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Hopes for the Unreal Engine remake Sega is working on?
It would suck.
It would suck.
They maintain all references to all those eggman’s robots
Heroes with Frotiers style combat/bosses could actually be good
But knowing SEGA they won't change shit
It could do with some more levels, variety through which the teams play through them. (Rose maybe plays level 1, 3, 5, 7, Sonic maybe 2, 3, 4, 6, Shadow maybe 2, 5, 6, 7, ect)
They would need to reboot the entire game to "save" it, otherwise they're just wasting their fucking time to remaking absolute mediocrity due to loads of really bad ideas
Not absolutely awful by any means, but it was the beginning of Sega really slipping on the quality for Sonic titles and it shows. The rushed as fuck dev cycle with not enough people didn't help either
This was the beginning of Sega making interminable fucking levels that just wouldn't fucking end (that continued in 06). Combine that with robots that has health bars and you're starting to have a real bad time. The various teams idea was a generally bad idea, they should have cut most levels in half and given the other half to the other teams. Team Chaotix is a fucking abomination
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>He doesn't know
It doesn't exists. (Yet)
The kid, whom Zippo irresponsibly tried to manipulate into fessing info, wanted to get close with Midori was making shit up.

Midori (who was actually MysticDistance, a fucking cracker) tried to conflate the rumor as to being in the talks, but in reality, there's nothing in fruition.
The Tails guy unironicly has a crush on Mystic's "japanese female atlus employee employee persona" (lol) and used this chance to hitch with him.

That being said, SEGA did say they're open to doing more remakes/remasters, but this does not hold any weight to what any shitty fraud insiders have to say.
Was it ever confirmed?
Make Team Sonic control like their SA1 selves (the other teams following the same template, but with their moves from Heroes for flavor), make the stages possible to solo with any character, cut down on the bottomless pit spam, reduce the robot spam/health bar garbage to a minimum, redub it and rewrite it to have a less embarrassingly bad script. That's the bare minimum that needs to be done to fix Heroes.
Why the FUCK are they remaking Heroes rather than Adventure 1 + 2?

I swear that Sega has some kind of secret grudge against the Adventure games. Not only have they never remade them, they haven't even re-released the HD versions on newer platforms. The last official release an Adventure game received was the HD remaster of SA2 on Steam, PS3 and 360 in 2012. There is currently NO way to play the Sonic Adventure games on PlayStations 4 and 5 or Switch, and even though the Steam ports exists, its in dogshit condition without mods.

It makes no logical sense to behave like this so I presume someone at Sega/Sonic Team is simply refusing to acknowledge the existence of the Adventure games out of spite.
See >>11110561
I dunno, I honestly don't want remakes of these. SA1 is fun because it's jank as fuck, the fun kind of jank. You can spindash jump miles high. The shitty cutscenes where Sonic is basically unhinging his jaw to speak. I feel like the whole thing is one happy accident of the era that managed to work great and it's still fun as fuck to play today. SA2 is the formula perfected. I love it as it is. It probably looked great when it came out, but it makes me wish Sega would make something like it again...
I don't want remake of these. If they remake it, they'd probably be better to have it as a "reimagination" or something, like that we can have whole new levels, difference in story, etc. without fucking up the originals, as there's no way they're ever matching the original in greatness and they have everything to fuck up about them
>It makes no logical sense to behave like this so I presume someone at Sega/Sonic Team is simply refusing to acknowledge the existence of the Adventure games out of spite.

they've literally made sonic adventure 3 THREE TIMES but people keep asking them for a sonic adventure 3.
>they've literally made sonic adventure 3 THREE TIMES
Sonic 06 is the only game that could MAYBE count as "Sonic Adventure 3" and it was obviously shit so of course people don't like it.

I'm guessing you consider the 2nd "SA3" to be Unleashed, but that's just retarded, it plays nothing like Adventure 1 or 2, the only reason you'd consider it as such is because of the Japanese name of the game being "Sonic World Adventure".

I have no idea what the 3rd "SA3" you're talking about is.
Adventure games do not need remakes though?? I thought I covered this in the OP but I guess that was on /v/
>Sonic Heroes has been abandonware since the middleware software that was used went bankrupt and Sega doesn't own the rights
>Adventure games do not need remakes though??
Yeah they do. And they would obviously be a big success. Sega should have looked at the success Crash and Spyro had with their remakes years ago, and concluded that Sonic could do the same thing.

