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I've just played SoM, and now I'm going to play SD3. Is there anything special I should know before I start playing?

Also what did you think about this game? Was it better than SoM do you think?
>Was it better than SoM do you think?
It's the game SoM should've been.
-There a three different stories for each pair of characters: Angela and Duran, Riesz and Hawkeye, Carlie and Kevin. When you make your party, is it best to include one of these pairs. The first character you choose will determine the storyline.
>Angela is useful, but her magic spells force you to watch the same animations over and over. Maybe you don't want to use her on your first playthrough.
>According to internet, the luck value is pretty much worthless because of a bug.
Had a lot of fun playing this game with a friend. I liked it more than Som, which was very fun but always felt a little untested. This one is more polished, despite what I said about the luck stat.
>Is there anything special I should know before I start playing?
AGI and LCK don't work properly because devs fucked up the balancing (Dodge was too OP with high AGI and Crit Rate was batshit insane with high LCK) and were too lazy to fix them, so instead they just turned them off for players (IIRC they might still work normally for enemies, but not sure about that one). The issue with AGI applies to Duran's Light class shields as well - Elemental Reduction applies properly but Dodge doesn't.
You only bother with either of those stats if the character with specific class has prerequisites for some skills (see Hawkeye's Light classes as an example).
Kevin is stupidly OP in his Werewolf Form in SNES version - no matter the class you want to abuse Dreamsee Herbs to keep night time for as long as possible. He basically gets double amount of hits on his normal attacks that way.
If you care about optional content - only Duran/Angela as MC get an optional secret boss fight in their version of last dungeon, other characters don't.
Night Bazaar is broken - no matter what party you end up with, you can always beat the game thanks to it (because all those items being sold there can compensate for any missing "character role" in your party).
>Was it better than SoM do you think?
Was a properly designed game made out of cancelled game better than Frankenstein's monster made out of random chunks of the same cancelled game? Yes, because SD2 was planned with CD-ROM in mind while SD3 was designed with SNES cartridge in mind. It's not Squaresoft's (or SoM's) fault for fallout between Nintendo and Sony, but SD2 was doomed from the very moment devs were unable to realize its original vision as Maru Island.
(oops, post is too long)
>Also what did you think about this game?
For a long time it was either SD1 or SD3 when it comes to "overall the best title in the series" experience. SD1 was short but sweet and straight to the point in what it wanted to achieve, SD3 had variety and replayability (which japs always loved in classic western RPGs like Ultima and Wizardry). But then SD3 remake came out and it solved MANY of the issues I had with original SNES version, and it's a rare case where remake doesn't bastardize the original and actually improves upon its flaws. The only real issues of the remake are the loss of fantastic pixelart (SD3 remake looks like DQ XI, which might or might not be good for you) and multiplayer (which seems to be a major factor for a vocal minority of players), but all the additional stuff, QoL and much improved game design easily compensate for that loss.
SNES version of SD3 is still a major improvement over SD2 (no retarded weapon system where sitting on low-tier weapon with good status effect IS the way to go, absolutely garbage and impractical charge attack system, imbalanced magic system, the entire pace of the game falling apart the further plot goes, etcetc.), but stuff like bad pacing of Classes (Class 3 - the real meat of the game - is basically given to you at the end of the game), magic-spamming classes turning every fight into a slog because spells are not real-time and they need to load every single time, first 60-70% of the game being the same linear story no matter what your party is, 2/6 stats not doing shit and a bunch of classes being impractical, item seed system being the case of wasted potential, etcetc. also leaves much to be desired.
it's called Trials of Mana now
Trials of Mana is the remake, Seiken Densetsu 3 is a good way to refer to the SNES original
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Trials of Mana is the original game, which has a remake of the same name
That right there be Seiken Densetsu 3 with an English translation that came years after the one everyone already experienced
Square says it's called Trials of Mana so that's what it's called. You can defend being wrong all you want but it doesn't make what you believe any more factual.
Lemme guess, you also call Mother "Earthbound 0"? Faggot.
*Who you pick as your first character will determine part of the story and the final dungeon.
*If your lead is duran or angela you can fight an optional super boss, its not a big deal but if you want to 100%
*Like the other anon said luck and agility do very little
*Some enemies, and nearly all bosses will trigger an instant 'counter magic' when they are the victim of any of your attacks that pause the game, aka all spells and a few techs. I guess this is to prevent you from melting bosses in a few seconds. You can suicide yourself if you don't manage this
*There is a weekly cycle. Each devoted to a certain element that buffs that.
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Evermore > Densetsu 3 > Mana
How was the item seed system a case of wasted potential???
Use the Trials rom. Didn't it fix bugs and other things.
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Every team composition is viable so don't worry too much about what classes or characters to use.

