better. Maybe focus some rocketeer if there's one around.
For comparison, in 1 or 4 I would usually have some ranged specialists that would take care of "priority targets" while my close combat guys would move in and rake anything left, it feels way better. 3 at times feels like a JRPG they stuck on a grid rather than an SRPG. The main protag also starts off the campaign being comically retarded. He gets better later on, but Jesus Christ, the rest of the series has relatively mature characters: not too smart at times, but rarely immature. 3's cast is the opposite. The game even features "great value Asuka".
That said, I still found it to be a fun game, the writing gets better later on, and the OST is great. I was glad the merry bunch of retards got an happy ending.
Rofup Rofup Rofup Rofup.
It's crazy how Ryogo's starting wanzer gives you everything you need to wreck the game.
>front mission 3
gimme a gif or webm, I'm intrigued but I don't want to go on youtube
it was enjoyable at the time but now the gameplay is very shallow, love the music and atmosphere, the plot and characterization is mediocre, the politico-military drama drags on and on
>Severely dumbed down in almost every respect compared to FM2.
i played it. extremely slow unless you turn off all animations. also helicopters are impossible to hit unless you got missiles. ran out of missiles? helicopters will poke you to death. if it's a lolercopter with missiles? you're doomed if you got no missiles to wipe them out fast.
it has internet too. and badly translated. or rather the original nippon version was all bad engirsh in the webs.

it's shit and ugly/10. play FM3 and forget the rest.

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