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repostan because the last thread died after 2 replies

you HAVE played the best game on turbografx-16, right?
Blazin Lasers is my favorite TG16 game. Couldn't even say why, I don't even like smups really.
It's a decent port but god they butchered the music
Its a good game yeah but there's so many great games on the PCE/TG-16 it's all a matter of. opinion. Also, the falling level is a real pain in the ass that takes this game from great down to good.
I thought it was already bullshit before then with the kite guys throwing shuriken and the jumping bamboo spinners, then I got to the descent and just quit

It’s genuinely comical how bullshit it gets
my favorite irem pce game is mr heli, then legend of tonma
decent port but just play the arcade
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Of course, since it came with the TurboDuo. It was one of the games in the TurboExpress which made roadtrips across the USA such a joy.
>Of course
Pulls out entire collection. Stacks it on his faux marble countertop. Scribbles on a note card. Takes a picture and uploads it to /vr/.
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This better?
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Well it's certainly more precise. I'm still not sure why you feel compelled to post these images.
Imagine the smell
Imagine the CO2 buildup.
I like his pics, you sound like a meanie-pants
You like your own pics? I mean you must. You post them in every single thread that comes up. Oh You just happen to have everything that someone brings up. Mega Man on a Tiger hand held? Oh you've got the whole collection lined up and the little note card. So ready to write on you shake with anticipation.
Yes and I can 1cc.
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Blazing Lasers aka Gunhed has great gameplay, great music, and great voice samples for being small enough to fit on a Hu-Card. It is also a video game based on a movie:

>In the early 2030s, a new material called Texmexium (more powerful than nuclear energy) enabled the world to be controlled by a new generation of super computers.

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