Like anon suggests >>11109801 you'll get some more story stuff if your party contains paired characters (I.e Duran/Angela, Hawkeye/Riesz, Carlie/Kevin). IIRC some of these scenes hinge on the paired char being the second character in your party comp, so you'll want to pick the paired character as your second party member to make sure these scenes happen.

Night Bazaar will allow you to buy single-use item versions of spells which can get you out of a bind if your party comp is absolutely awful, but this can take a lot of the challenge out of the game.

Some bosses in the latter half of the game are preprogrammed to instantly counter you if you hit them with Level 2 or 3 techs

LCK is essentially useless, AGI only benefits Hawkeyes spells, and Spirit increases healing spell potency

Hope you enjoy it, OP, its a fun game
>Duelist/Night blade/Death hand

Magic is for tranny niggers anyway, real Gs go full DPS all day erryday
It doesn't fix anything. It's just an official translation. You have to use user-created hacks to fix the bugs but it's still not a balanced game. Just play the remake. The only thing that keeps it from being perfect is poorly balanced difficulty (the original was like this too, but the remake has multiple difficulty levels and they're all poorly balanced) and no multiplayer.
You can just hold down the button and your character will run to and auto-attack the next best enemy - no need for mashing.
>*There is a weekly cycle. Each devoted to a certain element that buffs that.
And if you cast a corresponding Saber buff on that day you'll also take extra damage for some reason.
>Nip coding prease understandu
One thing I dind't like is that it's hard to dodge the enemy attacks in this game, so in the dungeons you can easily run out of hp in one single fight
>He thinks Beginings is a good name
It's just grifting off Smash/Pokemon retards who never picked up any Mother game.
>What's worth knowing before you play Seiken Densetsu 3?
that it's not worth playing
> Also what did you think about this game? Was it better than SoM do you think?
It's weird because SoM was a rushed, buggy mess, but I think it is much better than SD3. It comes down to a few key factors:
- stronger soundtrack throughout
- better colors (SD3 has this weird washed out look due to not using true blacks)
- weapon selection (gone in SD3)
- bosses don't have 30K HP
- no arcane systems that require a guide (day/night, seeds, second class upgrade)
- multiplayer (SD3 drops this for some reason)

But most importantly, BETTER COMBAT FLOW. SD3 is where Square started going cutscene crazy. Every other damn attack in that game pauses the whole screen and forces you to watch it play out over and over, hundreds or even thousands of times in one playthrough. It's awful. In SoM you choose an item or spell, choose a target, and can continue acting while it activates (with the sole exception of level 9 spells which you will never see without tons of grinding).

SD3 is certainly a more ambitious game with its branching stories and two full sets of characters, but it feels like the devs spent much more time working on it and much less time playing it compared to SoM.
When you go after the Benevodons, do NOT choose Dolan as the last one. The battle will take ages - I'm not kidding. I'm talking upwards of 25 minutes of endless wailing on and he just doesn't die.

