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>before playing Quake 2: "Quake 2 sucks, it has no soul or character... so boring..."
>after playing Quake 2: "wow that was really fun! they don't make game like this anymore..."

How about people stop judging Quake 2 based on hindsight from the tsunami of space marine FPS games at the time?
The game has a flow like none other.
Quake weenies latch on to a fabricated identity which includes mindlessly hating on WOR.
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It’s pretty good as-is but for me gets real good after the expansions. Also very much ‘Quake’ in title only.
People mostly don't think about it at all
Why do Quake 2 fags have such a persecution complex?
It used to be that Quake 2 was the Quake game that people remembered most in the 2000s, even more than Q3. It was considered the *real* Quake since the first was widely considered an unfocused mess of a game with a very impressive engine.

Only recently has public opinion totally flipped, with Q1 being thought of as the *true* Quake while Q2 was Carmack's engine with generic soulless bullshit wrapped around it.
Quake 2 was a downgrade in gameplay from the first game, that’s the reason people disliked 2
What kind of revisionist crap is that nonsense you wrote?
Yeah, I also just made up the fact that Trent Reznor said the same thing when he refused to do the sound/music for Q2.

Don't bother looking it up, I made it up, it's a lie...
i've never heard that. Quake 2 is what i've seen played at retro LAN sessions at furry meets
Trent Reznor said that quake 2 was the game he remembered most and the “real” quake game when deciding not to make the music for jt?
Seems legit

The only legitimate point OP has is that it’s more memorable to console players
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Reminder to play both add-ons as well as the third add-on, the N64 version
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PSX is worth a look too
Not that anon but I remember how much people sucked off Q2 for years. Granted I never saw anyone playing it but I also never saw anyone play Quake 1 most people were happier playing ET or Quake 3 for the MP. But I remember when Q4 came out one of my buddies mentioned marathoning the whole series and I'm sure he did but everyone was disappointed with Q4 myself included.
>console FPS
I'd rather not
>N64 add-on
There’s enough differences in the new port to warrant asking OP if his conclusion is through it or the original releases, something I should’ve asked previously.
In terms of OST it's Q2 > Q1
>t. played the Nightdive remaster
They changed a LOT. The OG game is slow, drab and boring, and you can't see shit 50% of the time. They added whole new attacks to enemies, rebalanced weapons, redid all lighting and vfx etc.

Download the Yamagi source port and play the OG game (it's included with the Steam purchase), you'll change your mind very quickly.

Pic related is a good example, the OG version would be all brown and much darker, you wouldn't be able to see anything unless using a CRT monitor in a dark room.
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That pic is not even from the original game it's from the new expansion
Did you even read his post?
You can turn all of those effects off except for the improved enemy AI. The game plays about the same.
Quake and Quake II's engines have a primitive bloom-like lighting feature that carries over into GoldSrc games. This is disabled in the OpenGL-rendered versions of the originals but many source ports allow the player to combined OpenGL rendering with the software renderer's overbright feature to restore the brightness levels to their intended values.
Limitations at the time made Carmack choose to limit the texture and lightmap brightness from 0-100 instead of the original software's 0-200 in order to get the best performance for GPU assisted gameplay, which is why the lit areas seem washed out and the dark areas are super dark.

The grungy look you remember was not intended but rather something they did for optimization on GPUs at the time; and which was then implemented back into future games on the engines that had better hardware available.
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>>rebalanced weapons
Not a big sell: They buffed the blaster to have its MP values in SP (15 vs 10 damage per hit) but nerfed the railgun from 150 to 125 per slug. There's a small buff to the chainsaw to make it stagger enemies on hard+/nightmare.
They also removed the recoil from the machinegun, which completely changes the way you use the weapon.
*For you. I wasn't bothered by its baby tier muzzle climb and I still prefer one-tapping most of the soldiers with the chaingun. It and the machine gun share the same accuracy and spread.
That's only true for the original GLQuake because it was a quick implementation by Carmack just to prove he could. Quake 2 and Half-Life were entirely built around the hardware rendered versions with the software renderers only existing for compatibility with older systems.
And yet there are still retarded hipsters who think those fallback software renderers were "the real game" lmao
Some people are porting it over, launches on October 5th. PSX Quake 2 was its own creation and some people praise it.
Voodoo1 and 3dfx Banshee had overbrights in HL but not Voodoo2 an onwards. Something about multitexturing I dont really remember
gl_modulate 1 for Q2
gl_overbright 1 (now "gl_use_shaders 1") for HL1

These are the console commands for the GL versions to enable the already-coded-into-the-game overbrightness feature, and HL1's latest update confirms that this is the default look of HL1. It still took over a decade for it to be enabled by default, likely due to CRT monitors and lower resolutions/color-depth masking the visible differences in the past.
>Fight the stroggs
>not the controls

idk I played it WASD+mouse
Quake 1 and quake 2 are both great. You're just farming contrarians OP
On PSX? Sure you did buddy. Go back to /v/.
It supports the PSX mouse

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