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What are your favorite /VR/ remasters or remakes?
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Star Ocean 2 R
One of the OGs. 4 remasters in one.
dont have my PS1 or PS2 anymore and my ps3 died so this was a Godsend.
Black Mesa was a good remake of the og halflife that did its own thing. I can't say I ever played a remaster of a 2d game that I thought was better than the original.
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I can't think of any reason to play the NES versions over this.
don't make me tap the sign
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I like these two a lot. Zero Mission is just NES Metroid made closer to Super standards and Nightmare removes a lot of lag from Adventure along with its graphical upgrade.
the encounter rate is kinda busted in ff1 but i guess that makes the game a bit more challenging
Not wanting to put up with ridiculous bullshit 1-min long loading times all the fuckin time
Mario All Stars is good
Zero mission for gba was way better than original Metroid for nes.
it's Metal Slug 2 without slowdown and some very minor differences
are any of the original assets for prerendered graphics known to be preserved? i would be neat to have resident evil or final fantasy with a free camera or at the very least donkey kong country in HD (you could even do 3D)
Unfortunately it's unlikely. HDD storage wasn't cheap back then and nobody expected high definition remasters to become a thing. AI upscales are getting surprisingly good though so one day it might be an effective alternative as that improves.
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The System Shock remake almost makes me want to retire from modern gaming. One campaign was 40 hours and I don't think anything else I play will match it in engagement and immersion.

I know Metroid Dread, which is in the OP pic, isn't /vr/ but it's my most played Switch game. It feels like an HD version of the GBA Metroids, and it's comfy as hell.

Sonic Origins is also a guilty pleasure, even though I have sucked at those games for 20 years.

>stuck in 30 fps
>not even as good as the original

I'm still waiting for the ACTUAL remake.
Nightmare in Dreamland unironically removes the soul from the game with a lot of the visual changes (pic related backgrounds) and also it becomes more blam blam fast paced actiony while the original is more relaxed.

Zero Mission is way too different for me to think of it as a remake, also because it's just so much easier. It's basically a different Metroid game that just used the same general map.

I mean the remakes are both great on their own, but they take away so much from the original.
Metroid Dread is neither of those things, though.
still better than the gold remake, but nothing beats the original
I definitely liked the SMRPG remake. The changes made it easier, sure, but I enjoyed the new graphics and the added bonus rematches were fun.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap. I like the artstyle, and the feature to swap between the original and new graphics with the press of a button is neat.

>worse VA than ps1
>worse dungeon layouts
>babyfied combat
>"""hd-2d""" that looks worse than a 30 year old game
>no additions to the base game that arent pure filler garbage like raids

ps1 is still the definitive

>battle starts
>wait ten minutes for all the sprites to load in
>repeat this 500 times
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I enjoy the new content in Kirby Super Star Ultra and I'm not really bothered by the art and control changes.

I used to like Fire Red and Leaf Green but nowadays I prefer playing the originals. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are both really good. I wouldn't replay them over Emerald, but I don't hate Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I kind of like Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee if only because of how experimental it feels.

Spelunky HD is one of my favorite games of all time and I've never been able to go back to the original.

Ocarina of Time 3D is very good. I didn't even give Majora's Mask 3D a chance.

MediEvil on PSP is one of the worst games I've ever played. MediEvil on PS4 is a very good remake although I dislike the new narrator and the excessive brightness of the game's graphics.

Ratchet and Clank 2016 is an astounding downgrade in terms of story and content, but a few of the levels still stand out as very fun.

Black Mesa is overall very good but I'm definitely on the side that they fumbled Xen. It had some good ideas but not "stretch a 30 minute level to a full length game" good.

Warcraft 3 Reforged is genuinely the most insulting product I ever didn't buy but was forced to own anyway, and it's the reason why I will never purchase another blizzard product ever again.

I only count actual remakes that I've played and not just glorified ports
resident evil cannot work with free camera are you dumb ? (yes you are)
What's Metroid Dread a remake/remaster of?
Love the dragon quest remakes, love the accents. They're charming
It could, but it would not be OG Resident Evil, it would be a later Resident Evil.
Wasn't this a terrible port?
Playing on actual consoles are not retro
you have like 3 VA to choose from lol
rest just sounds like (you) issues
The Dracula X Chronicles
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I fucking love this game. It and Maverick Hunter X are the main reason I still own a PSP. I'll never forgive Konami for cutting it out of the package with Requiem.
Playing OoT3D when the 3DS was new was mind-blowing.
I honestly prefer remakes like these because they play and look different enough that they have a reason to exist. I might prefer the art in kirby’s adventure overall but nightmare has these bizarre uncanny backgrounds that look like stock art which I find really interesting.
For me? It's 3D Classic Twin Bee.
The 3DS circle pad is really good for shmups. There should have been more, way more. I don't think many were released outside of ports of old games, and even those were few.
Space Harrier 3D and all the Sega 3DS ports by AM2 were god tier as well
>MediEvil on PSP is one of the worst games I've ever played. MediEvil on PS4 is a very good remake although I dislike the new narrator and the excessive brightness of the game's graphics.
Objectively correct opinions.
eh,my favorite versions will always be PS1 and PS2 especially PS2 for pressure control but i find these port decent enough,they fixed a lot of the issues of the PS3 version but you lose the pressure sensitive control but honestly i got use to the new control quickly and they are more consistent.
SMRPG, but it blows I have to manually make it difficult. TTYD is terrible in comparison, I don't know how people think it compares. Glad I didn't buy it. I'm at xnaut hq and I can't even bring myself to finish it
lol its not. op is dumdum
I couldn't ask for more than chrono trigger on the ds even though it's more of a port than a remaster with extra content
R type dimensions and blaster master 0 are pretty cool, sword of mana on ps4 is nice. Kinda wanna try metroid prime.
I noticed that the english VA basically only voices major story dialogue.
If you enable the Japanese voiceover, you will see nearly all lines are voiceacted
stop using shitty PCs for emulation, retardos
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Legitimately one of the few remasters that's so good that it completely mogs the original game in almost every way.
Doesn't it still have slowdown?
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I think the wiimake of Klonoa was great.
It's pretty much everything I wanted out of a remake of a game that I never in a million years thought would get remade in the first place.
>Zero Mission is way too different for me to think of it as a remake, also because it's just so much easier. It's basically a different Metroid game that just used the same general map.
You say that but to this day there are people here that insist Super Metroid is a Metroid 1 remake.
try playing it on an actual PS1, dumb dumb
..but it explicitly takes place after 1, you go through the ruins of your battles from the first game

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