>>Sonic Heroes has been abandonware
No it hasn't. A lot of people don't remember this but it was released as a "PS2 Classic" title on the PS3 store about a decade ago. You can still buy it on there.
You can only buy it there, and that's the broken version my dude.
>no idea what the 3rd "SA3" you're talking about is.
NTA but it's clearly Shadow the Hedgehog/Heroes. 06 is also blatantly adventure 3, but they botched the physics, controls everything
>Sega should have looked at the success Crash and Spyro had with their remakes years ago, and concluded that Sonic could do the same thing.
The difference is that the original Crash and Spyro trilogies were still widely regarded as classics when those remakes were put out. The 2010's did a shitload of damage to the Sonic brand, and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had both developed a reputation in the mainstream for being the start of the series downfall by then. Sega were trying to reinvent the brand with ironic detachment and classic nostalgia at that point, so there was no way Adventure remakes were making it into those plans.
I think Sega admitted that Heroes is what their Adventure 3 was going to be, A3 is Sonic Heroes. Four stories instead of two, and teams of three.
>Sega were trying to reinvent the brand with ironic detachment and classic nostalgia at that point,
Yes, and this was a colossal mistake.
And they just had to reinvent the wheel. Had they taken SA2's engine and made a new game based on it, which would have been fitting for a company that was in trouble, they could have shat a much better game as they would just have needed to focus on content and stages rather than reinventing the wheel
This is what Sonic Team has done over and over and over for the entire 3D run. To their credit they never made the same game twice but they also constantly throw totally solid concepts and engines into the trash after one game. It's non-vr but I always remember Iizuka getting asked in an interview if the parkour mechanics in Sonic Lost World were going to become a staple going forward and he outright said they were just a one game gimmick and wouldn't be coming back...and the game wasn't even fucking out yet. They have no confidence in anything they do, every new game inevitably drops everything the last game did right (or wrong) and shit really hit the fan here with Heroes specifically.
I feel like this is extremely weird out of development that is clearly rushed as shit and executives who basically keep ruining the franchise by not letting the development cook long enough. Team way too ambitious that's not supported by the company, which ultimately in the end keep passing up what the fans actually want
What the christ? I keep saying it, but Sega is insanely mismanaged, holy shit
Heroes was a decent game. Sorry it wasn't derivative enough to suit you?
See >>11110537
it says it's not a bad game, and the games that came after were bad. betrays the premise too, that they would have to "reboot the entire game" because they wouldn't, because it's decent. it's a decent game.
It's both me. Look, I had "some fun" back then, but jesus christ I ain't ever coming back to it
I even nearly 100% it and I had to give up at Team Chaotix because their mission are an absolute abomination
I simply ain't playing it ever again and re-releasing the levels and everything "as is" would look bad on Sega and Sonic as usual
>less repetitive level design
>less slippery controls
>design the levels to be more distinct between teams.
lol you didn't beat it?? the game is easy dude
I said 100%, not just beating it. Team Chaotix's missions were already extremely painful, imagine getting an A rank on them. I got them until the casino level and I went "lol no", otherwise I A ranked the rest of the game
>Unreal Engine remake
Sega hired that man?
Why is there even a need for a UE remake, what is wrong with the original game?
>The 2010's did a shitload of damage to the Sonic brand, and Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had both developed a reputation in the mainstream for being the start of the series downfall by then.
Everyone who actually played Adventure 1 and 2 and liked them never had their opinion changed by shitty ecelebs saying "Ackshully, they suck". People who liked the adventure games then still like them, people who don't like the adventure games probably never liked them to begin with, or probably just got blackpilled by 06.
I'm sick of the eternal sonic blackpill
Gen Xers and early millennials hated ALL 3D platformers, they always resented the fact that the platforming genre moved on and tried new ways of playing + controlling in 3D space, rather than just rehashing the SNES/Genesis classics over and over.

It wasn't just a Sonic thing, that was just the only series where they successfully managed to turn popular opinion against the 3D games. A lot of those early Youtubers used to shit on 3D Mario too, but SM64's reputation was simply too great to be overcome.

Go back and watch all the old gaming Youtubers and Let's Players of the 2000s and they were all born in the 70s/80s and openly admit the fact that they dislike 3D platformers. It goes far beyond Egoraptor. This generation of people is responsible for wrecking the platforming genre post-6th gen. They're also the reason why Banjo Nuts & Bolts exists, why Spyro died, why Crash died, and why Rayman post-2006 only got Rabbids games and 2D rehashes rather than a true Rayman 4.
Nah, I remember the consensus being that Sonic Adventure was a great game, until people were blackpilled into silence in the 2010s
I mean, the game sucks. t.Sonic fan
I'm not saying they were bad games, I'm saying they had a fucking terrible reputation in the mainstream at the time. It's not wild that Sega wanted to distance themselves from that when the entire franchise was on the outs.
PS2 version is broken in several places. The engine uses middleware software and the company went bankrupt. It's 2024 and the graphics could be way better now. take your pick, it's a good game but it's two decades later.
/vr/ is too far up their own ass
1st SA3 is heroes because it's literally a direct sequel to SA2

2nd SA3 is sonic 06 because it's the same gameplay as adventure 1 & 2

the 3rd SA3 would be unleashed because it's literally called "sonic world ADVENTURE" in japan. whether or not you think that's retarded is a (you) problem. it's more of a technicality at the end of the day.

shadow is """technically""" not a sonic game in the same way knuckles chaotix isn't really a sonic game despite 06 being a direct sequel to shadow.

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