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For me it's Heretic.

>no hitscan enemies
>enemies look way cooler and really surreal
>maps and backgrounds are gorgeous

Doom feels like a bunch of random ideas bunched together. Heretic feels like a believable living breathing universe.
Sometimes, when I'm out in the barn...
how much time is it of?
I can never unsee the fact that the dragon gauntlet or w/e it's called just looks like a fucking dude with his head down ready to charge with a horned helmet on.
Gloom on the Commodore Amiga, well it couldnt mog Doom because it didnt exist on the Amiga, but it was just as good
The lack of texture variety, low damage rolls, and the firemace sucking are a real problem.
Also hitscan enemies are valuable you fat weenie.
>hitscan enemies are valuable
What do you find enjoyable about them?
It's actually a big phat dick with a dragon dildo tip shooting poisonous dragon sperm
Enemy prioritization and variety. A roster of nothing but projectile throwers and some melee dorks is just as bad as the dogshit modern trend of
>Rapid hitscanner
>Tanky hitscanner
>Sniper cunt
>Melee bastard

A good monster roster has a healthy balance of hitscan, projectile, melee, and some weird wildcards like Archviles, Pain Elementals, Iron Liches, etc.
You must be a fan of those early access indie shooters
>no hitscan enemies
Weak point IMO. Or at least Heretic could have used some equivalent enemies, some dudes who aren't very resilient but they put out fast projectiles which makes them dangerous at close quarters or with prolonged fire from a distance. Also prone to start fights.

>enemies look way cooler and really surreal
The designs are all very good, though I think the execution isn't as cool as Doom's. Doom's isn't always 100% as clean or consistent as Heretic's (it's not as chock full of little errors all over, Doom's graphics have a lot of little slop around the edges), but the way that many of those monsters are digitized physical models provides excellent light and shading. They look like good practical effects from a horror movie, which is excellent for Doom's themes.

>Doom feels like a bunch of random ideas bunched together.
Sorta? But it's a confluence which is well done. The two main influences in themes and aesthetics is Evil Dead 2 and Aliens, mixing occult splatter horror with detailed sci-fi action, but then you also strong influences from Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop RPG stuff, and that was there before they even got a tabletop RPG industry veteran on board.

>but it was just as good
lmao no, fucking LOOK at it. By 1996, there was already Final Doom, and if the first Doom wasn't sporting more sophisticated gameplay and level design back in 1993 already, then Gloom would still look completely hopeless next to Plutonia.

Gloom has good spritework (and actually runs well on a pretty meek CPU), but comparatively it's a very mundane game with flat levels, utterly mindless and unvaried shooting action, and a very slow pace. There isn't even any music during the levels, and what the fuck was up with that? Amiga is absolutely KING at chiptunes, but they aren't gonna make any real attempt at trying to upstage Doom there? Not at all?
Look at Doom's Arch-Vile. (It's not strictly a hitscanner, but it operates similarly in practice.)

Setting aside how he's a fast and tough cunt who raises the dead at you, which is a big problem, his attack is entirely based on line of sight, where if you don't interrupt his line of sight or manage to stun him, it WILL land, and it will hurt a lot.
Interrupting his line of sight will always cockblock his attack though, meaning that for as immediately dangerous and bad as this monster is, if you have any suitable level geometry nearby he will not be that tough to deal with, at least not on his own.

Looking at Doom's more conventional zombies, they can hurt bad, but they're pretty fragile and they are easy to goad into infighting with each other, or other monsters (like for instance the Arch-Vile, who will switch his target to them on an absolute dime, even when in the process of casting his attack spell).
Other shooters do regular hitscan mooks with a bit more elegance than Doom though, games like Duke Nukem 3D and Blood, etc, don't give them the perfectly tracking aim, meaning you can actually strafe enemy hitscans in those games, their aim needs to catch up to you as you move. More interestingly, this is also how Wolfenstein 3D handles hitscan, and that's the comparatively much more primitive predecessor to Doom.

Anyway, the tl;dr is like previously stated, they force you to change up your tactics.
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Bullet hell for an FPS is a unique and great concept. Haven't heard of anything like it besides Heretic.
Idk if turok counts but I think the weapons are more fun than doom, even more so with seeds of evil.
For me, it's Dick Kickem.
>Faggy magic dildos instead of cool magic-inbued handgonnes
there's nothing magic infused about doom's guns are you literally retarded?
I'm criticizing the game's weapon roster and what it could've been, you low IQ nigger.
for me its nitemare 3d
my bad :(
That's his wrist you absolute morons
>t. dicklet
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The entire Marathon Trilogy
what game?
a bunch of the modern indie boomer shooters don't have hitscan enemies and they really suffer from it
Marathon could be fun, but their level designers decided that it should be bad.
I don't know why they did that.
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That's okay I was mean, too. Let's be friends.
>indie boomer shooters

I know what you mean, but this also sounds like a series of random words a marketing exec made up to sell pharmaceuticals.
If you like these check out the 3DO at some point, there's a bunch on there. Also there is a regular Doom general >>11102509
Everything interesting or different about Marathon can be done in Doom with mods, and has been

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