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What Spyro game is considered to be the best in the PS1 trilogy?
The platforming got better with each game and the minigames got more prevalent. Which one you like best probably depends on your tolerance for minigames.
Play them and find out
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3 Year of the dragon:

-Better visuals and graphics
-Nice gameplay
-better use of power-ups (I am looking you spyro 2)
-Nice OST
-ULTRA NICE and a pain in the ass anti-piracy code
-new character to play
-levels are better than in 2
-Plot is better
-Supporting character are better
-Dragon Eggs stuff is really fun to collect and rescue
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The first one
How much time is each one of? Are any of them of all of it?
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Spyro fucking sucks. Always have. I don’t know why people loved this absolute trash. I hated it when I was 7yrs old, I hated now that I’m 31. I played real ps1 games like blasto, tomba, Musashi, fighting force, etc. fuck Spyro.
>fuck Spyro
Sounds like you'd enjoy that
Too long. You would be better off using the time you would have used to play them to learn English Paco.
I'm asking if any of them are of all time because i don't prioritize games that are only of some time
Spend less time on social media and less time being scared of wasting time; and you'll find out that you'll have plenty of time to experiment by yourself. You could have visited the HUB world and beaten the first stage of Spyro by now.
i would feel bad about that if i later learned the game is popularly regarded as being only of some time instead of all time. Is Spyro a game of all time?
Spyro is the most game of all time chief yes
yay! :D

I will play it before you're killed ;)
i like the first one the most because 2 starts doing some cancerous modern slop shit but it's still good
i havent played 3 because I got real tired of them spyros by then
The remakes have better art direction
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1 > 3 > 2
I liked the orb challenges and level design of Spyro 2 the best, along with worlds having interactions and wars with each other thanks to Ripto.
Holy shit I didn't know there were so many of them. How did they even mange to pump out that many? I doubt they were selling well
Spyro was owned by Universal Studios the whole time.

Only the first three ones and a hero's tail managed to get profits.
I've heard that game is shit and even worse than Enter the Dragonfly. Man imagine if Spyro and Crash actually stayed good after the PS1
Spyro 1-3 are both great and iconic so they are 'of all time' type of games
I think is the otther way around enter the dragonfly is the worst one in the whole series.
They even combined spyro with a
game where you had to buy toys and put them on a pad to unlock characters in the game.
Gateway to Glimmer / Ripto's Rage will always be my favorite. Not sure why exactly.
(But it's not because of that smug-ass trolley pelican, I can tell you that much...)
Why did both Spyro and Crash go to absolute shit after their PS1 trilogies?
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Only played the Re-Ignited Trilogy. The first was pure platforming bliss and the other two got too muddled in random ass minigames and levels that weren't as fun to clear as the first. I've heard that 2 and 3 were completely botched in the Reignited collection, can anyone verify?
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Comfy wallpaper thread.
I lean towards 2 but I don't hold anything against people that pick 3 instead
>I've heard that 2 and 3 were completely botched in the Reignited
They were. Toys 4 bob only planned to do the first one, worked on that the most but then a mandate was made to remaster the whole trilogy so they rushed the other 2 out.
It's sad too because I think 2 is a general improvement over 1
1-3 are probably some of the most gorgeous games ever made. How did they do it
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Just plain good old art direction and talent to work within the platform's limitations.
Crying shame. Gonna have to grab the originals on PS1 to see what all the hubbub is.

The second game was probably the biggest jump from the original. It has some of the best level design, best puzzles, best bosses and I think the best gameplay in terms of refinement. It doesn't waste your time quite as much as the first or third game do with somewhat superfluous padding like egg hunting, or extra extra bonus stuff in levels that means you come back to them multiple times to do everything.
skyboxes from all 3 games
level screenshots from 2
Stupid question maybe, but could anyone here tell me how they handled the blending on their textures? Like where the grass meets the cliff in the bottom left of picrel, or the snow at the peaks of the mountains. Did they just use a separate texture for the blended portions?
thanks anon, kudos for you.
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The first one is the only one I really consider truly worth replaying.

Spyro 1 is a work of art, truly, it's a showcase of passion and creativity and genuinely one of the best looking games on PS1. It's colourful and a little bit cartoony, but it has a mature, dignified vibe more in line with old school fantasy artwork.

2 and 3, while superficially still made from the same ingredients, feel much cheaper and more directly child-friendly. They ar purely commercial products, created to capitalise on the success of the first game, and they feel like it. They're worth playing, but they are just extra servings, they don't stand on their own without the first.
Listen to these while looking at the screenshots on the vids, holy shit
I agree but I do appreciate how 2 and 3 made efforts to make combat more engaging and challenging
I mostly agree, but 3 feels like one.
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2 > 1 > 3
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Reignited, parts of Crash 4, and that Kao the Kangaroo reboot, the art direction they went with looks too much like Fortnite
still better than Phony PlayShitStation's wobble
You can emulate them in Duckstation with texture and geometry correction settings on, Zoom zoom
0/10 but you'll get your (You)s
if i'm playing PC games, i'll pick something better than this stale turd
Whichever one you played first as a kid, it seems.
Spyro mogs all of Pretendo69's gay 3D platformer games. Wobble adds SOUL
Great read. Im not an artist but its impossible not to notice how lacking the application of color theory is in modern movies and games.
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The multiple characters in 3 weren't a bad idea but holy shit they were undercooked. Poor bentley got his one intro level and then was just relegated to shitty tekken and whackamole for the rest of the game.
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1 is the best overall.
2 has the best comfy locations like in your pic.
3 is okay, to many minigames that aren't fun.
The side level in Bamboo Terrace is a "normal" Bentley level. Not much more interesting than his starter level anyway.
Trouble with the trolley, ey?
SO much trouble with that fucking trolley. If I remember correctly, I ended up muting the TV so I didn't have to listen to him.
who cares if people like it or not. I like games because they bring me joy, not because other strangers on the internet approve of it.
if you ever find yourself enjoying a game that others have panned, congratulations, you're an individual and learned an important lesson on being yourself
My biggest problem with the side characters is that they're all just too different from Spyro. Would it have been so hard to at least give them all a charge?
Spyro 1 is the best. So much atmosphere and freedom to explore in interesting ways, with enemies that mix up the gameplay formula yet still feel cohesive. 2 is an okay game but like many 3d platformers of the era I think they didn't know what to add so you just have to do half baked gimmicky minigame bullshit that feels like a subpart sports game or time trial or escort mission, along with powerups based on needing to kill a number of enemies and walking through special gates (snore). Everything is gatekept by gems. Too much reliance on 100 new fantasy races giving you quests. Spyro 1 had flying levels but the pace is more relaxed overall and you have more agency
Is it worth playing the Legend trilogy? Surely there must be something good in that game given the... popularity of Cynder. I'm willing to put up with mediocrity if there's a decent story hook/gameplay loop.
The Legend Trilogy basically turned Spyro into a generic beat-em-up. Nothing feels like the original trilogy, and if you changed out the Spyro characters, it would just feel like a very mediocre button masher action game. It's only worth playing if you absolutely love Spyro games for the characters, not the gameplay.

As someone who has the Original Trilogy as some of my favorite games of all time, I barely played the first Legend game before I gave up out of boredom. I don't know the story much beyond Cynder gets corrupted by evil thing, Spyro saves her.

It is/was popular much in the same way Sonic is popular. Furries want to fuck the dragon girl.
>I played real ps1 games

Yeah, but still was cool I was 17 at that time.

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