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I fucking HATE this fucking game for starting the 80s revival and the cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic which led to shit like hotline miami, blade runner 2049, drive 2011, and fucking vaporwave and synthwave. we've been suffering through this shit for 20 years with no signs of stopping. no 90s or 00s nostalgia by the mainstream, just 80s nostalgia being milked to death.

VC turned out to be MORE influential than III, and also in the same negative way
millennials won't shut the fuck up about 90's nostalgia, that's all we've been hearing since the 2000's. Vice City didn't do shit, the crap you're talking about began was 10-15 years after this game came out?
There's also hip hop culture which is pretty much entirely 90's nostalgia. Lo fi hip hop especially. The release of GTA San Andreas made every white boy want to be Tupac up till the present, OP you are a fucking idiot
>millennials won't shut the fuck up about 90's nostalgia
yes but it's not mainstream and nowhere NEAR as big as 80s nostalgia. the 50s and 80s and maybe the 20s are the most popular and beloved decades in the US.

>Vice City didn't do shit, the crap you're talking about began was 10-15 years after this game came out?
they were all influenced by VC, and VC is what really pushed the wave 80s nostalgia
people have moved on. there's regular 90s and 00s nights where i live. i've personally been doing a gender bent cybergoth look when i glam out for bigger events
VC was riding waves more than making them, dumb kid. VH1 didn't air an already-shot series because a video game released two months prior
Why is the box art cel-shaded stylised art but the game a bloomy mess with terrible draw distance and shit explosions?
Did it though? Kavinsky said he was influenced by film and TV from the 80s along with his contemporary froggers (daft punk). Kavinsky, M83 and the film Drive had a way way bigger influence on the modern aesthetic of the 80s than gta did. That's saying nothing about the indie revival of the 00s either from bands like the strokes emulating their heroes like echo and the bunnymen etc.
tl;dr OP is a faggot as always
>Why is the box art cel-shaded stylised art but the game a bloomy mess with terrible draw distance and shit explosions?

6th gen graphics are ugly
it was made by a british studio who experienced 1980s america primarily through media.

it's been fun showing Bandersnatch to american boomers who have no idea what anything is
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>and the cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic
"neon retro" sure (though it's more on the people not understanding that not all of 80s were Miami), synthwave - dubious, cyberpunk - what are you smoking? there's nothing cyberpunk in Vice City

Vice City did not invent neon 80's Miami, it only embraced an established aesthetic. that doesn't mean everything after VC happened directly because of it - you're giving it way too much credit for influence. in fact, you sound like a zoomer that has never seen Scarface, Miami Vice or the original Blade Runner
I think Hotline Miami also played a huge part and I think it was influenced by VC
because the 80s where the greatest decade ever and it will be remembered 200 years from now with great interest and fascination. 90s and 00s nostalgia will die with the people who remember them. 80s nostalgia is eternal. 80s US will be as iconic as 30s Germany or 18th century France or Elizabethan England.
Wtf is 90s/00s nostalgia? Everyone being a moody flannel wearing faggot crying into their pillow?