I agree, the entire series is totally shit unless youre playing coop with the lads but single player the battle system and story are both way too simple to be interesting.
I don't care
It's Seiken Densetsu 3
Modern Square (i.e. Square Enix) is garbage and an authority on nothing
Too bad Dejap beat them by 17 years and the word Square doesn't carry a quarter of the weight it did then now.
My most recent play I killed him as the last one in like 3 mins with a Hawkeye, Riesz, Angela party. Just use buff or debuffs, Bazaar items if you have to and you can tear through him. Probably the worst one to do last is the Light one due to the amount of iframe spam.
Do you call Japan ‘Nippon’ too you weeb faggot?
>Do you call Japan ‘Nippon’ too you weeb faggot?
No, but after the changes to "kyiv" and "turkiye" that'll probably be a thing sooner or later
Anyway, it's inconvenient when originals and their shitty remakes have the same name, which is another reason I'm sticking with the name I knew it as for 20 odd years
Why wasn't Evermore included with the remaster compilation from a few years ago? It was never localized in Japan just like how Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3 was never localized in the West before then feels like a missed opportunity.
>I'm sticking with the name I knew it as for 20 odd years
for 20 years people called it Secret of Mana 2
Not that I'm aware of and the text font is small and doesn't scale well to CRT's if you intend to play on real hardware with a flash cart.
>for 20 years people called it Secret of Mana 2
I don't think I ever saw anyone call it that
It started in magazines and stuck.
This >>11110419 is almost everything
One thing I don't believe that's been said at all in the thread is the second class change being locked behind "???" seeds during the endgame
Probably not needed to finish the game, but if you want them, there's a bunch of very specific enemies that can drop 'em. If you use an emulator, you can actually save scum the dropped treasure's result
What's annoying about this is that the seeds will give you a random upgrade item for the characters you have in your party, sometimes NOT the items you want or need. These can be save scummed (without an emulator) by exiting the inn and perhaps exiting even the town. I don't know if the RNG is timed based or you have to refresh a few maps for it to change, but like that, you can manage with less ??? seed
You might want to read up on it because if you don't know what you're doing, you'll get none of them and/or get grossly overleveled trying to figure that shit out
your party composition determines the plot fo a large portion of the game. i liked Hawk+busty mage+valkyrie chick the best. you also get 2 permanent class changes per character so choose wisely because you can easily make your favorite character basically worthless and unfun to play if you pick a wackupgrade route
no one ive ever played it with called it that because it was never released under that title in any capacity whatsoeverr. the fan translation was "seiken densetsu 3" and thats what its always been known as until the official translation a couple years ago. will always be SD3 to me. a corporate rename cant change that
It's 2 player! great game to play with your girl if shes into old rpgs
this but unironically. evermore has soul and character. I replayed through densetsu 2-3 years ago and was shocked how empty the dungeons were. I believe most if not ALL dungeons in the game dont even have items let alone secrets to fine. its literally just a race to the boss. you dont get rewarded for exploration.
That it’s one of the rare games that has a good remake and both are worth playing
>corporate rename
Oh yeah because a corporation didn't name it 聖剣伝説3? Or does Japan get a free pass?
Luck is worthless due to a bug. Don't bother with it.
It did start in magazines but it never stuck. Most communities I saw just called it SD3. Maybe your circles were different.
>multiplayer (SD3 drops this for some reason)
No it doesn't.
rename =/= name
You can only fight BLACK RABITE in Angela or Duran's story. Kevin is broken AF and you can solo the game with him no matter the class (I usually go light for multi-heal), or whoever else you're bringing. Lise can depower bosses so you can kill even faster).

>ANGELA - black rabite and butt scenes
>KEVIN - to play the game
>LISE - best girl, good support
You are not Japanese
The Werewolf bro is overpowered as fuck. He does the most damage at night so save those consumables that turn day to night for when you need a damage boost.
Why not Stories of Mana, to keep with the SoM theme
Riesz is the best girl.
Not that I'm complaining but I'd love to hear why the designers thought Kevin having double attack + the second highest STR stat in the game wasn't good enough and he needed a passive 50% attack buff during nighttime on top of it all
Loved playing SoE. As you say, if you really did some exploration, you were rewarded, there were some awesome secrets like the Fireball alchemy in the Hall of Collosia

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