The reason we're stuck in the 80s was because it was the last time the world felt fun and hopeful and sincere. Excepting a very brief period between 2000-september 1st 2001 and the summer of 2012, we've never known a good vibe since then, and technology has ensured all post 2007 nostalgia is forced fake and gay.
Blade Runner got a sequel because people cared about it. Blade Runner originated the concept of a director's cut as a commercial product
just because you were checked out doesn't mean shit wasn't happening
Everyone in the 80s felt the 80s vibe. The fact you can't even explain what "90s/00s feel good" nostalgia is shows there was no such thing.
>inb4 muh cartoons and video games
wtf is 80s nostalgia? everyone worrying the ussr will nuke them? last good decade was 1900s, world went to shit after that and never recovered
90s nostalgia and aesthetic was Y2K. everything felt futuristic
that's actually true
>Federal Reserve Act 1913
>IRS 1913
>World War I 1914
Woodrow Wilson the worst president the US ever had
Why are you so obsessed with reddit?
Dude I tried to understand this whole 80s nostalgia thing, and VC isn't any more or less guilty of it than anything else. The issue is that most young people are cringy retards, and teen fashion has always been cancer.
Basically every generation will be nostalgic for a period 20-30 years ago. But they weren't there and they get it completely wrong. So they make a poor imitation of it, mixed with current trends, with no rhyme it reason. That gets popular and becomes a generation's "identity", then gets regurgitated everywhere until it completely loses all meaning and soul, reduced to a shitty fashion accessory. Result: they take other generation's culture and destroy it.
90s kids loved their 70s with sideburns, goatees, psychedelia, orange / neon green etc.. The whole "y2k aesthetic" is just 70s sci-fi aesthetic mixed with 2000s trends.
Then mid 00s kids had 80s nostalgia. Then mid 2010s kids had 90s and 00s nostalgia. Of course they again get it all wrong, thinking it was all broccoli haircuts and transparent Gameboys.
It's a never ending cycle of ever repeating cringe. Be glad that this stuff is largely ending, people have moved on from being nostalgic about NES to GC / PS2 / GBA. 80s nostalgia is a deadbeat horse by now, it's a matter of time it stops making money and gets replaced.
And to add, sometimes games inadvertently start bad trends. See Shenmue and QTE. See HL and "immersive" games. See MGS and endless cutscenes from devs who think they are fucking Hollywood directors. Doesn't mean the games were bad, people simply pick up on the worst trends. Same thing here.
>The whole "y2k aesthetic" is just 70s sci-fi aesthetic mixed with 2000s trends.
isn't Y2K a 90s aesthetic (1996-9/11/2001)?
>Then mid 00s kids had 80s nostalgia. Then mid 2010s kids had 90s and 00s nostalgia
you got it wrong. the 80s nostalgia went full swing in the 2010s with everything having that cyberpunk aesthetic and synthwave.
> 80s nostalgia is a deadbeat horse by now, it's a matter of time it stops making money and gets replaced.
I wish. but I still see it dying off. synthwave and the whole cyberpunk "literally me" aesthetic is still everywhere.
maybe in geezertown grandpa.
we're in the Y2k vanguard now.
VC didn't start the trend, people draw on it for inspiration but it happened a decade after release so you can't exactly blame it for that.
Holy shit all these retarded takes
Y2k aesthetic was popular in around 1997-2004 or so, but it largely drew from the 70s sci-fi style, which in turn was based on 70s modernism. Think lots of white and silver, rounded corners and all. Designers like Karim Rashid and Designer Republic (who worked on Wipeout) heavily influenced the style, they were also inspired by 60s-70s modernism (but mended it with postmodern stuff).
80s nostalgia is hard to pinpoint, but yeah, the bulk of it was 2010s. Depends on how you count. Cyberpunk is just a shitty Polish knockoff version of it, a mobile game version of culture made to look like some gay graphics card from current year.
Synthwave has been around for way too long, not sure why you're upset about it now. My friend was shilling Kawinsky back in like 2015 I think? At this point it's so generic, I think it's like cookie cutter aesthetic that even /pol/ uses.
Actually, Family Guy invented the 80s at the end of history in 1999 :-)
>end of history
I feel like anybody spewing this never actually read Fukuyama. it was about how liberal democracy is the inevitable governing system for the foreseeable future till the end of time, which is stupid. nothing in history is inevitable and all political systems rise and fall.
>it's been fun showing Bandersnatch to american boomers who have no idea what anything is
I for some reason was thinking about Babadook and was gonna go on a rant about how shit that was but I realized that I am retarded.
It was hotline miami and vaporwave that started that trend.
>hotline miami, blade runner 2049, drive 2011, and fucking vaporwave and synthwave
All good.
>Miami Hotline
>no 90s or 00s nostalgia by the mainstream
00s is the meta right now in music and indie games
You are a special little guy for enjoying GTA 3! Underrated masterpiece OMG no one understands! So unique and cool opinion
Sadly no art was ever created from 90's nostalgia besides Jonah Hill's pathetic pile of shit movie "Mid 90's".
I mean... that guy is a retarded douchebag but where did he even imply any of the shit you spouted off? All he did was say he liked 3 more.
The guy is being a contrarian, the same one I see spamming their "3 is best one, fuck everything else" in every GTA thread on here. No substance to their posts and obnoxious behavior
>blade runner 2049
pretty sure its neon lights cyberpunk aesthetic was directly influenced by, you know, Blade Runner
>cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic
This has existed since the fucking 80s with Terminator and Blade Runner.
There's some 90s nostalgia every now and then but there's little to no 00s nostalgia like for GTA IV era because people might still remember when there were 90% White big cities and when there was cell phones but not smart phones and stuff so it's dangerous to use that era. Even if it's as far away from now as 80s were from 00s.

Btw who forced you to play these 80s inspired games or watch such movies.
>Vice City didn't do shit, the crap you're talking about began was 10-15 years after this game came out?
80s nostalgia began in the 2000s both on TV with revivals of IPs like GI Joe and He-Man, VH1 doing 80s retrospectives and it was everywhere online.
I see, I see.
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You're a retard who haven't even played the game. The only major "vaporwave" aesthetics (neon lights and all) which Vice City features is stuff like upscale commercial spaces like clubs and hotels, and in the big mall. This is pretty true to life, because around the 1980s, that's the kind of places and contexts where you would sometimes see those kinds of designs and styles (along with advertising materials), and the game overall has a reasonably plausible depiction of 1980s urban Miami.

Vaporwave is pretty stupid, but it's an inevitable fetishization and exaggeration of a real life niche into something that's bigger than it really was. For that matter, Vice City's influence on this would be latent as fuck considering the game is from 2002, and vaporwave didn't really become a thing until the 2010s, in the grand scheme of things I think that Far Cry : Blood Dragon (2013) probably had a much stronger influence on vaporwave as a trend considering just how heavily that game leaned on the neon and grids.

Again, Blood Dragon was a much stronger influence in vaporwave, and Blood Dragon looks fucking nothing at all like Vice City (because it's not trying to look anything like real life).

This also. Vice City was strongly influenced by beloved 1980s shows and films like Magnum P.I, Miami Vice, Scarface, and Carlito's Way (actually a 1993 film taking place in 1975).

Because graphics were not as highly prioritized, Vice City looked kind of rough and dated by the standards of its time, because it was built on GTA III. San Andreas looked rougher still because it came out later and was still built on GTA III, and it wasn't exactly a looker.
It didn't really matter too much though because people liked the games anyway.

Again, Vice City really doesn't go very hard on the neon.
Original gta trilogy was pretty much cartoon violence to add to the point that people enjoyed them anyway for what they are.
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Agreed on almost all points, good post in a terrible thread. What a terrible run of shitty takes on 3D era GTA games lately on /vr/, sounds like zoomers repeating shit they overheard on terrible but popular YouTube "essays", but who knows
The 80s was cool even back in the 90s.

I miss old Rockstar.
luv me the actual 80s songs and media
luv me cyberpunk
luv me vaporwave
face it nigger, even a parody of a knockoff of the 80s has more soul then anything you will ever make
>Why is the box art cel-shaded stylised art but the game a bloomy mess with terrible draw distance and shit explosions?
I remember when GTA VC was hyped up I thought it was going to look like the cool cover art. The I see a screenshot of a greasy looking blurry textured guy and thought it looked hideous. I wouldn't touch the series until I found it years later for cheap used.
post tummy
idiot z**mer
Not the 80s fault that everything after (especially after 00s) lack soul. Last 25 years feels the same. In music, in media, in fashion. Everything got boring. Just stuff like buildings and furniture got grey and minimalistic. So i'm just glad some of the fashion come and go still.
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>Vice City started the 80s revival and the cyberpunk neon retro purple synthwave aesthetic
>no 90s or 00s nostalgia by the mainstream
>VC turned out to be MORE influential than III
>the 50s and 80s and maybe the 20s are the most popular and beloved decades in the US
>Vice City has bloom GFX
>6th gen graphics are ugly
I read this thread 2 days ago and I though it was profoundly retarded, but now that I've re-read it I realize it's even more stupid than I thought before. Good work OP, you literally don't understand shit. If you knew only for a second just how wrong you are you'd be so embarrased, every one of your premises is wrong and I'm not even kidding lmao
I grew up in the 90s born in 89 but have you ever considered the 80s were just good in their own right.
Or did your dad rape you in the 80s or something.
Every 20 years, a generation grows up, has disposable income and can afford "nostalgia".
>Or did your dad rape you in the 80s or something
Threadly reminder that the game released in 2002 and is set in 1986, 16 years before.
The GTA IV setting (2008) is as ancient today as the VC setting was when this game was released.
Nostalgia gets commercialized when a generation of kids grows up and around their mid-20s start having disposable income. This is the reason why Transformers, TMNT and He-Man got new cartoons in the early 2000s, why post punk revival had multi million dollar hits, why Virtual Console kicked off in 2006 to a great success, and finally why AVGN was such a huge phenomenon for early YouTube.
This was true for previous decades as well (think grunge emulating 70s hard rock, or Happy Days being a 1950s nostalgiafest) but the reason why 1980s nostalgia lived on for so long is probably because 80s kids are still an important audience for films, games and music. They just refuse to grow up and have time and money for all that shit. Generation Z grew fond of that aesthetic as well, probably due to the widespread methadone addiction and the diet consisting of energy drinks and antibiotics.
There was 1990s nostalgia for a very short while around 2010 but it was like a flash in the pan (what people in this thread refer to 2012 good vibe summer had mid-1990s undertones), and 1980s nostalgia returned in full force a few years later. While I disagree with OP on what caused it, I share his sentiment. I for one would like to see some return to late 1990s, after all the grunge and eurodance craze.
I mean if it wasn't obvious when I was asking about the box art vs in-game graphics, I'll spell it out for you. It. Was. A. Shit. Post. That's for you and all the other anons who were in. The. Slow. Readers. Club. At. School. Too.
i are a SEA monkman born in early 80s. and i am still a poors. 80s was always like CGA graphix and monochrome shit. it was never as cool as in the movies or games. now the mid-90s and up, now that was RADICAL!!! we finally had 256 colours being mainstream in both PC and normie consoles. but everyone seems to remember 90s as the ugly fashion era and the FRIENDS sitcom. fuck that jazz. i am a fucking gamer, i don't give a shit about fashion as long as my jeans fit right. i love FRIENDS though.
>it was never as cool as in the movies or games.
i meant it was never as cool as in the fake retro movies and games created much later than the 1980s.
>I read this thread 2 days ago and I though it was profoundly retarded, but now that I've re-read it I realize it's even more stupid than I thought before
We, anons who don't use the 'hide thread' button, do be like that sometimes
>hotline miami
>vice city created 80s nostalgia
I fucking hate zoomers so much. Fuck you
>hotline miami, blade runner 2049, drive 2011, and fucking vaporwave and synthwave.
All of those things are good thoughever
>you will never carve out your own log cabin in sparsely populated mountains to farm tobacco and live off the land
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>No no, I was only *pretending* to be retarded, don't you see?
Get help.
Sometimes I think I'm out of touch and then I come to /vr/ and find people attributing international cross-cultural nostalgia for an entire decade to a 2000s video game on the playstation 2
You people need to go out in the real world and develop some other hobbies and interests
I don't go out in the real world and even I realise some people here are retarded. Remember that one guy who was confident that Crash ripped off Hugo?
>I read this thread 2 days ago and I though it was profoundly retarded, but now that I've re-read it I realize it's even more stupid than I thought before. Good work OP, you literally don't understand shit. If you knew only for a second just how wrong you are you'd be so embarrased, every one of your premises is wrong and I'm not even kidding lmao
Pretty much this.
Either that or this thread is bait.
Don't you have a broccoli haircut appointment to get to?
>the summer of 2012
What was this? Peak Brony fandom?
>90s/00s nostalgia is being a moody flannel wearing faggot crying into their pillow
Ask me how I know you're a little retard who didn't live through the time period you're referring to
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Fuck you I like all that shit

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